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Topic: Why dont people actually try to get to know me?
Kyusoke's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:47 PM
You know what I really dont understand is, that before they even get to know me, most ladies just delete what I sent them or completely ignore me, I mean am I ugly or something? Do you not like what you read? Do I scare you? I'm honestly a nice should get to know me first before you judge really hurts me that people dont try to get to know me first, and base me off of looks, or what I like to do...its so stupid..

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:55 PM
Its probably not your looks. Maybe its distance. I know i want to find someone that lives near me so that its at least a good possibility of meeting. just keep in mind the old saying Different strokes for different folks.

Kyusoke's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:59 PM
Well its not the distance, well i mean i realize im new and all so yea, but i have been trying to just have a nice conversation with other ladies in my area and they just ignore me all together

soufiehere's photo
Wed 02/23/11 04:06 PM
Don't take it so personally.
Think more in terms of..networking
to find people.
Allow people time to get to
know you in the forums.
Enjoy the journey a little :-)

Kyusoke's photo
Wed 02/23/11 04:39 PM
Thank you :)

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 02/23/11 04:43 PM
Gee I don't know.

I've been on here since 4:30 myself and have been wondering the same thing.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 02/23/11 04:55 PM

Gee I don't know.
I've been on here since 4:30 myself
and have been wondering the same thing.

4:43, how'd I do?

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:17 PM

Gee I don't know.
I've been on here since 4:30 myself
and have been wondering the same thing.

4:43, how'd I do?

Pretty good, 10:24

no photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:21 PM
You're killing this guy! Show some heart!

Kyusoke's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:22 PM
Its all good lol :)

newarkjw's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:29 PM

Well its not the distance, well i mean i realize im new and all so yea, but i have been trying to just have a nice conversation with other ladies in my area and they just ignore me all together

Did you ever think of getting a purple suit and a cool hat with a feather or some chit. That would get the ladies attention for shore........smokin

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:31 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 02/23/11 05:33 PM
you havent been here that long yet, give it more time and if you are reading the profiles of those you contact to make sure there is a common interest,, you shouldnt have a problem

some people find it easier to give an answer by not answering when someone is clearly not much of a match,,,,it at least gives the opportunity to imagine they didnt receive the message or to just move on to the next without having to read any personal rejection

I am guilty of that myself, as I am at a point that I really would have little to 'chat' about with someone near my sons age (late teens/twenties), but I put that in my profile to make it clearer

I wouldnt take that personal at all,, too many potential matches here to slow ya down,,just keep on to the next,,,good luck

no photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:33 PM
Did you ever think of getting a purple suit and a cool hat with a feather or some chit. That would get the ladies attention for shore
Aw, c"mon. Now you're just being mean.

omgazombie's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:33 PM
I get the opposite vibe man. Most people reply and start chatting, even had a couple that wanted to meet up.. and then BAM. They just stop talking out of nowhere. I gotta stop saying random **** like, "Yeah, lets meet up, I'ma be wearing daisy dukes and a black trench coat." I think it freaks them out.

no photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:34 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Wed 02/23/11 05:35 PM
it's personal, i get shot down in flames all the time. i mean daily. but i refuse to give these wonderful ladies the satisfaction of knowing they made me cry, so i keep posting. eventually one of them will get fed up with reading my whiney posts that she will take the grenade for the team. time is on my side

btw, it's attitude bro, whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays, just keep posting

smith31s's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:37 PM
It isn't always personal, just keep trying :) I am sure you will find what you are looking for :)

newarkjw's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:44 PM

Did you ever think of getting a purple suit and a cool hat with a feather or some chit. That would get the ladies attention for shore
Aw, c"mon. Now you're just being mean.

Not really. I wish I had one. I would go to the Kentucky Derby in style.........smokin

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:45 PM

Well its not the distance, well i mean i realize im new and all so yea, but i have been trying to just have a nice conversation with other ladies in my area and they just ignore me all together

Did you ever think of getting a purple suit and a cool hat with a feather or some chit. That would get the ladies attention for shore........smokin

And maybe a big clock on a chain around your neck?

Kyusoke's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:49 PM
Lol really? Thanks everyone lol

newarkjw's photo
Wed 02/23/11 05:50 PM

Well its not the distance, well i mean i realize im new and all so yea, but i have been trying to just have a nice conversation with other ladies in my area and they just ignore me all together

Did you ever think of getting a purple suit and a cool hat with a feather or some chit. That would get the ladies attention for shore........smokin

And maybe a big clock on a chain around your neck?

Good call. Chicks love to know what time it is.........smokin

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