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Sat 10/17/09 06:15 PM

There are kids who are 11 and 12 or older who still do not understand the concept of death and it's full ramifications.

You cannot tell me a child should be charged as an adult no matter the heinousness of the crimes. They just do not know what they do.


Oh Dragoness, I can and do stand by my position.

Read pedalac's daughters response, granted she's only one child but one child more than anyone else has posted on here and she's 9.

An 11 and a 12 yr old do know whats right and wrong. As parents we may want to protect our kids and shield them from harm, but lets also be real.

So I can tell you and it's my opinion that the punishment should fit the crime. If they can take a life, what exactly is it that you believe they don't know... how to get away with murder???

Thank you fran.flowerforyou

People do not give kids enough credit. Unless someone has completely sheltered their kids from all media, any shows that show killing or simply just talked to their kids, well then I could believe it, but until I hear that, I will believe that kids know.

Yes, my daughter is only one of many, and she is one of many that do know right from wrong.

To say an 11 and 12 yr old do not know that killing someone is right and wrong is utterly ridiculous. That's like saying my 12 yr old nephew has no idea that killing someone is wrong. Oh my gosh!! These kids are NOT stupid.

Nobody is saying that kids don't know right from wrong but a child that happens to be 8 or 9 is exactly what it is...a child. They do not know or understand fully whats the consequences of their actions will be. They know that they will get in trouble but trouble in a child's mind (9yrs) is standing in the corner. So, when your child knows that killing is bad and wrong does she honestly ynderstand everything else that comes with it? I doubt it...

Your doubt is WAY OFF BASE!! My 9 yr old knows that if she were to shoot someone, they could die and she DOES know that she could get in trouble with the police.

My goodness people, how stupid do you guys think kids are????????frustrated

The way we grew up is so different than today's kids. We grew up watching the news because my parents did, we never saw what todays kids see. If we were talking about yesteryear kids from 30 yrs ago, sure. These kids see so much on tv and computers, so much more that we saw.

I can say you really offended my 9 yr old by basically saying she is stupid, yes that's what you're calling her and many other children. Give them credit for crying out loud.

Read into it ANYWAY that you like but I AM NOT saying that your kid is stupid nor am I saying that children of her age or younger are as well. Your not seeing the point bc you have already made your decision without taking into consideration ANYTHING of what the other ppl POV's on here are. And what's so different from then (back in the stone age as you make it sound) and now? I'll tell you it's just more graphic is all.Kids then had to grow up ALOT quicker than children of today bc they are pampered so don't suggest that things were that much different. Different yes...but total opposite, I think not.

Oh gosh way way off. The only thing I can agree with is things are more graphic. Back then, I said 30 yrs ago how that makes it sound like the stone age, only you know that answer. haha Years ago we didn't have the internet and cable tv. There is so much more on the new and television. kids are more exposed than ever. When anyone gets online what's the first thing they see? NEWS, shootings, robberies, war, you name it. How is that not being exposed? We did not have that years ago.

We agree to disagree. You may not be saying my daughter and kids her age are stupid, but your words come out that way. I can tell you from what she said, telling you that she is not stupid. I read YOUR post to her and that was HER response.

Kids know more than people give them credit for. They know right from wrong. Frans posts on the scenarios is a perfect example that some kids are just plain bad and yes they surely know what the did was wrong. They need to be held accountable.

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:04 AM

boy you'd have to be a fool to believe a child as old as 12 or 13 has no concept of death.. What world are you livin in... One without dead pets great grand parents or great great ( which I was lucky to have one till 25)... Or the tragic loss of a sick or accidental death of a friend... Must be a nice place there in fantasy land which you probably have no kids in...when I was 12 13 kids were having sex.. I knew a pregnant girl in 8th grade... And had lost a friend.....
I wonder if my 6 yr old doesn't have a better concept of reality than you..

Well said. And very true. Of course, since many people, adults included don't understand how that meat gets to ones supermarket, its sad to realize they may not understand dead.

