Topic: Light Does Not Travel
s1owhand's photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:28 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 06/20/11 07:30 PM

Just because Israel has a program to help Jews visit Israel,
this does not change the definition of what a Jew is!

I am not the one who did the changing of the definition of "what a Jew is." I was just showing you and quoting from an Israeli web site, that this is what the Israeli Nationalist (Zionist) are defining what a Jew is.

I don't actually agree that this is true or should be true, it is just what THEY are defining a Jew to be.

To be Jewish means that you have some form of Judaism as your
religion. There are many converts. It is no more of a family
than any other religion.

I agree with you. To be Jewish is all about Judaism. Or it should be. Yes there are converts. In fact the white Jews governing Israel have been said to be descendants of a race who actually converted to Judaism for their own political purposes many years ago.

People with a Jewish mother or Father should not be considered "Jewish" if they do not practice Judaism,so why are they? According to the Israeli Nationalist/Zionists they say that you qualify as a "Jew" if you are in "The family."

I know that all of Judaism or all "Jewish" people are not of the same family or bloodlines or even race as you mentioned.

Also, converting to Judaism is a long complicated process. They (the Zionist) don't really seek out converts because they aren't really practicing Judaism, (most of them are just pretending to be Jewish.)


"As far as 'authenticity' is concerned, the outcome of the trial of Berne is, as we have explained, negative : the prosecution did not succeed in proving that the 'Protocols' were false. But, legally, the defence is not required to prove the authenticity of an impugned document ; it is up to the prosecution to prove its falsity. "

If you use the term "anti-semitic" it shows me that you are either in league with their political cause or you are just reacting to your own programming.

If a Gentile exposes Zionism, they are called "anti-semitic" which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the Zionists actions.

But, if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, they resort to other tactics.

(You resorted to calling them "extremists." How are they extremists except that they are resisting and objecting to Zionism??

They are not redefining what a Jew is! laugh

Apparently to qualify for this program you have to be Jewish and
they will accept as proof if either of your parents is Jewish but
you don't have to be very religious. So what? Big deal?!


This is like having a Catholic camp or a Buddhist camp and to
qualify they ask if either of your parents is Catholic or Buddhist
and probably you can still go if neither of your parents qualifies
but you just explain the circumstances of your conversion etc...

Of course most Jewish people have at least one parent who is Jewish.
Same is true for Lutherans.


If you can't understand why the Protocols are false after all the
sources and historians have explained where various parts of the
documents have been plagiarized almost verbatim from several earlier
fictional novels then I simply take it that you want to believe it.
Even though everybody else knows its a fake just because it fits
in with your anti-Israel conspiracy theory which is also a lot of
bunk. But that's OK if you want to believe the propaganda of Hitler
and Goebbels I just don't think anyone else should be taught that
there is a shred of truth to it!


It would be funnier if there hadn't been genocide involved. But idiots have actually killed millions of innocent people in part
because they were fed this garbage and believed in some of these
ridiculous theories. Now though through the magic of the internet
the lies are more easily debunked.


Except for some who refuse to accept good scholarship and well
known historical facts.


no photo
Mon 06/20/11 09:24 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/20/11 09:45 PM
The people who own the world and win the wars are the ones who write and rewrite history. Its been going on long before you (or me) were born. They are still rewriting history. The history taught in schools today has little if any resemblance to what they taught when I was in school.

The Israeli Nationalist (wealthy Zionists) who paid for a 10 day holiday for young Jewish people to visit Israel DEFINED who they considered to be qualified as being "Jewish."

THEY defined it--- I did not. You ask so what? Big deal? <--If that is how you evaluate details and information you are a lousy investigator.

There is an agenda in everything. There is a reason for everything. There is a motive for everything.

At least one of their parents must be "Jewish" trust me when I say that they must be blood related, not adopted. It is the "tribe" or "family" they are trying to round up. These young people are carefully interviewed and screened before they are offered jobs or invited to stay.

A true dark skinned Semitic religious Jew would probably not be very welcome. That is not really what they are looking for.

