Topic: women don't know what they want
papersmile's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:30 AM

i have decided that women just do not know what they want. i read all these profile about how they want a nice guy that knows how to treat a lady. someone that they can build a relationship with so on and so on then you send them an e-mail trying to strike something up maybe get to know the and they do not even read their mail. how are they going to find this guy that they are LOOKING for if they do not open their mail?

i think there's a LOT more to it than just wanting a 'nice guy' who treats them like a lady. there's physical attraction involved, as well as rapport (which some one-liners, or even novel-type messages don't provide).

just because a man is a 'nice guy', it doesn't necessarily mean that women are gonna flock to him in droves.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:46 AM

i have decided that women just do not know what they want. i read all these profile about how they want a nice guy that knows how to treat a lady. someone that they can build a relationship with so on and so on then you send them an e-mail trying to strike something up maybe get to know the and they do not even read their mail. how are they going to find this guy that they are LOOKING for if they do not open their mail?

I think most women know exactly what they want. Maybe your definition of a nice guy and how to treat a lady doesn't jive with theirs. Your pirate poster photo that says give up the booty sure contridicts that for me.

If you throughly read their profile (and you meet their criteria) and you write a similar letter to your profile I would think it would be good manners to at least respond with "I don't think we are a match. Good Luck in your search." if they are not interested but netiquette doesn't demand it. Nor does telling you why you bombed required. However clearly half the mail I get is from men who ignore what they have read in my profile if they read it at all.

If you talk to many women on line you will find that too often any response creates more un-welcome attention and sometimes abuse. Once you get a few vulgar emails you get where you just don't mess around. Some women don't respond to anyone who they haven't invited to email or IM. Especially now the nudges are offered to establish mutual interest.

I can't speak for others but when I get mail I tend to look at their profile first. I know profiles have to meet certain boundries. If I get a vibe I don't like from the profile I have deleted letters unopened. Especially if I have seen them in forums on this site or elsewhere saying something offensive.

Because of your age I would think most women would have children and they may not be interested in your career lifestyle. Sadley the way the media portrays service members and the hardships they and their families endure hurts them in the dateing process.

Whineing and sweeping generalizations about women are not probably increasing your potential luck.

i find it very shallow to judge someone on a poster that they put on their profile becasue their might have been a reason that is was put up. just so you know that one was put up due to my last deployment and the mission we were on down south it had nothing to do with telling some one to give up some a$$. as for the my job it is a very sad day when defending our country is a mark agaist them and not for them. now to address the whineing it was blowing off steam due to the people on this sight DATING sight that are not here to date i feel that if you come to a dating sight you should want to date and if not then move on there are tons of other places to make friends such as myspace, face book and so on. thanks for the reply and have a nice day

Well when you put stuff up without explanations then you have to deal with whatever conclusions they draw.

You asked for reasons why people don't respond. Don't shoot the messenger for the message. I have long supported service members as good husbands but the lifestyle is not for everybody and service members do get discriminated against because of it.

Blow off all the steam you want and try and dictate all the "should's" you want but you are shoulding all over your chances to get women to reply to you.

franshade's photo
Fri 10/30/09 05:43 AM

i love pink all the best things in the world are pink

woohoooo, but what a shame I never got an email

did you check your in box??????????

I checked my box over and over again and nada frown

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:30 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Fri 10/30/09 06:31 AM

i find it very shallow to judge someone on a poster that they put on their profile becasue their might have been a reason that is was put up. just so you know that one was put up due to my last deployment and the mission we were on down south it had nothing to do with telling some one to give up some a$$. as for the my job it is a very sad day when defending our country is a mark agaist them and not for them. now to address the whineing it was blowing off steam due to the people on this sight DATING sight that are not here to date i feel that if you come to a dating sight you should want to date and if not then move on there are tons of other places to make friends such as myspace, face book and so on. thanks for the reply and have a nice day

Since there are forums and people make friends here, it isn't solely a dating site. You may be here to date, but that doesn't mean everyone is. You don't want someone to judge you based on something that's in your profile, yet you're judging others for reasons they may not be into you.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:38 AM
I seem to end up with women who love freaking shoes.laugh laugh

Seakolony's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:43 AM
They know what they want, they just don't always get it or find it.

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:48 AM

Women don't know what they want !!!!!!

Men don't know what they want!!!!

Nobody knows what they want!!!!!

How confusing!!!!!!

How come I knew what I wanted and I got it!!!

Just pull your head. Outa your azz and go for it!!!!:heart:


msharmony's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:49 AM
Helps to read the profiles, people share a little of what they want there,,,if they are honest( and it doesnt help them not to be). Mine and hundreds others on this site list pretty specifically the things they 'want' in the opposite sex.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:58 AM


Women don't know what they want !!!!!!

Men don't know what they want!!!!

Nobody knows what they want!!!!!

How confusing!!!!!!

How come I knew what I wanted and I got it!!!

