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Topic: Recovering from religious extremism - Religiosity
msharmony's photo
Tue 12/15/09 11:28 PM
Any type of extremism implies an inbalance and any inbalance is unstable. In terms of extremists,, perhaps there is a correlation with close mindededness and supremist beliefs that keeps them from having the knowledge that is currently considered under the label of "IQ". In general though, I dont believe religious people to be any more or less intelligent than any other. The OP points out interesting correlations but none define for me a cause and effect conclusion when it comes to religion in general and 'intelligence'.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:23 AM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:31 AM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 12/16/09 07:32 AM
couldn't think of a proper response lol so I erased it

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 12/16/09 08:11 AM

“Ultimately the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more no less then the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century.” -Michael Denton, British-Australian author and biochemist

“Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups." -Dr. Louis Bounoure, Director of the Zoological Museum and Director of Research at the National Center of Scientific Research in France

“When confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, the only possible answers are religious…I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life.” -Winner of the Noble prize for Physics, Arthur L. Schawlow

(note-heavenlyboy34 neither believes nor disbelieves in religion, but will disbelieve in evolution till the scientific method is used to prove it...which has not yet been done.)

I could find 3 people who swear the Earth is flat...one in this forum.

In scientific terms relating to "theory" (in evolution) suggests it's "factual" based on evidences collected with scientific methods. many do not understand the various meanings of "theory"

Scientific theory:

"1.A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."

Evolution is the accepted theory (fact) and denying it I consider pretty extreme...I have hair on my back...go figure..lol.


Richard Dawkins explains why evolution is a fact beyond reasonable doubt in his latest book, The Greatest Show On Earth:

Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt evolution is a fact. The evidence for evolution is at least as strong for the evidence for the Holocaust, even allowing for eye witnesses to the Holocaust.

It is the plain truth that we are cousins of chimpanzees, somewhat more distant cousins of monkeys, more distant cousins still of aardvarks and manatees, yet more distant cousins f bananas and turnips… continue the list as long as desired. That didn’t have to be true. It is not self-evidently, tautologically, obviously true, and there was a time when most people, even educated people, thought it wasn’t. It didn’t have to be true, but it is. We now this because a rising flood of evidence supports it.

Evolution is a fact, and this book will demonstrate it. No reputable scientist disputes it, and no unbiased reader will close the book doubting it. (p. 8-9)"

Richard Dawkins.


msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:23 AM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:37 AM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

So you say.

I have seen different from you.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 12:31 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

So you say.

I have seen different from you.

which proves my statement,, I would think.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 12:38 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

So you say.

I have seen different from you.

which proves my statement,, I would think.

Different from being the same as the list.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 12:40 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

So you say.

I have seen different from you.

which proves my statement,, I would think.

Different from being the same as the list.

My interest is sparked. I am genuinely interested in an example of where you have seen me be 'different' from your list?

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 12:59 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Amen sister!

And just think, I do all the same things even though I have not laid down my faith. We are all just different.

So you say.

I have seen different from you.

which proves my statement,, I would think.

Different from being the same as the list.

My interest is sparked. I am genuinely interested in an example of where you have seen me be 'different' from your list?

Actually it would be more informative for you to show how you are the same especially where you get your moral compass from, how you can believe in an omnipotent being having control and still have free will, how having the lord in your life makes you superior to others because you will be getting a reward others do not deserve, how you can be responsible for yourself with the devil influencing you to do things as stated in Christianity, etc....

Everything listed on my list is either not allowed in true Christianity or is the opposite of the taught facts of the religion.

Actually, you don't have to answer any of it because you will miss the whole point and I do not feel like addressing it.

My list is the antithesis of religion, almost any religion. There cannot be any of my list in a person and they still be a devout religious person in most religions.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:17 PM
I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

I regret that you appear to have a negative view about my actions or my words(well, in this forum, it could only be my words). This is why I asked for examples, though I know with so many posts its hard to repeat verbatim any past situation. As someone who is trying to follow a christian life,,I do aknowledge my flaws and try to correct them. I wish you could have been more specific about where I have said anything contrary to the list you posted.

As to the list being against religious beliefs...
I dont know a single passage I have studied which contradicts or bans any of these things except perhaps having reverence for the Lord. I stand by my original assertion that I do all these things myself. That I do any of this with God in mind makes it no less significant or real than whatever drives anyone else to do it.

As far as deserving a reward that others dont. I again dont see it about being deserving as none are without sin. IT is a matter of taking the proper journey to reach a certain destination. One cant get to california driving east from ohio,,no matter how much they want to get there. I see no difference in making it home to the Lord, except many who fuss the most about not getting there claim they dont believe it exists in the first place,,which always puzzles me,,

but as I said, we are indeed all different and I will never claim or believe myself better or worse than anyone because of my faith. I will always take responsibility for my actions, my morals come from the same place as anyones( I just view that place differently), I dont believe myself or anyone to be an animal, I dont know anything about being used to fight evil, and I really have free will and the intelligence to look objectively at most things.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:22 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Wed 12/16/09 01:30 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Actually it would be more informative for you to show how you are the same especially where you get your moral compass from, how you can believe in an omnipotent being having control and still have free will, how having the lord in your life makes you superior to others because you will be getting a reward others do not deserve, how you can be responsible for yourself with the devil influencing you to do things as stated in Christianity, etc....

Everything listed on my list is either not allowed in true Christianity or is the opposite of the taught facts of the religion.

Actually, you don't have to answer any of it because you will miss the whole point and I do not feel like addressing it.