The efforts to discredit the Protocols failed in so many ways but the propaganda remains. It cannot change the fact that what is in that document is exactly how the world is operating today with the central banking, putting everyone in debt, bribery, wars of conquest etc.

The most important thing that people (like you) just don't get is that those people (that family) is a "tribe" and a "bloodline" and they are not really the Jews spoken about in the Bible that supposedly are descendants of Abraham that Christians talk about all the time. They are not "God's chosen people." Those people are the ancestors of the Khazars who converted to Judaism. They are conquerors, and they lie about who they are. The protocols direct them to lie. Only the elite among them and within their secret society know the truth about their origins. If people were not so intimidated and afraid of thugs like the ADL etc. they would speak out against them.

Look at the kind of bull crap I get from you for telling you something that you don't want to believe.

This has been an experiment.

I have told you that I am anti-Zionist and you have called me anti-Semitic. (A Zionists tactic.)

I have told you I am against torture, assassination, genocide, and that I want peace for all and you have called me "bigoted."

I have told you truth and you post stupid laughing icons as if to ridicule the messenger. (another common tactic.)

You are a pawn of the empire. You may not even know it, but they own you.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 06/20/11 09:55 PM
That they think they need "protectors" and a "safe haven" should tell you something.

It does not tell me that they are criminals looking for a hide out.

Why would they need that if they are so good and so innocent? Why are they so "hated" and persecuted? Think about that.

Why would a black man in Natchez, Mississippi need a safe place if he was good and innocent? Why was he so hated and persecuted? Think about that.

If they are just ordinary law abiding, innocent (white) people why are they persecuted and hated?

People don't hate or fear for no reason.

That does not make those who are hated guilty of any wrongdoing.

You act like if someone is hated, that they must be the reason why. You're blaming the victim for the thoughts and actions of the one who hates. Has no one ever hated you for no good reason?


Look Jb.

My having known of you for as long as I have has enabled me to entertain several different dialogues with you. Your thinking here is not surprising. It is a logical consequence of you believing in the Law of Attraction. That line of thinking is pure bull. As I've argued in past, we simply cannot conclude that those who are hated and persecuted have attracted such things to themselves any moreso than we can conclude that a six-year-old little girl who gets raped has attracted that behavior.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/20/11 11:58 PM
My having known of you for as long as I have has enabled me to entertain several different dialogues with you. Your thinking here is not surprising. It is a logical consequence of you believing in the Law of Attraction. That line of thinking is pure bull. As I've argued in past, we simply cannot conclude that those who are hated and persecuted have attracted such things to themselves any moreso than we can conclude that a six-year-old little girl who gets raped has attracted that behavior.

I'm not really thinking or talking about the law of attraction, although the law of Vibration is certainly a universal law in my opinion. I know you think it is crap... but I disagree. Everything vibrates and like attracts like.

But what has always been my question even all throughout my life when hearing about the "poor persecuted so-called self styled Jews" was the question of why on earth are they so persecuted anyway? There has to be a REASON!

Aren't they just like anyone else? It can't be the color of their skin, that is no different from mine. So then, what is it? Is it their religion? I don't know much about their religion personally, I never have. So the question remains. Why?

Why are they so persecuted... throughout all of world history? Over and over? There has to be a logical reason. Something is rotten in Denmark I think.

In my search for truth of the world, I have always asked the question why. I still do. Why? Why? Why? Why persecute a so-called Jewish person? What could be the reason?

If there were only a few isolated incidents of Jewish persecution throughout history, one might shrug it off as just one of those skirmishes; but this kind of thing has been happening over and over in country after country through out our human history and three world wars. So what is it about them (Jews) that people come to dislike? Who persecutes them and why? That has always been my question.

Have you ever read The official unabridged Soncino Edition of the Talmud? Does Talmud Preach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality? I guess if one really wants to know they can look at the copy in the Library of Congress. I've never seen an actual original version of it so I don't know but there are people who have. I have read copies and quotes.

