Topic: _I_N_T_U_I_T_I_O_N - cracking the enigma... | |
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Thu 11/05/09 06:48 PM
And I predict that your prediction is only 99.9% correct.
![]() (0.1% is going to be lost due to the turmoil with implementation...) |
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Thu 11/05/09 10:20 PM
Actually, I am very carefull about making hasty predictions -- especially the written/tiped ones:
THEY MIGHT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE REAL EVENTS... Often, I can have a fleeting thought... -- and then something happens just as I thought -- and I'm tortured with the conjectures: was that just a coincidence, or has it happened because I thought of it? ? ? ![]() |
However, when I first heard of the date, 2012, I couldn't imagine people would fall for it!
* * * Mark my word -- and you can bet any amount of money -- there might be am electro-magnetic storm, i.e. radios might lose the signal... But that's about the worst that will hapen!!! |
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Thu 11/12/09 12:47 AM
In the words of Eistein himsef:
* * * The only real valuable thing is intuition.* * *
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. |
WOW!! I thought that I was the only one who understood this. I myself have has many times where my gut has told me one thing and I would completely ignore it only to learn in the end that my gut feeling was the right one. I've also had problems with people arise and while I'm thinking about it my head plays out exactly what happened although I was not there. For instance, my cell phone was stolen out of my car once. I had left in there by accident and was inside my apartment for only fifteen minutes before I realized that I forgot it and the doors were unlocked. While I was going through my mind of what could've possibly happened (I could have dropped it, left it at work or any number of things) I got a vision almost of one of my neighbors sitting in my car and going through my glove box, almost like a dream. I asked my boyfriend at the time to go to this guys house and check because I didn't want to accuse him if I didn't really know. Sure enough my cell phone was on his coffee table.
Everyone has these feelings, we are just so programmed from a young age to "think logically" and we dismiss all of our intuitive feelings. Once we stop "thinking" and start listing our bodies will always lead us to the solutions. Another example for me is when I loose something. If I have misplaced say, my car keys, I stop and push out any thoughts and say okay keys where are you. Then I just walk and everytime I found what I was looking for. Sometimes it takes longer than others, especially if I am distracted but I always find it. We all have that inside of us. We have gotten so far off from where we were thousands of years ago. This information is nothing new, our ancestors knew this and a lot more. We have deluded ourselves with technology and the misleading way of thinking that we know everything there is to know when we actually don't know anything! |
Jane is a smart cookie. She comes up with interesting subjects and has a unique perspective on most things.
Hey, welcome back, Joe!
How was your trip? BTW, have any of my predictions regarding your trip actually come true? P.S. thanx for your preise! |
I had a blast. Did you predict I would unsuccessfully mix red wine and tequila? My intuition wasn't working well on that one ... didn't work too well afterwards either. The mix produces a heightened level of unconsciousness.
Did you predict I would unsuccessfully mix red wine and tequila?
Not quite, though I did predict your trip would be a success... And, since you were in the mood to party, I presume I've been correct in my prediction! |
i am going to give this thread one more shot, only because i find it every interesting.
from as long as i remember i have i listened to the little voice, the gut got me out situations that i know would have gone wrong...on two separate and unrelated occasions i listened and i know if i didnt, i would have been really hurt...and that was before age 8... i don't over analyze that feeling, i just listen to it. it helps me in my every day life as well as in making decisions. i have learned to listen and watch for cues exchanged... i try to teach my girls to listen that that inner voice, because i believe it is a powerful tool we posses. |
i try to teach my girls to listen that that inner voice, because i believe it is a powerful tool we posses.
Excellent attitude, Edy. Though I hope you exercise enough control over your girls -- don't let them exercise their inner voice advises, yet, without first confirming with you! Assuming they're in pre/early teens, they may not be fully ready to anticipate all of the remifications... Good luck! |
i try to teach my girls to listen that that inner voice, because i believe it is a powerful tool we posses.
