Topic: The Bible?
mylifetoday's photo
Sat 03/26/11 03:13 AM
I think everyone here knows what a scientific theory is.

All that I saw was someone questioning if you knew what it was.

josie68's photo
Sat 03/26/11 03:59 AM
Edited by josie68 on Sat 03/26/11 04:00 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Oh my gosh, yes I do lack the educational background to understand what you are saying, what
However i do have quiet an extensive knowledge of the Bible, not because I have had formal training, but because i have lived a life with Jesus and God as my guidepost.
I have little knowledge of churches or religion, however I did attend a few churches but found that with all their teachings they had torn the bible apart and wandered off the true meaning of Gods word. some places picked a specific part of the bible to focus on but missed others, and so many people where hypocrites. Very few people lived a life where they genuinly cared for others, most people talked about others peoples failings others focused so much on finances that i could hardly see god through it.

So I decided that was a God I wasnt interested in and read through the bible myself, i have a very old bible that is hundres of years old, I have the hebrew translations as well to cross reference andything that I am not sure of, I have the amplified , the king james, and many others as i love seeing what each version has been translated to mean, then I look at what is actually been said,

I am not interested in haveing to work out if the bible is fact or not, I am interested in knowing god, so I loved to see what he was saying and use it through my life, in how I treat others and what I do.

Nothing can ever change my belief in Gods word, not because i dont have the understanding or educations to understand it, not because I am obtuse, but simply because Gods word is truth and I have a faith that wont be shaken, by anything.

So I do find what you say interesting, and i do enjoy reading your posts, but if you look closely at the scientific findings against evolution you will find that they are based on scientific facts as well.

I do respect your opinion but will never agree with it,

Do you believe in miracles or are they out now as well.

I'm not trying to change your faith. I'm simply pointing out that Jesus said things about the end of the world that didn't come to pass within the time frame he said. Does that mean everything he said is BS? No. The bible makes more sense if you acknowledge these inconsistencies.

In order to understand what the bible truly means, you must put the words in their historical context. This is what biblical scholarship is all about.

Why, for example, does the bible forbid wearing two different kinds fabrics of clothes at the same time? Or eating shellfish? Or, for that matter, homosexuality? To understand you have to put it in historical context. It could be there were issues at the time that made these thing a good idea, but things may be different today.

I also understand that just because something didn't happen doesn't mean the stories aren't true. Meaning the stories contain truths that may help people to live a better life.

What I said about lacking the educational background refers to the ones that don't understand what a scientific theory is. How can I make any kind of point when the meaning of the words I use is called into question?

Lastly, using the quote button makes it easier for others to read and understand.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
its ok I do understand what scientific Theory is, rofl rofl rofl You know this is really kind of fun.
anyway, I think that the problem is that the Scientific theory goes completely on what they take it to literally mean when in reality its not completely literal but something else, Gods Kingdom is here, it did come when Jesus returned, it freed us from the law, God sacrificed his Son so that our rubbish could be forgiven.
God released us from death, we are no longer bound. it is all there if you read it all, and then cross reference it, it is very simple, God doesnt just talk in the literal form it is more like a fairytale, so that simple minds like mine can grasp it easily, it doesnt take rocket science to see that we are not waiting for the miracle to happen, it did happen when he told us it would.

sanelunasea's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:20 AM
Skipping past the pages of people trying to prove others right or wrong and going back to the OP...

No, I have never read the Bible (any version) cover to cover, nor have I physically opened one up in many years. It's much too cumbersome and as demonstrated here leaves too much open for debate. Sure there are a couple of good parts, but I prefer the much more portable Tao Te Ching, and Dhammapada.

I did however see at the bookstores when I was in Hawaii an book titled "Da Jesus Book" It was the bible translated into pidgin. I thought it was quite entertaining.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:41 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Oh my gosh, yes I do lack the educational background to understand what you are saying, what
However i do have quiet an extensive knowledge of the Bible, not because I have had formal training, but because i have lived a life with Jesus and God as my guidepost.
I have little knowledge of churches or religion, however I did attend a few churches but found that with all their teachings they had torn the bible apart and wandered off the true meaning of Gods word. some places picked a specific part of the bible to focus on but missed others, and so many people where hypocrites. Very few people lived a life where they genuinly cared for others, most people talked about others peoples failings others focused so much on finances that i could hardly see god through it.

So I decided that was a God I wasnt interested in and read through the bible myself, i have a very old bible that is hundres of years old, I have the hebrew translations as well to cross reference andything that I am not sure of, I have the amplified , the king james, and many others as i love seeing what each version has been translated to mean, then I look at what is actually been said,

I am not interested in haveing to work out if the bible is fact or not, I am interested in knowing god, so I loved to see what he was saying and use it through my life, in how I treat others and what I do.

Nothing can ever change my belief in Gods word, not because i dont have the understanding or educations to understand it, not because I am obtuse, but simply because Gods word is truth and I have a faith that wont be shaken, by anything.

So I do find what you say interesting, and i do enjoy reading your posts, but if you look closely at the scientific findings against evolution you will find that they are based on scientific facts as well.

