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Topic: Does God even care?
Abracadabra's photo
Fri 01/07/11 09:36 PM

no, our flesh will die WHETHER WE ACCEPT HIM or not,,

that is not conditional or negotiable

it is our SPIRIT that may or may not live on,, and if one truly doesnt ACCEPT GOD, why would one wish to continue in a spiritul life with HIM

seems like a sweet deal to me,, if you dont accept him, you dont have to be with him after this life

whats unfair or demonic about that?

There would be nothing unfair or demonic about that if we were actually speaking about a God.

But we're not.

We're really talking about a brainwashing tactic that was created in the name of a religion to get people to suck up to religious bigotry.

It has nothing to do with any God.

Rejecting the Bible as the "word of God" cannot possibly constitute rejection of God.

The reasons should be vividly apparent anyone who can think rationally even in the slightest way.

Disbelieve in fables and unreliable rumors does not constitute rejection of "God". Even if those fables claim to be the word of God. Just as recognizing the Greek Mythology does not constitute rejection of Zeus. It's simply a disbelieve that Zeus represents God.

What Christians are truly trying to sell everyone on is the idea that God is far too stupid to understand or comprehend the difference between "disbelief" and "rejection".

Therefore it would be wrong to even suggest that an atheist is "rejecting" God. They simply don't believe in "God" and disbelief does not constitute "rejection".

A person would truly need to believe that God is extremely stupid to not be able to recognize the difference between "disbelief" and "rejection".

But that's precisely what the Christian religion demands. It demands that God is indeed that stupid.

Unless, you personally disagree with many of the main tenets of the Christian religion. For example that it's important to believe anything that's in the Bible, such as Jesus being the son of God, etc.

The idea that a God would hold people responsible for having to believe in such a convoluted set of inconsistent and often outright absurd tales, is indeed nonsense, IMHO.

And yes I do believe that if God truly held out that particular scenario, that would indeed be "demonic".

Absolutely. That would be totally disgusting and irrational, IMHO.

It's my deepest and most sincere belief, that if a truly all-wise being were going to attempt to communicate with humans via a religion, such a being could have done a FAR BETTER job than the ancient Hebrews did in their fables.

In fact, I'm not kidding when I say that the philosophy of Eastern Mysticism is a FAR WISER PICTURE of God.

I mean, gee whiz, if I'm going to compare what the ancient Hebrews wrote with what the Eastern Mystics wrote and ask, "Which appears to have come from a wiser source?" The writings of the Eastern Mystics are the clear winners hands down!

So which one more than likely came from a divine source? If any?

Clearly the Eastern Mystic picture must be from the divine source since it's far wiser.

Fortunately for the Christians, the Eastern Mystical picture of God doesn't demand that anyone believe in those writings in order to accept God. So the Christians are safe, even though they reject the words that may actually be from God.

Now that makes far more sense to me. drinker

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:07 PM

You have proven that you haven't read the Bible or even been close enough to a Christian to shake his hand. What I was telling you is what Christians believe. You have already chosen to reject it, I just thought you should know what you have already rejected.

I have read the Bible cover to cover. I have taught the Bible in Sunday School. I have studied the Bible both as a Christian and a nonbeliever. I know what Christians believe, and I know that different Christians believe different things. I know the Bible as well as you do.

I have shaken the hands of many, many Christians; I have consorted with many Christians.

You can tell the other person that he/she doesn't know the Bible, but it doesn't apply to me.

One reason why I left the Christian faith is because I could no longer swallow the many contradictions, hypocrisies, and outright fabrications within the Bible. I could not take its anti-feminine stance.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:08 PM

I suggest you read the whole chapter (at least) and interpret it for me.

I asked you to interpret the passage. Telling me to interpret the chapter is what kids do when challenged.

You are asking me to take ONE SENTENCE out of context for your purposes. I'm not going to do that.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:15 PM

I suggest you read the whole chapter (at least) and interpret it for me.

I asked you to interpret the passage. Telling me to interpret the chapter is what kids do when challenged.

