Topic: Light Does Not Travel | |
In past civilizations Mankind has viewed light as understanding, the movement from ignorance to knowledge, Godliness, holiness, knowledge, spiritual awareness, and growth in being. Enlightenment is a word based on light.
In this thread, light truly does not travel. |
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Sat 06/18/11 08:25 AM
It appears from this and other posts that you
seem to think almost all governments are criminals. Bribery, extortion, threats, Lies, propaganda, inflation, murder, assassinations. Yep many of them have fallen to the money changers.(I can't even honestly call them "Jews" because they are not. Many claim to be Christians etc.) Its not about race or religion, its about control and money.) Our own country invades other countries and assassinates people in their homes and announces it on television. Our own country tortures people and defends their right to do so. We have toppled governments and installed dictators, and now we are toppling dictators and are installing our own kind of "democracy." Its like being governed by the mafia. I'm sorry for you if you think that is not criminal. You will fit right in with the new world order. You will swallow the blue pill. Actually, you already have. I'd put in a laughing face like you did, but its just not funny to me. Its really sad. |
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Sat 06/18/11 08:40 AM
In past civilizations Mankind has viewed light as understanding, the movement from ignorance to knowledge, Godliness, holiness, knowledge, spiritual awareness, and growth in being. Enlightenment is a word based on light. In this thread, light truly does not travel. The truth is not very pretty metalwing. Most people can't handle it, don't want it, and persecute or ridicule people who speak it. I seriously wish I was wrong about this. (You will say I am) I pray you are right. I truly do. I hope I am as "crazy" as some people think I am. For your sakes. (For everyone's sake) Now THAT IS FUNNY. Just about everything is propaganda. The media is completely controlled in that way. Why don't you actually talk to an anti-Zionest religious Jew? |
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Sat 06/18/11 09:28 AM
Okay now that we have established that you all think I'm a Nazi, I think we can kill this thread since it has gotten waay off topic.
![]() Now go an take your little blue pills, find the remote and a warm blanket and watch some television. ![]() |
I actually feel sorry for most of the Jews living in Israel under that dictatorship. more antisemitism deleted... Israel is far from a dictatorship. Go to Libya. ![]() You claim to be educated but then you repeatedly come out with these incredible howlers!!! ![]() And yet, you advocate the truth of Nazi propaganda!!! I have read the Protocols and a vast amount of similar garbage. I am well educated in the history of Israel and the other Mideast countries and Europe and the U.S. too - a bit weaker on Asian countries. ![]() I'm sorry if I gave the impression that all Jews in Israel are criminals. I meant the leadership, the government and Zionism. You need to realize that Zionism is a political movement. Unbelievable! Read your own posts! ![]() I know Zionism is a political movement. It is the foundation of Israeli Nationalism. It appears from this and other posts that you seem to think almost all governments are criminals. Well I won't argue that power doesn't corrupt. It does - But not all govts are synonymous with criminals and certainly not the U.S. or Israel. ![]() If you don't like various governments and disagree with their policies fine. Just don't dig up and spew Nazi propaganda. ![]() And then you repeatedly insist that the Nazis were right! ![]() That is <ahem> pretty well known to be a huge load of diaper filling! ![]() If you want to compare Israel with some much more egregiously abusive governments... Compare with Syria, Iran, Libya, North Korea, ...etc. etc. ![]() Dissenting with your government or honest reporting in those countries can get you summarily shot while in Israel like the U.S. such criticism is honored and cherished and defended and they vote. Zionism is not a dirty word. It is just that jew haters and various arab countries who despise the very idea of the existence of the jewish homeland in Israel have attempted to denigrate the movement. Fortunately the truth is available with actually correct discussions of the Zionist movement and Israeli Nationalism: and Unfortunately you reject such obviously well-reasoned scholarship and instead adopt the viewpoints of which Hitler was proud! ![]() OK - stick to your guns on that Hitler was right stuff... Whoooboy! Yep. That is a real winner. ![]() Bribery, extortion etc. are crimes but just not Jewish or Israeli crimes. Any leaders from any country can do these things. Your singling out of Israel and Jews (or money changers as you call them derisively) is what is bigoted and disgusting. |
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Sat 06/18/11 07:57 PM
Bribery, extortion etc. are crimes but just not Jewish or Israeli crimes. Any leaders from any country can do these things.
