Topic: Has Christianity been lost?
no photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:40 PM

christianity is a joke to begin with hijacked and corrupted by the romans. there was never supposed to be a seperate religion from judism which was also corrupted, hijacked, and changed.

Okay, that's not even cool, man. This is what I'm talking about: Holy Wars. Why do we insist on attacking each other or castigating each other, simply because we believe in different faiths? What is the point, really? Is your faith so weak that you gain strength and power of conviction by attacking others that believe differently than you? If not, then perhaps it is time to lay down your sword and love your neighbors, not chastise them. May peace be upon you, and hopefully you will gain wisdom from learning from others' faiths, if not, you can at least love them and bring peace to your soul.

nicely put...thank you. Faith is never 'stupid', whatever religious label it is given.

That would be your opinion. Mine is that faith is always stupid. Absurdly so. So much so, I really don't get how people can turn off their logic centers of their brains to such an extent as to "have faith".

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:42 PM

christianity is a joke to begin with hijacked and corrupted by the romans. there was never supposed to be a seperate religion from judism which was also corrupted, hijacked, and changed.

Okay, that's not even cool, man. This is what I'm talking about: Holy Wars. Why do we insist on attacking each other or castigating each other, simply because we believe in different faiths? What is the point, really? Is your faith so weak that you gain strength and power of conviction by attacking others that believe differently than you? If not, then perhaps it is time to lay down your sword and love your neighbors, not chastise them. May peace be upon you, and hopefully you will gain wisdom from learning from others' faiths, if not, you can at least love them and bring peace to your soul.

faith is how we learn about EVERYTHING that is not in front of our eyes ,,,,its how we learn history, its how we learn geography, its how we learn science,,,,,not by seeing it for ourselves, but by reading a book of others who have tested it and having FAITH they are honest and logical...

nicely put...thank you. Faith is never 'stupid', whatever religious label it is given.

That would be your opinion. Mine is that faith is always stupid. Absurdly so. So much so, I really don't get how people can turn off their logic centers of their brains to such an extent as to "have faith".

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:44 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:48 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:51 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/31/10 12:54 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:02 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:05 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:11 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

So when faced with the truth you fall into the mind control sayings from the cult. I see. Well continue on because you are the only one who is getting anything from the mind control it won't work here.

Religions are no different from cults man, look and ye shall see:wink: laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:14 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

So when faced with the truth you fall into the mind control sayings from the cult. I see. Well continue on because you are the only one who is getting anything from the mind control it won't work here.

Religions are no different from cults man, look and ye shall see:wink: laugh

i do not believe in a religion or cult. I believe in the only truth. Religions are just beliefs, and what i know is the truth for i have seen it.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:18 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

So when faced with the truth you fall into the mind control sayings from the cult. I see. Well continue on because you are the only one who is getting anything from the mind control it won't work here.

Religions are no different from cults man, look and ye shall see:wink: laugh

i do not believe in a religion or cult. I believe in the only truth. Religions are just beliefs, and what i know is the truth for i have seen it.

Truth is subjective so you see what you want to see based on your mind control from your religion/cult.

You wouldn't have to hear this from anyone if you worked to save yourself and leave others alone. You know, respecting others rights to their truth.

If a person wants you to save them believe me they will ask for it. Until then save yourself because you do need it.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:27 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

So when faced with the truth you fall into the mind control sayings from the cult. I see. Well continue on because you are the only one who is getting anything from the mind control it won't work here.

Religions are no different from cults man, look and ye shall see:wink: laugh

i do not believe in a religion or cult. I believe in the only truth. Religions are just beliefs, and what i know is the truth for i have seen it.

Truth is subjective so you see what you want to see based on your mind control from your religion/cult.

You wouldn't have to hear this from anyone if you worked to save yourself and leave others alone. You know, respecting others rights to their truth.

If a person wants you to save them believe me they will ask for it. Until then save yourself because you do need it.

For one, you can not seek something you do not know of. And weather they believe or not believe does not make a difference to me in how i treat them of which we speak of. And i need no saving for the lord protects me from all.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:40 PM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

I think the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that religions do not serve the purpose they were suppose to serve. Man has realized this and is slowly letting go of the aged rhetoric.

Religions were designed to control man through fear of ever lasting damnation and a reward beyond imagination. Doctrines of self hatred, discrimination, hypocrisy and superiority hidden beneath blankets of false love and forgiveness had to be exposed eventually.

In order for humans to spiritually grow they have to outgrow religion because it stifles the individual enlightenment that needs to happen for the human spirits to mature. Religions do not teach self responsibility, tolerance, respect, humility, kindness, acceptance and/or living as they say they do.

The lie has been exposed.

Lol nice try at trying to give christianity a bad name. But as a christian we are to love ALL, regardless of their beliefs. We are to be kind to everyone regardless of again their beliefs. We are to love all.

Obviously you didn't even read my post.

You do not show any kind of love that I can see so you might want to rethink your version of love.

loving one is to not wanting bad things to come of that person of which you love. We love all, and do not want any poor soul to have to go through the pain and suffering of hell. But to have the great glory of heaven. We don't look down on you for not believing of such, we are concerned and try harder.