Regarding the 8 year old who killed his dad and the gf, if I recall from reading at the time, dad had bought him that gun for hunting. Most definately then, a kid that young knows the difference between dead and alive, if he's got his own gun for hunting.

Personally, I'm all for putting anyone and everyone down. We certainly do it fast enough for "vicious" dogs and other animals without squawking about rehab. Maybe if parents realized their childrens lives depended on what they taught their kids, they'd do a better job and stop with the "keeping my kid innocent" BS that's running rampant.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:30 AM
Umm, Im going with the case by case answer. all children are not the same and do not have the same awareness and even then , they are still children who we are supposed to be teaching and giving the chance to grow into responsible adults.

Our current culture kind of confuses me at times, We protect kids when it comes to sex ( men are still imprisoned for having sex with children right?). In THOSE cases we say the kids dont know enough to realize what they consent to. But when kids HURT others we say they know all too well what they do. I think the inconsistency in our cultural values must be quite an obstacle for our children to overcome.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 10/18/09 03:16 AM

I'm going with number 2 on this.
They are children, not adults. I don't think we(society)should lock up children and throw away the key. There is always hope.

There is hope right until the crime is committed (jmo) then they should be punished according to the crime.

They can make positive use of their time while incarcerated. Help others, help rehabilitate others.

Fran..I know we aren't going to agree on much of this issue...laugh

I will agree rehabilitation could be necessary. In a juvenile facility with other "child criminals". Not with adults! As awful as a crime..they are STILL
children. The crime just makes it appear to us that they are not..


The convicted children do spend time in juvenile facilities until they reach adulthood, then they are transfered to an adult facility.

Actually usually they are not transferred to and adult facility and are discharged and their juvinile records are sealed so that noone has a clue about their "problems" that lead up to the crime or developed since.

As adults they can refuse treatment even if they desperately need it and will become violent without it.

My feeling is you do the time you do the crime. Yes there should be segregated facilities but many of these kids have problems that the mediocre to non-existent counseling they are suppose to get does nothing. They are just simply older, bigger, stronger, and frequently more disturbed. They certainly don't fear incarceration after juvinile theraputic treatment. They think it is going to be more of the same. Some don't care if it is worse.

no photo
Sun 10/18/09 09:41 AM

boy you'd have to be a fool to believe a child as old as 12 or 13 has no concept of death.. What world are you livin in... One without dead pets great grand parents or great great ( which I was lucky to have one till 25)... Or the tragic loss of a sick or accidental death of a friend... Must be a nice place there in fantasy land which you probably have no kids in...when I was 12 13 kids were having sex.. I knew a pregnant girl in 8th grade... And had lost a friend.....
I wonder if my 6 yr old doesn't have a better concept of reality than you..

Since you started with "boy", I know you are not speaking to me.

wasn't actually but I'm sure you are aware that its an expression easily replaced with gee or any other nondescript expression used at the beginning of a statement...

franshade's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:15 AM

It is not a matter of stupidity in the kids.

Understanding the concept of death and all of the repercussions of death are too deep for an 11 or 12 year old to understand fully.

It is hard for a 20 year old to understand completely unless they have dealt with it at some point in their lives.

The kids really know not what they do.

And this is true clear into their late teens.

take the 2 examples I posted this topic about, how can you explain to me that a bunch of kids 10 or more with guns, enter a woman's apt, sexually and physically abuse her, her son, for hours had no clue what they were doing?

another example a group of kids douse another with a flammable liquid, set him on fire, these kids didn't know what they were doing either?

Just like I told Daniel, kids do horrid things. Whether taught it, or if they are not well mentally. That is still not a reason to charge them as adults. They are children no matter how horrid their crimes are, they are children.

Sending them to adult jail is like guarenteeing animals on release for sure. Our corrective system is a big fat failure to us and it spawns worse crimnals then it send in.

They will be charged as adults as they have committed adult crimes, but my understanding is that they will serve time in a juvenile detention center. When they reach a certain age they are transfered and live w/adult inmates til the completion of their sentencing.

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