You are right, they are not "Jewish" crimes. They are crimes of Zionists criminals. Yep and they do. And they don't all call themselves "Jews" either. Some of them call themselves "Christians" and some call themselves "Royalty." Your singling out of Israel and Jews (or money changers as you call them derisively) is what is bigoted and disgusting. I stand against Zionism, communism and dictatorships. I stand against tyranny.... where ever it is. It includes ALL THE MONEY CHANGERS Big banking, the FED etc.-- no matter what they call themselves. No matter where they are. They are liars. And Zionism is the movement that is behind all of it. The Zionists perpetrators are not Jewish, they are mostly atheists. They just claim to be Jews or Christians, which ever serves their purposes. I don't know how you can call me "bigoted." I will stand against criminals and murders, no matter who they are or what they call themselves. I am not afraid of them. They are liars, and they are not really Jews. And the Christians in the White house are not really Christians either. They just claim to be. So whatever you think of me I don't care. I know them by their sick deeds of torture and murder and assassination. Your support of these criminals is disgusting. You buy into their propaganda. You probably support torture, and jumped for joy when Osama bin Laden was assassinated along with five other people in that house. That's disgusting. |
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Sat 06/18/11 08:59 PM
If a Zionist criminal claims to be a Jew does that give him immunity for his crimes? Does that give him the right to do any damn thing he wants? No it doesn't. To think that all Zionists or all Christians and politicians are perfect angels and perfect law abiding people is just naive.
None of them should be above the laws but many of them think they are. Even our own presidents think they are above the law. Its disgusting. I don't think people should turn their back on war criminals and tyrants just because they call themselves "Jews." The truth is, most people are afraid to speak up because of this kind of reaction. Genocide is happening all over the world and you may never hear about most of it. Who is doing this? How do you think we got involved in Viet Nam? How much information does the general dumbed down Americans really have? I have a friend who investigates these genocides and she works helping to identify the victims. (What a gruesome job she has.) These incidents are things you will never even hear about. Its so very tragic and sad. Its all about war, conquest, power and the over throw of third world counties. And guess what country is doing it now, in front of the whole world? ... Ours. And we support Zionist Israel. You don't know what is in my heart. My heart bleeds for the victims of these evil criminals. If you knew my heart you would be ashamed of what you have said to me. ![]() |
![]() ![]() I don't like to see my friend crying ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think that what s1ow means is that by grouping them(Isreali Nationalists) all together and then placing judment on them as a whole in the way that the material you've offered has, constitutes the makings of Fascism. If we could take his perspective and use it in such a way that allows us to see, from another's point of view, that all Israeli Nationalists do not fit the bill being ascribed to them, we could then see the error in that particular kind of thinking. |
Zionism is not synonymous with criminal!
