Topic: Undeniable Truth
Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/04/11 09:50 PM

who has made the claim that God hates anyone? its certainly not as common a theme as suggested in the analogy,,,,

It's a brainwashing scheme MsHarmony.

It goes like this:


God hates no one. flowers

God loves you. flowers

All he wants you to do is worship him through OUR religion which we claim contain HIS LAWS.

If you refuse to worship God through OUR religion and obey HIS LAWS it's not God's fault that you'll be condemned.

God is as innocent as Pilate and He washes His hands of your demise. :angel:

It's YOUR FAULT for not obeying OUR religion as God's Laws.

You bring this on yourself.

Don't be trying to blame God. That's just a scapegoat.

You're the one who is CHOOSING to rejecting God! rant

You're the one who's refusing to worship OUR religion which is God's Laws!. rant

You're the one who is turning against God! rant

How DARE you blame your rebellious heathen attitude on God! rant

No, no, no! God is as innocent as a pure white lamb. :angel:

You're the rebellious heathen who refuses to accept God's GIFT to you by your refusal to worship OUR religion as the "Word of God".

You're the FOOL here! rant Not God. :angel:

Look at all these nice little children in Sunday School class doing as their Sunday School teacher says.

You could have respect for authority too if you CHOOSE too.

But no, you CHOOSE to reject God. rant

You have made your own choice to go to hell! rant

You have no one to blame but yourself! pitchfork

God is innocent and all-loving. :angel:

You're the heathen! rant

Let's get that straight and out front.

Once you confess that you're the heathen, then we can progress.

Until then. It's YOU who is CHOOSING to reject God. rant

And we don't want to hear anymore about it until you change your evil ways heathen! frustrated


That's the brainwashing scheme MsHarmony.

Reject our religion and you're the one who choosing to reject God.


We aren't about to consider anything you have to say because we are the Grinches that stole the copyright on God, and we're not about to give it back to the rest of humanity. Our religion holds the copyright on God and if you refuse to worship our religion then you're rejecting God and that's our final say in the matter.

So there. tongue2


That's really nothing more than the epitome of religious bigotry built into a religion. That's all it amounts to MsHarmony.

It's a brainwashing scheme.

If you aren't worshiping OUR religion then you're turning against God and YOU WILL BE Condemned with no one to blame but YOURSELF!

Now please excuse us whilst we go serve cookies and milk to the nice little children over here that we are currently brainwashing with this very same scam. We don't want to take a chance that they'll grow up to think for themselves like you do.

"Get'em whilst they're young." That's our motto!

Come back when you're ready to be like a child and be "saved". shades

Bye bye waving

no photo
Wed 05/04/11 09:57 PM
Yep you got that right Abra!!

You got that EXACTLY RIGHT!


mylifetoday's photo
Wed 05/04/11 09:59 PM

Wouldn't that be true for most religions???

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/04/11 10:32 PM
Jeaniebean wrote:

I hold great respect and reverence for all of the heroes who died to save me and others. and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. That includes Jesus(or whoever may have died 2000 years ago) if that is a true story. If Jesus teaches us to love each other, I respect that too.

But I don't see what all the B.S. organized religions have to do with any of that and I don't intend to let any of them dictate to me how I should live my life, and what I should or should not believe about the nature of God.

Absolutely. That's precisely correct.

I have no problem with Jesus either. He makes a great Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva as far as I can see. I'm really saddened about his unfortunate death. That's truly a shame.

If he actually did something for me I'm grateful for it. Although, I can't think of what that would be right off hand. I've read what he stood for and all I can say is "I agree". No need to go dying over it as far as I can see. Other people taught the same basic things and didn't get themselves killed in the process.

I certainly don't feel that I needed Jesus to teach me what love is.

Also, as far as sacrificing his life for mankind (if indeed he did such a thing). I don't see where that's so special. A lot of people, including myself, would gladly give their life to save humanity I'm sure. And I'm talking about dying permanently here. Not just a 3-day make-pretend death.

I would have far more respect for Jesus as a mortal man than I would have for him if he was a demigod. If he was demigod I'm actually not impressed at all. As a demigod I think he showed grave lack of wisdom in how to handle situations.

When it comes right down to it, as a mortal man who was just trying to make a difference in a horrible crude society, I would have amazing respect for what Jesus tried to do. Although, in truth, his efforts don't appear to have had much of a positive affect on society in the end anyway.