You are asking me to take ONE SENTENCE out of context for your purposes. I'm not going to do that.

Nobody is asking you to take anything out of context.

Just interpret it in terms of the context that you believe it fits.

Nothing could be easier.

Have you no will of your own?

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:49 PM

1. Jews wrote the Hebrew Scriptures, not Christians. It is THEIR book. You have overlaid an interpretation of the flood that has nothing to do with it! Jesus was not a factor. In addition, your argument/explanation is not logical. Noah existed, eh? Along with his sons and their wives, so why was the world irredeemably evil? Of course, Noah's sons were NOT clean: they later saw their father naked (some say that means they sodomized him), and were cursed for it.

The entire Bible belongs to all of humanity, including Christians. When you were a Christian, did you just read the Gideon Bible?

In addition, if freewill were REALLY a tenet of the Christian faith, wiping out babies before they reached the age of reason negated their freewill! Also, wiping out EVERY person except for the family of Noah negated the freewill of generations to come.

Sometimes your free will is limited by circumstances, like maybe you are imprisoned or you want to beat someone up, but he's stronger than you. In this case, the world was punished and because Noah couldn't take care of two of every animal and every living child on the planet, the children were given a rather swift death. There was no other way for God to exact his punishment upon the civilizations of the world.

And not only that, the myth of Noah is based on earlier myths! The Jews stole it from other religions.

What leads you to believe that?

2. Wait a minute! You are comparing two unlike scenarios! I have NEVER offered one of my children, or the children of anyone else, to a crowd. Don't drag MY actions into this! Lot offered his daughters to a crowd and was subsequently BLESSED by god in that he was allowed to leave the city. His wife, on the other hand, who did NOT offer her daughters, was turned into a pillar of salt (snort) for looking back.

So, taking a peek back to see what was happening is WORSE than letting your daughters be raped or even killed? Oh, boy! That's a gentlemanly god!

Lot sinned, but he was a God fearing man. Everyone sins. Because God forgives our sins and intentionally forgets them, it would be impossible for God to make mention of Lot's sins.

3. Your explanation of Mary doesn't even address what I said. God says not to have sex with your neighbor's wife: in part this is to make sure she isn't impregnated with another man's child whom you will have to raise. women were STONED for having the child of men other than those of their husbands.

Yet god impregnates Mary. I don't care how he did it: he got another male's wife pregnant! Why not choose a woman who had no betrothed?

Because she would have been stoned as an adultress. God created Jesus within the womb of a God fearing woman who was betrothed to a God fearing man. God knew their personalities and hearts, so he knew that they would obey him and accept Jesus as their own.

4. Let us examine the verse: (Exo 4:21 NIV) The LORD said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go."

Did you read that? God says that "I" will harden his heart. Not that pharaoh would change his mind, but that GOD would harden his heart.

Other verses support this:

(Exo 10:1 NIV) Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them

(Exo 11:10 NIV) Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country.

(Exo 14:4 NIV) And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD." So the Israelites did this.

Exo 14:8 The LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, so that he pursued the Israelites, who were marching out boldly.

(Exo 14:17-18 NIV) I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. {18} The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen."

Sorry, dude, your explanation doesn't stand up.

Okay, I was afraid you would say that. God must have hardened your heart too.

Just kidding.

Look, the scriptures are up for interpretation. Have you prayed on them? How badly do you want the answer? Would you give up the chance at salvation, rather than pray every day and night for 40 days? How did you show your devotion to finding the answer to your questions? Honestly, there are various interpretations. Some people (mostly Calvinists and non-believers) believe that God directly hardened Pharaoh's heart. Most Christians and Jews understand it to mean that God's actions of using a stuttering run-away slave as his messenger hardened Pharaoh's heart. It's cute when non-believers always take the worst possible interpretation of scriptures, it's a sure sign of a closed mind when you see subjective things in black and white.

5. Abraham despaired when he thought he was going to kill Isaac. IF god were omniscient, he didn't have to test Abraham so cruelly to know how he would react.

