Topic: Pet and love of animals post
Duffy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:40 AM
could we talk about fleas?

my dog picked up cat fleas....big black ones, and the hair on his butt fell out, and he had a rash on his stomach.i took care of some indoor cats, and they got loose, and found the dog.

u could not seemum however. who uses what to get these buggers under control.
i was told in the state of washington they do not live outside, they live in the house, and now i am tearing everything out. including old carpet.
what do other people use in this state?

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 04:51 PM

could we talk about fleas?

my dog picked up cat fleas....big black ones, and the hair on his butt fell out, and he had a rash on his stomach.i took care of some indoor cats, and they got loose, and found the dog.

u could not seemum however. who uses what to get these buggers under control.
i was told in the state of washington they do not live outside, they live in the house, and now i am tearing everything out. including old carpet.
what do other people use in this state?

Well, I'm not from your state, but Frontline works great! I use it on my pets. They make it for both cats and dogs.
As far as the house, vacuun good, but a flea cannot live off of an animal for very long. It may bite humans, but cannot live on humans and survive. Good luck. Fleas are a pain!

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:44 PM

I've got a german shepard I love him to death. But I've also got a corn snake(corncob 10yr) a ball python(charlie 9yr) a king snake(hershy 1yr) a bearded dragon(drake 3yr) a savannah monitor(monty 1.5yr) and 2 sugar gliders(skitz 2yr and gizmo 4yr) and some fish lol all probably close to 2yrs since I've had them. I'm attached to all of them. I know most people say eww to reptiles but you wouldn't believe the personalities they have. Your probably thinking personalities yea right but they really do.

Like snakes, but had rats and mice as pets, so I couldn't feed. I'll happily play with snakes that friends have.

Would like a Beardie, I've heard they are fairly affectionate?

My last 2 rats passed away a month and two months ago.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:45 PM

could we talk about fleas?

my dog picked up cat fleas....big black ones, and the hair on his butt fell out, and he had a rash on his stomach.i took care of some indoor cats, and they got loose, and found the dog.

u could not seemum however. who uses what to get these buggers under control.
i was told in the state of washington they do not live outside, they live in the house, and now i am tearing everything out. including old carpet.
what do other people use in this state?

Try and get some diatomeceous earth, sprinkle that around, inside and out, and you can rub it on the animal. It's a real fine powder, but it basically slices and dices an animal up. Good for ant hills and such. Natural, no chemicals.

Duffy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 01:35 PM
well the fleas died. it turned cold. they can't take that...pitchfork

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:48 PM

well the fleas died. it turned cold. they can't take that...pitchfork

well thats good...die little suckers..LOL pitchfork laugh

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:55 PM
Edited by Silveradogal on Sat 11/14/09 05:56 PM
I love all animals. I have a Blue Quaker now, BB and a Cat, Fancie, but thinking REALLY hard on getting an Umbrella Cockatoo. I have had birds and raised them for about 16 years and I really miss my big ones but just want a medium size one now is why i'm going with a U2. But I would have one of every kind of animal if I could!..Love em all!..flowerforyou

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:56 PM
Edited by sweetsimplesassy on Sat 11/14/09 05:57 PM
hey all...up the butt in homework and studying this weekend.
I have two papers to write and a test Monday in my Vet Tech class on Physical Exams and history taking. Been working on making me note cards to help study by. I have to write one paper on Mastiffs. I also have math and 7 pages in my Vet Tech workbook to do. Also a paper in another class to write... Oh and also a dog breeds quiz Wed...
Does any one have any advice on easier ways to study? Any experience in this and what worked for you?

I did get an A on last week's math test and a 95/100 on my 12 page midterm paper. I also won the drawing for perfect attandance and picked out a set of our school's Vet Tech scrubs...whoohooo:banana:

I'm not trying to brag up, but I am pretty proud of how I am doing...I was so scared to start school and wondered if I could do far so good. This Tuesday I am registering for next quorters classes already....

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:59 PM
Sounds like your way of studying is down pretty good with thoes grades!! You are doing GREAT!!!..Keep up the good work!!..
Proud of you!!..:banana: :banana:

Not bragging just sharing your joy!!..We enjoy hearing about it!!..
:banana: :banana:

hey all...up the butt in homework and studying this weekend.
I have two papers to write and a test Monday in my Vet Tech class on Physical Exams and history taking. Been working on making me note cards to help study by. I have to write one paper on Mastiffs. I also have math and 7 pages in my Vet Tech workbook to do. Also a paper in another class to write... Oh and also a dog breeds quiz Wed...
Does any one have any advice on easier ways to study? Any experience in this and what worked for you?