I just have to say that there is a reason for everything. I'm simply investigating. I want to know the real answers, not the rhetoric and propaganda. Which by the way, is everywhere.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:55 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 12:00 AM
Why would a black man in Natchez, Mississippi need a safe place if he was good and innocent? Why was he so hated and persecuted? Think about that.

Why? Because of the color of his skin, that's why. And because people fear other people who are different.

This is not the case with Khazarian Jews. They are white and powerful and they live everywhere, all over the world. They own corporations, they own the FED. They live just fine everywhere. They are not persecuted, they just continue to claim they are and they squash anyone who criticizes Zionism or anything else they do.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 12:18 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 12:28 AM

we simply cannot conclude that those who are hated and persecuted have attracted such things to themselves any moreso than we can conclude that a six-year-old little girl who gets raped has attracted that behavior.

Yes we can conclude that, but that's a whole other thread topic.
(Not that this one stayed on topic laugh)

There will always be those who do not understand the law of vibration hence reject it as nonsense. I expect that.

I'm simply asking the hard question. What is going on, and why are "Jews" always claiming to be repeatedly persecuted or why are they actually being persecuted and hated by so many? Will they forever cast themselves in the roll of victim? Will their excuses for their aggressions always be "self defense" because "everyone hates us!" ?sad

Please. That's getting a little old. huh (Frankly I'm getting sick of hearing it.)

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 12:42 AM
What is the FED?

1. The Fed is an independent entity, but is subject to oversight from Congress. Basically, this means that decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the government, but Congress periodically reviews the Fed's activities.

2. The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States. It was created in 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. Its duties today are to conduct the nation's monetary policy, supervise and regulate banking institutions, maintain the stability of the financial system and provide financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions.

3.The Federal Reserve is considered an independent central bank. It is independent since its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or Congress. The Federal Reserve System was created by Congress in 1913 "to provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes.

Read more:

Who owns the FED?

Published 1976
Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.

The official Federal Reserve site took that page down about who owns the FED or the link I followed arrived here at this blank page:

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 12:54 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 12:58 AM
I can clearly see that there are two different kinds of "Jews" in the world. They don't like each other. This is not Daryl Bradford Smith either... these are Jews against Zionism.

True Torah

Who founded Zionism?

Article by Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann - Australia


no photo
Tue 06/21/11 01:05 AM

we simply cannot conclude that those who are hated and persecuted have attracted such things to themselves any moreso than we can conclude that a six-year-old little girl who gets raped has attracted that behavior.

Yes we can conclude that, but that's a whole other thread topic.

I need this spelled out for me... are you saying that we can conclude that a raped child attracted the rape - based on one of these (vibration, attraction, etc) laws?

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/21/11 01:08 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Tue 06/21/11 01:36 AM
You are simply repeating discredited lies like those published as
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Your posts are a regurgitation
of Nazi propaganda.!!

This is why people will find it disgusting. It's not true and
was revealed as lies almost a century ago.

The whole "Khazarian Jew" thing is more antisemitic nonsense. As
I posted earlier Jews now come from every country in the world
but particularly there are a huge number from the Middle east
and they are no different than Jews from Europe, Russia or
Africa. They just follow the same religion.

The notion that Jews from Europe were somehow "false" Jews was
another feature of 1920s style antisemitism popularized along
with the Protocols during the sad sick days of the antisemitic
Dearborn Independent by the Christian Identity and related
movements. It is the worst kind of ignorant bigotry.

Your efforts to de-legitimize Jews and blame them for the ills
of the world are the slimy stuff from which hatred and intolerance
spawn. Please read Der Sturmer and keep such ugly antisemitism to

At least it will be exposed. Ewww.


You say you are against hatred and genocide and in the same breath
deny that the Inquisition and the Holocaust were based on religious
intolerance and instead insist that Hitler was right in blaming
the Jews for conspiring to control the world!


So although you claim to be against hatred and genocide you somehow
still find yourself in ideological agreement with the worst
genocidal maniacal regime in history!