Excellent attitude, Edy. Though I hope you exercise enough control over your girls -- don't let them exercise their inner voice advises, yet, without first confirming with you! Assuming they're in pre/early teens, they may not be fully ready to anticipate all of the remifications... Good luck! my girls just turned ten so they are still very young. we do exercises where we practice listening to our inner voices, and we go over the feelings, consequences, end results etc. i want my girls to to be open-minded to what surrounds them... |
*** Even Einstein said that most of his innovation was actually just good guessing. A talent is something that some people are born with while others have to work at it.
*** One of the ways of developing your intuition is to use it: just follow your hunches and see if it gets you the desired result.*********************** By following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well. Everyone is apparently somewhat psychic, but many people just have flabby psychic muscles. Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones and strengthens this muscle. The more you use your intuition the better you get at it. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves.*** The body is made of consciousness. This implies that by the will and the intention we place upon ourselves, we can affect our bodies directly. Our bodies, when broken down to their smallest levels are also energetic frequencies. * * * "I maintain that cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest incitement to scientific research"— Albert Einstein. Einstein himself admitted that what he did best was being good at guessing.*** He implied that what he chose to pay attention to was an aesthetic choice. Even still, as much as 80% of the mass of the universe is apparently unaccounted for, in spite of such elegant theories of the universe. Mankind has not only became aware of the complexity of the physical world but also of the limitations of the scientific method. * * * * * * Apparently the most direct way to find new physics of a grand unification is to go to ever-higher energy and explore completely uncharted territory. There seems to be an intrinsically interwoven relationship between Modern Science and Mysticism, because both involve some of the deep and fundamental questions of our very existence. * * * We "know" things yet we don't always know how we know. All these experiences have a reality in the energy field. Our old world of solid concrete objects is surrounded by and permeated with a fluid world of radiating energy, constantly moving, constantly changing like the sea. *** There is a "knowing" that what we are experiencing is real but we are equally bewildered that our social institutions have somehow missed explaining this experience altogether. We are reduced to having mere "faith" in what we know because there is no solid body of proof behind it. Yet by looking only through a lens of reason we limit our ability to look beyond what has been defined by it. Intuitions, or gut feelings, are sudden, strong judgments whose origin we can't immediately explain. Although they seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, they actually begin with a perception of something outside--a facial expression, a tone of voice, a visual inconsistency so fleeting you're not even aware you noticed. Think of them as rapid cognition or condensed reasoning that takes advantage of the brain's built-in shortcuts. Or think of intuition as an unconscious associative process. _ _ _ _ _******* The gut itself literally feeds gut feelings; think of butterflies in the stomach when a decision is pending. The gut has millions of nerve cells and, through them, a "mind of its own," Still, gut feelings do not originate there, but in signals from the brain. Intuition can be described as 'almost immediate situation understanding' as opposed to 'immediate knowledge.' Understanding is filled with emotion. We don't obtain knowledge of love, danger, or joy; we feel them in a meaningful way." * Encased in certainty, intuitions compel us to act in specific ways, and those who lack intuition are essentially cognitively paralyzed. <************************* Listening to your intuition is the essence of art and creativity and soulful living. * * *Intuition is what you use to find the purpose of your life and your place in the world. ------>>> Masters tell us that through the practice of stilling the mind we allow ourselves to develop new sensitivities. ----> We're only limited by the concept of limitation we hold in our minds!!! We all have intuition. We are born with it. We use it as children we do not know any better. We go on our instinct or gut. But as we grow older and our rational and reasonable mind develops, we lose touch with our intuition. We ignore it, cast it aside forget about it. But like an out-of-shape muscle, intuition can be strengthened and exercised back into shape. "... we are the gods that our ancestors told stories about. We fly from one part of the globe to another in a matter of hours; we instantly communicate over thousands of miles; we can commit mayhem in moments, move mountains in minutes, and every night we sit in front of our magic picture box and find out what all the other gods are up to.... We are magnified through space and time, our senses enlarged, our whims accelerated.... We are at a time in human history and planetary development when we are becoming aware of the stupendous unconscious knowledge and skillful orchestration that is going on in ourselves as well as in the outer cosmos all the time. We are at a crossing point in human history..." "Everything around us (including our own bodies, which appear so substantial) is ultimately nothing but ephemeral networks of particle-waves whirling around at tremendous speeds, colliding, rebounding, disintegrating in almost total emptiness. What we call matter is mostly emptiness, proportionately as void as intergalactic space, void of anything except occasional dust spots and scattered electric charges. Any single one of the roughly 1027 atoms in the average human body has almost all its mass concentrated in a nucleus so small that if all the nuclei of all the atoms that make up the whole of humankind were packed together, their aggregate would be the size of a grain of rice." -from THE SEARCH FOR THE BELOVED by Jean Houston. p.20. |
Good post Jane.
[quote[*** Even Einstein said that most of his innovation was actually just good guessing. A talent is something that some people are born with while others have to work at it. *** One of the ways of developing your intuition is to use it: just follow your hunches and see if it gets you the desired result.*********************** By following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well. Everyone is apparently somewhat psychic, but many people just have flabby psychic muscles. Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones and strengthens this muscle. The more you use your intuition the better you get at it. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves.*** The ability to think "outside the box" was recognized by Einstein and others long ago. It is so basic to engineering that the process of non-linear thought has been taught by the better schools in the US for a long time. This is one reason that the US has been such a leader in advanced engineering education compared to the rest of the world. Once business was partially taken over by graduates from engineering schools, the old linear thought patterns, which restricted business for so many years, were rejected and "out of the box thinking" which was not new in any shape or form, were embraced into the business world. A classic example of linear thought would be GM. Each year was a slight change from the year before allowing the company to be stodgy and predictable allowing forward thinking companies like Honda and Toyota to gradually take increasing amounts of market share. The most classic example of non-linear thinking would be NASA (on one level anyway) where every program starts with a clean slate and the idea of reusing technology to make incremental improvements is generally ignored. This method forces the engineers to use their intuition at it's maximum and be creative without much consideration for cost. Another classic example of linear thought would be Chinese engineering students from back in the seventies and eighties. They were picked to be the best of the best from their country before being sent to the US for higher education and one of the selection criteria was a strong tendency to do exactly what they were told and to think what they were told to think (linear thought). Although top students in every way in China, as soon as they were placed in an environment where they had to produce original thought (non linear intuitive thinking) they failed. I remember several who simply sat down a cried and said they "just don't understand". The Chinese understand quite well now. Built into the show "Star Trek" was the genius non linear thinker Captain Kirk vs the genius linear thinker Mr. Spock. Kirk won almost every situation including chess matches which are mostly linear in stratagy. |
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Sat 11/21/09 04:02 AM
Non linear thinking -- good point, Joe.
As I understand, that would be relying primarily upon one's imagination, creativity and intuition... (no wonder the Chinese failed at that!) Certainly, being squeesed with the tight deadlines and even tighter budgets is contre-active to the creative process... Naturally, a trully creative person is incapable of withstanding the seduction of pursuing one's dreams without much consideration for cost... That's what attracts the best of minds to the US! (BTW, what constitutes the US scientific advancement is just that: SEDUCING THE BEST MINDS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!) And that hardly qualifies as an "American" (as opposed to Chinese). ![]() On the other hand, any means are good enough as long as they justify the ends... The world is no longer burdened with the idea of patriotizm! The pursiute of happiness is the underlying nature of human beings, and the US is at the forefront of feeding the actualization of all the bright minds from all over the world!!! The power of the Mighty Buck is, actually, the best and most effective weapon! (the only disadvantage of this approach is fostering a "Prostitute Complex" in people...) Sorry, Joe, I don't mean to object... I would be the first sell my abilities to the highest bidder! ![]() ![]() ![]() (Ladies and gentlemen, place your bids: the bidding begins at a bargain level -- hundred grand!!! ![]() |
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Sat 11/28/09 11:21 PM
Helpful Steps (I've discovered) for developing Intuition