Can you show scripture that shows that Abraham despaired? I see a man who was obeying and trusting God, to the point that he was willing to sacrifice his own son.

You said that god knew that Joseph would be a good stepfather (though I have never read this in the Christian scriptures, can you point out a chapter and verse?), god knew that Mary would willing bear his child, yet god didn't know that Abraham would sacrifice his child?

Two things. One: I believe that God carefully picked the family into which Jesus would be placed. I believe that God picked Joseph, because God knew his heart was good and he feared God. Two: That's one hell of a run on sentence, what do you do for a living?

Nope, doesn't add up.

You can "believe" all you would like, but that is all you have: beliefs. You have no facts, you have no statistics. My beliefs are just as valid as yours.

I don't know that to be true. There is a considerable amount of archeology to back up the Bible. And the Biblical view of God makes logical sense. It might be politically incorrect, but not all beliefs are equal.

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:51 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 01/07/11 10:51 PM

I suggest you read the whole chapter (at least) and interpret it for me.

I asked you to interpret the passage. Telling me to interpret the chapter is what kids do when challenged.

You are asking me to take ONE SENTENCE out of context for your purposes. I'm not going to do that.

Nobody is asking you to take anything out of context.

Just interpret it in terms of the context that you believe it fits.

Nothing could be easier.

Have you no will of your own?

Yes and I'm expressing it by refusing to do something that is stupid and pointless.

Oh and she's definitely asking me to interpret a scripture out of context, so you have lied once again.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 01/07/11 11:57 PM

Yes and I'm expressing it by refusing to do something that is stupid and pointless.

Oh and she's definitely asking me to interpret a scripture out of context, so you have lied once again.

You're a typical bible thumper. Quick to throw the insults and call people liars. It's quite ungodly of you and clearly shows that your just in it for the purpose of using the religion to insult other people.

No, Spider there are no lies here. You are totally FREE to put your answers and interpretations in any context you so desire.

No one is forcing you to take anything out of context. If you think they are that's only an expression of your own limited abilities. You are more than free to read the whole chapter, or book, or whatever, and present your response in whatever context you so choose. Your delusions of being 'limited' by what other people say, are just that: your own personal delusions. They have no reality in the real world.

So calling people liars to try to make up for your own limitations is pretty lame.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 01/08/11 12:22 AM
Spider wrote:

The entire Bible belongs to all of humanity

I'm very glad to hear you say that. Because this is at least one point that I'm in agreement with you on. And this is why it is not "religion bashing" when any human being expresses their views why they feel that the bible has no more merit than Greek Mythology.

I don't know that to be true. There is a considerable amount of archeology to back up the Bible. And the Biblical view of God makes logical sense. It might be politically incorrect, but not all beliefs are equal.

There's actually historical and archeological evidence to back up some of Greek Mythology too. Of course, not its claims of divine intervention etc.

The same is true of the Bible. There is no archeological evidence to back up the supernatural claims made in the Bible. All that exists is archeological evidence to suggest that some of the various wars, and events may have actually taken place. But that's to be expected since no one questions that the bible was indeed written by people living on the Earth.

Why should it be surprising that they wrote about events that actually occurred? That doesn't give their supernatural claims one iota of support.

For example, in the stories of the New Testament, it wouldn't matter to me if they had tons of evidence that a man named Jesus actually lived, taught his ministry and was in fact crucified on a cross. That wouldn't impress me in the slightest. I expect all of those things most likely did indeed occur. But none of that supports the idea that Jesus was born of a virgin, was the sacrificial lamb of God, and rose from the dead.

So archeological "Evidence" for to back-up the biblical stories is basically meaningless. There's TONS of archeological evidence for the Egyptian Gods. Does that make THEM real? huh

Just because a culture had superstitions and wrote about them within the context of their everyday lives doesn't give their superstitions any credibility.

You also say, "And the Biblical view of God makes logical sense."

Well, that's highly subjective, and I most certainly disagree with that view.

I don't see any logical sense in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful God being appeased by blood sacrifices.

