Topic: Does God even care?
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Sun 01/09/11 09:16 PM
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (Every last homie)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (All the homies)

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 09:50 PM
you never know what you never know,,

science wont PROVE there was sin or 'evil' before mankind, because science cant PROVE when man first came into existence, they can only record the MINIMUM years based upon what they have found SO FAR

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 10:17 PM
if you take a look at Philosophy and not religion it will show there is no Good and Evil there is only Moral and Ethics in which people base their life on their own moral and ethical principles.

For example you may think or say the Taliban are Evil Terrorist that kill people, and a 16 year Afghan boy will see the Taliban as a hero because they are fighting the men that killed his whole family.

Laws are weird to what is deemed wrong or illegal here in the US is perfectly okay elsewhere.

Never Steal is part of the 10 commandments but if my daughter of 2 is starving and sick and she needs food and there is no way I can get it other than to steal it. Is it Evil?

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/09/11 10:39 PM

you never know what you never know,,

science wont PROVE there was sin or 'evil' before mankind, because science cant PROVE when man first came into existence, they can only record the MINIMUM years based upon what they have found SO FAR

Nothing that could be discovered in the future can ever possibly overturn what has already been observed to be truth. You'll get refinements of what's already known, but if you're waiting for discoveries that are going to totally overturn the bulk of what we know you're seriously having unrealistic hopes and have no genuine understanding of what is already known.

And for what purpose? To salvage an ancient fable that wants to hold mankind responsible for having brought evil into the world?

It's truly amazing that anyone would be dedicated to supporting such fables that so blatantly fly in the face of actual knowledge.

And as I've already pointed out these fables themselves are necessarily false in their own claims. No science is even required. Science just verifies, after the fact, that they are indeed groundless claims.

There's no need to panic. Just because the biblical fables hold no merit doesn't mean that a person needs to run off and become a hardcore atheist. There are other spiritual scenarios to be had.

The biggest fallacy that many people have unfortunately fallen into is the idea that either a particular mythology is true, or there is no such thing as spirituality.

There's no need to give up on spiritual beliefs altogether just because a particular mythology is false. Just recognize that truth may be quite different from what those mythologies have claimed.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 10:43 PM

if you take a look at Philosophy and not religion it will show there is no Good and Evil there is only Moral and Ethics in which people base their life on their own moral and ethical principles.

For example you may think or say the Taliban are Evil Terrorist that kill people, and a 16 year Afghan boy will see the Taliban as a hero because they are fighting the men that killed his whole family.

Laws are weird to what is deemed wrong or illegal here in the US is perfectly okay elsewhere.

Never Steal is part of the 10 commandments but if my daughter of 2 is starving and sick and she needs food and there is no way I can get it other than to steal it. Is it Evil?

no, evil is not my word. I usually use quotations to signify that I am paraphrasing,,,

I say people make good and bad choices, people do healthy and unhealthy things, that people have mean spirits and good spirits,,,,

that sort of thing

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 10:50 PM
I understand

But I would even say my statement would apply even if you change the word evil with bad.

Whether God cares about this world though, I would have to say after all the sad things in this world I have seen there in no God. If there was some sort of God like from the Bible Quran or Torah he wouldn't let his children be so Sad

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:02 PM

I understand

But I would even say my statement would apply even if you change the word evil with bad.

Whether God cares about this world though, I would have to say after all the sad things in this world I have seen there in no God. If there was some sort of God like from the Bible Quran or Torah he wouldn't let his children be so Sad

do you believe one can know they are 'happy' without having ever felt 'sad'?