Just pull your head. Outa your azz and go for it!!!!:heart:


I want one thing in a woman....ONE SIMPLE THING.......

and that is a woman who can give me a challange on the air hockey table. I have yet to meet a woman who can do this, and thusly, I have not found my true love. "Sigh".tears

Gator76's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:03 AM
Some good advice from the likes of msharmony, pacificstar48 and singmesweet. Once again, posting a broad generalization draws - and rightfully so - the constructive criticism of those who know better.
Sometimes, like in life, before posting a personal rant, it's wise to count to ten laugh and not make statements that upon reflection...well, seem ridiculous. There are ways of surfacing your frustrations without damning or indicting an entire group of people...

Good luck, really, and the thoughtful responses of women here should give you some hope...and maybe get you to think about being more positive and not painting every woman with the same brush...

franshade's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:09 AM
I know what I want

I just don't wanna tell YOU :laughing:

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:12 AM

I know what I want

I just don't wanna tell YOU :laughing:

Oh, I had you figured out the moment I met you on here. You want a man who will let you shop all day, cook for you, and then give you the bestest sex evah. laugh

jrbogie's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:12 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Fri 10/30/09 07:23 AM
ah, perfect. a "women don't know what they want" thread to counter the "men don't know what they want" threads. see ladies? we're not perfect either. we too grossly overgeneralize when it comes to the oposit sex. handy when we don't succeed in the relationship game and can't stand the thought that it just might be our fault. must be ALL the women. or men. hey, works if you're gay too huh?

and btw op. get some originallity in your profile. "long walks on the beach in the moon light or warm summer rain are the best. winter time in front of a romantic fire feeding each other strawberries"? give me a fvcking break. nice guys aren't the only ones who use such lines. even us bad boys know crap like this get's us laid sooner or later. mostly later than sooner though. dem womans'er jest too dang smart anymore.

causality's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:14 AM

i have decided that women just do not know what they want. i read all these profile about how they want a nice guy that knows how to treat a lady. someone that they can build a relationship with so on and so on then you send them an e-mail trying to strike something up maybe get to know the and they do not even read their mail. how are they going to find this guy that they are LOOKING for if they do not open their mail?

I think it's more that men don't know what women want, so they assume that women also don't know what women want. Women know what they want, it's just that no man anywhere is privy to that information.

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:18 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Fri 10/30/09 07:32 AM
I am a woman

Who raves and rants when I want

Where I want
How I want
To who I want


I have that right

My personality is not like others
I can't stand there, arms folded, acting like the mingle God

Telling the OP who's advice is good and who's is not

Personaly I believe
When your heads up your azz
Ya can't smell the fresh air
Then your confused because of the gas fumes
So take it out and forge ahead!! Do what ya gotta do to understand the opposite sex
Instead of sitting behind a computer whining !

That's the kinda man I DO NOT want!

Love always

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:20 AM


earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:22 AM


Women don't know what they want !!!!!!

Men don't know what they want!!!!

Nobody knows what they want!!!!!

How confusing!!!!!!

How come I knew what I wanted and I got it!!!

Just pull your head. Outa your azz and go for it!!!!:heart:


I want one thing in a woman....ONE SIMPLE THING.......

and that is a woman who can give me a challange on the air hockey table. I have yet to meet a woman who can do this, and thusly, I have not found my true love. "Sigh".tears

Id kick your ***.. Air hockey is my favorite.. one day I shall have my own.

I3illyl3oy's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:23 AM

is this a "nice guy" thread?

or a "women don't open my email" thread?
i think its both

no this is a "i cant find anyone that likes me... FFS im wearing my dress uniform and i need some one to support my troop... botch ***** whine whine" thread...

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:24 AM

i have decided that women just do not know what they want. i read all these profile about how they want a nice guy that knows how to treat a lady. someone that they can build a relationship with so on and so on then you send them an e-mail trying to strike something up maybe get to know the and they do not even read their mail. how are they going to find this guy that they are LOOKING for if they do not open their mail?

I think it's more that men don't know what women want, so they assume that women also don't know what women want. Women know what they want, it's just that no man anywhere is privy to that information.

If men pay attention, they'll know what the women around them want. Same goes for women paying attention to men.

However, a woman not wanting what a man is offering does not mean they don't know what they want, which seems to be the case with this thread.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:26 AM


Women don't know what they want !!!!!!

Men don't know what they want!!!!

Nobody knows what they want!!!!!

How confusing!!!!!!

How come I knew what I wanted and I got it!!!

Just pull your head. Outa your azz and go for it!!!!:heart:


I want one thing in a woman....ONE SIMPLE THING.......

and that is a woman who can give me a challange on the air hockey table. I have yet to meet a woman who can do this, and thusly, I have not found my true love. "Sigh".tears

Id kick your ***.. Air hockey is my favorite.. one day I shall have my own.

Many have tried....but they all fell to my Air Hockey awesomeness. :wink: