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Topic: _I_N_T_U_I_T_I_O_N - cracking the enigma...
creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/30/10 12:28 PM
Put your hands in the air, and step away from the bong!


metalwing's photo
Sat 01/30/10 05:19 PM
On the one hand you have a trained professional who has her "take" on improving the functioning of the mind and making use of whatever resources it can offer regardless of the understanding of the mind's operation.

In the second case you have the side effects of massive doses of LSD and magic mushrooms (I'm totally guessing here).

The name may be the same but not the game.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 05:24 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 01/30/10 05:28 PM

Well there is "THE VOICE" and there are those pesky 'voices' in your head. You can tell the difference the same way I can tell your voice from someone else's voice.

I know a few people who do hear 'voices' in their heads and some have said that the voices tell them to do bad things. You should evict these voices, especially if they are not your own.

If you don't know about these things you should not make fun of people, like the guy in the video. Of course he is probably just another person who wants to be a guru and get his hands into your pocket, but the things he talks about do have some truth in them whether he knows it or not.

INTUITION is THE VOICE that is your higher self and comes from your higher mind. This higher mind exists in a completely different space-time environment than this one. You will recognize this voice as being your own voice.

Other voices you might hear may come from people you have a deep connection with and could be telepathy, or you could be picking up random thoughts from others, or from other dimensional beings.

If you are a practical person you will call these things 'hallucinations' or whatever give you peace of mind.

My friend who was psychic can hear 'voices' of dead people or spirits. She spoke for my X-husband once when I asked her if she could do this. She was as surprised as I was. When she spoke, it was in her own voice, but it was his words, his attitude and his energy. I recognized him! (She never knew him at all.)

Don't make fun of things you don't understand.

metalwing's photo
Sat 01/30/10 05:38 PM


Well there is "THE VOICE" and there are those pesky 'voices' in your head. You can tell the difference the same way I can tell your voice from someone else's voice.

I know a few people who do hear 'voices' in their heads and some have said that the voices tell them to do bad things. You should evict these voices, especially if they are not your own.

If you don't know about these things you should not make fun of people, like the guy in the video. Of course he is probably just another person who wants to be a guru and get his hands into your pocket, but the things he talks about do have some truth in them whether he knows it or not.

INTUITION is THE VOICE that is your higher self and comes from your higher mind. This higher mind exists in a completely different space-time environment than this one. You will recognize this voice as being your own voice.

Other voices you might hear may come from people you have a deep connection with and could be telepathy, or you could be picking up random thoughts from others, or from other dimensional beings.

If you are a practical person you will call these things 'hallucinations' or whatever give you peace of mind.

My friend who was psychic can hear 'voices' of dead people or spirits. She spoke for my X-husband once when I asked her if she could do this. She was as surprised as I was. When she spoke, it was in her own voice, but it was his words, his attitude and his energy. I recognized him! (She never knew him at all.)

Don't make fun of things you don't understand.

I don't make fun of ESP because I believe in ESP. I make fun of light channeling through tubes of DNA because that doesn't happen and people who "market" in the manner exposed in video two because I understand what they are doing well.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 05:59 PM
I don't make fun of ESP because I believe in ESP. I make fun of light channeling through tubes of DNA because that doesn't happen and people who "market" in the manner exposed in video two because I understand what they are doing well.

A while back I was reading something written by a cellular biologist/scientist who said to have found evidence that the signals we send to our cells from our own perception of reality has been found to actually be able to reprogram the DNA in cells. I wish I could remember his name or where I read that. It was extremely interesting.

As far as "tubes" are concerned, that's just representative terminology.

And "light channeling" could mean anything. Did you know that the body is very electric and that what we see is simply reflections of light? In fact, our physical bodies are basically "light" bodies in the sense that they are made up of atoms which are basically elements of energy. Light is very important in this reality. Without it, well, there would only be ... darkness.

But I agree that that guy is going through a semi-enlightened period where he wants to be a guru. He even tries to look like Jesus. He reminds me of the many hippies I knew in the 60's.

That's just what we need in this world... another guru. frustrated

metalwing's photo
Sat 01/30/10 06:45 PM

I don't make fun of ESP because I believe in ESP. I make fun of light channeling through tubes of DNA because that doesn't happen and people who "market" in the manner exposed in video two because I understand what they are doing well.

A while back I was reading something written by a cellular biologist/scientist who said to have found evidence that the signals we send to our cells from our own perception of reality has been found to actually be able to reprogram the DNA in cells. I wish I could remember his name or where I read that. It was extremely interesting.

As far as "tubes" are concerned, that's just representative terminology.

