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Topic: Looking for successful men,
Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 01/13/11 07:58 PM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Thu 01/13/11 08:00 PM

Now Gwendolyn, you said you are a serious student of history?

History has always been a passion of mine. Now in American History the triangle Shirt Factory Fire was HUGE becasue women were chained by their ankles and forced to stay two weeks at a time chained to a sewing machine. Most of the women were Italian with a few Irish and a hand full of Jews tossed together. Even back then Jews were treated like second class people. The workers HAD to get permission to go to the bathroom. What history does not remember was that fire gave birth to the Italian mafia who forced money out of the owners eventually by force. the justice system back then did not do anything for poor people OR WOMEN. Back then there was no such thing as Rape laws. This was a major turning point in history when equality took a savage battering becasue of one little factory fire. Sadly this overshadowed the unfair treatment a lot of Chinese Migrants suffered here unjustly as well. They frankly were treated like total crap and worked HARD. Hell, black slaves were worth more than Chinese Workers! That also was the era of the Child Coal miners. That is a whole different story of abuse and exploitation.

These days people have things WAY too easy. Our whole social nature is ungodly complicated. It is a lot harder to find someone who is really and truly compatible in all ways rather than settling for and compromising for someone who is less than perfect but then again in settling for something less than perfect can be a case of going where fools even fear to tread. That hunky and charming broke man could also be a manipulative loser who relies on looks and manipulation to get through life on the backs of women. They are out there. If it looks good but serves no purpose then it is useless! That goes for men and women alike.

No I am not picking on you. If I was I could say things that would dig into your soul and really tear you up inside. That is not my way or style. I just love a good argument! Friends can still disagree!

No, you could not tell me things that would dig into my soul and tear up my insides.

I do not specialize in American history, but let remind you of the Victorian Era in England when one could not say "leg" in public because it was too sexual.

Yet in that period, there were more brothels in London than at any other time in history. Men of wealth and nobility loved little children, and the louder the children screamed, the more pleasure those noble men took from their experience.

Charles Dickens wrote a book called Hard Times, but he had to remove a scene where a girl's dress was caught by a piece of machinery and she was ground up by the machine. The scene was based on a real incident.

I do not believe in hell, but I sometimes wish there were one.

No, we don't have it "too" easy today. To say that means a wish to return to "simpler" days when men were men and women were women, eh? With all its faults, I vastly prefer the present; it is much too painful to be hanged or burned as a witch.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:23 PM
Marquis de Sade AKA Donatien Alphonse François,
Bloody Mary AKA Elizabeth Barthony

Jack the Ripper, Identity still unknown!

Queen Victoria who gave us Victorian Virtues,


Oh and I am forgetting the fact the English court back then was likewise full of screaming homosexuals who had a predisposition towards young boys in the Greek Traditions?

Come now, How can I forget some of histories greatest sex monsters?

Now that whole thing about Catherin the Great of Russia dying in bed because of having a horse dropped on her was Polish propaganda and a lie. Cathrin the Great may have been a slut but she was not into horses! She also was a very competent leader.

Would you like to get down and dirty, Greece offered some sexual history that was permissive of bestiality as well as other things. So did the Celts! I am into world history too.

It amazes me how Americans at least seem to forget that countries like China have 1000's of years of history where we have less than 300. That is what we get when we think we are a first world country, Big egos but some of us won't forget the past. And when we bug about repeating history people look at us like we are crazy.

And you do tend to get really charged in your answers. But the fact is that life is gradually becoming more convoluted unnecessarily. and which hunts still go on. You forget the McCarthy era of America. Now it is the War On Terror.

Honestly I would loath to regress to an era like Salem Mass. say Circa 1750. Witches got the Dunking Chair or the Drowning test! But likewise oppressed become the oppressors. History shows that repeatedly.

royalblue599's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:25 PM
whats the definition of a successful man to you. im 21 am i a man? i have a good career, and my own place. i live comfortably.

josie68's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:28 PM

whats the definition of a successful man to you. im 21 am i a man? i have a good career, and my own place. i live comfortably.

Hey there royal blue, I think if you are happy and confident in yourself then you are definately a successful man.

royalblue599's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:30 PM

whats the definition of a successful man to you. im 21 am i a man? i have a good career, and my own place. i live comfortably.

Hey there royal blue, I think if you are happy and confident in yourself then you are definately a successful man.
well im successful if that is the definition. all i do is have fun. i love my life and i cant complain

wux's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:43 PM
Ladies... tonight you are in for a special treat.

If you want to get to know a successful man, look no farther.

It is my privilege and duty, to announce with a voice shaking with the weight of the momentum of this momentous moment, that today I put on my pants. Not backwards. On the first attempt.

This almost blew me away. Success at its best.

Of course, the zip thing was still a struggle... especially with that fleshy thing that kept getting stuck in the teeth... I thought that it was my girlfriend tricking me, at first, but she was in the washroom, trying to stuff her uterus back into her body, she's 81 and her U is prolapsed.

royalblue599's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:47 PM

Ladies... tonight you are in for a special treat.

If you want to get to know a successful man, look no farther.

It is my privilege and duty, to announce with a voice shaking with the weight of the momentum of this momentous moment, that today I put on my pants. Not backwards. On the first attempt.

This almost blew me away. Success at its best.