INTENTION: The first requirement for consciously awakening intuition is a clear intention to do so. Intuition is already within you, but to awaken it you have to value it and INTEND to develop it. TIME: Your willingness to devote time to tuning in to your intuition, making a space for its unfolding in your life, is part of valuing and developing it. RELAXATION: Letting go of physical and emotional tension gives intuition the space to enter your conscious awareness. SILENCE: Intuition flourishes in silence. Learning to quiet the mind is therefore part of the training for awakening intuition. Various meditative practices are useful in learning to maintain the necessary inner silence. HONESTY: Willingness to face self-deception and to be honest with yourself and others is essential. Creating any kind of smokescreen interferes with clear vision. Giving up pretenses is a big step in awakening intuition. RECEPTIVITY: Learning to be quiet and receptive allows intuition to unfold. Too much activity or conscious programming gets in the way of intuitive awareness that emerges when a receptive attitude is cultivated. SENSITIVITY: Finely tuned sensitivity to both inner and outer processes provides more information and expands intuitive knowing. Sensitivity to energy awareness and the quality of experience is particularly useful. NONVERBAL PLAY: Drawing, music, movement, clay, and other forms of nonverbal expression done in a spirit of play, rather than for the purpose of goal-oriented achievement, provide excellent channels for activating intuitive, right-hemisphere functions. TRUST: Trusting the process, trusting yourself, trusting your experience, are the keys to trusting and developing your intuition. (the more you practice, the more confidence you develope!) OPENNESS: If you are afraid of being seen, you may close up and then be unable to see. Being open to all experiences, both inner and outer, gives intuition the space it needs to develop fully. COURAGE: Fear gets in the way of direct experience and often generates deception. Your willingness to experience and confront your fears will facilitate the expansion of intuition. ACCEPTANCE: A nonjudgmental attitude, an acceptance of things as they are, including self-acceptance, allows intuition to function freely. LOVE: Opening your heart to feelings of nonjudgmental love and compassion allows you to see into the nature of things. Emotional empathy and intuitive identification are facilitated by love and compassion. NONATTACHMENT: The willingness to let things be as they are, rather than trying to make them be the way you would like them to be, or the way you think they should be, allows intuition to emerge. You can see things as they are only when desires and fears are out of the way. (personally, I doubt this is doable...) DAILY PRACTICE: Intuitive awareness grows with daily attention. If you discount or neglect it most of the time and only want it to perform occasionally, it may not respond. JOURNAL KEEPING: Keeping a record of intuitive flashes, hunches, insights, and images that come to mind spontaneously at any time of the day or night, can help stabilize and validate them. SUPPORT GROUP: Finding one, two, or more friends with whom you can share your interest in the development of intuition, as well as your successes, failures, hopes, and fears, can facilitate and accelerate the process of development. Sharing experience with someone who is willing to listen without judging or interpreting is very useful. ENJOYMENT: Following intuition does not always feel good. At times it may seem difficult and entail arduous work. At other times it may be effortless. Enjoying the creative resources of intuition is based on the intrinsic satisfaction of expanding consciousness, taking responsibility for your life, and surrendering to your own true nature. Each of us has an ability we call intuition. The area of the brain that indicates the activity of the intuition is found in the cells that surround the pineal gland. For many people these cells are still dormant and before the facility of intuitive perception can be utilised they must be brought into a state of activity. Intuition is the ability and prerogative of the soul;it occurs when the soul focuses towards the level of consciousness that we call Spirit and at the same time towards that consciousness we call Human. This dual activity of the soul is what has been termed "intuition" and can only occur, even if briefly, when there is a link between the soul and its expression in time and space, man or woman. Intuition is referred to as a higher sense. Just as human beings see with the physical eyes and hear with the physical ears, our spiritual makeup is composed of higher senses. Intuition can give us the ability to attune with this higher sense, in the forms of: • Claircognizance – an extra sense of knowing • Clairvoyance – an extra sense of seeing • Clairaudience – an extra sense of hearing • Clairsentience – an extra feeling *** The 'Key' is to form a clear question in your logical mind, ask your Heart, and be aware of any body movements. When we ask our Intuition for help on a subject, we can also define that 'all that we see' in the next few minutes has a meaning relating to the subject. We will still see the same views as would have otherwise been seen, but our sight now may emphasize certain shapes, colours, contrasts, or even objects. You can ask a "YES/NO" type of question (i.e. avoiding compound questions), and then check: How do you feel ? What am I thinking now ? What taste is in my mouth ? What am I smelling ? What am I seeing first when I close and then open my eyes ? Write down the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a place, person, colour, time, town, river, food, weapon, fear, memory. It helps to ask for further clarification, and a thought may 'pop' into your mind. Now that 'first thought' is probably from