Why would you think just because one person who is a Zionist (a member of a group who wants to have a state of Israel) does something criminal that ALL members of that group are criminals?! This is WRONG. This is bigotry. Zionism is simply not criminal. Zionists by and large are peace loving, nonviolent people who simply want a safe place to live in their traditional homeland. A place where their ancestors founded a beautiful and enduring tradition and a place where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years. Some of them never had ancestors there but still find the idea of re-establishing the state of Israel appealing. There is nothing criminal about it at all. Your posts of Nazi propaganda is extremely hurtful and even extremely abusive towards Israelis and Jews because it advocates and perpetuates false and vile stereotypes which are NOT true and slander them as individuals and as a legitimate country. And it is as ignorant as saying that all Mexicans are criminals. I say Mexicans because it identifies all people of that country as criminals despite their individual backgrounds and beliefs except that they believe in their country and are supportive for their country just as Zionists are members of Israel and supportive if Israel. Read about the history of Israel at the Jewish Virtual Library as I suggested and learn something about Zionist and Israeli history from the points of view of others who are not inherently anti-Israel or antisemitic. Read about the history of Zionism and Israel from some of the Israelis who actually are Zionists and who founded their country before you go about unjustly criticizing them and digging up Nazi propaganda and repeating it and defending it as truth! Many people died in WWII giving their lives to fight against these stereotypes!! I have been to the beaches of Normandy and I have knelt at the gravesites of the Allies. I have spoken with many of the surviving veterans from all over the world. I have met former Nazis. I am not saying that you are an evil person or a Nazi. I am saying that you are repeating the same false propaganda that Nazis used to dehumanize Jews and Zionists during their campaign to exterminate them and this is WRONG. Please stop and rethink your position. I have studied it. Carefully. Sure Israelis like all others have done bad things. Certainly Jews are not perfect. No one is. But they are not particularly bad and Zionism does not advocate anything bad evil or criminal either. It is only those who are ideologically determined to deny Israelis the right to exist who insist that Zionism is itself bad or evil or violent. But it is not. Again - here are a couple of links. Read them with an open mind. Don't Hate. I don't. ![]() |
JB, I think that what s1ow means is that by grouping them(Isreali Nationalists) all together and then placing judment on them as a whole in the way that the material you've offered has, constitutes the makings of Fascism. If we could take his perspective and use it in such a way that allows us to see, from another's point of view, that all Israeli Nationalists do not fit the bill being ascribed to them, we could then see the error in that particular kind of thinking. That's right and Zionism is pretty much the Israeli Nationalist movement. And I know about the propaganda and I don't want to see it spread around carelessly. ![]() Colleville-sur-Mer |
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Sun 06/19/11 10:21 AM
I don't hate Jews or even people who (wrongly) support Zionism. Like communism, I simply disagree with the politics and methods of it. Do you remember when communism used to be "the enemy?" It used to be such a dirty word that people's lives were ruined for even being suspect of being communist.
I believe that Zionism is the cause of Jewish persecution in the first place. I believe they are even behind it. If it were not for that movement Jews would not "need" a safe haven. If it were not for the bad reputation of Zionist criminals Jews would not have ever be singled out. They are just people like you and me. People confuse the criminal in the political movement with the Jewish people. I am against Zionism as a political movement to entice or force Jews into Israel. I am apposed to Israel trying to expand it's boarder into the Gaza strip as if they think they are entitled to that land. Records of their activities are available. I do not trust any propaganda about their history. I have read history on both sides. I don't hate anyone! I do hate oppression and tyranny. I will speak out against it when I see it no matter who or where it is. If the criminals are German or "Jewish" or Chinese. The problem is that the so-called "Jewish" oppressors seem to have the protection (and sympathy)of people in this country. There is no racial reason for me to be prejudice against another "white person." Israel holds many political prisoners and they regularly use torture on them. America has followed their example and they defend the right to torture people because of "terrorism" which is bull crap. We are not supposed to be the bad guys. We have been led to believe that we, Americans, are the good guys. Good guys don't torture and assassinate people. They aren't supposed to support people who do. I'm sorry. I don't support that. I see people writing hateful stuff about Muslims calling them "towel heads" every day on this club. I've read posts where they say that we should "nuke them all." That is outrageous and that is bigotry. If I supported them and agreed with them no one would say jack **** to me. But look what happens when