Topic: Visit to HELL videos | |
Yes and I believe that. So where did I say you don't have to do what is in the Bible? Please don't go back to Sabbath and diet. Do you do your REQUIRED BY THE LAW Lamb sacrifice at the Temple every year (kind of hard to do, since the Temple was destroyed in 70AD, but it's required by the law nonetheless)? Do you do your required by the law sin sacrifice every day that you sin? If you aren't, then you aren't keeping the law. Because I know that animal sacrifices, Sabbath and the dietary requirements were the shadow of Jesus, I know that by believing in Jesus, I am keeping those laws. I'm done. I'm not discussing this issue anymore. I know what I know and I have shared it with you. |
Jesus wrote the bible?
![]() ![]() ![]() Not a single word did he write. Paul is not Jesus. Mark is not Jesus. John is not Jesus. Matthew is not Jesus. Not a single book in the bible says The Gospel of Jesus in his own hand. Someone once said tha Paul or Peter or some such person wrote 2/3 of the Bible. HELLO the bible Old Testement 75% (Nary a word from the disciples in this section) the Net Testement 25% (lets see 2/3 ves 1/4 DUH) Jesus was a man. He passed on long before any words were ever written to become the New Testement. Went to the father or died either way he was not present. |
Jesus IS God, not a man. You are not God, you are dust. Jesus wrote the Bible by inspiring others to record his message. Every single letter was written by Jesus. |
Prove it. I see not his signature. I do however see many of the works
of man clounding his Message of Grace. That book has been usurped by the chruch for a long time now, More than a thousand years of defilement by the very men he passed his message on to. I am God in the same way that Jesus was. He was the spiritual message of God. |
This is so cool! I thought Jesus was Palestinian -- didn't speak
English. What do we know about his education? I'll bet he spoke Spanish, too. Way cool! |
Jesus spoke Greek, with some Arameic.
Kat |
Why do people believe that the Bible is the word of God?
Where in the Bible does it say this? Moreover, how could it say it? The book is a collection of various differnet scriptures that were collected together by the choices of men. So seriously, why does anyone believe that the Bible is solely the word of God and nothing else? Where exactly is this written? How can the Bible possibly refer to itself as the word of God when it wasn’t even written as one contiguous document? |
On the topic of Hell,
What good would Hell be to God? By that I mean, what purpose would it serve God to send people to eternal damnation? Why not just let them perish in peace into non-existence? What good would it do God to send people to suffer for eternity? This makes absolutely no sense at all unless God is some kind of Sadist and feeds on the agony of others. I’m serious. I’m not asking these questions to take a stab at Christianity. I’m quite serious. What GOOD would it do God to send people to eternal damnation? And if it isn’t doing God any good then why even bother with it in the first place? To me, these are VERY GENUINE questions that NEED to be answered. And for me, the answer that I have come to accept is that the religion is simply not true. I don’t say these things to bash Christianity. I offer them as food for thought to anyone who is genuinely concerned about enlightenment and not merely with following some archaic beliefs blindly. I think questions like these are important to ask. I also believe that they are so important that if God had genuinely written the Bible he would have offered REASONS for this crap. The fact that no reasons are given suggests to me that the Bible was merely written by controlling men who were very vehement about NOT QUESTIONING GOD, which really meant that they didn’t want to have to explain what they wrote. Just shut up and behave yourself and don’t ask questions! That’s the mentality behind “blind faith”. I don’t believe that god wants people blindly come to him. And I don’t believe that god has any need to see people suffer. To me god is just so far above all of the petty nonsense that’s written in the Bible. This is why I can’t buy into it. When viewed from the point of view of having been written by men who were attempting to keep the masses under their thumbs it makes perfect sense. When viewed as having been written by an all-loving god it makes no sense at all. |
For those here who believe in the power of prayer, and for those who
don't, please know that our Lisa is in Benjamin Texas and being hammered by a dangerous storm. See "I am so Afraid" thread in Current Events. Oceans |
Hi, Kat,
Well I thought it was something like that. But then he could not have written the Bible, right? |
Is the Bible just a collection of legends, myths and fables? Could men
have conspired to write a book that has deceived millions down through the ages? That would have to be the greatest conspiracy ever! What profit would these conspirators gain by such a project? No, the Bible is not a plot of conspirators. The fact is, the Bible was written by forty different writers over a period of fifteen hundred years, most of whom never met or talked to each other. In reality, most of the writers never talked to nor saw each other or had seen what the other had written. How did this unity come about then? God wrote it through them. From cover to cover, these writers claimed that God gave them every word. Psalms 68:11 says, "God gave the word, great was the company of those who published it." The Apostle Paul said, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God (God-breathed) ..." (II Timothy 3:16). Peter claimed, "We have not followed cunningly devised fables ... We have a more sure word of prophecy ... For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (II Peter 1:16-21). However, skeptics deny and atheists defy this teaching. They can only suggest that well meaning or good men wrote the Bible. The words, "Thus saith the Lord" appear over three hundred times. What "good" man would lie three hundred times and then say lying is a sin? Others have suggested that evil and bad men wrote it to deceive and control people. This is not possible. What "bad" man would list every single sin that man is capable of committing as well as those in the heart where no one sees? This is not natural. What "bad" man would write the consequences of those sins to the unrepentant? What "bad" man would record the true stories of men and nations who did sin willingly against God and the