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Topic: Just so you ladies understand how hard it is for us guys.
Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:47 PM

I sent this email to 50 different women on 4 free dating sites. I got ONE reply.

"You sound interesting. Want to rob a bank with me? I'll drive the getaway car while you go inside and get the money. Then we'll fly to Las Vegas, get married, have wild parties with showgirls and Elvis impersonators, argue because you don't want to name our first child Otto (even if it's a girl) get a divorce and spend the rest of our lives growing old and lonely."

However, I also said it to another 50 women face to face t start a conversation and got 12 phone numbers.

Do you think it's all in the delivery? laugh

Hmmmm...I think 49 of the 50 women online were smart enough to realize they would be charged with bank robbery...and you only charged with accessory to bank robbery. The 50 you met face to face - let's say in a bar - well, only 38 women were smart enough to realize they were bank robbers...and 12 were dumber than a box of rocks. So, smarter women are online? You hang out in a bar with 24% dumb women? So many questions...so few real answers. rofl

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:49 PM

I sent this email to 50 different women on 4 free dating sites. I got ONE reply.

"You sound interesting. Want to rob a bank with me? I'll drive the getaway car while you go inside and get the money. Then we'll fly to Las Vegas, get married, have wild parties with showgirls and Elvis impersonators, argue because you don't want to name our first child Otto (even if it's a girl) get a divorce and spend the rest of our lives growing old and lonely."

However, I also said it to another 50 women face to face t start a conversation and got 12 phone numbers.

Do you think it's all in the delivery? laugh

Hmmmm...I think 49 of the 50 women online were smart enough to realize they would be charged with bank robbery...and you only charged with accessory to bank robbery. The 50 you met face to face - let's say in a bar - well, only 38 women were smart enough to realize they were bank robbers...and 12 were dumber than a box of rocks. So, smarter women are online? You hang out in a bar with 24% dumb women? So many questions...so few real answers. rofl

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

XenomorphEyez's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:55 PM

It's not delivery, it's you dude. No offense meant. It's also me. The women who "hang out" on these dating sites are worse than the men in terms of being honest about intent. They have been lied to about their looks so often that they believe the hype. There are some who are highly photogenic but in reality are average in looks. Just watch "Next Top Model" and you'll see what I mean. I look better in person than in my photos and, I'm told, younger.
Now your a nice looking man but you don't fit their Brad Pitt profile type, so they don't have time to waste on you. I'm in the 50's range and even though these women will wind up alone for the rest of their lives, they refuse to, in their words, SETTLE. I'm not sure what that actually means but I do know that Brad won't be posting anytime soon.
So ladies, get over yourselves. Your missing out on a lot of descent looking guys who are serious about finding a mate. That goes for all age groups. Later, Leon.

Actually, I think you look older IMO and you are not average in body type since you are being so honest in your description on what you perceive what ALL women want. If you are talking about honesty, might as well practice it, no? So it might just not be the women who "hang out" on these dating sites but the mirrors of some men that their perception of themselves that might prevent themslaphead from returning emails to such strapping lads. Also, I actually put a picture of Brad Pitt in my profile because so many men are infatuated with him on dating sites. Now he has a billy goat beard going on and not quite the guy he was in Thelma and Louise. Plus Ms Jolie already has him, so he's not available just so you know. huh Oh and like you, no offense meant.

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:32 PM

I don't want this to turn into a nice guy thread. My point was that online is WAY different than real life. A woman that won't give me the time of day in a reply will sit and talk for hours in real life. I find this interesting.

This is a great point!

I believe that the majority of online daters do not translate well across the internet.

When I meet a guy in person for the first time, his gestures, smile, intelligence shine through whereas I may not have noticed those qualities if I saw his "dating profile" first.

This subject is the only time I waver on the use of online dating. I know I am missing out by the one-dimension of my computer.

Absolutely, I know for me with friends from the internet or even prospective men I am interested in I want to go to at least the phone to talk, I want the voice inflections, I have on another site that for me I would really prefer to do a webcam session before we meet and greet. I want to see the person and interact with them.

I would much prefer to meet right away and yet I can't since it always involves traveling...

Real life is so much better than the cyber world. I know for me it is anyway.

I think Tex.. if I had gotten one of those emails I would have thought the guy was high and just not answered it.

angelo54915's photo
Wed 12/02/09 06:39 PM
Dude... Your my hero. If a woman sent me something like that...1; I will be praying she isnt serious...2; She would have me running to her in the middle of the night with my pants down drooling waiting to spanked.
A witty and sarcastic sense of humor is a turn on.

