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Topic: Keys to a Good Relationship
freakyshiki2009's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:10 PM
Men and women are equal, and yet different. The problem lies when men try to do women things, and women try to do men things.

So, here is the deal. If you are a woman, you should cook, clean, and handle things in the bedroom. If you are a man, you should provide for your woman.

That's it.

After all, they don't call me Big Sexy for nuttin'.

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:13 PM
That only works if you have a universal agreement on what constitutes "men things" and "women things." Good luck with that. Your formulation might have gone over OK in the 1800s but we've allegedly advanced a little since then.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:16 PM
(shaking and scratching head in mass confusion)indifferent

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:16 PM
My ex made four times as much as I did. I thrived on doing the cooking and cleaning. And that was with a full work week. I paid my own way and never asked for a thing, but that's just me.

I do agree with Lexdrinker

freakyshiki2009's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:18 PM
I have to disagree here, although I respect your opinion, and the beautiful thing about a blog is we can agree to disagree.

Women from my experience want a man to be a man. They want to feel taken care of. In fact, when a man does not work, for example, to a woman, he seems to be less of a man. Now, if he is trying to get a job, that is one thing, but if he does not want to even look for a job, he is not a man, in the eyes of many women.

Similarly, there are women so focused on their careers, they forget what it is like to be a hot, steamy, sweaty woman.

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:41 PM

I have to disagree here, although I respect your opinion, and the beautiful thing about a blog is we can agree to disagree.

Women from my experience want a man to be a man. They want to feel taken care of. In fact, when a man does not work, for example, to a woman, he seems to be less of a man. Now, if he is trying to get a job, that is one thing, but if he does not want to even look for a job, he is not a man, in the eyes of many women.

Similarly, there are women so focused on their careers, they forget what it is like to be a hot, steamy, sweaty woman.

You're talking about a stereotype, and it's true that there are some women who seem to want that sort of man. Generally speaking, a stereotype doesn't last long enough to BECOME a stereotype unless there's at least a perceptible grain of truth in there somewhere.

On the other hand, my own experience has been radically different. From what I've seen personally, women don't want a man to be a man -- they want a mindless puppet whose only job is to let her do all his thinking for him.

Now that doesn't mesh well with my own idea of what a "man" is supposed to be. But other people have had other experiences.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 03/10/11 03:30 PM
After all, they don't call me Big Sexy for nuttin'.

I think you best take into consideration that they
ARE calling you Big Sexy for 'nuttin'.

Mayhem_J's photo
Thu 03/10/11 03:48 PM
Damnit woman go make me a sammich!!

fireflysgirl's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:13 PM

I have to disagree here, although I respect your opinion, and the beautiful thing about a blog is we can agree to disagree.

Women from my experience want a man to be a man. They want to feel taken care of. In fact, when a man does not work, for example, to a woman, he seems to be less of a man. Now, if he is trying to get a job, that is one thing, but if he does not want to even look for a job, he is not a man, in the eyes of many women.

Similarly, there are women so focused on their careers, they forget what it is like to be a hot, steamy, sweaty woman.

You're talking about a stereotype, and it's true that there are some women who seem to want that sort of man. Generally speaking, a stereotype doesn't last long enough to BECOME a stereotype unless there's at least a perceptible grain of truth in there somewhere.

On the other hand, my own experience has been radically different. From what I've seen personally, women don't want a man to be a man -- they want a mindless puppet whose only job is to let her do all his thinking for him.

Now that doesn't mesh well with my own idea of what a "man" is supposed to be. But other people have had other experiences.

Yes, many women are this way, BUT many men want a woman to take care of everything & that is really annoying! Also, leave me at home with nothing but housework and cooking to do & see if I don't go batchit crazy without more mental stimulation than that!

I think both sexes want to feel taken care of! I want someone that can meet me halfway on things. My ex did most of the house chores when we were together and I took care of bills & most vehicle maintenance...not your typical roles there.

fireflysgirl's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:13 PM
Edited by fireflysgirl on Thu 03/10/11 04:37 PM
dang double post!!!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:52 AM
Love the feedback, but the truth remains that if you ask most men what they want, they want a woman who knows how to cook, cl;ean, and take of things in the bedroom.

