Topic: The end of the creation, or judgement day?
Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:11 PM

I'm not a Christian...the bible is not the word of god.

Other than bible scriptures, where is it that god is of the male

Yeah, I see the confusion all around me...

Cancerian27's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:18 PM
It does say it but I don't feel like lookin it up but when ppl get in2 these types of conversations it can easily get mixed up bc of all the diff opinios and religon/spiritual beliefe's and so on... I believe in what I believe in and the way I was taught about my "religon" and so are other's... Just sayin

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:22 PM
I hear ya...been reading these threads for 3 years now...
now and again I jump in, not nearly as much as I use to.

I can agree to disagree..

The problems in these conversations start when some become condescending of those who think differently...

Cancerian27's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:26 PM
Yes ma'am I totally agree with u on that one!
I like 2 joke around and have fun but when it comes 2 converations like these it's kinda hard 2 get involved bc it's hard not 2 get upset or make other's upset... I guess if we all liked and believed the some thing there wouldn't be a ny room for much conversationing huh LOL laugh
just funny 2 see what some ppl have 2 say about diff things, I have really laughed at a few things I came across on here :smile:

msharmony's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:35 PM

I enjoy talking to people with similar interests and I like being honest about how I think, and what I believe and what I feel.

Often that gets people riled up.

It shouldn't. Why should it?

Its just who I am. It shouldn't bother anyone else.

It is when they start thinking that I am something "evil" that needs to be destroyed because I don't believe their stuff that baffles me.

Ya know what jeannie? I can relate. Because I dont think you are evil in the least and I feel just as baffled when that happens.

I feel equally baffled when some posters imply Im not just as logical or intelligent as anyone else(namely, THEMSELF) because I dont share in their disbelief

I understand this, but I wouldn't be being honest with myself or others, if I didn't tell them when they were thinking illogically. And while I can agree that Christians such as yourself have good intentions and sincerely think you are right and using common sense, it doesn't change the fact that you aren't.

To borrow a phrase if I may: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Know what I mean?

common sense is not factual, its a perception based upon what ones experiences are,,,

and both sides use this same rational when confronted about their approach

the 'logical' people often seem to feel the same 'obligation' to share their 'truth' as the 'faithful' people do

msharmony's photo
Wed 06/08/11 07:40 PM

I enjoy talking to people with similar interests and I like being honest about how I think, and what I believe and what I feel.

Often that gets people riled up.

It shouldn't. Why should it?

Its just who I am. It shouldn't bother anyone else.

It is when they start thinking that I am something "evil" that needs to be destroyed because I don't believe their stuff that baffles me.

Ya know what jeannie? I can relate. Because I dont think you are evil in the least and I feel just as baffled when that happens.

I feel equally baffled when some posters imply Im not just as logical or intelligent as anyone else(namely, THEMSELF) because I dont share in their disbelief

I understand this, but I wouldn't be being honest with myself or others, if I didn't tell them when they were thinking illogically. And while I can agree that Christians such as yourself have good intentions and sincerely think you are right and using common sense, it doesn't change the fact that you aren't.

To borrow a phrase if I may: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Know what I mean?


In your opinion they are thinking "illogically."

But Logic is a really gray area. It's as flexible as rubber or wax.

I was having a perfectly absurd and stupid dream one time and it was totally ridiculous and illogical - to my waking mind - but in the dream, for some reason, everything was perfectly logical in my mind.

From this I learned that perhaps in this waking reality I believe I am 'thinking logical' but maybe I am not.

The true reality may not be anything like we think it is. This entire reality and our beliefs about it could, in truth, be totally absurd and illogical.

Therefore I think that it is probably not smart to be positive about anything... for certain. (Especially about thinking that you are right and "they" (whoever) are wrong...)

Sure, most of the time I believe I am right, but not really. I am only expressing myself as I am or how I feel at that particular moment.

I have had revelations in my life where I realized how totally wrong I was that knocked me off my feet.

Even now, I could be totally mistaken about what I currently believe. But none of that is really all that important.