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:14 PM
I don't quite understand what you are saying

Too see people forced into a sad destitute lifestyle by other People is Sad and if your God is real he should actively do something but you will say he is I would say that's a response that don't work but hey who knows

I believe something Magical created Time and Space and that something is magical itself I don't believe this magical thing is benevolent or omnipotent and everywhere and at the same time nowhere at once

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:20 PM
I understand

I just dont see people as forced, I see people as on a path from birth that is determined by their choices

of course opportunities and environments arent the same, people dont have the SAME obstacles and struggles, but they do have choices which can keep them on a path to a 'happier' life,,,

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:25 PM
Edited by Okami04 on Sun 01/09/11 11:27 PM
In America you are right we all have Choices

In the countries I have been in I beg to differ people are forced on a path I have witnessed sexual slavery, starvation,

And I have seen the happiest people in the world be some of the poorest I have ever seen

The Obstacles you speak of to are more complicated then the thought of God sometimes and that is why I feel for some people and I wish a god would show his colors and just change things because sometimes one man can only do so little and we can use a hand

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:30 PM

In America you are right we all have Choices

In the countries I have been in I beg to differ people are forced on a path I have witnessed sexual slavery, starvation,

And I have seen the happiest people in the world be some of the poorest I have ever seen

The Obstacles you speak of to are more complicated then the thought of God sometimes and that is why I feel for some people and I wish a god would show his colors and just change things because sometimes one man can only do so little and we can use a hand

I think He will someday, but during these times he has set us 'free' to make our own paradise or our own hell,,,,

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:39 PM
see that statement can go either way

God created us to fail so he can fix it at some unspecified time

or that a bunch of BoshNit and humans are just miserable creatures on that have evolved somehow to the top only to eventually create our own demise
B/C I don't believe a great God would create us to fail just to come fix it every couple 1000 years to be like hey I exist

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:41 PM

see that statement can go either way

God created us to fail so he can fix it at some unspecified time

or that a bunch of BoshNit and humans are just miserable creatures on that have evolved somehow to the top only to eventually create our own demise
B/C I don't believe a great God would create us to fail just to come fix it every couple 1000 years to be like hey I exist

why do you think we were created 'to fail'?

Okami04's photo
Sun 01/09/11 11:56 PM
I only think the Bible and revelations and the story of Adam and Eve show that human were created broken and if Revelations is a prophecy then it's kinda weird that we always know we are going to meet and end.
If you believe it of course which I don't.
Most people believe we were created and if we were created by a God he showed us he wasn't perfect when he created us.

And I do believe we are destroying ourselves and because of our nature, (to want infinite growth and the fact that Humans are never satisfied, and wasteful)
Because we want to make things bigger create more people we simply wont have enough to do this and we will fail unless we can manage to fix it before it's to late

I may not fail in my life and you may not but people around us may and there actions can affect our lives and can cause us to fail

Failure is many things Unjust society, destruction of Earth, Death etc.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:43 AM
I guess it comes down to what is defined as a 'fail'

I think that we all affect each other, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. I think that is the lesson we are to learn, actually. The pains and tribulations some face are supposed to be the lesson on how important it is to work together and care for each other imho. I think God uses the good and the bad as lessons to help us grow, but we do not always choose growth for whatever reason, sometimes we choose pity, guilt, blame, or whatever,,,,instead.

Okami04's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:50 AM
how is god using it if we humans are the ones doing it???

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:58 AM

how is god using it if we humans are the ones doing it???


Okami04's photo
Mon 01/10/11 02:04 AM
hmmm prooof of this???

All in all a few answers to thread starters question god cares and everything is going along according to is divine plan

god dont care b/c he dont exist

Wildcard answer god may car but hi is not perfect like we think can't be everywhere at once that's why he comes around every few thousand years to realize his experiment has gone wrong and reset

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/10/11 02:09 AM
proof is only as good as those who witness it,,,

I cant prove his existence for anyone else, but I have enough proof for myself that he exists,,,


Okami04's photo
Mon 01/10/11 02:18 AM
I respect that and we all have miracles in my life I like to think my father is looking out for me in the afterlife but I have tried and tried and just can't wrap my head around the God Mainstream religion tries to portray exists
People say I have a lack of Faith but I say Faith is merely believing in something for no other reason other than wishing it was real
and I can not do that