I point out the war crimes of Israel. This is simply bull ****. Now that is my point of view and so please drop this subject and don't ask me to read your propaganda. I don't read anything that uses the term "anti-Semitic" because that term is a propaganda term used by Zionism. I am not anti-Semitic I am anti-Zionist and it is NOT the same thing. I'm not even going to ask you guys to educate yourselves about the truth because you are totally assimilated into protecting and defending tyranny and propaganda. I still have the right and freedom to speak out or protect the dignity and freedom of oppressed people. It probably won't last long though as people who speak out are soon silenced as you have tried to do to me here. P.S. What has a picture of a nice cemetery got to do with genocide and tyranny? Is that supposed to make me feel emotional that people die in wars? I hate wars and the people who start them. The people who are slaughtered in genocide don't get nice crosses on their graves. They are simply dumped in a ditch and have lye poured over them or are just covered up. |
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Sun 06/19/11 10:14 AM
I am saying that you are repeating the same false propaganda
that Nazis used to dehumanize Jews and Zionists during their campaign to exterminate them and this is WRONG. Please stop and rethink your position. It is not the "same propaganda." Daryl B Smith's site clearly makes a distinction between Judaism and Zionism. He has many Jewish (real Jewish) friends who are apposed to Zionism. People are just confused because they don't really know what being "Jewish" really means. Is it a family or a religion? Is it a race? People are confused. You are confused. This is a political issue not bigotry or racism. Israel is not a democracy. They may not call themselves a dictatorship but they are operate like one. |
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Sun 06/19/11 10:37 AM
JB, I think that what s1ow means is that by grouping them(Isreali Nationalists) all together and then placing judment on them as a whole in the way that the material you've offered has, constitutes the makings of Fascism. If we could take his perspective and use it in such a way that allows us to see, from another's point of view, that all Israeli Nationalists do not fit the bill being ascribed to them, we could then see the error in that particular kind of thinking. Creative I see what he is saying. Do people judge the mafia as a whole? Do people judge communism as a whole? Do people judge Islam as a whole? Are Islamic people more subject to suspicion and profiled more than others? I am sure there are people living in Israel who hate what is happening in their government, but most, like us, are subject to a lot of propaganda in their news. I sometimes read their newspaper-- Haartz In fact I get lots of information from it. I take most of it with a grain of salt, but you can pick up on things happening there. How do you think a lot of people think of Americans as a whole? I'll tell you. Many of them hate us. What they hate is our political policies and actions in our support of Israel. They hate all of us. We are just people. The people in Israel are just people. The people in Palestine are just people. BUT TYRANNY IS TYRANNY. Wrong is wrong. When I speak out against tyranny and war and genocide, and you are engaged in it... the shoe fits whether you are from America or from Israel, white, black Chinese etc. But who screams "persecution the most? ... Zionists! Look what we (America) did to the Native Americans so we could settle here. That and much worse is what Zionists did and are doing to people to expand their "State of Israel." |
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Sun 06/19/11 12:10 PM
This might help you to understand what I am saying.
The Italian mafia is a criminal organization. For a long time they were secret. This does not mean that all Italians are mafia or that all Italians are criminals. It does not even mean that all Sicilians are criminals even though a lot of the Italian mafia were Sicilians. They were families. They were criminal families. But the Italian mafia are wimps compared to the mafia families of these mongol so-called "Jews." (and they are not Semitic) The Russian mafia are of this family also. They scare the Italian mafia. They are 10 times more sadistic and ruthless. They are mafia. I hate the mafia's. They are criminals. I don't hate Italians. I don't think all Italians are part of a mafia family. That's ridiculous. |
I see people writing hateful stuff about Muslims calling them "towel heads" every day on this club. I've read posts where they say that we should "nuke them all." That is outrageous and that is bigotry. If I supported them and agreed with them no one would say jack **** to me. But look what happens when I point out the war crimes of Israel. This is simply bull ****. So, it is bull when someone else is guilty of gross overgeneralization regarding Muslims(the fallacy at work here), but it is not bull when you equate Zionism with criminal activity? How do you explain the difference between what you are doing and what those who claim "towel head" are doing? Both cases, by my lights, are engaged in taking a particular, or a set thereof, and drawing a general conclusion about a whole. On the whole, everyone in either case, are being judged on the crimes of the few. |
You believe the propaganda that you've read, and therefore willingly buy into the one-world-government idea, and all of. It is rather simple Jb. Here are the fundamental problems at hand...