I don't see any logical sense in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful God claiming that people who are worshiping OTHER GODS are choosing to reject God.

I don't see any logical sense in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful God who is trying to teach humanity not to KILL people, to instruct them to murder an entire culture with no mercy so they can move onto "promised land".

It would seem to me that a LOGICAL God would have dealt with the heathens himself instead of having to corrupt his loyal followers by having to ask them to commit mass murder.

I don't see any logical sense in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful God suggesting that people who refuse to believe in the biblical fables is turning against him.

I don't see any logical sense at all in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful having his own son nailed to a pole to 'pay' for the sins of man. Who was being 'paid'? God himself?

What's wrong with just forgiving people outright?

I don't see any logical sense in a supposedly all-wise, all-powerful God waiting until all of humanity has become completely evil and then dealing with it by flooding them out and having some guy build a boat to save his animal kingdom.

In fact, from my perspective there is very little in the Bible that makes any logical sense at all.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/08/11 11:48 AM

This question has been running around my head for quite some time, now, I'm an agnostic more or less because I don't know what happens when we die. However, I'm also a bit of a logical thinker and the entire 'heaven and hell' idea just escapes me.

Anyway, regardless of that. How, and I ask everyone this, does one really truly believe with all of the war, famine, and other man-made diseases that plague this world...that a God or Gods really cares? It is said that we are all sewn from the same fabric, in a sense we are all related according to the biggest Bible known to man. Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit, so on and so forth.

God created the universe is how I recall the story going, each planet, solar system, star constellation, every single drop of this entire life. Then you have us, humanity, not anywhere near perfect.

So, if a God or Gods truly exist...what is humanities worth to it/them? What are we worth to a God or Gods in a universe that doesn't flicker when we die, doesn't cry when we are in pain, a universe that if this entire world was destroyed wouldn't shake or tremble one bit.

The logical side of me thinks that if a God or Gods truly created everything, I hardly think it or they really care if we die off given that we are such a minimal aspect of the entire universe and that everything outside of this world is perfectly crafted and stands out magestically when compared to earth.

I think he cares very much. I am not there to see or be able to 'prove' His feelings anymore than I could probably PROVE any humans feelings(other than repeating their CLAIMS anyhow). But I tend to believe he indeed feels sorrow and disappointment when we are not on the right path. ....as I said before,,,,he is the heavenly father and I think that analogy is probably accurate in many ways,,,

unlike the rest of creation, we were given souls, souls with the potential to live on forever with Our father,,,and unlike the rest of creation, we were given AMPLE authority over the rest of creation....from the ability of our mind to develop and manipulate it, to the physical abilities of our flesh to do the same.

I never saw my father nor mother weep, but it doesnt mean they never did.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 01/08/11 12:40 PM

This question has been running around my head for quite some time, now, I'm an agnostic more or less because I don't know what happens when we die. However, I'm also a bit of a logical thinker and the entire 'heaven and hell' idea just escapes me.

Anyway, regardless of that. How, and I ask everyone this, does one really truly believe with all of the war, famine, and other man-made diseases that plague this world...that a God or Gods really cares? It is said that we are all sewn from the same fabric, in a sense we are all related according to the biggest Bible known to man. Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit, so on and so forth.

God created the universe is how I recall the story going, each planet, solar system, star constellation, every single drop of this entire life. Then you have us, humanity, not anywhere near perfect.

So, if a God or Gods truly exist...what is humanities worth to it/them? What are we worth to a God or Gods in a universe that doesn't flicker when we die, doesn't cry when we are in pain, a universe that if this entire world was destroyed wouldn't shake or tremble one bit.

The logical side of me thinks that if a God or Gods truly created everything, I hardly think it or they really care if we die off given that we are such a minimal aspect of the entire universe and that everything outside of this world is perfectly crafted and stands out magestically when compared to earth.

