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Topic: Role Reversal
Chazster's photo
Mon 11/29/10 08:51 AM
I have no problem with role reversal. My ex in college used to pay for our dates all the time. She often drove too. Well we usually shared driving. She would offer to buy me expensive gifts as well. Even after we broke up and we were just fwb she offered to by the xbox 360 I was planning to buy. (at that time it was $400). Her dad was a dentist and she had money while I was working just to afford to live while I went to school.

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:01 AM

Bout time we got serious on this Role Reversal jazz.

Let her leave the seat up cause I dont wanna pee on it in the middle of the night.

Let her go scrape ice off my windshield while I sip coffee or snooze for three more minutes.

Let her run at midnight to get my tampons and pick up some rocky road ice cream while you are out.

Let her gnaw MY bunions for a damned change!

Let the women have 1 measley rack on sale at any clothing dept. Let the guys have 20 clearance racks!

Let the women take care of the snake that got in last night and is warming itself under the stove.



I am gonna LOVE role reversal.....I gotta go get a pedicure...


Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:05 AM
I love being treated out, however i do hold cautiousness with men who tend to be too traditional. On one hand it can be shown as chivalry and on another it can also mean a sign of a control freak. some men feel like by paying for everything and having you stay home is a tool to control you--- and although they insist you stay home and enjoy the fruits of their labor they can also be both physically and verbally abusive. So I am cautious to allow an old tradition in my life. I prefer a dual income family myself. But i still like being treated out from time to time. At least for dating.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/29/10 11:25 AM

Over time I've seen different comments made by both genders stating what each puts up with. It is true that both genders come with their own set of personality traits that the other gender puts up with but when all is said and done would you want to reverse the roles?

Men do you want women to take you out to dinner and buy you flowers, etc?

Women do you want to do the asking out, taking the men out and romancing them?

Im attracted to the roles as they stand

with males being leaders and providers who also nurture and protect(when needed)

and females being nurturers and protectors who also lead and provide(when needed)

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