I did get an A on last week's math test and a 95/100 on my 12 page midterm paper. I also won the drawing for perfect attandance and picked out a set of our school's Vet Tech scrubs...whoohooo:banana:

I'm not trying to brag up, but I am pretty proud of how I am doing...I was so scared to start school and wondered if I could do far so good. This Tuesday I am registering for next quorters classes already....

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:59 PM

I love all animals. I have a Blue Quaker now, BB and a Cat, Fancie, but thinking REALLY hard on getting an Umbrella Cockatoo. I have had birds and raised them for about 16 years and I really miss my big ones but just want a medium size one now is why i'm going with a U2. But I would have one of every kind of animal if I could!..Love em all!..flowerforyou

That is so cool! I want birds again, But cant where I am currently living. :(
I was in the pet store looking at them and WOW!!! They are pricey!!!! Holy COW!!! Hundreds of dollars. BUT they are beautiful animals!

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:02 PM
That is a no no..Find you a good breeder when you start to get one and get one from them. Pet stores double or triple the price. Or, contact me. laugh laugh ...I can put you in touch..I know several breeders depending on what kind you would want. They are beautiful for sure.

I love all animals. I have a Blue Quaker now, BB and a Cat, Fancie, but thinking REALLY hard on getting an Umbrella Cockatoo. I have had birds and raised them for about 16 years and I really miss my big ones but just want a medium size one now is why i'm going with a U2. But I would have one of every kind of animal if I could!..Love em all!..flowerforyou

That is so cool! I want birds again, But cant where I am currently living. :(
I was in the pet store looking at them and WOW!!! They are pricey!!!! Holy COW!!! Hundreds of dollars. BUT they are beautiful animals!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:05 PM
THANK YOU! flowerforyou

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:05 PM
THANK YOU! flowerforyou

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:06 PM
You are so Welcome and Please, call me Linda. flowerforyou

THANK YOU! flowerforyou

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:08 PM
I will for sure do that.
Have you ever been to the Omaha Nebraska Zoo? I have never been to such a wonderful zoo before and it was worth every dollar. The amazon room was AMAZING!!! OMG! The birds they had freeflying in this huge auditorium room......amazing place! If anyone ever has a chance to go, do so!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:10 PM
hi Linda, cool..Thank you! I'm julie

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:20 PM
I have never been there Julie but, the Ft. Worth zoo has a fantastic Ecotic bird exhibit also. They freefly too. It's really amazing to see, in a closed aviary. They are just Beautiful!!

I will for sure do that.
Have you ever been to the Omaha Nebraska Zoo? I have never been to such a wonderful zoo before and it was worth every dollar. The amazon room was AMAZING!!! OMG! The birds they had freeflying in this huge auditorium room......amazing place! If anyone ever has a chance to go, do so!

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:20 PM
Nice to meet you Julie!..flowerforyou

hi Linda, cool..Thank you! I'm julie

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:41 PM
I have a 6 hr Preceptorship Requirement I need to do by Dec 14 and write a paper on it. I have to find a place that has a Lisenced Vet Tech and work under them and observe and work with them. My hope is to get into the Zoo here, but it sounds like they may be full...they are going to call me back and let me know. My hope is to eventually work at a zoo for a while and then get into wildlife rescue. I think that would be so neat!:)

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:49 PM
I wish you luck to get in with your Zoo to work with the Licensed Vet Tech. That would be so GREAT if you get that call and they tell you they have room for you!..I will keep you in my thoughts for that for sure!..flowerforyou ..
As for being a wildlife rescue, WOW!! That would be an AMAZING thing to do. I would love to be a rescue for Birds, Big Cats and Horses, my 3 very most favorite animals..:smile:

I have a 6 hr Preceptorship Requirement I need to do by Dec 14 and write a paper on it. I have to find a place that has a Lisenced Vet Tech and work under them and observe and work with them. My hope is to get into the Zoo here, but it sounds like they may be full...they are going to call me back and let me know. My hope is to eventually work at a zoo for a while and then get into wildlife rescue. I think that would be so neat!:)