I think we should be true to what we feel.
The rest of it could all be an elaborate illusion.

That may make me sound like a complete flake, but I always want to be open for the what is true, and I'm thinking that is probably stranger than fiction.

favorite lines from Alice In Wonderland(johnny depp version)

The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
[Alice checks Hatter's temperature]
Alice Kingsley: I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice Kingsley: Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
The Mad Hatter: That is an excellent practice.

no photo
Wed 06/08/11 09:19 PM
You know what else is in the bible?

God sanctions rape

God sanctions slavery

God orders destruction of entire cities

God orders many types of people killed - homosexuals, witches, people who pick up sticks on the sabbath, people who worship other gods, etc.

Generational curses

God directly kills people for: 42 kids killed by bears for calling a prophet a baldy, innocent egyptian babies, a man who touched a box, a man who masturbated, innocent people because David took a census, hebrews who complained because they were in the desert, David's child because he slept with Bathsheba, etc.

God lets satan kill people because of a bet

ridiculous stories about a person living for 3 days in a fish, towers that reach to heaven, giants, superhuman man with long hair, all species of animals on 1 boat, zombies, dragons, unicorns, demons, miracles, etc.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 06/08/11 09:47 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Wed 06/08/11 10:46 PM

God lets satan kill people because of a bet


our life is based on a bet between god and satan?!?!?

damn these men, always fooling around

it is soooo time for women to step in the god control box

no photo
Thu 06/09/11 04:33 AM

I hear ya...been reading these threads for 3 years now...
now and again I jump in, not nearly as much as I use to.

I can agree to disagree..

The problems in these conversations start when some become condescending of those who think differently...

Yeah, I see the confusion all around me...

Elegance888's photo
Thu 06/09/11 12:30 PM
Firstly i want to address ms ladylid2012,you have brought up something you know nothing about, my life,i have said nothing to you at all about it, so why write what you wrote that is out of order its a blatent lie so why put it?you spoke about my children let me say miss perfect mum who has never had to chastise her children at all dont come against anyone who has and by the way i didnt tell you how i chastise,so keep them comments to your self,this thread is not about children.

And Yes ms ladylid2012 God is a he is quite clear you have never ever read the bible so how can you comment at all about GOD,here is just 1 scripture that gives you the answer you clearly dont know anything about so what are you doing on here there are threads what would suit you much better like erm perfect parents.happy

acts chapter 17 verse 24-26 are you ready

God who made the world and everything in it,
since HE is Lord of heaven and earth,
does not dwell in temples made with hands.

Nor is HE worshiped with mens hands,as though he needed anything,
since HE gives to all life.breath,and all things.

Now i hope that answers your questions.lets put a smiley face on here because i will be accused of being angry :wink: and i might even stretch to a love heart too :heart:

mr caposton the points you made are not true either go back to your bible,in the old testement there is things in there what GOD did but he has his reasons and he is GOD ALMIGHTY who are any of us to question a true and living GOD who will have his way,its not us to judge him,its him who is the judge, and the biggest judgement has to come yet you can ask him then why!bearing in mind you will be all alone when that day comes when you stand in front of a fearfull GOD,and he listens to no excuses from man.

Dont you know HE loves his creation its the sin he hates,the rebelion of his creation thats against him when he gave us life,how can we as his children worship and bow down to other gods,and other things we do the ten commandments is for us as a guide line and we need to honour our GOD for all the good things he has done for us,the blessings he has given us,such as our children,grandchildren,families,food,ect.

John chapter 3 verse 16 He gave his one and only son that who ever believes in him shall never perish but have ever lasting life,the whole chapter is great because he tells us what we need to do to be saved and heaven bound.

Yes the road to hell is paved with good intentions but they never listen to what the truth is they harden theres hearts and listen to fables.

Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 tells you about this,

The narrow way

Enter by the narrow gate
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to distruction,
and there are manywho go in by it,
because narrow is the gate and difficult is the waywhich leads to life,
and there are few who find it.

