Topic: Do you think that.... - part 2 | |
Edited by
Sun 01/23/11 04:23 PM
"Atheism = there is no God
Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. |
"Atheism = there is no God Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others Not true. To say that so and so is incorrect is then saying what you believe is correct. As in if a Wiccan is talking to a Christian and tells them that Christianity is false, that person then is saying Wicca is right. If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. |
Edited by
Sun 01/23/11 05:23 PM
"Atheism = there is no God Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others Not true. To say that so and so is incorrect is then saying what you believe is correct. As in if a Wiccan is talking to a Christian and tells them that Christianity is false, that person then is saying Wicca is right. If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. A Wicca nor a Buddhist will ever tell someone their faith is false but a Christian and Muslim will. Making your defense untrue? |
If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. No, that's not true at all. Wicca and Buddhism both teach that their are many paths to heaven. In fact that was the core principle behind Mahayana Buddhism. The very term "Mahayana" means "Great Vehicle". What they did was try to capture the essence of all paths and they taught what a person must to in order to satisfy all paths. And guess what they taught? Basically the same things that Jesus taught. Love others as you love yourself. Do unto others as you would do for yourself. Don't judge others. Forgive and forget, don't hold grudges. What you do to anyone, you do to yourself. And so on, None of this stuff originated with Jesus. It's common to almost all religions and spiritual philosophies. Except perhaps the Torah! It was the Torah that taught people to judge others and stone people to death for their actions and/or beliefs. It was the Torah that taught people to seek revenge as in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, etc. The things that Jesus taught were the spiritual values of Mahayana Buddhism, not the values of the Torah. Jesus was teaching values that were taught long before he was ever born. |
A wiccan that reads the bible with the 'eye' of reason will find much of 'wicca' buried within it.
Truths can be found in all religions. One must first let the winds remove the chaff. |
there are several paths to florida from nevada
however, there are also several that(if you refuse to deviate from them) will NEVER get you to nevada its the path and not the intent(or its label) that determines our destination,, ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/23/11 07:50 PM
A wiccan that reads the bible with the 'eye' of reason will find much of 'wicca' buried within it. Truths can be found in all religions. One must first let the winds remove the chaff. This right here, there is truth in every religion. The problem starts when you say one has ALL the truth, in effect limiting the Creator to be anywhere else but. And if God is truly an unlimited being he cannot be limited in such a way. |
"Atheism = there is no God Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others Not true. To say that so and so is incorrect is then saying what you believe is correct. As in if a Wiccan is talking to a Christian and tells them that Christianity is false, that person then is saying Wicca is right. If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. A Wicca nor a Buddhist will ever tell someone their faith is false but a Christian and Muslim will. Making your defense untrue? No you didn't make my defense untrue. Abra is a Wiccan if I'm correct, and he continuously tries to downgrade Christianity. He continuously tries to make it out to be false. So your statement can not be true, just by evidence in this forum. *Not meaning to point directly at Abra, not saying bad things about his beliefs. Just merely using an example to show evidence of what i'm saying* |
If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. No, that's not true at all. Wicca and Buddhism both teach that their are many paths to heaven. In fact that was the core principle behind Mahayana Buddhism. The very term "Mahayana" means "Great Vehicle". What they did was try to capture the essence of all paths and they taught what a person must to in order to satisfy all paths. And guess what they taught? Basically the same things that Jesus taught. Love others as you love yourself. Do unto others as you would do for yourself. Don't judge others. Forgive and forget, don't hold grudges. What you do to anyone, you do to yourself. And so on, None of this stuff originated with Jesus. It's common to almost all religions and spiritual philosophies. Except perhaps the Torah! It was the Torah that taught people to judge others and stone people to death for their actions and/or beliefs. It was the Torah that taught people to seek revenge as in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, etc. The things that Jesus taught were the spiritual values of Mahayana Buddhism, not the values of the Torah. Jesus was teaching values that were taught long before he was ever born. Christianity isn't all about "molding" people into good, nice, honest people. It is about praising and living for our father. It's not about the "morals" taught. It's about uplifting our father in everything we do and being obedient. And no the Torah didn't teach to seek "revenge". The Torah taught about judging someone. Is it called seeking "revenge" when the judge throws someone in jail or prison for a crime they did? No it's legitimate punishment for a crime they did. |