Throughout history there has probably been just as many bad things done in his name as good things. It might have been better off if he had instead just lived a quite peaceful life as a hermit and had never become involved in civil rights at all.

Good intentions don't always lead to good results unfortunately.

But yes, to the ideal that Jesus as least meant well. drinker

I imagine he did mean well. I give him that much. flowerforyou

Assuming he even existed at all, and the whole thing isn't just a made up scam.

Here we are talking about Jesus like as if he was a real person and for all we know we could be discussing nothing more than fictional character made up by religious zealots.

We truly don't even know, and can't know. We'll never know. If if we found some sort of evidence that some guy might have lived and done some of the things that were attributed to "Jesus", we still wouldn't know whether that man actually was the "biblical Jesus", or if the "biblical Jesus" was simply a character that was constructed using various parts of some guys life. Maybe a Jewish Buddhist, like I've been suggesting.

We'll never know the truth.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/04/11 11:07 PM


Wouldn't that be true for most religions???

I've never heard, or read, anything in Buddhism that condemns anyone for not believing in Buddhism or the Buddha.

I've never heard anything in Wicca that suggest anything remotely like that either.

When you say "most" religions what are you actually talking about?

The Abrahamic religions and their offshoots? They are all based on the "jealous-god" concept, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me".

So do they truly even count as "separate religions" really?

They all start with the same fundamental "jealous-god" principle.

I think this is probably true of "most religions" that evolved around the Mediterranean region. I think the Egyptians had jealous Gods too. The Greeks were a bit more liberal. They had Zeus "The God of Gods" but they also had many other gods as well. So there was some leeway there. You could actually worship "other gods" and still acknowledge that Zeus could be the "Top God". Zeus wasn't going to condemn you if you didn't worship him exclusively.

Not all religions are based on a "jealous-god" concept.

And certainly not spiritual philosophies like Taoism, etc.

So when you say "most" religions, what do you consider to be "most"? If you're considering the Abrahamic religoins to be "most" religions. Then yes, I guess that "most" religions are indeed based on a "jealous-god" concept. They are all basically the same religion that just fragmented in to many different opposing sects pointing fingers at each other in the name of their "now individual" jealous Gods.

mylifetoday's photo
Thu 05/05/11 12:53 AM
I mean, don't most religions say the only way to salvation is their way?

The only reason I see that you are complaining about Christianity is because Christians will talk about their faith to try to get others to see what they see.

Yes, Jesus did say what you are saying.

But He also said everyone that does not know me still has a chance to make it to Heaven. they will just have a more difficult time. but those that KNEW Him and rejected Him He would turn His back on.

I believe I would be safe in saying you don't know Him. So that passage does not pertain to you.

What constitutes "Knowing" is the real question.

I think that knowing in this case is someone that had believed in Him as their Savior at some point in their lives but later turned their backs.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/05/11 01:33 AM

I mean, don't most religions say the only way to salvation is their way?

The only reason I see that you are complaining about Christianity is because Christians will talk about their faith to try to get others to see what they see.

Yes, Jesus did say what you are saying.

But He also said everyone that does not know me still has a chance to make it to Heaven. they will just have a more difficult time. but those that KNEW Him and rejected Him He would turn His back on.

I believe I would be safe in saying you don't know Him. So that passage does not pertain to you.

What constitutes "Knowing" is the real question.

I think that knowing in this case is someone that had believed in Him as their Savior at some point in their lives but later turned their backs.

I agree. I just see that the main ones who bring up these negative ideas are the ones who are somehow belittling or arguing against Christianity,, I rarely see the christian minglers INITIATING such judgments so much as I do them trying to explain the judgements others ASSUME They make,,,

in any case, I just dont see this absolute hatred/condemnation theme going on,,,

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 05/05/11 10:45 AM

Miles wrote:

Maybe its because of who he is speaking to in each instance. Maybe it goes far deeper than just looking at the outside shell. When you speak to those who are in a close nit group who say they share what you share. Thier is a totally different approach if they turn out to be decievers to the cause compared to those who just are outside looking in. The religious leaders who say but do not do are they not decievers? When one accepts all who are looking in and wondering and seeing with thier own eyes and do not believe yet a man forgives them for thier transgressions against him is this going against saying those who know and still deny that he will dent them.. Is that not cutting themselves loose. just a thought.. Blessings..Miles

I truly don't see how there is any way to salvage the stories Miles.