I do respect your opinion but will never agree with it,

Do you believe in miracles or are they out now as well.

I'm not trying to change your faith. I'm simply pointing out that Jesus said things about the end of the world that didn't come to pass within the time frame he said. Does that mean everything he said is BS? No. The bible makes more sense if you acknowledge these inconsistencies.

In order to understand what the bible truly means, you must put the words in their historical context. This is what biblical scholarship is all about.

Why, for example, does the bible forbid wearing two different kinds fabrics of clothes at the same time? Or eating shellfish? Or, for that matter, homosexuality? To understand you have to put it in historical context. It could be there were issues at the time that made these thing a good idea, but things may be different today.

I also understand that just because something didn't happen doesn't mean the stories aren't true. Meaning the stories contain truths that may help people to live a better life.

What I said about lacking the educational background refers to the ones that don't understand what a scientific theory is. How can I make any kind of point when the meaning of the words I use is called into question?

Lastly, using the quote button makes it easier for others to read and understand.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
its ok I do understand what scientific Theory is, rofl rofl rofl You know this is really kind of fun.
anyway, I think that the problem is that the Scientific theory goes completely on what they take it to literally mean when in reality its not completely literal but something else, Gods Kingdom is here, it did come when Jesus returned, it freed us from the law, God sacrificed his Son so that our rubbish could be forgiven.
God released us from death, we are no longer bound. it is all there if you read it all, and then cross reference it, it is very simple, God doesnt just talk in the literal form it is more like a fairytale, so that simple minds like mine can grasp it easily, it doesnt take rocket science to see that we are not waiting for the miracle to happen, it did happen when he told us it would.

You always seems to phrase things so well. This is what I was thinking, but I know I could never have said it so well. Thanks. :smile:

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:38 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Oh my gosh, yes I do lack the educational background to understand what you are saying, what
However i do have quiet an extensive knowledge of the Bible, not because I have had formal training, but because i have lived a life with Jesus and God as my guidepost.
I have little knowledge of churches or religion, however I did attend a few churches but found that with all their teachings they had torn the bible apart and wandered off the true meaning of Gods word. some places picked a specific part of the bible to focus on but missed others, and so many people where hypocrites. Very few people lived a life where they genuinly cared for others, most people talked about others peoples failings others focused so much on finances that i could hardly see god through it.

So I decided that was a God I wasnt interested in and read through the bible myself, i have a very old bible that is hundres of years old, I have the hebrew translations as well to cross reference andything that I am not sure of, I have the amplified , the king james, and many others as i love seeing what each version has been translated to mean, then I look at what is actually been said,

I am not interested in haveing to work out if the bible is fact or not, I am interested in knowing god, so I loved to see what he was saying and use it through my life, in how I treat others and what I do.

Nothing can ever change my belief in Gods word, not because i dont have the understanding or educations to understand it, not because I am obtuse, but simply because Gods word is truth and I have a faith that wont be shaken, by anything.

So I do find what you say interesting, and i do enjoy reading your posts, but if you look closely at the scientific findings against evolution you will find that they are based on scientific facts as well.

I do respect your opinion but will never agree with it,

Do you believe in miracles or are they out now as well.

I'm not trying to change your faith. I'm simply pointing out that Jesus said things about the end of the world that didn't come to pass within the time frame he said. Does that mean everything he said is BS? No. The bible makes more sense if you acknowledge these inconsistencies.

In order to understand what the bible truly means, you must put the words in their historical context. This is what biblical scholarship is all about.

Why, for example, does the bible forbid wearing two different kinds fabrics of clothes at the same time? Or eating shellfish? Or, for that matter, homosexuality? To understand you have to put it in historical context. It could be there were issues at the time that made these thing a good idea, but things may be different today.

I also understand that just because something didn't happen doesn't mean the stories aren't true. Meaning the stories contain truths that may help people to live a better life.

What I said about lacking the educational background refers to the ones that don't understand what a scientific theory is. How can I make any kind of point when the meaning of the words I use is called into question?

Lastly, using the quote button makes it easier for others to read and understand.

Astounding! You know as much about Christianity as I know about evolution!

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:45 AM

Alright, lets get the semantics out of the way.

I didn't sign on to teach a class on evolution. You guys are either lack the educational background (this is not an insult) to understand what I'm talking about or you are being deliberately obtuse.

If any of you are truly interested in learning why evolution is the best game in town you can watch a series of videos called "Growing Up in the Universe." You can find them free on you tube.

I have always been the type of person that accepts nothing at face value. I question everything and look at the opposite point of view before deciding which side I land on.

I didn't believe evolution in the beginning either. But, the more I learned about it the harder it was for me to deny it.

I am a seeker of truth. I want to understand the truth even if it means everything I thought I knew is wrong. I am hunger for knowledge. You may find the videos above dull, but I LOVED watching them. I'd rather watch that kind of thing than anything else I can think of.

Besides I have no reason to watch a video about the theory of turtles and evolution.