Cowboy wrote:
No you didn't make my defense untrue. Abra is a Wiccan if I'm correct, and he continuously tries to downgrade Christianity. He continuously tries to make it out to be false. So your statement can not be true, just by evidence in this forum. *Not meaning to point directly at Abra, not saying bad things about his beliefs. Just merely using an example to show evidence of what i'm saying* First off, I don't claim to be a Wiccan. Secondly your wrong that I continually try to downgrade Christianity. That's a false assumption on your part. It only appears that way because you are a Bible Thumper trying to PUSH the religion onto everyone. All I do is react to your SALES PITCHES and explain to you why I'm not buying your Snake Oil. I've tried to simply explain to you why I don't believe it. That should be sufficient right there. You should simply accept that I have legitimate reasons for rejecting the religion of the ancient Hebrews, the authors of the New Testament, and modern Christianity, especially from any Protestants. But, no, you refuse to respect that, you keep coming back arguing that you know it's true, blah, blah, blah. And that anyone who rejects it is simply not listening to God and thus it's entirely their fault and they are guilty of rejecting God and that God is totally justified in casting them asides as no better than dirt. That's your philosophy that you continually Ram down the throats of all non-believers of your religion. And then you have the audacity to claim that they are the one who is doing the "Degrading"? Sorry Cowboy, but as long as you continually accuse people of rejecting God simply because they don't believe in a truly unreliable collection of Hebrew myths and Christian rumors, then you'll get all of that shoved right back in your face with no mercy and no apologies. Have I ever told you that you are "turning away from God" if you refuse to believe in some other religion? Have I even suggested that you are turning away from God for believing in the Biblical Picture? I'm absolutely certain that I haven't. I don't even accuse atheists of "turning away from God". If you want to believe in the biblical picture for yourself then more power to you! ![]() In fact, if you want to share your love of the religion in terms of pure faith on your part, I'll even embrace that! You can tell me how much you love Jesus for having died for your sins. You can tell me that Your God, or Your heavenly Father does not what you to engage in homosexuality. That's fine. I'll embrace all of that and give you my most sincere support in your religion. And I would certainly hope that you would treat me, and my spiritual beliefs, in the same way. If I'm a Wiccan, appreciate my "Motherly Moon Goddess", if I'm a Buddha, appreciate that I believe in the abstract mystical concepts of that faith, if I'm an atheist, then respect the fact that I don't believe that there is any such thing as a "God". Only then can we live in peace. As long as you continually accuse everyone of turning away from God just because they don't believe in the Hebrew legends, then you're always going to be faced with opposition and people are going to be offering their reasons why they don't buy into those legends. The bottom line is that you are trying to Force your religion onto others by demanding that it's the "Only True Word of God" and that to reject your religion is the same as rejecting God. That's the nemesis of your religion. If you can somehow get past that, you could finally have religious peace in your life because you would no longer need to be "arguing" with non-believer. If they don't believe in your religion, that's fine. Just accept that and let it be. Trust in Your God Cowboy. If you honestly believe that non-believers of the biblical stories will indeed be rejected by your God, then isn't that how your God has designed things to be? If so, then why not just let people make their own choices, and if they are "rejected" by your God, then clearly that was indeed the righteous and just thing to happen, and there cannot be anything bad about that. For if there was something wrong with that, then your very God would be wrong in his methods! So Trust in Your God Cowboy. There's no need for evangelists, or any intervention on the part of mortal humans. If your God is truly righteous he he will never abandon a truly worthy soul. And those that he does abandon were truly unworthy. So what could you possibly do to change any of that? If your actions as mere mortal man caused a soul to be "saved" who would otherwise not be saved, then something would be grossly flawed in your God's methods. It's not important for you to shove the Bible down anyone's throat via any means whatsoever. You claim that you are merely a 'servant of God who is spreading his Word". Well, if that's true, then as soon as you encounter someone who tells you that they have already read that "word" and have rejected it as a being false myths. Then you're "Work" is done right then and there. Because they have already heard the gospel, and they have choose to not believe it. So if you continue to argue with them at that point, you are no longer merely "spreading the word" but instead you are trying hard to convince people that it's true. But did Jesus even teach his disciples to do that? No he didn't. Even according to the gospels Jesus taught his very own disciples to kick the dust form their feet and leave the presence of people who aren't interested in hearing it. So