You could potentially salvage them in the way you describe concerning the point in 'denying' Jesus.

In other words, Jesus is only going to consider those who actually believe in him to be "denying" him. People who he hasn't interacted with can't "deny" him since they know not what they do.

Ok, if you attempt to 'salvage' the story that way, you keep the story afloat, but at the same time you FREE everyone who does not believe in Jesus from having the potential of "denying" him. Because in the end Jesus forgives people who don't know what they do.


So that salvages the story to a degree, but it basically kills hardcore religious proselytizers claim that Jesus would condemn just anyone who doesn't believe in him.

So I'd be happy to accept your view either way on that point. flowerforyou


However, you still have the far more difficult problem with these scriptures saying at one point that the Father judgeth no man and all judgment has been committed to the Son. But then when the Son is being crucified he calls out and asks the Father to forgive these people.

Why bother asking the Father forgive them if the Father judgeth no man and all judgment has been committed to the Son?

You've got a blatant contradiction and error in these scriptures right there that cannot be explained away in terms of "context".

Either all judgment has been committed to the Son or not. And you can't very well have the Son claiming this at one point, and then not realizing it at a later point. That would only imply that the Son himself isn't sure what the hells going on.

So it appears to me that these texts have unresolvable ERRORS in them and thus this give any rational personal sincere and valid reasons for being highly suspicious of these texts.

The claim that these scriptures "Can't be Broken" or that they are in the infallible word of some God, is clearly false itself.

Just because these scriptures make these claims doesn't make them true. These scriptures are indeed "broken" and flawed.

Something's got to give. Everything that is being claimed in these scriptures cannot be simultaneously true.

They must be errors and best, or outright lies at worst.

There can be no doubt about it.

It's clearly an undependable text. Period.

Yahshua said he had the right to judge the adultrous woman who was brought to him but he said he would not. He said go and sin no more. Grace was given a Pardon.

Yahshua also says me and my father are 1. he is not saying he is the father but as he says many times he does his fathers will.

All judgement has been given to Yahshua but he does not do it to satisfy himself. Judgement in Rev 19 I believe after the 1000 year regeign and Satan is thrown into the lake of fire for good all the rest of the dead for all time who has not been ressurrected into spirit are judged by thier works.The fire and brimstone preachers do not like these scriptures as the same ones usually will not preach the book of James as he speaks about works and faith being shown as 1.

Yahweh lives by his own laws and so does Yahshua thats what makes them righteous.
the John books speak about this clearly. The Law of Yahweh is our schoolmaster to bring us to Rightousness through works because someone can not have faith without works.Even the thief who died with him had works in the only thing he could do was truely believe in him. The speaking of his tongue as he died as the other mocked him. He showed faith by his works of accepting his fate and Yahshua's Messiahship.

Yahshua came into Jerusalem on the day the lamb was to be brought into every Israelites house to live with them for 4 days. this was done on the 10th of Abib the 10th day of the 1st month of Yahweh's Holy Calander.. which is close to the spring equinox.

Yahshua as this lamb enter Jerusalem and the people were so excited they layed down palm leaves and said Hossanna, Hossanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh. Yahshua on entering when the lammb is brought into every house came into his Fathers house and the Temple Keepers who knew people were preparing for the Passover were selling or allowing to be sold doves and such and this is when Yahshua had Righteous Anger as He was enterinng His Fathers house as a friend and healer of the people. My Fathers house is a House of Prayer and you have made it a den of thieves.

He was following the law. He was the Lamb of Yahweh. He entered the Temple in Jerusalem and Healed and taught all who came to him.His Fathers house is way more than the Physical Temple.

Did you know that more than 1/2 of the recorded words of Yahshua are from the 10th of Abib( Green ears) to his death 4 days later.

He came to teach and heal and then the people killed him as thier Passover offering Yahshua just did as his Father told him. To teach the ones willing to listen kind of like a grandfather who is close to death all the children and grandchildren gather round and stop all they are doing to listen to the wisdom of the one they loved and respected.

But the religious rite of the day hated what he had to say. He said he had to leave and when he did a New Temple would be sent that man would no longer have to preach to each other Know Yahweh. Because this Spirit that would be sent would be the same spirit that liit upon Yahshua as a Dove a symbol of Peace saying This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

Yahshua was saying this is what was going to happen to all who is washed from thier old way of life.

