Topic: Military and Life | |
This is the long version.
I am the Infantry — Queen of Battle! For two centuries I have kept our Nation safe, purchasing freedom with my blood. To tyrants, I am the day of reckoning; to the suppressed, the hope for the future. Where the fighting is thick, there am I…I am the Infantry! FOLLOW ME! I was there from the beginning, meeting the enemy face to face, will to will. My bleeding feet stained the snow at Valley Forge; my frozen hands pulled Washington across the Delaware. At Yorktown, the sunlight glinted from the sword and I, begrimed and battered…saw a Nation born. Hardship...and glory I have known. At New Orleans, I fought beyond the hostile hour, showed the fury of my long rifle…and came of age. I am the Infantry. I was with Scott at Vera Cruz…hunted the guerrilla in the mountain passes…and scaled the high plateau. The fighting was done when I ended my march of many miles from the old Alamo. From Bull Run to Appomattox, I fought and bled. Both Blue and Grey were my colors then. Two masters I served and united them strong…proved that this nation could right a wrong…and long endure. I am the Infantry! FOLLOW ME! I led the charge up San Juan Hill…scaled the walls of old Tienstin…and stalked the Moro in the steaming jungle still…always the vanguard. I am the Infantry! At Chateau-Thierry, first over the top, then I stood like a rock on the Marne. It was I who cracked the Hindenburg Line…in the Argonne, I broke the Kaiser's spine…and didn't come back 'till it was "over, over there." I am the Infantry! FOLLOW ME! A generation older at Bataan, I briefly bowed, but then I vowed to return. Assaulted the African shore…learned my lesson the hard way in the desert sands…pressed my buttons into the beach at Anzio…and bounced into Rome with determination and resolve. I am the Infantry! The English channel, stout beach defenses and the hedgerows could not hold me…I broke out at St. Lo, unbent the Bulge…vaulted teh Rhine…and swarmed the Heartland. Hitler's dream and the Third Reich were dead. In the Pacific, from island to island I hopped…hit the beaches and chopped through swamp and jungle…I set the Rising Sun. I am the Infantry! In Korea, I gathered my strength around Pusan…swept across the frozen Han…outflanked the Reds at Inchon…and marched to the Yalu. FOLLOW ME! Around the world, I stand…ever forward. Over Lebanon's sands, my rifle steady aimed…and calm returned. At Berlin's gate, I scorned the Wall of Shame. I am the Infantry! My bayonet…on the wings of power…keeps the peace worldwide. And despots, falsely garbed in freedom's mantle, falter…hide. My ally in the paddies and the forest…I teach, I aid, I lead. FOLLOW ME! Where brave men fight…there fight I. In freedom's cause…I die. From Concord Bridge to Heartbreak Ridge, from the Arctic to the Mekong…the Queen of Battle! Always ready…then, now and forever. I am the Infantry! FOLLOW ME! |
go navy!
Edited by
Thu 12/23/10 06:10 PM
Thanks to those who have served.
Someone I am close to is in Iraq now. He's in the Navy. He was hurt, but is doing better. Can't wait for him to come home. |
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my service men and women who are in harm's way doing what they need to do. I hope that very soon everyone will get what they desire and come home soon!!!!!!!! |
Here here. Cheers
Thank you bro's&sister's for keeping our country safe my father was in WWII i miss him so nice post kool
im canadian forces, never been overseas, and everyone outside the military always jokes about you guys thinking your tough guys and Canada has an army?
Inside the military it is totally diffrent, USA boys are very very brave and believe in the cause that is world peace. My grandfather was a marine in the pacific, my other grandfather was a Canadian pilot. I see people writing quotes from the bible and things of that sort so i thought i would share mine. people ask me and i think about it often. Am i scared to die. "Yes I am terrified of dying. So is every single other person. We look calm and ready on the surface, so you dont have to." |
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Pray!
Recruits: [chanting] This is my rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen. |
Thanks to everyone who ever served in the military! |
I served in the US Air Force for 3 years was deployed to Quwait not long only 4 months served most of my 3 years in Guam was good fun enjoyed it a lot some things I miss other things not so much.
I am glad to have experienced it I learned a lot, if I ever decide to go military again I plan on the French Foreign Legion lol. But right now I am enjoying civi life traveling the world on my own and chasing my life dreams |
Army here, 1972-74 Nam Airborne Ft. Bragg Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
Nice to see all that have served our country.
wow mikey, that is awesome. good job and thank you so very much