Topic: Women in combat | |
Since the opponents tend to mostly be men, they are probably very careful not to bring that up as an issue. Can you imagine them all squared away in uniform talking about cramps?! lol!
I can promise you thats not what we discussed.
I can see it now, me and emmy lou in a foxhole, our weapons trained on the enemy, ready to do them in, when all of a sudden a rat crawls on emmy's arm, tat tat tat tat....omg she panicked and shot me... Yeah... as I remember my ex-bf Navy SEAL (and I verified it) have to call me to come and get the pissed off baby boa constricter snake out of the neighbors tub because he (and she) was scared of it and snakes in general... And my brother and father who drag me outside to get the rat snakes, bull snakes, and water snakes out of wherever they're at. Sure! Try another BS excuse! |
All jokes aside, some women are well suited. But they are also not the ones I would be in a relationship with. Men overall are probably better suited because of our natural instincts and physical attributes. This is not meant as a joke although I cant figure out how to say it...but can you cover my back while I change my tampon, its leaking. What the damn machine is not taking my It could create some real issues, I would think. But their is a probability that the stress of combat would stop their cycle, I would assume. You can use birth control pills and stop your period for at least a year or more. I was going to mention this. And the fact that it really isn't a big deal if you just bleed out. There's all sorts of nasty stuff men do when push comes to shove. Special Forces and the training they get comes to mind. |
yes yeast wear the same soiled undies for weeks at a time and its not going to be pleasant. Just like men get crotch rot but we all know what a yeast infection or a UTI is. Men dont have the same issues down there. We may get the itches, but thats ussually all it is...the itchies. No, I dont know all their is to know about womens bodies but I do know enough. So, how come in the articles and debates I've read on this subject no one really brings this as a problem? There about 8 or 9 different points of debate as to why women shouldn't be in combat, but menstrual cycles are hardly mentioned and yeast infections are definitely not brought up. I mean, if it was that cut and dried, why isn't it brought up? PMS is brought up. Physical strength is brought up. Mental stability is brought up. Pregnancy is brought up. Sexual harrassment and assault are brought up. Even traditional gender roles are brought up. None of these are politically correct ideas, so it can't be that. All soldiers in combat have to be physically fit for the job. The menstrual cycle and yeast infections are the least prohibitive of all the possible reasons to keep women out. Regarding sexual assault/rape, like its any safer as a civilian? Being female, I certainly can't walk down the street without being hyper aware of what's going on around me. There are certainly valid medical issues with PMS and cramps,. however, there's also the underlying "funnies" and excuses to get out of things, because of it. I don't agree with women who use it as an excuse. There's also the fact that a fair amount of women will stop their periods when their body fat hits a certain percentage. |
Ya know I'm thinking what about the men who pick up stds from r&r time (happens alot! I know) I hear dat! Once, I was with a WAC and caught the clap four times in one night. ![]() ![]() ![]() As for women in the military, they should have the same rights to compete for whatever job they want. If a man or men are convicted of sexual assaulting a female soldier, they should be executed. It would be essentially a hostile attack against a fellow combatant and only the enemy would want to harm them. |
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 07:19 AM
Sure! Try another BS excuse!
^I smell a paint ball challenge....Lmao it's not BS, only to those who can't accept the fact that there are some places women just DON'T BELONG, just like there are some places men DON'T BELONG and sorry for all of you who want to make it more than it is, it's not sexist, just realistic....are there exceptions to the rule, there always are, but very few in this case. I know that if I had a daughter I wouldn't want her traipsing around some forsaken jungle carrying a gun and a target on her back, it's bad enough the boys need to play these dumb a.s.s games, but then you wanna take the softest creatures on earth and turn them into killers as well, whatever floats your boat. Not to mention it's a huge distraction, let me clarify.....if a riot breaks out in a prison who do the inmates protect, surely not the men think it's any different on a battle field. |
i say after all the men who have lost their lives in past and present wars take a break let women do the fighting.....soildergirl,i'll be true to you... shes the boogie woogie bugle girl from company b
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the andrew brothers
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Sure! Try another BS excuse! ^I smell a paint ball challenge....Lmao it's not BS, only to those who can't accept the fact that there are some places women just DON'T BELONG, just like there are some places men DON'T BELONG and sorry for all of you who want to make it more than it is, it's not sexist, just realistic....are there exceptions to the rule, there always are, but very few in this case. I know that if I had a daughter I wouldn't want her traipsing around some forsaken jungle carrying a gun and a target on her back, it's bad enough the boys need to play these dumb a.s.s games, but then you wanna take the softest creatures on earth and turn them into killers as well, whatever floats your boat. Not to mention it's a huge distraction, let me clarify.....if a riot breaks out in a prison who do the inmates protect, surely not the men think it's any different on a battle field. We have a whole generation of soft men,(see Robert Bly), who are being turned into those hardened killers you refer to. They are the generation who were raised in a fatherless society. They are softer than a whole lot of soft women I've been with. But, it is a man's world and we have been blessed with the right to keep them oppressed and suppressed. Besides, they really don't know what's best for them, right? |
I'm all for women being allowed to fight. However, we need to do a better job protecting them from our own male troops. Too often I hear of women soldiers being forced to do...well...non-combat things. A lot. To a whole lot of frustrated pent up boys in fatigues. Repeatedly. Then, when she finally crawls out of the box that they put her in to hide the "problem" Well, things go south pretty quick. Several of said women have even been killed afterwards. (Generally to prevent the ugly accusations that would come had they not been killed.) So that's my thoughts on women in combat.
