Topic: What we have to ask is.... | |
Break it down further spider. Back your chair process up more. The energy contained in that chair to me is in a frozen state, so to speak. Also, the basic formula of the chair has changed to become its new form(ula) (separate entity of chair, with a common denominator initial energy of thought to initiate building chair)due to the process of its very creation. I'd really like to tell you to return to your own perception of God and Jesus being one versus mine of them being separate. I didn't explain that well.
"What I'm saying is that I see a clear distinction between the creator and the created."
And I do not. A simple example is when I paint. I don't see myself as the creator and the painting as the creation. I view both (me and the painting) as an expression of God - the one source. When I stand before a freshly prepared canvas, my thought is 'I wonder what will choose to breathe life through me today'. I don't view it as coming "from me" at all. I am just a conduit. I have written this a few times in these virtual walls, but will once again to try to clarify my perspective. I think of God as this ocean and I am a wave ... a tiny little wave that is this personality individualized as Sherrie for a time. I am not separate. I am still part of the whole. And when my time in this physical existence is over, I will once again sink back into the vastness of the ocean. That means I am also not truly separate from anyone because we are all still part of the whole. God always was and always will be. Everthing that has been or will be in physical existence comes through that one consciousness, this one source. To grow and experience there MUST at least be an illusion of separate. For God to become conscious of itself there must be interraction. For there to be interraction there must be separate. How do you separate ONE? I believe we are all just experiencing arms of God...of this one source. Growing, interracting, sharing. We have emotion and senses so that we may experience. And through our experiencing, God can know itself. I believe in the perfection of this souce ...some call it God, some do not. But ONE source nonetheless. It doesn't make mistakes. It is in a constant state of creation. It is us by our individual expression and thought that collectively shape the world we live in. We have called it into creation. And as long as we continue to buy into the notion of separate and ego and competition, we will continue to bring more of what we don't want. I am part of all that is, part of all that was and all that will be. I am not waiting for some reward or punishment to be be placed upon me. My gift received is this life. This opportunity to learn, experience and grow through interraction, emotion and the senses. My gift to God is a life lived well and fully so that He may know more of Himself through me. Our perspectives Spider could not be more opposed I am sure. You live what resonates with you. As do I. Yet I am delighted that both of our expressions allow God to experience different aspects of Himself, and that we as individual expressions may see aspects ourselves through the other's eyes...even if we don't always agree or like what we see. |
under ur concept I am a religious fanatic. However, your concept it's too close minded. That is why i just will disregard ur words, as nonsenses have a good day. TLW |
Not close minded. If it is GOD you believe in, or the DEVIL or ENERGY or anything I believe it is a good thing. The ones that have absolutly nothing to believe in or have faith in are the ones that need worry.
Personally I like hearing other peoples views and talking about them. Makes for interesting conversation. Anyway, I have been to church several times but have never liked it, because I am not into the whole domination and serving thing. My family is Catholic. I am not. I have no problem with noteing other peoples views on ANY religon and respecting them. However, I get concerned when some people try to "push" thier views onto me or others. There is a fine line between those that "talk" about their religon and those that "recruit" their religon, therefore I do not believe in religon. Faith or whatever you believe in is great and I support it 100%, but when someone begins to try and recruit me by "preaching" I draw the line and go my own way. I have never and will never "push" my views onto others. That is not me. I just like talking about different ideas from different kinds of people. Besides I believe free speech and free will are still out here somewhere. |
well here nobody tries to push anything to anybody.