I think he cares very much. I am not there to see or be able to 'prove' His feelings anymore than I could probably PROVE any humans feelings(other than repeating their CLAIMS anyhow). But I tend to believe he indeed feels sorrow and disappointment when we are not on the right path. ....as I said before,,,,he is the heavenly father and I think that analogy is probably accurate in many ways,,,

unlike the rest of creation, we were given souls, souls with the potential to live on forever with Our father,,,and unlike the rest of creation, we were given AMPLE authority over the rest of creation....from the ability of our mind to develop and manipulate it, to the physical abilities of our flesh to do the same.

I never saw my father nor mother weep, but it doesnt mean they never did.

We can't prove or measure our own souls...

How than can we prove or measure if other creatures on this planet have none?

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/08/11 01:56 PM

This question has been running around my head for quite some time, now, I'm an agnostic more or less because I don't know what happens when we die. However, I'm also a bit of a logical thinker and the entire 'heaven and hell' idea just escapes me.

Anyway, regardless of that. How, and I ask everyone this, does one really truly believe with all of the war, famine, and other man-made diseases that plague this world...that a God or Gods really cares? It is said that we are all sewn from the same fabric, in a sense we are all related according to the biggest Bible known to man. Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit, so on and so forth.

God created the universe is how I recall the story going, each planet, solar system, star constellation, every single drop of this entire life. Then you have us, humanity, not anywhere near perfect.

So, if a God or Gods truly exist...what is humanities worth to it/them? What are we worth to a God or Gods in a universe that doesn't flicker when we die, doesn't cry when we are in pain, a universe that if this entire world was destroyed wouldn't shake or tremble one bit.

The logical side of me thinks that if a God or Gods truly created everything, I hardly think it or they really care if we die off given that we are such a minimal aspect of the entire universe and that everything outside of this world is perfectly crafted and stands out magestically when compared to earth.

I think he cares very much. I am not there to see or be able to 'prove' His feelings anymore than I could probably PROVE any humans feelings(other than repeating their CLAIMS anyhow). But I tend to believe he indeed feels sorrow and disappointment when we are not on the right path. ....as I said before,,,,he is the heavenly father and I think that analogy is probably accurate in many ways,,,

unlike the rest of creation, we were given souls, souls with the potential to live on forever with Our father,,,and unlike the rest of creation, we were given AMPLE authority over the rest of creation....from the ability of our mind to develop and manipulate it, to the physical abilities of our flesh to do the same.

I never saw my father nor mother weep, but it doesnt mean they never did.

We can't prove or measure our own souls...

How than can we prove or measure if other creatures on this planet have none?

I measure soul by something that goes beyond an instinct for survival, such as plants and animals have

KerryO's photo
Sat 01/08/11 02:14 PM

Thank you for your opinion, I'll file it under Gratuitous Assertion as usual.

LOL! Now who's trolling for reactions?

You DO know you're not the only one reading these pages, right? And that your opinion is no more that just your opinion, not something 'from your lips to God's Ear'?


-Kerry O.

no photo
Sat 01/08/11 02:40 PM

And to add to the criticism that nonbelievers don't read or know the Bible, I seriously wonder if most Christians do. In this forum alone, I see people who purport to be devout Christians arguing with nonbelievers, yet the Bible is very clear on this practice:

7 Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge. (Prov. 14:7)

"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. (Matt. 7:6)

But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; (1 Tim. 4:7)

(Note the misogyny in this verse, as if old men don't indulge in worldly fables.)

Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers. . . . 16 But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, 17 and their talk will spread like gangrene. (2 Tim. 2:14, 16-17)

10 Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, 11 knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned. Titus 3:9-11

Yet day after day, Christians are in these forums violating ALL of the above verses.


Christians are only violating those verses if you assert that every non-Christian here is a fool including yourself...
I understand your thinking, but as long as there are 2 of us... You get the picture...

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/08/11 05:34 PM

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Methinks that you have no answer. Methinks that you are at a loss for words so you stutter and try to laugh away my points.

Methinks that when you are confronted with someone who has a grounding in Biblical study that is more in depth and stronger than your own (yet contradicts you), you would rather pretend that person doesn't exist or you would rather ridicule her.

