Topic: Corrupt a Wish | |
Granted you owe $1000 dollars and your first born.
I wish I lived in a warmer climate |
Granted, but you find yourself living in an "armpit" of a city with no work, no water, and no life worth mentioning...oh, and by the way - it's 100 degrees in the shade!
I wish I could stretch an hour into 90 minutes! |
Granted, but the wish was confused now you can strech your arms and legs 90 feet
I wish I was living alone again |
Granted, you do, you now live in a remote area in the middle of Wyoming, with no water, plumbing, or electricity. The nearest gas station and grocery store are 150 miles away.
I wish people didn't lie to each other anymore. |
Granted, now everyone cannot tell a lie, but many, including you, don't like what they hear.
I wish that girl in my dreams the other night would manifest in this reality. |
Granted, but now you don';t want her.
I wish I lived in Clovis, New Mexico |
Granted, but now you've been abducted by aliens multiple times and are now impregnated with an alien hybrid
I wish I lived in New Zealand |
granted but just before your arrival, everyone there moved to the Falklands
i wish i were not hungry right now |
granted but now you are dying of thirst
I wish I had a magic wand |
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 02:05 AM
granted but you only get to use it twice
i wish i had large pepperoni pizza |
granted but the crust is made out of buckwheat
I wish money grew on trees |
granted however, the trees are strikingly similar to banana trees and there is a huge turn over of wealth and power to tiny little third world island nations
i wish i could change people's minds |
granted but their mind changes back at midnight on the eleventh day
I wish I could help more people |
Edited by
Thu 02/04/10 03:30 AM
granted but people take advantage of you and you burn out within a year
i wish i could start a revolution |
Granted. But then you are deposed as the leader.
I wish it would rain instead of snow. |
Granted, but the rain smells like cat pee.
I wish it was the year 1955. |
Granted, you could look forward to President Eisenhower, the first televisied speech!
I wish things were a little easier for all... |
Granted, but things have become so easy nobody has any kind of strength what so ever.
I wish for nothing |
Granted, now you have nothing and can never get it back.
I wish I was a guy that one week of the month! |
Granted, now you have nothing and can never get it back. I wish I was a guy that one week of the month! Granted. Now you have to walk around that week scratching yourself and making loud noises. I wish I was at a Rolling Stones concert. |