Of course, the zip thing was still a struggle... especially with that fleshy thing that kept getting stuck in the teeth... I thought that it was my girlfriend tricking me, at first, but she was in the washroom, trying to stuff her uterus back into her body, she's 81 and her U is prolapsed.

wux's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:00 AM

Ladies... tonight you are in for a special treat.

If you want to get to know a successful man, look no farther.

It is my privilege and duty, to announce with a voice shaking with the weight of the momentum of this momentous moment, that today I put on my pants. Not backwards. On the first attempt.

This almost blew me away. Success at its best.

Of course, the zip thing was still a struggle... especially with that fleshy thing that kept getting stuck in the teeth... I thought that it was my girlfriend tricking me, at first, but she was in the washroom, trying to stuff her uterus back into her body, she's 81 and her U is prolapsed.

oops... I goofed. I thought no minors were in this room.

Young man, you need to learn a few facts of life.

1. Men find around 50 hard to pee. It's their prostate that gets enlarged, and which stops them from letting the flow out freely. The prostate is normally a size of a walnut. My urulogist says mine right now is the size of a grape fruit, and still growing.

2. Women release an egg that gets fertilized to make a baby, at a rate of once a month, give or take. When they stop this process, around fifty again, and which stopping is not sudden or abrupt, but can be a process of several years, then they go through a hormonal life change. Too many experienced changes occur, so I won't go into them, a woman can tell you better.

3. About twenty-thirty years after menopause is over, the woman goes again through a lot of change, as well as men. Incontinence starts, first urinal, then fecal. People lose their minds, due to strokes, mini-strokes, or old age dementia, due to arterial sclerosis of the brain or else due to Alzheimer's. These are degenerative brain diseases.

You remember how your grandmother is always smelling of piss or ****? it's because she can't control it like she used to be able to, and her senses get dulled, so she doesn't have an automatic feed-back mechanism to tell her she just wet herself.

Old age is ugly; the more you live, the uglier it gets; and there is no u-turn in this road to annihilation.

When I was 28, I knew that, not that thoroughly, but still, I knew that age is going to catch up with people. Since I was crazy, I thought that I should aclimatize myself to having an old lover, since it doesn't matter whom I marry, she's going to grow old, unavoidably. So started to date 50+ and 50++ year olds, and then I got stuck in that groove. Now I date women in their seventies eighties, because now they are 20-30 years older than I.

This is straight for sex, you understand; they are not much as conversation partners any more after about 74.

But they become more loving, and I have a gf who is now 81, and she's a real sweetheart, a loving, golden-hearted woman, who appreciates me, too, because with her I can't be cruel or mean, like I am often on these websites.

royalblue599's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:12 AM

Ladies... tonight you are in for a special treat.

If you want to get to know a successful man, look no farther.

It is my privilege and duty, to announce with a voice shaking with the weight of the momentum of this momentous moment, that today I put on my pants. Not backwards. On the first attempt.

This almost blew me away. Success at its best.

Of course, the zip thing was still a struggle... especially with that fleshy thing that kept getting stuck in the teeth... I thought that it was my girlfriend tricking me, at first, but she was in the washroom, trying to stuff her uterus back into her body, she's 81 and her U is prolapsed.

oops... I goofed. I thought no minors were in this room.

Young man, you need to learn a few facts of life.

1. Men find around 50 hard to pee. It's their prostate that gets enlarged, and which stops them from letting the flow out freely. The prostate is normally a size of a walnut. My urulogist says mine right now is the size of a grape fruit, and still growing.

2. Women release an egg that gets fertilized to make a baby, at a rate of once a month, give or take. When they stop this process, around fifty again, and which stopping is not sudden or abrupt, but can be a process of several years, then they go through a hormonal life change. Too many experienced changes occur, so I won't go into them, a woman can tell you better.

3. About twenty-thirty years after menopause is over, the woman goes again through a lot of change, as well as men. Incontinence starts, first urinal, then fecal. People lose their minds, due to strokes, mini-strokes, or old age dementia, due to arterial sclerosis of the brain or else due to Alzheimer's. These are degenerative brain diseases.

You remember how your grandmother is always smelling of piss or ****? it's because she can't control it like she used to be able to, and her senses get dulled, so she doesn't have an automatic feed-back mechanism to tell her she just wet herself.

Old age is ugly; the more you live, the uglier it gets; and there is no u-turn in this road to annihilation.

When I was 28, I knew that, not that thoroughly, but still, I knew that age is going to catch up with people. Since I was crazy, I thought that I should aclimatize myself to having an old lover, since it doesn't matter whom I marry, she's going to grow old, unavoidably. So started to date 50+ and 50++ year olds, and then I got stuck in that groove. Now I date women in their seventies eighties, because now they are 20-30 years older than I.

This is straight for sex, you understand; they are not much as conversation partners any more after about 74.

But they become more loving, and I have a gf who is now 81, and she's a real sweetheart, a loving, golden-hearted woman, who appreciates me, too, because with her I can't be cruel or mean, like I am often on these websites.
first off all im not a minor. anyone that is serving this great country is not a minor regardless of age. and there was nothing you said that i didnt know, and im sure i could point out alot that you described that was wrong.lol

josie68's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:23 AM
But we can still grow old happily together

royalblue599's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:25 AM

But we can still grow old happily together
just me and you:)

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