for you to stick around and argue endlessly trying to convince people that it's true, is not following the teachings of Jesus anyway. You're in defiance of your very own LORD when you do that. And to make matters worse, when these other people try hard to explain to you why they have totally dismissed the biblical stories at being nothing more that utterly absurd fables, rumors, and even potentially man-made propaganda to simply control people, then you become upset and accuse them of "bashing" your religion! But, in the end, all they are trying to do is simply explain to you why they are totally convinced the the Hebrew legends have no merit. And that's a perfectly legitimate and respectable stance to take. ![]() So if you want to believe in the Hebrew religion for yourself, then more power to you! ![]() I'm sure that everyone wishes you the very best. But if you're going to accuse all non-believers of "Choosing to reject God" then you're going to start World War III. And that's basically what the Jews and Muslims are about to do. And the Christians are supporting that whole mindset by supporting the same basic notion of a "Jealous God" who is attached to a specific doctrine. Either believe in this doctrine, or you are the enemy of God. You've used that same mindset by saying things like, "Your either on God's side, or on Satan's side" in some sort of imaginary Holy War. Or you say things like, "Your either part of the solution (i.e. a Christian), or you're part of the problem (i.e. a non-Christian) Because the religion is based on the concept of a Jealous God who has been attached to a strict doctrine, the religion has basically become a "War-mongering" religion. It basically comes down to this: Either worship our doctrine as the "Word of God" or consider yourself to be the "enemy of God". Thu the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran become the basis for WAR. Which doctrine is the TRUE word of "God". Will we need to nuke each other to find out who the victor will be, and then assume that whoever the victor is, their doctrine must be the TRUE word of God, because it survived the WAR. Where else can these kinds of "jealous God" religions lead? And what are atheists to do? Just sit by and get nuked by the religious zealots as "collateral damage"? Atheists, and all non-Abrahamic spiritualists have every right to object to these "jealous God" religions. Because they LIVE in this world TOO! |
Cowboy wrote:
Christianity isn't all about "molding" people into good, nice, honest people. It is about praising and living for our father. It's not about the "morals" taught. It's about uplifting our father in everything we do and being obedient. And no the Torah didn't teach to seek "revenge". The Torah taught about judging someone. Is it called seeking "revenge" when the judge throws someone in jail or prison for a crime they did? No it's legitimate punishment for a crime they did. I would disagree with what you say here. Christianity is not about "Praising and living for our creator". Christianity is nothing more than a demand that we worship "The Christian Bible" and acknowledge that "Cannon of Stories" as the "Word of God". That's entirely what it's about. Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Wicca? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specifically the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Eastern Mysticism? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specially the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through nature, either as a Pagan or perhaps as a Secular Scientist? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specially the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Judaism or Islam? No I can't. Sorry, WRONG BOOKS! Christianity is entirely about worshiping a particular religious doctrine as the "Word of God". You refuse to accept that I Praise our creator whilst simultaneously rejecting the ancient folklore and fables of the Hebrews. Christianity is nothing more than a demand that we believe and worship the ancient Hebrew folklore as the "Word of God". Nothing else is acceptable. It's entirely about worshiping a specific dogmatic religion. Period. Failure to conform to that ideal, is considered to be "rejection of God". And that's baloney, IMHO. |
Cowboy wrote:
No you didn't make my defense untrue. Abra is a Wiccan if I'm correct, and he continuously tries to downgrade Christianity. He continuously tries to make it out to be false. So your statement can not be true, just by evidence in this forum. *Not meaning to point directly at Abra, not saying bad things about his beliefs. Just merely using an example to show evidence of what i'm saying* First off, I don't claim to be a Wiccan. Secondly your wrong that I continually try to downgrade Christianity. That's a false assumption on your part. It only appears that way because you are a Bible Thumper trying to PUSH the religion onto everyone. All I do is react to your SALES PITCHES and explain to you why I'm not buying your Snake Oil. I've tried to simply explain to you why I don't believe it. That should be sufficient right there. You should simply accept that I have legitimate reasons for rejecting the religion of the ancient Hebrews, the authors of the New Testament, and modern Christianity, especially from any Protestants. But, no, you refuse to respect that, you keep coming back arguing that you know it's true, blah, blah, blah. And that anyone who rejects it is simply not listening to God and thus it's entirely their fault and they are guilty of rejecting God