My list is the antithesis of religion, almost any religion. There cannot be any of my list in a person and they still be a devout religious person in most religions.

Pardon me for asking, but how were you raised that you ended up with such a distorted view of religion?

In your list, the only thing I can understand is the lack of free will because I understand the "fear of God" aspect of one feeling forced to be righteous or face wrath.
But how can you have free will when every country has laws which also give one the fear of wrath?

Either way you look at though, everyone does have free will.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:23 PM

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

I regret that you appear to have a negative view about my actions or my words(well, in this forum, it could only be my words). This is why I asked for examples, though I know with so many posts its hard to repeat verbatim any past situation. As someone who is trying to follow a christian life,,I do aknowledge my flaws and try to correct them. I wish you could have been more specific about where I have said anything contrary to the list you posted.

As to the list being against religious beliefs...
I dont know a single passage I have studied which contradicts or bans any of these things except perhaps having reverence for the Lord. I stand by my original assertion that I do all these things myself. That I do any of this with God in mind makes it no less significant or real than whatever drives anyone else to do it.

As far as deserving a reward that others dont. I again dont see it about being deserving as none are without sin. IT is a matter of taking the proper journey to reach a certain destination. One cant get to california driving east from ohio,,no matter how much they want to get there. I see no difference in making it home to the Lord, except many who fuss the most about not getting there claim they dont believe it exists in the first place,,which always puzzles me,,

but as I said, we are indeed all different and I will never claim or believe myself better or worse than anyone because of my faith. I will always take responsibility for my actions, my morals come from the same place as anyones( I just view that place differently), I dont believe myself or anyone to be an animal, I dont know anything about being used to fight evil, and I really have free will and the intelligence to look objectively at most things.

I told you, you wouldn't even understand and you do not.

But that is okay, it is the path of religion to live that way.

No offense intended nor taken.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:26 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Wed 12/16/09 04:28 PM

I always tell people, one of the greatest, most freeing things I did in life was set down religion.

I take full and utter responsibility for what I do in life to myself and others
I don't have to try to be superior to others with the mythology of old men nor wish hell on those who do not believe.
I don't have to look to others for my morality.
I don't have to believe in an evil force using me to fight an imaginary battle with another force supposedly good.
I don't have to believe that I am some uncontrolled animal without religion.
I REALLY do have free will, not the illusion taught in religion
I can look at the progression/regression of man because and around religion objectively without reverence for one over the other.

My spirit has been so full of life and appreciation for life since I freed it.

Actually it would be more informative for you to show how you are the same especially where you get your moral compass from, how you can believe in an omnipotent being having control and still have free will, how having the lord in your life makes you superior to others because you will be getting a reward others do not deserve, how you can be responsible for yourself with the devil influencing you to do things as stated in Christianity, etc....

Everything listed on my list is either not allowed in true Christianity or is the opposite of the taught facts of the religion.

Actually, you don't have to answer any of it because you will miss the whole point and I do not feel like addressing it.

My list is the antithesis of religion, almost any religion. There cannot be any of my list in a person and they still be a devout religious person in most religions.

Pardon me for asking, but how were you raised that you ended up with such a distorted view of religion?

In your list, the only thing I can understand is the lack of free will because I understand the "fear of God" aspect of one feeling forced to be righteous or face wrath.
But how can you have free will when every country has laws which also give one the fear of wrath?

Either way you look at though, everyone does have free will.

Only distorted because it is not your view?

Free will only exists outside of religion. Religions use free will erroneously as a scapegoat to explain those questions that they would rather not answer about the failings of the religion to be right.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:32 PM
Free will is really only the state that allows us to reason the consequences of actions and determine which actions to take. Some consider legal consequences, som consider consequence of the conscious...but its free will regardless of religion or atheism.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:52 PM

Only distorted because it is not your view?

Free will only exists outside of religion. Religions use free will erroneously as a scapegoat to explain those questions that they would rather not answer about the failings of the religion to be right.

No, distorted because YOU think a religious person couldn't write the same paragraph and it ALSO be true.

Who's pretending to be superior here?

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:59 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 12/16/09 05:03 PM
I think it's important to teach about religion to a certain level but not teaching by it.

It could be dangerous if alternatives are not shown. Currently USA leads the way with Evolution the least taught in schools, while creation is taken as what is the truth.

Both should be taught from a perspective and let the individual decide what he or she want to believe, but it is still important, that both are being taught at the same time.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 05:06 PM

Only distorted because it is not your view?

Free will only exists outside of religion. Religions use free will erroneously as a scapegoat to explain those questions that they would rather not answer about the failings of the religion to be right.

No, distorted because YOU think a religious person couldn't write the same paragraph and it ALSO be true.

Who's pretending to be superior here?

They can't it is against their religion no pun intended...lol

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 05:13 PM
IT is ironic, to feel as if there is something inherently supremist about a person of faith believing in attaining (what you call rewards) that a non believe does not,, but you dont see how you believing a believer has any less of a free will than a non believer is not , by the same standard, supremist.

I feel that someone seeking God is more likely to find him than one that doesnt believe in him but I dont think anyone is definitively incapable of finding him. Why do u feel someone of faith is incapable of things like self accountability or morals or equality, or objectivity.

These are all things that are a part of one's character and intelligence as much if not more than their particular religious belief.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/16/09 05:15 PM
I forget to post this about the OP.

If the religious would not take a moral high ground as if they are better and have the answers to the ills that they have never been able to solve, they wouldn't have to worry about folks "attacking" their false stance.

Religion doesn't equal morality nor does it make a person a better person at any level.

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