And "light channeling" could mean anything. Did you know that the body is very electric and that what we see is simply reflections of light? In fact, our physical bodies are basically "light" bodies in the sense that they are made up of atoms which are basically elements of energy. Light is very important in this reality. Without it, well, there would only be ... darkness.

But I agree that that guy is going through a semi-enlightened period where he wants to be a guru. He even tries to look like Jesus. He reminds me of the many hippies I knew in the 60's.

That's just what we need in this world... another guru. frustrated

I first heard the same "light channeling" speech back in the seventies.

As for the workings of basic atomic theory, I started out in electrical engineering, got bored at Bell Telephone, studied mechanics and dynamics and have consulted for many years in structures and material science. I understand electrodynamics pretty well. I have no problem separating the bread from the baloney.

Various writings from many ages use allegory to express difficult concepts and explain various topics in ways people who have not studied the topic may gain quicker understanding. Many references to Jesus are believed to be "the light" as a way to indicate a great teacher while not pointing out a rebel to the romans should the document be confiscated. The light reference has spread.

While studying math and physics I was asked to go help pick mushrooms more than once. I politely declined.

The most modern theory of gene activation deals with complex neurochemistry which activates hormones in conjunction with proteins to cause certain inactive genes to activate thereby producing more proteins acting in conjunction with other hormones to biochemically do something that wasn't being done before.

Light is a form of energy but not the only one. Our bodies are primarily made up of quarks and electrons. The electrons have the ability to gain and lose energy by absorbing and releasing light, but that is really not a big part of the process of being human.

A chemical reaction inside the eye can transmit data to the brain as to the location and frequency of light entering the eye. We eat food to grow and stay warm and the infrared light is a form of heat we need to survive, but that really isn't part of the subject.

We really don't know how intuition works.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 07:49 PM
We really don't know how intuition works.

Who do you mean by "we?"

Some people don't acknowledge intuition at all. Psychics tend to call themselves "intuitive" these days because of the bad rap the word "psychic" has gotten. If you took a poll, I would bet there are more people who believe in it and have experienced some form of it than not.

And yet scientific authorities still make jokes and call it "baloney."

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 11:59 PM
And yet scientific authorities still make jokes and call it (i.e. intuition} "baloney."

I don't know what "scientific authorities" your refering to, but people at Princeton -- THE most scientific authority there is -- have considered intuition important enough to dedicate a separate study to!!! (along side the Remote Viewing!)

When I've first heard of the RV, I regretfully noted to myself:
Finally, somebody's gonna pay attention to Intuition -- because, in essence, the RV is just an Intesified Intuition -- although much more extensive...

However, whereas the RV requires a specialized extensive training, Intuition is within grasp of any(?) "common mortal being"!!!

metalwing's photo
Sun 01/31/10 07:15 AM

We really don't know how intuition works.

Who do you mean by "we?"

Some people don't acknowledge intuition at all. Psychics tend to call themselves "intuitive" these days because of the bad rap the word "psychic" has gotten. If you took a poll, I would bet there are more people who believe in it and have experienced some form of it than not.

And yet scientific authorities still make jokes and call it "baloney."

Let me be more specific. I believe in ESP, I believe in intuition. I have read and experienced enough to know, in my heart of hearts, that no person, no matter how intuitive they may be, knows how it works. Even if the intuition is a functioning process, which I believe that it is, my knowledge of science knows that light streaming through DNA, and the "human body is made of light" comments are baloney. If someone does not understand science, it does not automatically give them the right to state specific scientific terms to describe a process they do not understand. This method is a false attempt to portray knowledge of a process they have no clue as to it's mechanism.

Using scientific terms to falsely describe an event which is not understood or does not exist is the definition of a huckster.

The first vid I posted shows a doctor of the human mind giving her honest (I presume) best shot at teaching someone to develop their powers of intuition.

The second vid shows some huckster trying to make a buck off the internet acting in the same ways as so many others I have known in the past. I absolutely have the right to make fun of such actions.

Why don't you understand the basics of electromagnetism?

galendgirl's photo
Sun 01/31/10 10:42 AM
This has been an interesting thread, but as I read these exchanges (and even see the moderator coming in to quell heated comments)I am reminded that, unfortunately, both at Mingle and in our non-virtual lives, some of the most judgmental and mean people are the ones claiming to be the most enlightened, spiritual, saved via their religion of choice, knowledgeable, etc.

I believe that the intuition & ESP are legitimate avenues of exploration and have value, but trying to "prove" the metaphysical scientifically is unrealistic. Frankly, that would change the gist of what it is...the METAPHYSICAL. The mystery is part of the intrigue! Take that out of the mix and you've lost the point.