and that God is totally justified in casting them asides as no better than dirt. That's your philosophy that you continually Ram down the throats of all non-believers of your religion. And then you have the audacity to claim that they are the one who is doing the "Degrading"? Sorry Cowboy, but as long as you continually accuse people of rejecting God simply because they don't believe in a truly unreliable collection of Hebrew myths and Christian rumors, then you'll get all of that shoved right back in your face with no mercy and no apologies. Have I ever told you that you are "turning away from God" if you refuse to believe in some other religion? Have I even suggested that you are turning away from God for believing in the Biblical Picture? I'm absolutely certain that I haven't. I don't even accuse atheists of "turning away from God". If you want to believe in the biblical picture for yourself then more power to you! ![]() In fact, if you want to share your love of the religion in terms of pure faith on your part, I'll even embrace that! You can tell me how much you love Jesus for having died for your sins. You can tell me that Your God, or Your heavenly Father does not what you to engage in homosexuality. That's fine. I'll embrace all of that and give you my most sincere support in your religion. And I would certainly hope that you would treat me, and my spiritual beliefs, in the same way. If I'm a Wiccan, appreciate my "Motherly Moon Goddess", if I'm a Buddha, appreciate that I believe in the abstract mystical concepts of that faith, if I'm an atheist, then respect the fact that I don't believe that there is any such thing as a "God". Only then can we live in peace. As long as you continually accuse everyone of turning away from God just because they don't believe in the Hebrew legends, then you're always going to be faced with opposition and people are going to be offering their reasons why they don't buy into those legends. The bottom line is that you are trying to Force your religion onto others by demanding that it's the "Only True Word of God" and that to reject your religion is the same as rejecting God. That's the nemesis of your religion. If you can somehow get past that, you could finally have religious peace in your life because you would no longer need to be "arguing" with non-believer. If they don't believe in your religion, that's fine. Just accept that and let it be. Trust in Your God Cowboy. If you honestly believe that non-believers of the biblical stories will indeed be rejected by your God, then isn't that how your God has designed things to be? If so, then why not just let people make their own choices, and if they are "rejected" by your God, then clearly that was indeed the righteous and just thing to happen, and there cannot be anything bad about that. For if there was something wrong with that, then your very God would be wrong in his methods! So Trust in Your God Cowboy. There's no need for evangelists, or any intervention on the part of mortal humans. If your God is truly righteous he he will never abandon a truly worthy soul. And those that he does abandon were truly unworthy. So what could you possibly do to change any of that? If your actions as mere mortal man caused a soul to be "saved" who would otherwise not be saved, then something would be grossly flawed in your God's methods. It's not important for you to shove the Bible down anyone's throat via any means whatsoever. You claim that you are merely a 'servant of God who is spreading his Word". Well, if that's true, then as soon as you encounter someone who tells you that they have already read that "word" and have rejected it as a being false myths. Then you're "Work" is done right then and there. Because they have already heard the gospel, and they have choose to not believe it. So if you continue to argue with them at that point, you are no longer merely "spreading the word" but instead you are trying hard to convince people that it's true. But did Jesus even teach his disciples to do that? No he didn't. Even according to the gospels Jesus taught his very own disciples to kick the dust form their feet and leave the presence of people who aren't interested in hearing it. So for you to stick around and argue endlessly trying to convince people that it's true, is not following the teachings of Jesus anyway. You're in defiance of your very own LORD when you do that. And to make matters worse, when these other people try hard to explain to you why they have totally dismissed the biblical stories at being nothing more that utterly absurd fables, rumors, and even potentially man-made propaganda to simply control people, then you become upset and accuse them of "bashing" your religion! But, in the end, all they are trying to do is simply explain to you why they are totally convinced the the Hebrew legends have no merit. And that's a perfectly legitimate and respectable stance to take. ![]() So if you want to believe in the Hebrew religion for yourself, then more power to you! ![]() I'm sure that everyone wishes you the very best. But if you're going to accuse all non-believers of "Choosing to reject God" then you're going to start World War III. And that's basically what the Jews and Muslims are about to do. And the Christians are supporting that whole mindset by supporting the same basic notion of a "Jealous God" who is attached to a specific doctrine. Either believe in this doctrine, or you are the enemy of God. You've used that same mindset by saying things like, "Your either on God's side, or on Satan's side" in some sort of