horrible punishments which resulted? Who would stress morals, convictions and standards that are only righteous, if they were bad? No, bad men did not write the Bible. If neither good nor bad men wrote the Bible, then who did? Some suggest intellectual people did it, but we will see that the most intellectual of men could not pull off the feats of knowledge contained in the Holy Writ! The authors of the books in the Bible came from nineteen different occupations which included a soldier, Egyptian prince, housewife, priest, king, queen, rich farmer, poor farmer, scribe, prophets, prime minister's cupbearer, tax collector, evangelist, physician, wealthy fisherman, poor fisherman, carpenters, and a tent maker. Obviously they were not all intellectual and many had no education at all. Only an all-knowing God could have written the Bible. ============================================================ History tells us that almost without exception, the early popes opposed the reading and translating of Bibles. In 1199 Pope Innocent III ordered the burning of all Bibles. John Wycliffe dedicated his life in the 1300s translating the Bible into the language of common folk. He was the first to translate it into English. He then sent preachers throughout England to preach it. He was hated by organized religion for this. Being a threat to their soul-slavery machine which kept the people from the truth, they levied threats and accusations against him. When Wycliffe died, the "Church" said of him, "That pestilent wretch, John Wycliffe, the son of the old serpent the forerunner of Antichrist, who had completed his iniquity by inventing a new translation of the Scriptures." Forty four years after his death, Pope Clement VIII ordered his grave torn up, the coffin and skeleton taken to the River Swift, where a fire was kindled and his bones were burned, the ashes were then thrown into the river. William Tyndale of the 1600s was probably the greatest of all Bible translators. He said, "If God spares my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plough to know the Scriptures." The political and religious leaders of his day had him strangled and then burnt at the stake. Though both he and Wycliffe suffered martyrdom for the faith, their names live on today. Wycliffe Translators and Tyndale Publishers still thrive today publishing the Word Of God!===== The hammers of political, religious, and philosophical persecution still beat against the anvil of God's Word, but it is the anvil that wears out the hammers! ============================================================= The Bible's scientific statements are true. The Bible says the earth is round! Isaiah 40:22 says, "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth ..." How did Isaiah know this seven hundred years BEFORE Christ? Man did not discover this till 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Columbus gave credit to the Word of God for leading him to sail. The Bible was two thousand years ahead of science! Once the scientists were convinced that the earth rested upon something. They suggested the back of a turtle that was slowly plodding through space! Mythology thought that maybe Atlas held the earth on his shoulders. But in Job 26:7 it is written, "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing ... ." This was not accepted as a scientific fact until Sir Isaac Newton in 1687, three thousand years after Job stated it! By the time of Christ, scientists believed that there were one 1,028 stars in the heavens. Then came Ptolemy in A.D. 150 and he said there were 1,056. It was not until Galileo, in the 1600s, used a telescope to show that they are in fact innumerable. Yet in Genesis 15:5, God said to Abraham, "Look now toward heaven; tell the stars if thou be able to number them: so shall thy seed be." This statement was made two thousand five hundred years before Galileo. How? Because God, the Creator, wrote the Bible! Many other scientific facts could be brought out here, but space does not permit. Kat |
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Agnostics take glee in referring to "hundreds of historical mistakes" in
the Bible a century ago. Then came the science of archeology. Only a bigot or an ignoramus would now deny the historical merits of God's Word. For instance, archeology has long established that the lower Tigris Euphrates Valley in Mesopotamia was the birthplace of civilization. The Bible says this is the location of the Garden of Eden. Ur of the Chaldees was once scoffed at as being a fictitious place. C. L. Wooley's excavations in 1922 have made Ur one of the most known ancient sites of our time. Genesis 11 says this was the birthplace of Abraham! Sodom and Gommorah (Genesis 18-19) is the leading center for the mining of potash today in Israel! William Albright found in his work that a dense population of people in these towns perished abruptly around 2000 B.C. in an earthquake and an explosion. Halley's Bible Commentary lists almost one hundred other archaeological findings that verify the historical accuracy of the Bible, GOD'S WORD! One of special interest is the repentance of a large city named Ninevah in the days of Jonah, the prophet. Many scoff at the idea of a man being swallowed by a big fish (though it has happened more than once). However, history has proven that during his days, Shalmaneser II, the king of Ninevah, and that whole city (twice the size of Buffalo) had a religious awakening and turned to the God Nebo, which was the Assyrian name for the Hebrew Elohim found in Genesis 1:1. Kat |
I', truly sorry. The words bigot and ignoramus should never have come
out. It should have been only those that refuse to believe, and find joy in refuting truths that they cannot see. Again, I apologize. Kat |
![]() I'm not.. ![]() |
Here's a great site with historical evidence for the Bible. |
Fri 06/01/07 05:24 PM
THANK YOU KAT AND SINCE GOD WROTE THE BIBLE IT IS ALSO GOD WHO SAYS THERE IS A HEAVEN AND HELL AND IF YOU DO NOT CONFESS YOUR SINS TO HIM ASK HIM TO BECOME YOUR PERSONEL SAVIOR THEN HELL IS WHERE YOU WILL GO THANK YOU READ THE GOSPEL OF JOHN THE PARABLE OF THE GOATS AND SHEEP IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME. I NOT EITHER KAT ====== ========================================================= What??? I do and hace many times. Just this morning as a matter of fact. Why would you tell me that? Do you not think I am a Godly woman? That I do not pray when I say? I do, I assure you. And ask forgiveness and give my heart to Him daily. Kat |