Peter says we are Kings and Priests a pecular people. We are. A Priest must be washed.

This goes so deep Abra I could right a book just about the Prophecies of those 4 days that Yahshua was in His Fathers House as the Lamb of Yahweh and the scriptures attest to it also.

Dieing for the sins of the world was just the beginning when he gave up his last breath.

To the Jew 1st then to the Greek( Gentile) why this saying?

He came to the Jews 1st.. No Priestly Tribe came from the tribe of Judah.

Marraige is allowed again after the death of the spouce and does it not say Blessed is He who is invited ( Has a wedding Garment on) to the Marraige Supper of the Lamb.

HalleluYah the Levitical priesthood turned into thye Beginning Priesthood again when Abraham was promiced his descendents would be as the stars of Heaven.

The Gentile can read and Study to Shew himself approved ( His wedding Garment) and live forever. You understand more than you let on..I can see that Abra. Blessings of Shalom..Miles

s1owhand's photo
Thu 05/05/11 01:05 PM
Neither Buddhism nor Judaism believes that it is necessary to
be Buddhist or Jewish. Not sure about Islam.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 05/05/11 01:08 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 05/05/11 01:08 PM

who has made the claim that God hates anyone? its certainly not as common a theme as suggested in the analogy,,,,

It's a brainwashing scheme MsHarmony.

It goes like this:


God hates no one. flowers

God loves you. flowers

All he wants you to do is worship him through OUR religion which we claim contain HIS LAWS.

If you refuse to worship God through OUR religion and obey HIS LAWS it's not God's fault that you'll be condemned.

God is as innocent as Pilate and He washes His hands of your demise. :angel:

It's YOUR FAULT for not obeying OUR religion as God's Laws.

You bring this on yourself.

Don't be trying to blame God. That's just a scapegoat.

You're the one who is CHOOSING to rejecting God! rant

You're the one who's refusing to worship OUR religion which is God's Laws!. rant

You're the one who is turning against God! rant

How DARE you blame your rebellious heathen attitude on God! rant

No, no, no! God is as innocent as a pure white lamb. :angel:

You're the rebellious heathen who refuses to accept God's GIFT to you by your refusal to worship OUR religion as the "Word of God".

You're the FOOL here! rant Not God. :angel:

Look at all these nice little children in Sunday School class doing as their Sunday School teacher says.

You could have respect for authority too if you CHOOSE too.

But no, you CHOOSE to reject God. rant

You have made your own choice to go to hell! rant

You have no one to blame but yourself! pitchfork

God is innocent and all-loving. :angel:

You're the heathen! rant

Let's get that straight and out front.

Once you confess that you're the heathen, then we can progress.

Until then. It's YOU who is CHOOSING to reject God. rant

And we don't want to hear anymore about it until you change your evil ways heathen! frustrated


That's the brainwashing scheme MsHarmony.

Reject our religion and you're the one who choosing to reject God.


We aren't about to consider anything you have to say because we are the Grinches that stole the copyright on God, and we're not about to give it back to the rest of humanity. Our religion holds the copyright on God and if you refuse to worship our religion then you're rejecting God and that's our final say in the matter.

So there. tongue2


That's really nothing more than the epitome of religious bigotry built into a religion. That's all it amounts to MsHarmony.

It's a brainwashing scheme.

If you aren't worshiping OUR religion then you're turning against God and YOU WILL BE Condemned with no one to blame but YOURSELF!

Now please excuse us whilst we go serve cookies and milk to the nice little children over here that we are currently brainwashing with this very same scam. We don't want to take a chance that they'll grow up to think for themselves like you do.

"Get'em whilst they're young." That's our motto!

Come back when you're ready to be like a child and be "saved". shades

Bye bye waving

But Judaism and Buddhism don't say you have to believe like them
to be accepted by God but they don't proselytize either since it
is pointless.


You can be a heathen. It's OK.

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:02 PM says to have faith in God..not a book that's written by man as to what the truth about God does one find truth in what is a culmination of at times what appears to be eye for an eye vs. turn the other cheek as just one quick reference..not

to mention the exclusion of other books like the book of ezekeiel or the book of enoch ..the exemption of the apocrypha..leaves alot to be question as to what is the truth..not to mention what others may say or think ..but none the less i do find them quite amusing..but like others this is only my opinion...smokin

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:19 PM

But Judaism and Buddhism don't say you have to believe like them
to be accepted by God but they don't proselytize either since it
is pointless.


