Topic: Is Love Worth the Risk? | |
Out of all the things we might run across in this life... is there anything that gives a better payoff than making a friend/lover that will stick with you for the rest of your life?
The risk is in not trying. |
Love is so misunderstood but is such a desirable malfunction of the heart.....It weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.
Look at ALL the things you can get when in love...So, go forth young hearts, it is worth it. |
i would once say a resounding YES
but, the longer I have managed to find health and happiness all on my own(with family and friends),,, romantic love is more a dream or a hope that would be worth it IF it were real, ,but it takes ALOT more for me to be convinced of real love at this point in my life |
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Sat 04/17/10 07:33 PM
I would rather be hurt 1000 times over than not take a chance at Love.
Is it worth the risk?....I am not sure anymore. U can only be broken so many times before u think more than twice about putting yourself on that path again.I ultimately believe I would becuz hope is something I refuse to give up-I would definately proceed with caution though.
Is it worth the risk?....I am not sure anymore. U can only be broken so many times before u think more than twice about putting yourself on that path again.I ultimately believe I would becuz hope is something I refuse to give up-I would definately proceed with caution though. Nikita ![]() |
Is it worth the risk?....I am not sure anymore. U can only be broken so many times before u think more than twice about putting yourself on that path again.I ultimately believe I would becuz hope is something I refuse to give up-I would definately proceed with caution though. Nikita ![]() ![]() |
Yup. I give up. I don't want no part of this "love" thang. Chicks be mental man.
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of course it's worth the risk Sure hope you're right. |
of course it's worth the risk Sure hope you're right. I can only be right for me, everyone gets to decide for themselves. Breathing is a risk, walking out into a street has a risk, driving a car has a risk, a plane ride, eating a burger from mcdonalds...there is risk in every thing. I'm not gonna stop living out of fear of dying. |
I truly can understand why some people would be "fearful" of loving again. I was married once, and I put all I had into that marriage. But in the wasn't enough. Now, my ex wife did put alot into our marriage...for seven years she did....the last two years though she was non existent. And thus, so was I. So we both were to blame. Still, instead of wanting to work on it, she chose another dude. Now, I am a tough dude myself. I can take alot. But that hurt like hell, and as such it took alot of time to get past. But once I whole outlook on life changed. I quit whining about what had happened and moved on. When I did....guess what? My ex wife saw that and then acted like she wanted me to notice her again. Ha! Once she saw that wouldn't work, she got married to the dude she left me for.
Anyways, my point is this. Love is something that is really great when you have it. I know I play around, act like I don't feel that way, but truth be told I do know what love is. I had it for seven years, and I will cherish those good memories. I also know I can have it again. With who? I have no clue. I am not in a rush to find it. I firmly believe it will find me....from where I least expect it. Till then, I am improving myself and enjoying the ride that is called Goof's life. I aint scared of love nor will I ever be. Is it a risk? Sure it is. But it is a risk worth taking. |
It's really simple.
Loving someone, is "FEELING". That is what makes us human. When you stop feeling, you stop living. You might be alive, but your actually walking dead. I love my first and second wives, even though they are my ex's. I love my two ex girlfriends. Not as partners anymore. All four of them have hurt me. But I will not allow their actions to sour the love I have for them. That is my choice. The problem here, is the definition of "LOVE", or "TRUE LOVE"... True love, is having "NO" expectation of receiving anything back from that person, be they man or woman. When you love like that, their actions have nothing to do with your loving them. Satisfying your "NEEDS" is very different... and many people confuse those needs with love from that person. We all have needs, and what makes us unique, is the mix each of us has of those needs. When the other partner stops caring enough to do the work to satisfy those needs, that is when problems in the relationship develop. And only if they care enough, will they seek help. Essentially, to fear being hurt is natural, and protective. But, if you do not open yourself to that risk, then you cannot "FEEL" anything... and that is so much worse than being hurt. At any time. So, don't blame love... it's out there for each one of us. Each time we meet someone new, there is only a 1% chance in our favor that the person we just met, is attracted to us... and without that attraction, which is animal in it's nature, it's difficult to find that "true love". So, YES, I believe in TRUE LOVE. It is, what I seek. I have found it 4 times before and I see no reason why I won't find it, again... And take it from me, the Universe does LISTEN. |
in a word........................................................yes!
broken hearts can mend in a single beat
to not experience love is to be deadwood in the middle of a profusion of life live tender blossom mend your bruise and love shine colorful petals infuse the air with scent of jasmine and wisteria ![]() |
broken hearts can mend in a single beat to not experience love is to be deadwood in the middle of a profusion of life live tender blossom mend your bruise and love shine colorful petals infuse the air with scent of jasmine and wisteria ![]() Hmmm, that reminds me, gotta go butcher the wisteria back into shape. It's reaching out and grabbing throats. |
Love is worth the risk. I love being with my friends. I had a great love in my life. She passed away but I will always love her. I am thankful for that love.
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Edited by
Wed 04/21/10 06:00 AM
Ok so answer me loving someone worth the risk of getting hurt? I mean really, loving is hard enough because it puts you out there in a vulnerable spot, but is it worth it when most people don't even know how to love anymore or what loving someone really is or what it takes? Love to me is more than a feeling, more than a goofy love struck teenage goosebumps and skin tingling's an action, a commitment and an ongoing choice towards a person... Someone once told me about a counseling session they had with a couple that wanted to get married because they were "in love". When he asked one why they wanted to marry the other, they replied, "Because she makes me feel good". He replied with, "Oh really? Well someday she is going to make you feel bad. Then what will you do?" This statement was so true to what people think and make of love these is all in how you feel at that moment, instead of the commitment and choice that love really is towards that one person you are devoted to for the rest of your life. Why are there so many divorces nowadays? Because people "fell out of love". I think that is a ******** excuse for saying, "I don't feel like loving and honoring that person anymore because it isn't getting me anything in return or because I am tired of that person or because I am lazy..." Reference to all of the "I"'s in that is supposed to be selfless, but this world has made it into a "me" and "i" issue... Does anyone agree with this? Has anyone else lost hope in what real love is all about? I sure have... i think you're smarter than most 22 yr old's out there. who knows if it's worth it or not to risk being hurt? but look at it this way, is not risking it worth never having someone to share your life with? most people don't realize the level of commitment they're undertaking when they get married. because of this, they cut and run when things get tough. since you understand what it's going to entail, you need to find someone else with the same understanding. . . . |
<-----is what you get when you don't risk it often enough.
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