the most i can do is persuade through testimony. everybody here is adult to make his/her decissions |
God is portrayed as a God of love so many times in the Bible that some people do not see that there are some things that He hates. God's actions are of love, whether He is chastening His people or whether He is bringing them out of bondage. It is hard to think of our loving God hating something, but yet we must realize that God cannot permit sin in any size, shape or fashion. God HATES sin! GOD HATES HAUGHTY EYES - V. 16. Being proud or arrogant. Luke 18:9-14 - Publican and the Pharisee. James 2:1-4 - Become judges with evil thoughts. Racial problems arise from this same sin. Proverbs 16:18. Man has no reason to be proud. We are all saved by the grace of God and not of ourselves. Humility is a must for the child of God. Philippians 2:5-8. I Peter 5:5-6. GOD HATES A LYING TONGUE - V. 17. Revelation 21:8. Acts 5:1-5. Note that deceit is considered lying. God would not allow Abraham to continue in a half truth. GOD HATES HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD - V. 17. Judas was condemned because he shed innocent blood just by betraying Jesus. Some crucify Jesus daily by their lives and actions. Hebrews 6:4-6. Abortion today sheds innocent blood. This is murder. GOD HATES A HEART THAT DEVISES WICKED PURPOSES - V. 18. This is a person that sits and thinks of something evil that he might do to someone else. His priorities are wrong. His whole purpose in life has been missed. GOD HATES FEET THAT ARE SWIFT IN RUNNING TO MISCHIEF - V.18. Hoof and mouth disease - gossip. Some people get joy out of running and telling what they know, or think they know, about someone else. This is done to make themselves look good in the eyes of others. Those who do this are wanting to participate in sin. Let's let people tend to their own business and let them inform the community when something is amiss in their lives GOD HATES FALSE WITNESS - V. 19. False witness can cost a man his life. False witness was given against Jesus. Mark 14:55-56. Ephesians 4:25. GOD HATES THOSE WHO SOW DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN - V. 19. A person cannot love and sow discord at the same time. John 13:34-35 - Love binds us together. Acts 20:29-30 - Discord destroys unity among brethren. Matthew 12:25 - a divided Kingdom must fall. John 17 - Jesus prayed for unity. I Corinthians 1:10-14 - Paul preached unity. I Corinthians 3:16-17 - If a man destroys the temple (church) of God, his end is destruction. We must realize that although our God is a God of love, He hates every evil way. God wants us to keep our lives pure from all of these sins. Kat |
as i have said many times
organized religion == the root of all evil |
what organized religion 4u?? Seems you are stuck on that. Just so you know; I have no affiliation with any organized religion. I, myself do not want any part of one. I like'em
Kat |
exactly sctterd
![]() ![]() ![]() if there is no good there is no evil |
So Kelly. If God is evil; all those things I think of as love, beauty and joy, just became evil??
The magnificence of the earth, it's beauty and all the living wonderful things I see on a daily basis is evil? The people with so much love in their hearts. The giving, the laughter, the joys of life? So those are evil? The very creations of God? The evil one??? NOT!! Evil begets evil. Love begets love. No good ever comes from evil. While so much good comes from love. When I look outside at all the beauty, the sun, the moon, the clouds. The cleansing rains, the snow. Hearing all the morning and nightime sounds of all the little creatures of His creating; this could never be from an evil one. Not one that gave us trees of such beauty, the flowers, the mountains the skys blue; with nightime light from the moon and the stars. Such beauty never could be from evil. at |
Your question is: "Why is it that GOD has admonished us to hate evil??" Followed up with this statement: "Well first of all GOD is evil...." Now - concerning your question - becuase evil destroys all in it's path. I mean - is there something about evil that you think is worthy of merit? About the statement... absurd. By the very definition of God, he cannot be evil. Not possible. Besides - nothing in creation is evil - only actions and perceptions are evil. Evil exists in the world due to the actions of man - not the creation of God. lj |
what of the wild animals that kill and mame
are they not of creation is not their actions evil |
threads are even ignoring me now
how evil is that ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Adj4u, Do we really have to have evil to acknowledge good? As a child; I do not remember having privy to evil. I do however remember knowing things as good. I do know that when I see a flower coming up from the ground; that it is a good sign. And when I see it shrivel up and die; that it isn't good. But, not evil.
Do I have to see something small die, in order to know that to live is good? Do I have to see blood spilled to appreciate that life is good? Kat ![]() |
in a word
yes |
Animals do not know evil from good. They certainly are creatures of hunger and habit. We take their homes from them and expect them to stay out of site. They do what they have to in order to live. They fear us as much as we do them in an environment of the wild. To kill to eat is not evil to them. To kill for preservation is not evil to them. They do what they were created to do, survive. We however have made their own survival a challenge to say the least. We steal their homes, land, and their food; then expect no precussions.
Kat |
I had my grandson yesterday and today: I showed him "pretty flowers". Does that mean he now has to see ugly to appreciate pretty flowers?
Kat |
how can you enjoy anything
if you have not had disappointment somewhere else |
Without evil there is no good and visa vera. I am netrul because I am human, as are we all. Nuff said.
From my perspective, we live in a universe that strives for balance. The farther the pull to one side of the continuum, the harder the reverse pull to bring things back into balance.
That applies to any concept. Good-Evil, Peace-War etc. We cannot split the coin. One side is light, the other is shadow. One does not exist without the other. |