You can be a heathen. It's OK.

Ok, you win. Maybe all the Abrahamic religions aren't so arrogant about the jealous god concept.

By the way, if tombraider is right and having faith in God is all that's required then technically I wouldn't be a heathen anyway. I believe in Jeff Beck and the last I heard he's a guitar God. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:27 PM oppose to Jimi Hendrix or Eddie Van Halen,not to mention a few others..the position of guitar god might come under fire.....and brimstone...:laughing:

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 02:04 PM
I have faith in the thinking stuff and in universal law.

That's almost as good as having faith in god.tongue2 waving

s1owhand's photo
Sat 05/07/11 04:12 AM

But Judaism and Buddhism don't say you have to believe like them
to be accepted by God but they don't proselytize either since it
is pointless.


You can be a heathen. It's OK.

Ok, you win. Maybe all the Abrahamic religions aren't so arrogant about the jealous god concept.

By the way, if tombraider is right and having faith in God is all that's required then technically I wouldn't be a heathen anyway. I believe in Jeff Beck and the last I heard he's a guitar God. bigsmile

You're gonna lose your "Bad Boy" heathen image!!



Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/07/11 12:03 PM
Slowhand tears Abra to shreds with his not-too-loquacious words

You're gonna lose your "Bad Boy" heathen image!!



I don't think you need to worry about that Slow,

Jeanniebean worships the "thinking-stuff" of the universe as her vision of "god".

I just finished enjoying breakfast which consisted of the unborn embryos of domesticated fowl, and the intestinal walls of swine filled with the ground remains of who knows what types of thinking creatures.

Well, I don't know if an unborn embryo of chicken counts as "thinking stuff", but surely a swine thinks at least to some degree. I've heard it said by some farmers that a pig is as intelligent as a dog.

So by Jeanniebean's vision of God that makes me a Godivore One who consumes "God".

That's pretty bad-boyish don't you think? pitchfork

Of course many Christians probably also consume swine and domesticated fowl, etc. They just don't think of this as being Godivorous, because they refuse to think of swine as "God". laugh

no photo
Sat 05/07/11 12:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 05/07/11 12:45 PM
Anyone who eats anything is a "Godeater"

We are all God-eaters. laugh tongue2

Or maybe we are Godatarians.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/07/11 01:28 PM

Anyone who eats anything is a "Godeater"

We are all God-eaters. laugh tongue2

Or maybe we are Godatarians.

Well, Christians have always been Godatarians.

Don't they have ceremonies in which they drink the blood and eat the body of Jesus?

They are Vampiring Cannibalistic Godatarians.

I can see the preacher now welcoming everyone at the gate of the Church:

"Welcome to the Vampiring Cannibalistic Godatarian Church of Christ. We are always glad to see new sheep flocking home to the pastures of our Godivorous pews."



There you go Slow. I don't think anyone is going to consider me to be anything less than a "Bad Boy Heathen" after this post.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 05/08/11 03:50 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 05/08/11 03:58 AM
Raising hands and shaking both fists like Charleton Heston...

rant "HALTS MAUL!!" rant


You blaspheme with your diet!! A new low. But I'm sure you
can commit sacrilege, violate and desecrate even better the more you
think about it...



no photo
Mon 05/09/11 12:53 AM
Undeniable the Truth. The question is what qualifies as an undeniable truth if 100% of the population cannot agree on any subject given to them. Can it still be qualified as an "undeniable truth".

Perhaps we can say "undeniable opinion" upon personal research and understanding for each individual that wants to agree or not.

I am just saying.....

I am not discrediting the research done on the topic at all.

It is an interesting perspective and recognition that has both religious followers and non religious followers or skeptics looking into about the parables on the bible's passages. You have made some members look into the bible to cross examine to either deny or agree on the discovery you have made and other's may have just simply denied or accepted (without researching themselves) on what you discovered.

Whatever the will always have a ying and yang on the matter. It is almost like a stalemate isn't it since either side will claim the other is misinformed or ignorant all the time also!

but is good to express opinion and feelings on the matter. That is most admirable in my world regardless if it is popular or not.