Zionism is nothing more than Israeli nationalism and is no more
sinister than Americanism or any other patriotic movement.

Here read about all about Zionism in a legitimate forum without
any of the antisemitic undertones:

Here are the first few topics covered in this discussion of Zionism:

A Definition of Zionism
Ahdut Ha-Avodah
American Zionist Movement (AZM)
Anti-Zionism Among Jews
Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?

And pretty much everything you would ever want to know about
every aspect of Zionism...


Just not from an antisemitic perspective...

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 02:49 AM

You say you are against hatred and genocide and in the same breath
deny that the Inquisition and the Holocaust were based on religious
intolerance and instead insist that Hitler was right in blaming
the Jews for conspiring to control the world!


So although you claim to be against hatred and genocide you somehow
still find yourself in ideological agreement with the worst
genocidal maniacal regime in history!

Alice is against murder. Bob says that Charlie stole from Bob, and that stealing is wrong, and murders Charlie. Alice can still agree that Charlie stole from Bob, and also that stealing is wrong, even as she says that murder is wrong and that Bob should go to jail.

I hold that agreement or disagreement with a group's position ought to be done on a case by case, issue by issue, supposed fact by supposed fact basis.

argumentum ad hominem is an attempt to link the truth of a claim to a negative characteristic or belief of the person advocating it.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/21/11 05:42 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Tue 06/21/11 06:01 AM

I still think that if you are against hatred and genocide then you
are against the philosophy of hatred and genocide of Hitler and the
Third Reich!


Really it's not ad hominem it's ludicrous.

I think the reason that light does not travel
is that light has hit an impenetrable barrier!!

metalwing's photo
Tue 06/21/11 06:09 AM
... as the slow moving light grinds to a halt.

The law of attraction.

If one seeps oneself in false information,

and seeks confirmation to justify pre-conceived conclusions.

And every bit of science, politics, and history is twisted to

justify, compliment, corroborate, and bolster the pre-conceived


The conclusion will never change.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 08:53 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 09:01 AM
I still think that if you are against hatred and genocide then you are against the philosophy of hatred and genocide of Hitler and the
Third Reich!

Yep I am.

And I'm against Zionism.

You are spewing Zionism propaganda and you think anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic. You clearly don't know the difference.

Jews have a right to be anti-zionist and so do I. Apparently you want to silence free speech and freedom of expression. I have a right to be against any oppressive tyranny and it does not matter if they are Germans or Jews. Apparently you don't even read my posts or my links. Are your eyes and mind closed? You have no room to see a new perspective even if you think its wrong?

You don't think that Jews have a right to be against Zionism? You call that Nazi propaganda? What sense does that make? NONE!

The stuff you post is stuff that has been repeated over and over so much people take it for true. You assume I have not read both sides and weighed what makes sense. It is you who have not.

Oh well such is the machine of propaganda.

I think the reason that light does not travel
is that light has hit an impenetrable barrier!!

Yep it has. Yours.:wink:

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:06 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 09:11 AM
Is America against Nazis and Hitler?

(I was always lead to believe we were against Hitler.)

George Bush Sr and Hitler. GOOGLE IT.

Operation Paper Clip. GOOGLE IT.

I was always lead to believe that we were the good guys.

I want America to be the good guys again and stand up for freedom and be against tyranny and propaganda.

Do you think you could help do that?

Talk to the people. Don't just buy into the propaganda machine.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:29 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 09:32 AM
You say you are against hatred and genocide and in the same breath deny that the Inquisition and the Holocaust were based on religious intolerance and instead insist that Hitler was right in blaming the Jews for conspiring to control the world!

Religion has always been used as the hate machine and divider of the people. I don't "deny" that it was used in any conflict. I never said Hitler "was right." He was an insane manipulated maniac.

I simply said that money and power is always the real motive behind war and conquest. To deny that is just being blind. The conquerors USE religion to manipulate people. They don't care about religion or religious views except to manipulate people.

I don't know what our leaders believe. They claim to be Christian or Jewish, but I doubt they tell the truth about that.