You are asking me to take ONE SENTENCE out of context for your purposes. I'm not going to do that.

I never said that you couldn't interpret the whole passage. You are stuttering again.

You said that god knew that Joseph would be a good stepfather (though I have never read this in the Christian scriptures, can you point out a chapter and verse?), god knew that Mary would willing bear his child, yet god didn't know that Abraham would sacrifice his child?

Two: That's one hell of a run on sentence, what do you do for a living?

Are familiar with the term "red herring"? If not, let me explain: it is when people are engaging in a debate and one throws in an absolutely moot point to divert attention away from the topic at hand.

Your accusation of a "run-on" is a red herring.

Tell me why it is a run-on sentence, please, in detail.

By the way, your accusation of my run-on sentence is a run-on sentence.

Nope, doesn't add up.

You can "believe" all you would like, but that is all you have: beliefs. You have no facts, you have no statistics. My beliefs are just as valid as yours.

I don't know that to be true. There is a considerable amount of archeology to back up the Bible. And the Biblical view of God makes logical sense. It might be politically incorrect, but not all beliefs are equal.

Archaeology can only back up physical aspects, not the miraculous fairy tale portions of the Bible.

Archaeology also backs up that Troy and Knossos exist: does that mean there was a Trojan war in which the gods took sides? Does the existence of Knossos and a labyrinth mean that the Minotaur existed?

The Biblical view of god is NOT logical! And not only that, there is nothing new or original in the Bible: one only needs to study archetypal myth to know that.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/08/11 05:40 PM
it would be interesting to discuss the difference between 'arguing' and 'discussing' or 'sharing' or even 'healthy debate'

An "argument" does not have to be a brawl; an argument is simply one's thesis. When I give instructions to my students on writing a persuasive paper, we discuss their "arguments": i.e. what their stance will be on their topic.

The Christians in this forum are arguing. Perhaps you are not or feel that you are not, but that doesn't take away from what others are doing.

I know I wouldn't want a parent like the Christian god, for surenoway

another beautiful thing is that you dont HAVE to accept him,,,,

life is a balance of choices,, for all of us

Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . not accepting the Christian god is a "beautiful thing"? So, being cast into the fiery pit of hell for not accepting Jesus is beautiful?

According to Christianity, there is NO balance of choices . . . no, wait, there is: you choose Jesus and go to heaven or say, "No, thanks" and go to hell. That IS a balance.

no photo
Sat 01/08/11 05:45 PM

it would be interesting to discuss the difference between 'arguing' and 'discussing' or 'sharing' or even 'healthy debate'

An "argument" does not have to be a brawl; an argument is simply one's thesis. When I give instructions to my students on writing a persuasive paper, we discuss their "arguments": i.e. what their stance will be on their topic.

The Christians in this forum are arguing. Perhaps you are not or feel that you are not, but that doesn't take away from what others are doing.

I know I wouldn't want a parent like the Christian god, for surenoway

another beautiful thing is that you dont HAVE to accept him,,,,

life is a balance of choices,, for all of us

Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . not accepting the Christian god is a "beautiful thing"? So, being cast into the fiery pit of hell for not accepting Jesus is beautiful?

According to Christianity, there is NO balance of choices . . . no, wait, there is: you choose Jesus and go to heaven or say, "No, thanks" and go to hell. That IS a balance.

I thought you read the Bible front to back?

Hell is NOT real...

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/08/11 06:05 PM
Christians are only violating those verses if you assert that every non-Christian here is a fool including yourself...
I understand your thinking, but as long as there are 2 of us... You get the picture...

Actually, in Christian parlance, every person who denies Jesus is a fool. It is not by MY interpretation of who is a fool, but the Christian god's interpretation.

Let me refer you to Psalms 14:1--"The fool hath said in his heart: There is no God . . ."

Personally, I think Christians who take the Bible literally are foolish, but in my quotes, I was using the words of god, not mine.

On the flood myth, I said:

And not only that, the myth of Noah is based on earlier myths! The Jews stole it from other religions.