Conversion is by no way love of any kind. It is trying to share the mind control of the cult you belong to, that doesn't do anyone else any good.

I do not belong to a cult. And yes believing in God and doin God's will does everyone good. Ask and ye shall receive. God answeres all prayers. You need no more once you have God, for God will provide you with anything you could possibly need.

So when faced with the truth you fall into the mind control sayings from the cult. I see. Well continue on because you are the only one who is getting anything from the mind control it won't work here.

Religions are no different from cults man, look and ye shall see:wink: laugh

i do not believe in a religion or cult. I believe in the only truth. Religions are just beliefs, and what i know is the truth for i have seen it.

Truth is subjective so you see what you want to see based on your mind control from your religion/cult.

You wouldn't have to hear this from anyone if you worked to save yourself and leave others alone. You know, respecting others rights to their truth.

If a person wants you to save them believe me they will ask for it. Until then save yourself because you do need it.

For one, you can not seek something you do not know of. And weather they believe or not believe does not make a difference to me in how i treat them of which we speak of. And i need no saving for the lord protects me from all.

It is like conversing with a wall. And about as interesting.

So I will be done with you for now.

As for Christianity, it is no better than Islam or any other major religion, it teaches hatred, discrimination, self hatred, hypocrisy, superiority and how to not live a healthy life for your spirit.

No matter how much they lie and say they do.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:43 PM
teaching,, supporting, encouraging, promoting,,,are all different things.

teaching about the holocaust isnt the same as supporting or encouraging it

I was not encouraged in any way to hate or feel superior.

no photo
Wed 04/07/10 06:21 PM

teaching,, supporting, encouraging, promoting,,,are all different things.

teaching about the holocaust isnt the same as supporting or encouraging it

I was not encouraged in any way to hate or feel superior.

I was. Every time I got punched in the face by a "good" christian trying to beat the fear of God into me, I felt a little more hatred.
Every time something of mine was broken or stolen by a "good" christian trying to teach me a lesson, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw pale skinned "good" christians picking on someone of darker skin for no better reason than the darker skin, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw "good" christians picking on someone because they were gay, I felt a little more hatred.

I was going to say something about childhood but no, I still see this kind of christian crap today.

I try really hard not to hate people because of their belief system, but they don't make it easy.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/07/10 06:34 PM
Christianity hasn't been totally lost where I live. You can still find good Christians here and good Samaritans, as far as that is concerned.

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/07/10 11:31 PM

teaching,, supporting, encouraging, promoting,,,are all different things.

teaching about the holocaust isnt the same as supporting or encouraging it

I was not encouraged in any way to hate or feel superior.

I was. Every time I got punched in the face by a "good" christian trying to beat the fear of God into me, I felt a little more hatred.
Every time something of mine was broken or stolen by a "good" christian trying to teach me a lesson, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw pale skinned "good" christians picking on someone of darker skin for no better reason than the darker skin, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw "good" christians picking on someone because they were gay, I felt a little more hatred.

I was going to say something about childhood but no, I still see this kind of christian crap today.

I try really hard not to hate people because of their belief system, but they don't make it easy.

I am sorry for your experiences,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/07/10 11:32 PM

Christianity hasn't been totally lost where I live. You can still find good Christians here and good Samaritans, as far as that is concerned.

that is lovely,,,quite a blessing

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:36 PM

teaching,, supporting, encouraging, promoting,,,are all different things.

teaching about the holocaust isnt the same as supporting or encouraging it

I was not encouraged in any way to hate or feel superior.

I was. Every time I got punched in the face by a "good" christian trying to beat the fear of God into me, I felt a little more hatred.
Every time something of mine was broken or stolen by a "good" christian trying to teach me a lesson, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw pale skinned "good" christians picking on someone of darker skin for no better reason than the darker skin, I felt a little more hatred. Every time I saw "good" christians picking on someone because they were gay, I felt a little more hatred.

I was going to say something about childhood but no, I still see this kind of christian crap today.

I try really hard not to hate people because of their belief system, but they don't make it easy.

I am sorry for your experiences,,,

thank you. But it's ok. I sure they all got forgiven on the next sunday.
But not by me.

Donnar's photo
Tue 04/13/10 12:04 AM

I was wondering if Christianity has become so corroded over the years that the original message has been lost. I don't understand why it is that Christ preached love your neighbor more than yourself, that when you give you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, that you shouldn't be the one to throw the first stone, and that you shouldn't pray on the street corners because your reward would be from men and not from God.

So here is my question, why are the Christians of today seen as the most judgemental(against Christ's message) most boastfull(again against Christ's message) most willing to throw the first stone(again against Christ's message) It's gotten to a point where I'm almost afraid to call myself a Christian...but I refuse not to because that is what I am. But why are so many Christians claiming to be Christ-like while they are throwing stones? and praying so long and winded(pride) for everyone to hear how "holy" they are(they have their reward from men)

Maybe I intepret the teaching differently but to me being Christ-like is doing things to show love to other's without expecting anything in return...your return will come later. "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two" doing things out of pure kindness/love that don't necessarily make sense...but shows something different about you.

The devil makes them do those things. Then people keep on out of habit. Nothing good at all comes from hatred.
Love lifted me.