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Tue 02/19/13 06:44 PM
Social vampires either...
But never when they promise to do one thing... and never intend to follow through.
Cheap talk reveals a darker soul. |
Idk... maybe different ones want different things?
Hi and welcome ![]() |
New girl :)
Welcome to Mingle!
![]() |
Where Are They?????
For as long as i can remember i have found short hair on women attractive. I have never dated a girl with short hair. I promised myself short hair is a must with next person. Where are all of the girls with short hairstyles. I won't elaborate on short, just the shorter the better. Has anyone seen this endangered species lately? She's gotta fall asleep sooner or later? |
chubby or skinny?
The Vibe for me outweighs the scale. Awesome!! |
I guess everybody is going to have their own opinion... that's all good.
Marriage, imho, is a firm commitment to live the struggle that life throws our way... with a partner. Always together. I don't see anything bad in that. But understand that some prefer other ways... |
How Old are You?
Are you retired or close to retirement? How Old do you feel? No need to tell your age. ![]() I'm old... but still a child in many respects. Everyday I hope to grow a little. I little wiser, a little more responsible, a little more mature in many aspects. But I'm thouroghly content where I'm at too... Just a dumb ol' kid. I gotta Rock, see... firmly attached to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpKFvu8x5SY |
Awesome dedication!!
Well written! ![]() |
I'm thinkin' that I miss Kev...
![]() js. |
Where do we draw the lines?
Haha, I've put so many filters on my contact abilities that it ain't worthe the bother. Friends don't even write anymore. You do don't trust yerself... that's what I'm getting at. Or at least that what my intuition tells me. So, knock it off... making poor decisions is part of life, see? (and all the fallout from those things.) You've a wonderful heart... back in the day I woulda said that your past is your reputation... today, I'd lean more towards the past is merely prologue... it's what's in your heart now that matters and what will determine your future. If you act on it. So live it the way that you see it... er, feel it. ay ay Captain of this magic ship ![]() speaking of self trust... I have my own back in all things... so I readily accept the consequences of whatever decisions that I make... at this point in my life I have no idea where the future and I are going to be, but I can guarantee that I get there under my own steam... and no matter what happens I'm going to choose to be happy that I'm still alive and able to greet each new day with the excited fervor of my inner child who has been waiting for her chance to come out and play, because she knows that I have her back too... ![]() analyze that why don't you... ![]() Haha, eat me. ![]() ![]() I don't need to analyze that... that was perfectly said!! Rok-on with yer bad self. |
Let me edit... one lady pointed out that she couldn't commit because her dog might give me a rash and then I'd have to leave.
... cause that would be evidence that we weren't meant for each other. How could I argue that kinda' thinking? And, I agree with her... besides, meteor strikes are always going to happen too, right? So leaving the house is a bad idea too. She clinched it right there for me... but my hormones kept me moving forward... okay, so I'm a dumbazz. We meet only aspects of individuals on the web... go out and exeperience life (and a person) before you commit to anything. The most awesomest peeps on the web are just an illusion... hold them in your arms for a while, do a litlle thinking... then make your decision. jmo |
Do age does matters?
I stand corrected thank you msSly...sorry for posting a wrong grammared question... Just ignore people like that, you have nothing to apologize for. I agree. ![]() x3. Autistic peeps make much ado about nothing... it's our way. But Win... keep asking and be yourself. |
This question is nagging at me, so I thought I'd ask you experts. Is it possible to genuinely fall in love with someone you've only gotten to know on a site like mingle? It used to seem very strange to me...but then I recall a simpler time when people didn't have all this instant communication and had to get to know each other by snail mail letters. The emotions were just as real by letter if not moreso than in person. So, are these warm and fuzzy feelings caused by digital words and images real emotions or just the illusion of emotion? If it is genuine, is that a good thing? ![]() No. |
Where do we draw the lines?
Edited by
Tue 02/19/13 04:09 PM
Haha, I've put so many filters on my contact abilities that it ain't worthe the bother. Friends don't even write anymore.
You do don't trust yerself... that's what I'm getting at. Or at least that what my intuition tells me. So, knock it off... making poor decisions is part of life, see? (and all the fallout from those things.) You've a wonderful heart... back in the day I woulda said that your past is your reputation... today, I'd lean more towards the past is merely prologue... it's what's in your heart now that matters and what will determine your future. If you act on it. So live it the way that you see it... er, feel it. |
No, thanks though...
Where do we draw the lines?
Now you're just getting cynical.
![]() What atomosphere of players are you referring to? Surely Mingle or any dating-site is a microcosm of the RL, yes? Don't distrust others... believe in yourself. And if you can't do that yet... work on it. ![]() TY for the extra time btw. |
Do age does matters?
Edited by
Tue 02/19/13 03:33 PM
For me it isnt but it depends upon their status of life,,,, with their child/ren it is a big"AWKWARD" situation....for my opinion only.... Let me know yours Please forgive the quik perv... but you're 25y/o, yes? If a 5 y/o asked you if the age difference mattered, how would you reply? Did those extra 20 years mean nothing? Did you learn anything more in two decades? See a bit more, experience a few things? Rhetorical... and I apologize. Yes age matters... imho, but never as much as wisdom gained through our individual lives. Which are ever so varied... |
Heartstrings What if your heart pulls you To a land you don’t want to be Those strings that tie and bind you Never letting you be free Can you ever Live and let die Or will your heart shut down Will you even try What if your heart pulls you Into a forbidden place Where all you ever see Is their gorgeous face That was fabulous... I missed it somehow. Very impressive! ![]() I've tried many ways... lived and let die; shut down. Tried and didn't get to where I wanted to be. Here in this forbidden place... and her face wasn't her own anyway, unimportant. her heart seemed worth the persuit... and I don't regret. |
The Chance
That's an awesome write... er, even more than that.
It seems too true of most of us. (Many of us? Some of us? idk.) As for for me... no, I would not intrude on another's life. Unless they expressly, gave me permission to. Very hard hitting. Well done! ![]() |