1. The capitalist model in place has no morality check, nor does it inherently serve any national interests. 2. To quite the contrary, the celebration of the individual(which began with the American ideal of 'freedom' and has been perpetuated by materialistic American values) has produced a kind of self-loyalty that continues to cripple the majority of people. 3. Capitalism has evolved in such a way that "old money" has tremendous power and influence for lots of different reasons. 4. The extremely wealthy are not necessarily loyal to the society(ies) of peoples that are absolutely necessary for the accumulation of wealth. 5. Communism and Capitalism have meanings to the American public which have stemmed from misunderstanding. Communist/Socialist principles are the root of any laws that are in place which realistically afford the opportunity for a person who is born poor to even be able to get rich in today's society through government subsidized programs. Marx said it best... From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs... |
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Sun 06/19/11 02:28 PM
I see people writing hateful stuff about Muslims calling them "towel heads" every day on this club. I've read posts where they say that we should "nuke them all." That is outrageous and that is bigotry. If I supported them and agreed with them no one would say jack **** to me. But look what happens when I point out the war crimes of Israel. This is simply bull ****. So, it is bull when someone else is guilty of gross overgeneralization regarding Muslims(the fallacy at work here), but it is not bull when you equate Zionism with criminal activity? How do you explain the difference between what you are doing and what those who claim "towel head" are doing? Both cases, by my lights, are engaged in taking a particular, or a set thereof, and drawing a general conclusion about a whole. On the whole, everyone in either case, are being judged on the crimes of the few. They are discriminating against a race or religion. That is the difference. Zionists are neither a race or a religion. Your political correct term I think you used is "Israeli Nationalism." What does that mean? It means Zionism actually. They believe they have the right to expand their boarders and they believe they have a right to exist as a "State." In order to do that they must have a certain percentage or number of citizens living there. Hence that is what the Zionist movement is all about. They bribe and attempt to force "Jews" to move there by making sure they are persecuted everywhere else. They are participating in a political movement. It is ruthless, oppressive and down right criminal. (But that is really only the tip of the iceberg.) But if you can't see the difference, then maybe you need to think about it some more. If you think that my being against the political movement of Zionism is wrong, I guess you would also think my being against Communism is wrong or my being against Dictatorships is wrong. I suppose you think that my beings against mafia families is "a generalization" or is "bigotry" and "wrong" too. I suppose you want me to name names of the specific criminals and their crimes. (That can be done and it is being done.) I am for freedom and REAL Democracy. I am for the people. Take that as truth. Don't assume things and don't label me. |
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Sun 06/19/11 02:34 PM
You believe the propaganda that you've read, and therefore willingly buy into the one-world-government idea, and all of. It is rather simple Jb.
Just the opposite. You believe the propaganda you have read and heard and are being exposed to every day from just about everywhere. You have chosen your "authorities" and you bow to them as "truth tellers" when they are the liars. The truth eventually will be known. It is leaking out from every crack. "They" want to have the power to shut down the Internet because of it. Obama is working on that as we speak. They will fail. No disrespect meant. I wish I had not taken the red pill. It is a bitter and horrible pill to swallow. It is the truth pill. |
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Sun 06/19/11 03:40 PM
Anyway, Mingle is taking up too much of my time and so is this subject. I can't do much about the state of world or national affairs and everyone has their own different perceptions and opinions.
I need to get off this website and get to work painting and other useful things in the real world. Nobody seems really seems to care. Yet. I hope they don't shut down the government on August 5, and the only way that will happen is if we increase the National debt by borrowing more fake money and getting deeper into debt. So it will be hard to leave this place but its making me depressed. Bye All. ![]() |