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Topic: Visit to HELL videos
rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:33 PM
Wow if there are only bits of hell in war....murder...etc

what is there in hell?

to me the bits here on earth couldnt get more hellish:cry:

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:34 PM
my point exactly..you can't fathom the horrors in hell.

Please don't cry..let me give you a hug

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:39 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I think I am gonna laugh so hard I will puke!!!!!

Onya Riva!!!!!:wink:

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:42 PM

Thank you so much for keeping your composure. If I were in your shoes,
I would be slinging mud rigtht along with them. Don't let them beat you
until you are as mean spirited as they are, Jesus has already taken the
beating for you.

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:43 PM
Jess& rive..gotta agree hell is here and now

KerryO's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:47 PM
:::scratching head::: So, lemme get this straight-- God is Love, but if
you don't do things exactly the way his followers tell you you should,
he'll set you on fire forever and ever. And this is supposed to appeal
to the hearts and minds of those who "truly" have free will exactly how?

Alrighty then.


-Kerry O.

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:48 PM
Oh I can fathom it. I see it every day...read about it every day.

Thankyou for the hug....drying my tears now.

here is a smooched for you.

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:49 PM
noway noway noway Oh my!!!

Is my mean spirit showing????

Sheesh, I am sure I tucked it in this morning!!!!

Goodness...quick!!! Someone help me let it all hang out...

I mean to say...hell is on video...

and god is experimenting...with vhs...whoo hoo!!!

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:51 PM
Thankyou Spider ~shrugs shoulders~ what can you do lol

Kerry not the followers but what Christ says. How do you find out?

A. The Bible (Word of God)
B. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Pray and find out

Never rely on man

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:52 PM

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:53 PM
oh yeh thankyou rivame

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:55 PM
Ohhh look...a little green frog

Is that what happens in hell ...oh my gosh.lol

here have a smooched too.

Will you become prince charming.lol

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:55 PM
So did god videotape these hell scenes?...cool.

And if there is no hell...why is god videoing it???

Pity me and my cronies please Wonderman...should keep you busy for a few
lifetimes...pity is soooo good for the soul...

laugh laugh laugh

iceprincess's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:57 PM
hmmm lets see married to a psycho raising a child of rape that you love
more than life trying to keep said psycho from taking your kids and
living in fear that said psycho will someday finish the job he started
10 years ago cause he's been in counseling and is so much better now
yeah i'm gonna say hell is here and god yeah he's around cause he laid
the burden on me by the way cn someone tell me when he decides it's too
much too bear so he can take a little of the load off. just a curiosity

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:58 PM
Bored, is that your good deed for the day.

I'm glad that I don't belong to your so called Christianity and that MY
GOD is a God of love.

Instead of trying to frighten people off, go and help those who spend
their whole life in hell without doing anything to deserve it.

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:58 PM

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:00 PM
So hell is a never ending relief from suffering???

Wow...you learn something new every day...

I should say to all of you...

Welcome to Hell...because it is surely upon you.

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:03 PM
Oh wonderman so hell is good.:smile: :smile: :smile:

take my hand now and take me there.love love love

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:03 PM
LOL To be honest, I'm done. I know this is a touchy subject but any
topic in general turns into a debate here in the religion chat. LOL

It can be "What does the color purple mean to you"

Some would quote scriptures are answer it's a royal color and relate it
to Christ. Then others would go off topic or just post anything to stir
things up.

Whatever, ~jumps to other forum~

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:04 PM
Kerry O. posted:

Kerry this is just too damn true! Thank you for posting a link to the

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