The other guy responded:

What leads you to believe that?

I have studied and taught myth for years. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest piece of known literature. (Note: I said "literature," not writing.) It predates the Hebrew Scriptures.

In Tablet XI of the epic, Utnapishtim describes how he built a boat and the subsequent action. For your perusal: http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/gilgamesh/tab11.htm

Other flood myths:


However, I am not sure that the Greek myth predates the Hebrew myth.

Also, as I mentioned, there are two flood versions in Genesis.

Genesis Chapter 6

19 And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.

20 Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive.

So Noah is to take TWO of every sort of animals into the ark, right?

But wait! That isn't right.

Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,

3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

So which is it? Two of EVERY animal or seven pairs of clean animals and two of unclean animals?


Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/08/11 06:12 PM
I thought you read the Bible front to back?

Hell is NOT real...

It doesn't matter if hell is not real; it doesn't even matter if the Bible contradicts itself; it doesn't matter because Christians decide what the Bible says and what it means, eh?

A basic tenet of MOST Christian denominations is that hell is a real place.

Hell is a place filled with fire, but according to Matthew 8:12, "But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Since dead people are spirit and have no corporeal bodies, I am not sure how they will be gnashing their teeth. Hmmm . . .

Christian seek to explain this contradiction with fantastical explanations, but it only makes the existence of such a place even sillier.

no photo
Sat 01/08/11 06:39 PM

I thought you read the Bible front to back?

Hell is NOT real...

It doesn't matter if hell is not real; it doesn't even matter if the Bible contradicts itself; it doesn't matter because Christians decide what the Bible says and what it means, eh?

A basic tenet of MOST Christian denominations is that hell is a real place.

Hell is a place filled with fire, but according to Matthew 8:12, "But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Since dead people are spirit and have no corporeal bodies, I am not sure how they will be gnashing their teeth. Hmmm . . .

Christian seek to explain this contradiction with fantastical explanations, but it only makes the existence of such a place even sillier.


It doesn't matter? Why, so you can refute either way?

Just change your position to argue, eh? Now that is a contradiction.

While you may have impressed me a few months ago with your knowledge of the Pagan origins of some of the "tenets", for you to now assert that they are original and part of the Bible is laughable...

Seriously, use the internet, find out where and what "hell" is...

no photo
Sat 01/08/11 06:57 PM

Christians are only violating those verses if you assert that every non-Christian here is a fool including yourself...
I understand your thinking, but as long as there are 2 of us... You get the picture...

Actually, in Christian parlance, every person who denies Jesus is a fool. It is not by MY interpretation of who is a fool, but the Christian god's interpretation.

Let me refer you to Psalms 14:1--"The fool hath said in his heart: There is no God . . ."

Personally, I think Christians who take the Bible literally are foolish, but in my quotes, I was using the words of god, not mine.

Do you assume I believe Jesus is God? LMAO!

On the flood myth, I said:

And not only that, the myth of Noah is based on earlier myths! The Jews stole it from other religions.

The other guy responded:

What leads you to believe that?

I have studied and taught myth for years. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest piece of known literature. (Note: I said "literature," not writing.) It predates the Hebrew Scriptures.

In Tablet XI of the epic, Utnapishtim describes how he built a boat and the subsequent action. For your perusal: http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/gilgamesh/tab11.htm

Other flood myths:


However, I am not sure that the Greek myth predates the Hebrew myth.

Also, as I mentioned, there are two flood versions in Genesis.

Genesis Chapter 6

19 And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.

20 Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive.

So Noah is to take TWO of every sort of animals into the ark, right?

But wait! That isn't right.

Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,

3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

So which is it? Two of EVERY animal or seven pairs of clean animals and two of unclean animals?


Hmmm, I wonder why stone would be older that parchment...

Gilgamesh made a box, Noah made an ark. Which one seems more believable, myth or not?

The number is an easy reconciliation, but I'll leave it for the readers to ponder. Hint, you quoted enough verse to figure it out...

Now, question for you... If there was a flood, did it cover the entire earth or was it just local?

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