imaginary Holy War. Or you say things like, "Your either part of the solution (i.e. a Christian), or you're part of the problem (i.e. a non-Christian) Because the religion is based on the concept of a Jealous God who has been attached to a strict doctrine, the religion has basically become a "War-mongering" religion. It basically comes down to this: Either worship our doctrine as the "Word of God" or consider yourself to be the "enemy of God". Thu the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran become the basis for WAR. Which doctrine is the TRUE word of "God". Will we need to nuke each other to find out who the victor will be, and then assume that whoever the victor is, their doctrine must be the TRUE word of God, because it survived the WAR. Where else can these kinds of "jealous God" religions lead? And what are atheists to do? Just sit by and get nuked by the religious zealots as "collateral damage"? Atheists, and all non-Abrahamic spiritualists have every right to object to these "jealous God" religions. Because they LIVE in this world TOO! I'm not cramming anything down anyone's throat. Someone can not be "forced" to believe and or worship our father. Secondly your wrong that I continually try to downgrade Christianity. That's a false assumption on your part. It only appears that way because you are a Bible Thumper trying to PUSH the religion onto everyone. I'm not a "Bible thumper" nor am I pushing any religion on anyone. This is a "GENERAL" religion discussion, thus is where people come to discuss religions. So can you explain how I can tell you or anyone else about what God is all about without using some form of reference? Cause if I don't use some form of tangible reference it will just be called "hearsay rumors, how I see things, ect" For instance, if the discussion was to be about rocks. The speakers would then use books about rocks to discuss what they are talking about. Would they be considered "rock thumpers" then? More then likely not. So why is it Christians are accused of that when discussing religion? And you do continually downgrade Christianity. You may not say insults directly to the faith. But you try to dig up some form of problem with it. Which you have failed at thus far. You try to show what you think are "contradictions" which you then are shown they are not, ect ect. And so I ask you kindly, please tell me how when you say "In the Christian faith your god told you such and such". How am I to show something different without showing what our father has truly told us and or what it truly says in the bible about that specific discussion? I can sit here and tell you that it doesn't till I'm blue in the face and it would not change on inkling or show different until I quote a verse that shows differently. The term "Bible thumper" was only given to try to insult the person. It was ment to try to sway them away from doing as such. |
Cowboy wrote:
Christianity isn't all about "molding" people into good, nice, honest people. It is about praising and living for our father. It's not about the "morals" taught. It's about uplifting our father in everything we do and being obedient. And no the Torah didn't teach to seek "revenge". The Torah taught about judging someone. Is it called seeking "revenge" when the judge throws someone in jail or prison for a crime they did? No it's legitimate punishment for a crime they did. I would disagree with what you say here. Christianity is not about "Praising and living for our creator". Christianity is nothing more than a demand that we worship "The Christian Bible" and acknowledge that "Cannon of Stories" as the "Word of God". That's entirely what it's about. Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Wicca? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specifically the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Eastern Mysticism? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specially the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through nature, either as a Pagan or perhaps as a Secular Scientist? No I can't. That's not good enough for the Christians. The Christians can only be pacified if I accept the Hebrew legends of God, and specially the "New Testament Gospels". Can I pacify the "Christians" by Praising our creator through Judaism or Islam? No I can't. Sorry, WRONG BOOKS! Christianity is entirely about worshiping a particular religious doctrine as the "Word of God". You refuse to accept that I Praise our creator whilst simultaneously rejecting the ancient folklore and fables of the Hebrews. Christianity is nothing more than a demand that we believe and worship the ancient Hebrew folklore as the "Word of God". Nothing else is acceptable. It's entirely about worshiping a specific dogmatic religion. Period. Failure to conform to that ideal, is considered to be "rejection of God". And that's baloney, IMHO. There is no worshiping of any book. The book is merely the laws, the knowledge, and the history. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on. What is important though is what is written in the bible, but the bible itself is worthless, just another book. You refuse to accept that I Praise our creator whilst simultaneously rejecting the ancient folklore and fables of the Hebrews So you're saying your children could show you love by kissing/hugging someone else parents and telling them they love them as their parent? You would receive this gratitude even though they are telling that to someone else? |
Cowboy wrote:
I'm not a "Bible thumper" nor am I pushing any religion on anyone. This is a "GENERAL" religion discussion, thus is where people come to discuss religions. So can you explain how I can tell you or anyone else about what God is all about without using some form of reference? Cause if I don't use some form of tangible reference it will just be called "hearsay rumors, how I see things, ect" It not up to you to tell other people what God is. Where did you ever get that idea? From a book? ![]() You claim that you're not a "Bible Thumper", so let me ask you this? Would you accept my spiritual sincerity toward our creator whilst simultaneously rejecting the Bible? If so, then we're done and Christianity is unimportant. If not, then how can you claim to not be a "Bible Thumper"? Also you say: This is a "GENERAL" religion discussion, thus is where people come to discuss religions. That's right, and that should include discussions of why people don't believe in particular historical rumors and fables of gods. And you do continually downgrade Christianity. You may not say insults directly to the faith. But you try to dig up some form of problem with it. Which you have failed at thus far. You try to show what you think are "contradictions" which you then are shown they are not, ect ect. I don't see where taking an honest and sincere look at ancient fables can be considered as 'downgrading' a religion. We need to look at them objectively with an open mind and ask the hard questions if we are ever going to grow. And you do continually downgrade Christianity. You may not say insults directly to the faith. But you try to dig up some form of problem with it. Which you have failed at thus far. You try to show what you think are "contradictions" which you then are shown they are not, ect ect. Well, that's your opinion. I personally feel that I have indeed shown more than sufficient inconsistencies and contradictions to warrant the total dismissal of these fables as being anything more than the views of the Hebrews themselves. I've pointed out the fact that the Hebrews shot themselves in their own foot when they accused the Canaanites and Egyptians of rejecting God. The problem is that they also confessed that the Canaanites were sacrificing their babies to the Gods. Well, right there you have it. The Canaanites were clearly not rejecting God, on the the contrary the Canaanites were so deeply dedicated to pleasing God that they were sacrificing their own children to God. If that was wrong and God didn't want them to do that, then it would have been up to God to better communicate with the Canaanites. But clearly the Canaanites were trying they utmost to please God by sacrificing their very own children! The Egyptians were also extremely religious culture. They built grand monuments to their Gods and no culture in all of human history has ever built graves as large as the Egyptians to honor the spiritual afterlife. If anything the Egyptians were the most spiritually dedicated human culture that ever lived. The Hebrews were clearly just trying to claim that their religion is true whilst the religions of all other cultures is false. And now today in modern times here you are supporting that same mentality. Christianity is right, and all other religions are false and represent "rejection of God". It's nonsense. The Hebrews were just jerks is all, as far as I'm concerned. If there is any truth to any idea of spirituality it most likely lies within Eastern Mysticism. In fact, if it doesn't exist there then atheism is probably true. But these egotistical jealous religions of the Mediterranean region are clearly false can cannot be true as written in these fables. |
"Atheism = there is no God Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others Not true. To say that so and so is incorrect is then saying what you believe is correct. As in if a Wiccan is talking to a Christian and tells them that Christianity is false, that person then is saying Wicca is right. If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. A Wicca nor a Buddhist will ever tell someone their faith is false but a Christian and Muslim will. Making your defense untrue? No you didn't make my defense untrue. Abra is a Wiccan if I'm correct, and he continuously tries to downgrade Christianity. He continuously tries to make it out to be false. So your statement can not be true, just by evidence in this forum. *Not meaning to point directly at Abra, not saying bad things about his beliefs. Just merely using an example to show evidence of what i'm saying* Abra is not a Wiccan but even if he were the teachings of the religion state as one of their bylaws that no religion is wrong or reason not to practice Wicca. So if there is a Christian woman beater that makes all Christians abusors? |
Cowboy wrote:
So you're saying your children could show you love by kissing/hugging someone else parents and telling them they love them as their parent? You would receive this gratitude even though they are telling that to someone else? There are no "false Gods" to kiss and hug. Remember "false Gods" are gods that don't exist. Therefore if your children are attempting to worship their parent it can only be YOU! Assuming that you are indeed their parent and there are no other parents in existence. Your constant analogies with human situations can never apply to God because they never work. They are incorrect "analogies". There are no "false Gods", and therefore there could be no "false parents" either. |
If Christians would acknowledge that all religions are as right as theirs and all have the right to their beliefs they would get their feelings hurt less.
Instead they offend others by telling them they are misguided, ignorant and creepily still forced to be abused by the Christian god no matter what. |
"Atheism = there is no God Buddhism = The route to true spirituality Catholicism = The true way to worship God Wicca = The route to true spirituality So please stop your lying. They may not specifically state they are the "word" of God. But they do proclaim to be true and the only truth out there about spirituality." Cowboy wrote Not accurate list at all other than the atheism part. Buddhism in a roundabout way still believes in God Wicca is a lifestyle that empowers personal strength utilizing the powers of nature. Catholicism is a ritual style practice of worshiping the Christian Trinity. Wicca allows all other practices in their midst, respecting that the personal beliefs of all need to be respected. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others. Christianity and Islam are probably the only ones who claim to be right above all others Not true. To say that so and so is incorrect is then saying what you believe is correct. As in if a Wiccan is talking to a Christian and tells them that Christianity is false, that person then is saying Wicca is right. If one believes "A" is correct, they then are saying "B" is wrong. If route "A" will get you to heaven, the paradise, or anything else such as then they are saying "B" will not get you there. A Wicca nor a Buddhist will ever tell someone their faith is false but a Christian and Muslim will. Making your defense untrue? No you didn't make my defense untrue. Abra is a Wiccan if I'm correct, and he continuously tries to downgrade Christianity. He continuously tries to make it out to be false. So your statement can not be true, just by evidence in this forum. *Not meaning to point directly at Abra, not saying bad things about his beliefs. Just merely using an example to show evidence of what i'm saying* Abra is not a Wiccan but even if he were the teachings of the religion state as one of their bylaws that no religion is wrong or reason not to practice Wicca. So if there is a Christian woman beater that makes all Christians abusors? If one practices one particular religion they then are saying that all other religions are wrong. For there can not be two creators, two ways the world got created, ect. There can only be 1. So with that, which ever religious belief one holds they then are saying all others are not true. For if one didn't believe their faith was the right one, then why would they be practicing it? |
Cowboy wrote:
So you're saying your children could show you love by kissing/hugging someone else parents and telling them they love them as their parent? You would receive this gratitude even though they are telling that to someone else? There are no "false Gods" to kiss and hug. Remember "false Gods" are gods that don't exist. Therefore if your children are attempting to worship their parent it can only be YOU! Assuming that you are indeed their parent and there are no other parents in existence. Your constant analogies with human situations can never apply to God because they never work. They are incorrect "analogies". There are no "false Gods", and therefore there could be no "false parents" either. Sure there are. If one believes a bananna is blue, is that not a false thought? If one believes the sky is yellow, is that not a false thought? If one believes that so and so is their parent, but in reality they are not is that not then false? |
If Christians would acknowledge that all religions are as right as theirs and all have the right to their beliefs they would get their feelings hurt less. Instead they offend others by telling them they are misguided, ignorant and creepily still forced to be abused by the Christian god no matter what. But not all religions could be correct. Only ONE could be correct in the end of the day. If one religion tells you apples are not to be eaten for they are the golden fruit. And the other tells you to only eat apples, how then could they both be right? If one religion says the world was created this way but this religion says it was created that way, how then can they both be correct? You speak of religion as if it were just a belief system one wishes to believe in. Christianity is as real as you and I. God can be felt just as you can feel someone hugging you, God can be heard just as if you were talking to your neighbor. God is as real as you and I, God is as present as you and I. |