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 07:36 AM
Too often I hear of women soldiers being forced to do...well...non-combat things. A lot. To a whole lot of frustrated pent up boys in fatigues. Repeatedly. Then, when she finally crawls out of the box that they put her in to hide the "problem" Well, things go south pretty quick. Several of said women have even been killed afterwards. (Generally to prevent the ugly accusations that would come had they not been killed.) So that's my thoughts on women in combat.
^another good point, let the animals alone, no need to make the situation worse. Soldiers in the field are ruthless and return to the mindset of rape rob and many should and could be courtmarshalled just because some group cries foul over's not very productive and creates a worse environment for all concerned. maybe they should put together an infantry troop of females only, that would be interesting.... |
Apackoflips Now
![]() i love the smell of estrogen in the morning...smells like hickory ![]() |
I'm all for women being allowed to fight. However, we need to do a better job protecting them from our own male troops. Too often I hear of women soldiers being forced to do...well...non-combat things. A lot. To a whole lot of frustrated pent up boys in fatigues. Repeatedly. Then, when she finally crawls out of the box that they put her in to hide the "problem" Well, things go south pretty quick. Several of said women have even been killed afterwards. (Generally to prevent the ugly accusations that would come had they not been killed.) So that's my thoughts on women in combat. Yep. Its a huge problem that the military is doing a great job of covering up. |
Sure! Try another BS excuse! ^I smell a paint ball challenge....Lmao it's not BS, only to those who can't accept the fact that there are some places women just DON'T BELONG, just like there are some places men DON'T BELONG and sorry for all of you who want to make it more than it is, it's not sexist, just realistic....are there exceptions to the rule, there always are, but very few in this case. I know that if I had a daughter I wouldn't want her traipsing around some forsaken jungle carrying a gun and a target on her back, it's bad enough the boys need to play these dumb a.s.s games, but then you wanna take the softest creatures on earth and turn them into killers as well, whatever floats your boat. Not to mention it's a huge distraction, let me clarify.....if a riot breaks out in a prison who do the inmates protect, surely not the men think it's any different on a battle field. I appreciate the noble effort, I think you hit the nail on the head as far as do women BELONG in combat(does anyone really?). I agree there are places that are more natural for men and those that are more natural for women. I think psychologically, for the gender that carries life to be in a position to take it away from others kids basically,, would be torturous. I would not agree to banning from combat those wo WANT to be there and are capable,, but I certainly agree it is not a place for a mother or wife or daughter to be. |
Saving Ryans Privates
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Quite frankly I'm torn. I like to fight, been in lots of fights and usually came out the winner, but I don't like guns. I do however know more girls that are a better shot then most guys. My mother for one can do more damage with a gun then my dad could ever hope...
Do I believe my period woulb be a factor in battle? F**k no. There are tons of reasons why, but Tampons are the last option I would think of to bring with me. There are other ways to do deal with it. And as for crotch itch- some are more prone to it then others. Same as guys. That's hardly a reason to nill women from the field. Do I think the rape thing a concern? Very much so. But, I feel that it would easily be solved if the raper(s) had the same things done to them... buncha unattractive, lusty ladies, with dildos. It would stop the raping of your fellow combatants pretty quick I'd think... As for where a woman or a man belong. That's the most sad thing I've ever heard. I know more nancy boys who are afraid of spiders, snakes, and various other creepy crawly things then I am. Who is anyone to say that a person should not be allowed something based upon their gender or even their sexuality? If they are capable nothing else should matter. Not the parts between their legs or ill preconcieved notions of weaker or stronger. |
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 08:28 AM
I think if they are physically able they should be allowed to. But in reality most of the service woman aren't physically able. The physical fitness test is a lot more lenient for women then it is for men. If the women can compete physically with the guy's with the same requirements then I'm all for it. Otherwise I'd be afraid they would become a liability. Not only because of less strength but because of a guys natural instinct to protect women......I could foresee a first. jmo
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 08:32 AM
when I was getting out of the Navy they were just begining to transition to co ed crews
as a part of our Battle Group we had a destroyer tender (maintenance and repair) it was a co ed crew we all called the ship the "Love Boat" because everytime we went on a 6 month deployment to the Persian Gulf they always had 20 or 30 women who had to be sent back home for becoming pregnant so women in combat may not be such a bad thing but... |
I think if they are physically able they should be allowed to. But in reality most of the service woman aren't physically able. The physical fitness test is a lot more lenient for women then it is for men. If the women can compete physically with the guy's with the same requirements then I'm all for it. Otherwise I'd be afraid they would become a liability. Not only because of less strength but because of a guys natural instinct to protect women......I could foresee a first. jmo In the reality of things I do agree with this as well as the issue of women being Raped not only by their fellow troops but as well as when they have been captured. There are many aspects of the war that a women can perform though that would indeed help place more men on the front line which in fact they are used for every day. My thoughts are if they can pass the same test that men can then and only then would I totally agree to put them up front and center. Even though I'm all for women rights I still don't believe the test should be changed to fit the criteria just for women. If men can't pass the test for men they are bypassed which should hold true for the women as well. That is as far as combat but then they should be considered to work within the areas that are much needed instead. JMO |