If you can convince me that my earliest ancestor is a ball of mud, maybe I'll watch.

Until then, I'll skip the evolutionary guesswork and stick with the facts :wink:

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:42 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/28/11 07:44 AM
I guess the next step is if I post a topic about reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas, TexasScoundrel will get upset because how can a children's book "taint" the minds of children by having them believe that Christmas is "a little something more."

TexasScoundrel - what was the original post?
"Anyone read the Bible? I read it every day and it helps me out a lot."

So, I'm not the scholar that you are, but I believe the correct answer is either, "Yes, I read the Bible," or "No, I do not read the Bible."

Keep your love of turtles out of this topic.

P.S. Did you ever think Darwin spent all of his time on the Galapagos Islands because he didn't get with the program?

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 03/28/11 09:44 AM

Skipping past the pages of people trying to prove others right or wrong and going back to the OP...

No, I have never read the Bible (any version) cover to cover, nor have I physically opened one up in many years. It's much too cumbersome and as demonstrated here leaves too much open for debate. Sure there are a couple of good parts, but I prefer the much more portable Tao Te Ching, and Dhammapada.

I did however see at the bookstores when I was in Hawaii an book titled "Da Jesus Book" It was the bible translated into pidgin. I thought it was quite entertaining.

Da Jesus Book?! That would be hysterical to see!

And I agree with you on the Tao Te Ching and the Dhammapada. I enjoy them far more

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:22 AM
Both books are good, but the Bible is way better and cooler.

cnh2123's photo
Wed 03/30/11 12:17 AM
Guy's don't y'all get this?
"God is a comedian playing to an audience that is afraid to laugh."

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 03/30/11 08:39 AM

Both books are good, but the Bible is way better and cooler.

Again, a matter of personal opinion.

ShyBrad's photo
Wed 03/30/11 08:52 AM
Back to the original question, I have read the bible. I am pretty sure I have read it all, though not cover to cover. I have been caught up in all the "conspiracies" about the bible since The Da Vinci Code came out. There are things about the bible I just dont understand: ie certain contradictions. However, I will say that when I have messed up in life, God, the bible, church, etc. were not a big (if any) part of my life then. So, for me personally, I need to read it more.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:01 AM
ShyBrad, THANK YOU for that comment. It is awesome!

Although I read it every day, I wish I could gain more wisdom from the book to help others, but God gives me what I need for the day.

As for the misunderstanding and contradictions you state, what don't you understand and what is contradictory?

ShyBrad's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:08 AM

ShyBrad, THANK YOU for that comment. It is awesome!

Although I read it every day, I wish I could gain more wisdom from the book to help others, but God gives me what I need for the day.

As for the misunderstanding and contradictions you state, what don't you understand and what is contradictory?

There are just certain stories from the O.T. that repeat themselves a little differently. Example is the 2 creation stories. The 2 stories of the Flood and Noah's ark. There are other ones I cant remember now. They do not take away from the meaning of the bible to me, it just adds some confusion/mystery to it. Though I guess if we understood everything we would not need the bible or a God...or whatever name we give to God.think

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:10 AM
Speaking of Noah's Ark, did you know that on Mt. Ararat, the landing place of the Ark (Genesis 8:3), they found acacia-shaped wood that is curved in the shape of a boat. And what wood was Noah's Ark made out of? You guessed it, acacia wood.

ShyBrad's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:14 AM
Ive seen pics of that, yes. There is a lot of archeaology (no clue how to spell it!!) that confirms things that have been talked about in the bible.

TORMENTO's photo
Fri 04/01/11 06:30 AM
la BIBBIA e la parola di DIO in assoluto!!!!

mylifetoday's photo
Sun 04/03/11 03:23 AM

ShyBrad, THANK YOU for that comment. It is awesome!

Although I read it every day, I wish I could gain more wisdom from the book to help others, but God gives me what I need for the day.

As for the misunderstanding and contradictions you state, what don't you understand and what is contradictory?

There are just certain stories from the O.T. that repeat themselves a little differently. Example is the 2 creation stories. The 2 stories of the Flood and Noah's ark. There are other ones I cant remember now. They do not take away from the meaning of the bible to me, it just adds some confusion/mystery to it. Though I guess if we understood everything we would not need the bible or a God...or whatever name we give to God.think

I remember hearing about why there are multiple stories. It has to do with the way stories were passed down. Up until the Bible was actually written on paper, all the stories had to be passed down by word of mouth. The earliest stories were passed down from generation to generation through story telling. These people were revered for their knowledge of the times. The reason for the redundant stories was to emphasis the points. Tell the same story in different ways to help in retention and understanding of the story.

sanelunasea's photo
Sun 04/03/11 09:48 PM
Don't get me wrong, there is certainly some good stuff in "the good book,"
but I think this pic pretty much sums up everything that is wrong with it.
It certainly seems to create much more division, than it does unity.

sanelunasea's photo
Sun 04/03/11 09:54 PM
Edited by sanelunasea on Sun 04/03/11 10:12 PM

Da Jesus Book?! That would be hysterical to see!

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