Topic: Abomination of Desolation? | |
I don't believe I could save you and I never have said that I could. Only God can save people. |
I believe that anyone who believes in anything is lucky and to waste my time mixing words with people the way I was, was quite wrong of me. I hope you have a lovely early early morning Truly, MSD |
Goodnight Spider. Sweet Dreams.
Truly, MSD |
Because you don't agree with his beliefs, he could never be right? Also, why was he a seperatist? Because the Catholic chruch was selling forgiveness. I don't agree with Calvins theology at all, but I agree with that quote. We see Christians defending God's truth throughout the Bible. Because he was meek, the early Christians called Paul weak, but he proved he was not that and he had some very harsh words. Jesus spoke with great anger about people who perverted God's truth. Anger is perfectly natural when you see someone telling lies about God, because those lies can lead the weak believers and those who are searching for the truth away from God. |
Good night my brother
God bless you |
Spider in no way has anything I said been an attack on christianty.
I asked a few questions. They are valid questions. Yes you feel I am wrong but I know I am not. For it is written that THOU SHALT HAVE NO GOD BEFORE ME and yet I see allways the attempt to make of a prophet, a God. I see people who would teach of the greatness that is God by shrinking that greatness down into a statue, a cross, an image of a man, and bindings upon paper and attempting to feed this shrunken image to people as though it is God. I see people placing belief upon affiliations with institutions of man and hotly shouting down anyone who shows truth to be greater than those institutions. |
Spider, I now see the problem. Your belief of Jesus and God being one entity and mine of them being separate. To me, Jesus was a messenger of God, but separate from God. My calling Jesus on the cross a craven image is due to having witnessed people genuflecting to this. Perhaps my interpretation of that genuflect is different than the others genuflecting. I will apologize for upsetting you regarding what you believe to be my attack on Jesus. My opinion was regarding the reaction of people to this symbol, not the man. At the same time, I will say my participation in these forums is not to convert anyone to my way of thinking nor to require they walk my same path. I realize there are several paths available to God. Mine has been and still is one including much learning and growth. Enjoy your chosen path Spider, but please allow me the right to question in an attempt to understand the interpretation of your path and allow me the right to disagree and remain on that which I walk. I too will do the same for you.
Nicely put DifferentKindOfWench.
Night all, Truly, MSD |
Sleep well, MSD.
Well it was certainly an interesting conversation.
Wasn't it though.
Truly, MSD |
Spider writes:
"Once agian, I ask you when. Show me when I have insulted "others for not having your beliefs"." Done. where Spider writes: "She is a woman and a voter jackass, she was making a joke. " -Kerry O. |
Different, There was some argument about that matter around 325. The issue is homousios vs homoiousios (the same or like the same yet different). My spelling might be worse than the rest of my memory. People fought over that for centuries. The losers were banished. You my dear were on the losing end. Banished for a simple diphthong.
HA HA HA HA HA. Just kidding, don't take offense. Personally I am not so sure I agree with either position. Perhaps I am a heretic. Or I might be the only one who is right. Perhaps you are in fact with the right idea. Do not give in to single-minded dribble of the ones with absolute dogmatic faith which excludes the reasonable opinions of others. And do not be offended I called you "my dear" please. It just fit the expression so quaintly I couldn't resist. I never patronizingly refer to women as 'darling', 'honey' or the worst of all 'little woman'. I find such denigrating expressions to be offensive. Maybe if you were my woman I might make certain exceptions for the sake of intimacy. |
That was a comment about you being willfully ignorant, not because I disagree with you about religious beliefs. She was obviously making a JOKE. Why would a woman want her right to vote taken away? Try again kid. |
Spider writes:
"That was a comment about you being willfully ignorant, not because I disagree with you about religious beliefs. She was obviously making a JOKE. Why would a woman want her right to vote taken away? Try again kid. " No, it was about your abusive language while you were being your usual, rule-breaking self. Context is your friend-- you implied that you're always the long-suffering patient Christian who exudes love for your fellow humans in all that you say and do. And were I to ask you What Would Jesus Do, I just KNOW you'll come up with the one about the moneychangers in the marketplace and use that for a justification, just like you did with the Ann Coulter remark. See, you think you're above the rules because you think that God is always on your side. So, just like the apologists when they defend Old Testament genocide, the Holy WE must smite infidels at every turn. And you just LOVE taking your turn, don't you? -Kerry O. |
Philosopher, no offense taken. As a lot of the books not included in the Bible are also on the losing end, I find myself in good company.
Report me. "See, you think you're above the rules because you think that God is always on your side. So, just like the apologists when they defend Old Testament genocide, the Holy WE must smite infidels at every turn." God was fully justified in what he did. "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" "And you just LOVE taking your turn, don't you?" I'm not a violent person. It's typical that you would claim that I am. It's very common around here for your ilk to cast aspersions when you have no leg to stand on. It's God's right to take life, not mine. I guess in your mind, when I hurt your little feelings, it's the same thing as murder. You have a very high regard for yourself. |
Few understand where the sensation comes from. i believe i have the set apart spirit and am looking for others. The nuclear bomb being a part of tribulation - could be. Will wipe out a considerable number of non-believers, but i doubt will mean the end. T:) |
The Abomination was the setting up of a false god in the Holy Temple. This brought about desolation. The Abomination of Desolation of old was a foreshadow of coming events. There shall be another Abomination of (that brings) Desolation. In our modern age, there will be a false god and a claim to be god in the Holy Temple after the daily sacrifice is taken away once again. Duality is a big part of understanding the scriptures. One a shadow of the other. Each has its own decription and time in prophecy.
Thoughtful post Cyclops, it shows yet another side, with a supportive thought process too. Thanks.