John chapter 14 verse 6

Jesus said I am the way,the truth and the life,no one comes to the Father except through me.

Know one can climb over the gate or get into heaven any other way there are not many roads there is only one.


your principles are in some ways correct but also so off the mark,GOD made this earth with most of them priciples in mind as you rightly stated nothing escapes the law as GOD said there is seed time and harvest,what you sow is what you reap on this earth, he made things quite clear in his word in the book of Ecclesiastes too about all this,i can see you like to study so you might just be interested in this book in the bible, the written word of GOD.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/09/11 12:39 PM
tears tears tears

what was the QUESTION again? what

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/09/11 12:39 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Thu 06/09/11 12:54 PM

Firstly i want to address ms ladylid2012,you have brought up something you know nothing about, my life,i have said nothing to you at all about it, so why write what you wrote that is out of order its a blatent lie so why put it?you spoke about my children let me say miss perfect mum who has never had to chastise her children at all dont come against anyone who has and by the way i didnt tell you how i chastise,so keep them comments to your self,this thread is not about children.

And Yes ms ladylid2012 God is a he is quite clear you have never ever read the bible so how can you comment at all about GOD,here is just 1 scripture that gives you the answer you clearly dont know anything about so what are you doing on here there are threads what would suit you much better like erm perfect parents.happy

You have posted MUCH about your life and beliefs..
a risk we all take posting here
YOU bought up children...
I NEVER said I NEVER had to chastise my sons
I NEVER said I NEVER read the bible
um hello...the threads are for comments
I grew up christian!! christian by birth ~ spiritual by choice

My post declaring 'the truth'...that got ya all riled up
followed yours for a reason.
Annoying wasn't it...

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/09/11 12:42 PM
flowerforyou ladylid

jeannie flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/09/11 03:06 PM
msharmonyflowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/09/11 03:11 PM

your principles are in some ways correct but also so off the mark,GOD made this earth with most of them priciples in mind as you rightly stated nothing escapes the law as GOD said there is seed time and harvest,what you sow is what you reap on this earth, he made things quite clear in his word in the book of Ecclesiastes too about all this,i can see you like to study so you might just be interested in this book in the bible, the written word of GOD.

My faith is in the universal laws.

It does not concern me "who" people believe created this universe or how. I'm not going to argue which god is better than the next, or which doctrine is true or false. It matters not. No one escapes the universal law.

Who ever created or manifested this reality,

They did a nice job. drinker

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/09/11 03:11 PM
I sometimes feel there should be a disclaimer in these threads:

The opinions posted here are PERSONAL and do not necessarily reflect the views of all <fill in the blank>


Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/09/11 03:12 PM

ladies flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/09/11 09:30 PM
Actually, God knows what we need to hear....

at such a time as this...

and perhaps..just perhaps.....

God brought Elegance to the board,

for such a time as this?



no photo
Fri 06/10/11 03:25 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 06/10/11 03:26 AM
..........Just becauae.........I care.........and so does God..........


donthatoneguy's photo
Fri 06/10/11 09:59 AM

mr caposton the points you made are not true either go back to your bible,in the old testement there is things in there what GOD did but he has his reasons

We mortals are mere amusement. I used to create deathtraps for G.I. Joes for the same reason. lol. Interesting to imagine a GOD who LOVES us playing "death to action figures!" with our frail little bodies. Weeeeeeee!

and he is GOD ALMIGHTY who are any of us to question a true and living GOD who will have his way,its not us to judge him,its him who is the judge, and the biggest judgement has to come yet you can ask him then why!

You ever pray for something? In praying, aren't you questioning God? Aren't you asking for His mind to change from the grand scheme He's designed?

bearing in mind you will be all alone when that day comes when you stand in front of a fearfull GOD,and he listens to no excuses from man.

My response: "Whatever. You should've been more vocal instead of leaving it up to corrupt HUMANS to inform me about your existence. Time to go watch some sweet concerts in Hell! Weeeeeeeeeee!" LOL