Dont get the wrong ideas you pervs

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:12 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Tue 12/08/09 10:14 AM
For those that said they don't like the idea of sending the same message to multiple women; do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with something funny, interesting and unique enough to make myself stand out from the crowd? I also used the same words to start conversations in real life and not one woman complained. In fact, I get several phone numbers and have sense been on dates three of those women!

What I wrote and sent to these women was not just a clever note. It was also a test to see if she matched with my sense of humor. To find out if she would play along and throw something back at me. Almost all of the women in real life did this. On the web one did.

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:25 AM
Texas, are we supposed to feel sorry for you, because you find it difficult to come up with something unique to say to different women?

LewisW123's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:38 AM

For those that said they don't like the idea of sending the same message to multiple women; do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with something funny, interesting and unique enough to make myself stand out from the crowd? I also used the same words to start conversations in real life and not one woman complained. In fact, I get several phone numbers and have sense been on dates three of those women!

What I wrote and sent to these women was not just a clever note. It was also a test to see if she matched with my sense of humor. To find out if she would play along and throw something back at me. Almost all of the women in real life did this. On the web one did.

My guess is, although you are good looking, you aren't Brad Pitt. You can't just walk into a room and have to beat the women away with a stick, just as you cannot post your pic on a website and have your inbox over-flowing with their emails. Wit, humor and charm do not always translate well thru emails, so I guess you have to rely on those attributes in real life, along with your sparkling personality. I mean, what's more impressive to a woman? Playful banter thru emails over the course of a few days, or in real life over the course of a few minutes.?

I would guess, the latter, because it is much more personal.

Women's brains don't always work the way we think they should.

Pickofthelitter's photo
Tue 12/08/09 11:15 AM

For those that said they don't like the idea of sending the same message to multiple women; do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with something funny, interesting and unique enough to make myself stand out from the crowd? I also used the same words to start conversations in real life and not one woman complained. In fact, I get several phone numbers and have sense been on dates three of those women!

What I wrote and sent to these women was not just a clever note. It was also a test to see if she matched with my sense of humor. To find out if she would play along and throw something back at me. Almost all of the women in real life did this. On the web one did.

My guess is, although you are good looking, you aren't Brad Pitt. You can't just walk into a room and have to beat the women away with a stick, just as you cannot post your pic on a website and have your inbox over-flowing with their emails. Wit, humor and charm do not always translate well thru emails, so I guess you have to rely on those attributes in real life, along with your sparkling personality. I mean, what's more impressive to a woman? Playful banter thru emails over the course of a few days, or in real life over the course of a few minutes.?

I would guess, the latter, because it is much more personal.

Women's brains don't always work the way we think they should.

Good looks and charm aren't mutually inclusive, and I've met few women who place as much importance on looks, as men do (men are more visual by nature).

But I agree: the later is more personal, and when impressed in person, a woman is more likely to give out her phone number. It's not like you can make a woman laugh here, and 5 minutes later get her phone number, as you can in person.

And as more proof that the later is more personal: I've had several long term relationships, which lasted many years, and it's no surprise to me, I met none of those women here on the Internet.

Conversely: On the Internet dating sites; I've met plenty of women who will ignore communications, when they would feel to ashamed to treat someone with the same disrespect in person.

Be confident and funny and keep a smile on your face when approaching women in public, and you'll have plenty more luck there.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 12/08/09 11:37 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Tue 12/08/09 11:43 AM

Texas, are we supposed to feel sorry for you, because you find it difficult to come up with something unique to say to different women?


I am simply attempting to communicate to you and the other women here what it's like for men on these dating sites and to perhaps hear from other men on the subject.

I stated earlier that this isn't another nice guy thread. Do not pity me, I am doing just fine in the dating arena. This thread is about the way men and women interact in both real life and the internet. It isn't about me or you or anyone else. It is about this game all of us play.

I find it interesting that so few (only one I think) women appear to have any helpful input on the subject.

So, it seems that internet dating simply doesn't work for the vast majority of us. Even people like myself that have no trouble getting dates in real life.

LewisW123's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:37 PM
Edited by LewisW123 on Tue 12/08/09 12:38 PM

So, it seems that internet dating simply doesn't work for the vast majority of us. Even people like myself that have no trouble getting dates in real life.

Vast majority. I believe you are right. For every "success" story, I believe there are about a million failures, starting with the non-responses you get from women that otherwise, in real life, you would get a date with.