your intuition, and should be taken seriously; any second thoughts are likely to be from your logical mind, and may best be disregarded. When the telephone rings, 'guess' who it might be, and the reason for the call. As you practice you will find that your 'guessing' becomes more accurate. You can even make others call you - if you 'will' that a person calls you, often the telephone will ring in a few minutes, and it is that person on the line. (I can attest to that...) If you have lost your glasses (purse, ring, etc.) then close your eyes, ask your Heart "Please show me where to look to find (my glasses, etc)" and turn around until you 'get a sense' to open your eyes - and look exactly where your eyes are focused when you open them. It helps when doing this to create a picture in your mind of what you seek, so as to present a clear and precise image of the item. If your glasses are lost, picture them as spectacles - otherwise you may find your eyes focused on drinking glasses ! |
I had the strangest "Deja Vu" last night. I watched the movie "Angles and Demons" for the first time. All through the movie I kept thinking "I have seen this movie before." but there was no way that could have happened. The memories of each scene played out so vividly.
The reality was that the movie followed the book and I had read the book some time ago. My subconscious interpreted it's memories in a superimposed fashion with the other movie (Di Vinci Code) with Tom Hanks and developed a composite memory of the new book and the old movie to give a false memory of the new movie. Kinda creepy but it shows how the mind can play tricks on you. |
That was the intuition in action:
Intuitively, you must've perceived one of the movies as the "remake" of the other one... (the Hollywood's running out of ideas -- ![]() |
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Sat 12/05/09 02:37 PM
__________________________ The Gist of the Matter
Researchers have shown us that we are, at present, using only 5-10% of our brain’s capacities or potentials. And it’s been observed that it is the intuition that allows us to access to the other 90% of our potential – information, knowledge and wisdom. The inherent problem to using our intuitive capabilities lies in our own psychological make up: The right side of the brain holds the Imagination, Creativity, Receptivity, and Intuition. However, since this part of the brain has no linguistic capabilities, intuition remains quite elusive. The left part, on the other hand, is Quantitative: logic, memory, and other measurable cognitive skills characterized with such limiting belief systems as trial-&-error, “seeing is believing”, Cause & Effect, and logical step-by-step reasoning. However, this isn’t about one side of the brain being better than the other, it is about CO-PROCESSING. Albert Einstein’s had the audacity (LOL) of saying: “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap of consciousness – Intuition – and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” It’s been determined that there are four main facets of the human being: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual – the latter of which can access all of the former ones, accurately and completely, i.e. Intuition is unifying the potential of all of the main facets (resources). Intuition is comprised of the following aspects and attributes: - Attention to the recognition of your intuitive experiences; - Learning to be confident in your intuitive experiences; - Immediate response to your intuitive experiences. **---> Since most (if not all) of the intuitive experiences occur in response to the queries we form in our minds, the Gist of Intuition is based on one simple guide: Your answers will only be as good as your questions (i.e. queries)!!! ************************************************ In other words, precisely communicated questions presented to your Intuition can provide you with the information which your rational mind may not have access to, and your rational mind can then put that information into words and actions… *Establishing Communication links between your rational left brain and Intuitive right brain begins with the desire to know. Then, allowing your rational mind to frame a good question that can be answered by Yes/No/Maybe. * * But then you have to work up to accuracy with degrees of Yes & No with percentages… * ************************************************************************************************** Sure seems like a lot of work for something that supposed to come naturally… That’s only at the 1st sight! In time, with practice, the process is going to become automatic! |
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Sun 12/13/09 09:51 PM
Actually, this is a greate site for the Intuition practicing! Replying to the posts of the others', your, actually, using your intuition in response to the way you perceive and interpret somebody's posts.
The major source of arguments isn't about the posts' topig, but about the intended meaning!!! A major drawback is not everybody have access to the internet-Camera -- for the added benefit of getting some feedback from the facial expression... |