Most intelligent people know this. Do you believe in God? Do you think people who believe in God are "stupid" and can be manipulated into killing each other? (Apparently they can be manipulated into war.)

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:38 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/21/11 09:51 AM
Last night on the television I heard a Zionist Christian lunatic make the claim that Muslims were trying to "take over the world" and must be stopped.


This is being broadcast on our television networks!

He was criticizing Obama for saying that he was not going to war with Islam. (Apparently he thinks we should go to war with Islam.)

Seriously, do you think that if he was saying this about Israel that he would have been allowed to air that program?

Of course not! But they let him say that about Islam. That's the kind of 'free speech' we have.

What is going on here? People are being divided. They are doing this on purpose.

I am shocked. I am outraged that this lunatic, this religious zealot was allowed to spew hate speech like that which is very clearly religious intolerance.

People can't see the difference between being against political tyranny and religious intolerance.

People can't see that free speech means that you can only say what they want you to say.

I don't care what people worship. Just stop killing each other.


no photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:51 AM

... as the slow moving light grinds to a halt.

The law of attraction.

If one seeps oneself in false information,

and seeks confirmation to justify pre-conceived conclusions.

And every bit of science, politics, and history is twisted to

justify, compliment, corroborate, and bolster the pre-conceived


The conclusion will never change.
Well said.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:58 AM


I still think that if you are against hatred and genocide then you
are against the philosophy of hatred and genocide of Hitler and the
Third Reich!


Really it's not ad hominem it's ludicrous.

I think the reason that light does not travel
is that light has hit an impenetrable barrier!!

Its not ad hominem when you point out wrong doing, or express an opinion of disapproval. If someone is factually wrong and morally wrong, and you point out both, its not ad hominem. If someone promotes false claims as 'facts' due to their immoral motivation, or arrives at an immoral position because of their embrace of incorrect claims - and you point out those relationships - thats also not ad hominem (unless you also imply that we can reject the claim based simply on the evil qualities of the person making the claim). From your point of view you might be doing one or more of those definitely not ad hominem things (and I see that possibility), or doing something similar which is also not ad hominem.

I'm not accusing you of ad hominem, but I mention it to keep perspective in response to this line:

find yourself in ideological agreement with the worst
genocidal maniacal regime in history!

It seems to imply that no decent person ought to be in any kind of ideological agreement with an evil regime. Of course there are connections between the behavior of an evil regime and the beliefs of an evil regime - but the evil behavior of the evil regime doesn't imply that every aspect of that regimes ideology is factually incorrect.

To say that 'being against hatred and genocide' requires that 'you are against the philosophy of hatred and genocide' leaves open the question "which parts?". How broad is that umbrella? Obviously, not everything that the nazis believed was false. Isn't it possible that a few accurate beliefs were part of the mix that was used to motivate hatred against the Jews? Should we immediately reject beliefs because their source is evil or had evil intentions in promoting those beliefs - or is it okay to investigate them individually?

If someone claims that the Jews were conspiring to control the world, I personally don't care whether or not this line of thinking was used to justify evil. I care whether or not they have valid cause to believe that Jews are conspiring to control the world.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 10:04 AM
I hold that agreement or disagreement with a group's position ought to be done on a case by case, issue by issue, supposed fact by supposed fact basis.

That would take an eternity. There are many cases, on both sides I'm sure and lots and lots of propaganda and lies on both sides.

A true (unbiased) investigation takes more than doing a google search. Those kinds of things are specialized and extremely time consuming. It is not the way I would chose to spend my life.

After looking at History as a whole we see that every conflict seems to be centered around the Middle east.

The wars and conflicts have been going on in that part of the earth probably since the beginning of the civilized world. There is so much that we do not know. I am certainly not a history expert and I don't think anyone here is either.

Let's forget religion and race for a minute and try to look at war and conquest. Follow the money and the power and the drug and gun trade. Wars destroy countries and then the victors move in and rebuilt things in their preferred fashion.

Forget what religion or race people are. Who has something to exploit for profit? Follow the money and you will see.