It is why I wouldn't waste anymore time on it, personally.

hopefloating's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:06 PM

Yes! The guys that study this kind of thing tell us that some 70% of what we communicate is through body language and another 20% is in the tone of your voice. That means that online 90% of what you usually say isn't being said. No matter what you write 90% is lost because it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters.

This would be exactly what i was talking about...

I understand what your trying to convey texas.

I gave up on online dating a long time ago. Your question about responses from woman was similar to my irritation with my interaction with the guys online.

The guys almost always would respond. I would say that out of 10 e-mails I might send out, I would have at least 9 e-mail me back. Great odds......however...my issue with the guys online is the pervert factor.

Guys online seem to think just because I have e-mailed them a couple times...and we have common ground...that they have permission to devulge personal information about their junk....and size...and ask questions about how much of a freak I am...

sorry.....but um....no I won't have phone sex with you.

I won't get naked in front of the cam....and no I don't have naked pics of myself...

I also do not want a booty call....thanks guys...but no thanks.

JustSayin's photo
Wed 12/09/09 04:57 AM
Now I'm laughing, NOT at you, but on another site some of my friends and I had all gotten the same email from a guy his more serious than funny.... (7 of us gals) Note: we compare, we talk.. Anyway once we discovered this, we all just blew him off as another wanna be player.. OMG, but, now I see he MAY have thought the same as you... WOW...

BTW, it may have helped if you put a little laughing guy at the end of that email... Some ppl are just too serious or since they don't know you, they may think your just as crazy as some of the other guys who emails us...

But, I thought it was funny... and would have said...

"No, that's OK, did that last week... Have any other cool ideas?"

hopefloating's photo
Wed 12/09/09 11:44 AM
I think I mention in my profile that If you write me I will respond...unless your profile is either wacked out, boring,or perverse.

However there was a time when I would not respond to a guys e-mail if it was an obvious cut and paste....

....then I realized how difficult it is just to find a match that you want to hang out with....yyeeeaahhhh....cut and paste away with the e-mails guys....

Because its your PROFILE you will be judged upon for me to respond to you.

Englishrose2's photo
Wed 12/09/09 11:54 AM

Texas, are we supposed to feel sorry for you, because you find it difficult to come up with something unique to say to different women?


I am simply attempting to communicate to you and the other women here what it's like for men on these dating sites and to perhaps hear from other men on the subject.

I stated earlier that this isn't another nice guy thread. Do not pity me, I am doing just fine in the dating arena. This thread is about the way men and women interact in both real life and the internet. It isn't about me or you or anyone else. It is about this game all of us play.

I find it interesting that so few (only one I think) women appear to have any helpful input on the subject.

So, it seems that internet dating simply doesn't work for the vast majority of us. Even people like myself that have no trouble getting dates in real life.

laugh Try walking in my shoes i get plenty of attention from guys but very little from girls, just between you and me i think its the lesbian thing!laugh :wink: laugh Anna x

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 12:04 PM
I have always been quite reserved when emailing people on these sites.
It's just to easy to be misunderstood.
After a while, you can loosen up a bit.
When its face to face, so many other factors come into play that can effect success in meeting/dating.

irisheyes79's photo
Wed 12/09/09 12:16 PM

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/09/09 12:24 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 12/09/09 12:25 PM

No matter who you are or what you write, you wont get much more than ten percent replying, if you are lucky. I gave up on sending random emails pretty quickly, and relied mainly on them emailing me first. If i were single now i wouldnt bother with online dating at all.


Same here, I learned my lesson as well. When I went out on my own to make first contact, all i got was shallow women only who liked one of my picture and hated another one, like I'm nothing but a photo album.

If they care, they reply, the rest if it's up to me, hope they gonna grow old and stay lonely and will only dream about their fantasy partner who is an impossible person to begin with and could never exist anyway.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 12/09/09 12:26 PM
all approach, man...

you cannot "feel" or develop a "vibe" online...

I bet half the women that DID give you their number, would have almost no matter what you said - cause they liked your body language...ect...

$.02 drinker

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:27 PM
I would have answered your email based on creativity. If I get a generic email, I ask the guy to write something that lets me know he read my profile. The majority of the emails I receive are no longer than a line-usually something about nice profile or good looking. Not hard to reply to that by just saying thank you.

If someone took the time to write something personal I take the time to write back. Of course, the age I am, I don't get that many emails to have to worry about it. If it's strictly about sex and they are 21-they might not get a response.

While very outgoing in person, I would hesistate to email someone first. I've only did it twice and out of that, I'm going to meet one of the men this weekend. GUYS-you only need to get our attention in a few emails and then move on to talking on the phone. It's so much easier to see if there's a connection that way.

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