Also, if you ask most women what they want, they want to be taken care of by their man (as women are naturally gentle and delicate).

As always, we can agree to disagree.

Have a Shik-tastic day!

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:55 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Fri 03/11/11 08:56 AM

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:46 AM

Love the feedback, but the truth remains that if you ask most men what they want, they want a woman who knows how to cook, cl;ean, and take of things in the bedroom.
Also, if you ask most women what they want, they want to be taken care of by their man (as women are naturally gentle and delicate).
As always, we can agree to disagree.
Have a Shik-tastic day!

i am not most men, and since you asked, here's how it goes...
i want a woman who knows how to cook, clean, and take care of my thing in the bedroom, as long as she brings me a beer first bigsmile

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:49 AM
UPDATE: Men want a woman who knows how to cook, clean, take care of things in the bedroom, and bring beer.

Forgot about that one. Thanks.

hiddenmeaning's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:20 AM
ah ha i am a man and i love to do the cooking and i love helping round the house cus it gets you more browny points later on.

in the end every woman i have been with has been different.
one liked to stay at home
one liked to do her own thing (nothing at all if im honest)
and the last one wants to work till we have kids then its all down to me even though i would hapilt look after the kids.

so what im saying to the OP is that you have hit on a strong steriotype thats no longer right at all.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:23 AM
You write:

"I love to do the cooking and I love helping round the house."

You should watch some Clint Eastwood movies. Also, have you thought about eating some red meat?


hiddenmeaning's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:06 AM

You write:

"I love to do the cooking and I love helping round the house."

You should watch some Clint Eastwood movies. Also, have you thought about eating some red meat?


one i prefer chuck norris films as he is a man not a actor
secondly i can cook cus i was a chef in a 3 star resturant for 3 years so if i dont like cooking then im in trouble.
lastly i take it you have your stake well done as it requires less chewing for you, i on the other hand have not had a meal in 13 years that hasnt had meat in it and my stakes are always cooked blue so if your implying eating more meat makes you more man, im a alpha male.

by the sound of things you have had your mother look after you too much when you was growing up and now because you have dificulty washing and ironing you have to find a woman to make a slave/mother figure.
i have a 2 year old daughter and i love stoping in and having a daddy daughter days with her. does that mean im doing a womans task when doing that as well? If so where did you get you views from as obviously your father figure neglected to raise you or he was i hypocrit.

i hope i havent used confusing words for you ;P

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:10 AM
OK, let's take it easy here. I'm not putting down stay-at-home dads, as that is a very noble profession. But, when you write, "I love to do the cooking and I love helping round the house," it does sound a bit foofy.

When you factor in the number of fathers who walk out on their families today, it is honorable to be a great dad, which I am sure you are.

No hard feelings, OK?

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:15 AM
Sounds to me like the grip on reality has been lost...

You cannot stereotype people... Some men like to cook, some don't, some women like to cook some don't..

I will tell you that I'll be damned if it's going to be expected of me.. I will do it b/c I want to do it NOT b/c a man expects it... That kind of man won't last 5 min in my life...

hiddenmeaning's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:17 AM

OK, let's take it easy here. I'm not putting down stay-at-home dads, as that is a very noble profession. But, when you write, "I love to do the cooking and I love helping round the house," it does sound a bit foofy.

When you factor in the number of fathers who walk out on their families today, it is honorable to be a great dad, which I am sure you are.

No hard feelings, OK?

it was the meat thing that got me lol not the fater thing my house mate think its funny i eat stake on its own most the tyme lol.
as tho the stay at home fater thing its nice i will admit and yesit is still seen as houswork is "womens work" but i grew up in a hosehold where this was aceptable and so i picked up the slack because my father didnt help out so thats why my views are like how they are.

and i wasnt havin a go i was just pointing out some things sutch as not everything is how it seems thats all.


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