That doesn't mean science has to be an be opposing force, either. There are just things that can not be defined or proven and certainly, a charlatan selling "scientific proof" in the name of enlightenment is hypocrisy at it's worst (not to mention just bad science!)

When people evaluate the topic, they can't help but look at what is purported to be beliefs about higher levels of consciousness and the way people actually behave. With so many wrong statements of "fact" and hypocritical behaviors, is it any wonder that the subject of intuition gets disregarded?

Whether you are a video charlatan or jumping on other thread participants, my intuition says that's just not very enlightened behavior and damages the legitimacy of the subject.


metalwing's photo
Sun 01/31/10 10:55 AM

This has been an interesting thread, but as I read these exchanges (and even see the moderator coming in to quell heated comments)I am reminded that, unfortunately, both at Mingle and in our non-virtual lives, some of the most judgmental and mean people are the ones claiming to be the most enlightened, spiritual, saved via their religion of choice, knowledgeable, etc.

I believe that the intuition & ESP are legitimate avenues of exploration and have value, but trying to "prove" the metaphysical scientifically is unrealistic. Frankly, that would change the gist of what it is...the METAPHYSICAL. The mystery is part of the intrigue! Take that out of the mix and you've lost the point.

That doesn't mean science has to be an be opposing force, either. There are just things that can not be defined or proven and certainly, a charlatan selling "scientific proof" in the name of enlightenment is hypocrisy at it's worst (not to mention just bad science!)

When people evaluate the topic, they can't help but look at what is purported to be beliefs about higher levels of consciousness and the way people actually behave. With so many wrong statements of "fact" and hypocritical behaviors, is it any wonder that the subject of intuition gets disregarded?

Whether you are a video charlatan or jumping on other thread participants, my intuition says that's just not very enlightened behavior and damages the legitimacy of the subject.


Good post!

no photo
Tue 02/02/10 04:54 PM

no photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:16 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 02/02/10 09:19 PM
Other voices you might hear may come from people you have a deep connection with and could be telepathy, or you could be picking up random thoughts from others, or from other dimensional beings.

Psychics and psychic phenomena are quite rare (even nowadays).
However, I don't intend to intervene into the realm of psychics (or Psychiatry)!
I AM talking about a "simple" day-to-day Intuition!!! -- which is commonplace and is happening to most of the regular "mortals". However, I'm puzzled with the nature of those happenings -- usually on a purely Involuntary basise, i.e. outside of our individual control!
Yet, I've noticed when I concentrate -- put myself in a receptive frame of mind -- sometimes (not always) the answers pop in my mind out of nowhere! (Instantaneously!)
I mean, I do not hear any voices... Telepathy? Only if that means accessing some universal pool of knowledge (rather than reading someone-else's thoughts!)

Picking up random thoughts from others, or from other dimensional beings,would be a great coincidence for that would neccesitate those beings thinking of precisely the same problem as me And knowing the correct answer (at that precise moment)!!! Seems like too much of a coincidence!!!

Nevertheless, the knowledge is comming from somewhere -- seemingly from within my own head{?} Apparently, the mind extends much further than it's container (i.e. the scull)...

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/03/10 09:20 AM


Thank you, Jane! This has been an interesting thread...

no photo
Wed 02/03/10 09:42 PM
Though the Remote Viewing research has been taken out of the main stream and restricted to mainly the scientific study -- due to it's far reaching consequences -- Intuition is still wide opened to the general public's discovery!

I suspect the region of the brain -- HYPOTHALAMUS -- which is responsible for hormon generation and our perception, has something to do with Intuition! Science may have have identified the saparate parts of the brain, yet there seems to be a function of a higher order that enables humans prceive beyond of our sensory abilities -- presently known as ESP (i.e. Extra Sensory Perception), or -- as jeanniebean calls it -- "a higher mind"!
However, as "high" as it may be, it isn't higher than our ability of grasping the gist of the matter!!! We just have to keep on pursuing the subject matter more diligently!!! (until we stumble upon the solution...)

____________________Good Luck, everybody!!!_____________

no photo
Thu 02/04/10 11:30 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 02/04/10 11:41 PM
After all, that’s the nature of our existence – posing questions and responding to them:
from something as mundane as “What’s for dinner?” through more important matters like “Who should I marry?” and “Is this the right career for me?” all the way up to transcendent questions , such as “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What does it all mean?” It’s these questions that lend life its drama.. Indeed, the important thing in life is knowing what questions we should be asking!!! (especially since most of the questions aren’t asked consciously, but unconsciously!)

* * Intuition always activates in response to a question and presents us with information – images, sensations, impressions, or symbols. Therefore, we must become aware of the questions we un/sub-consciously ask – because we often subconsciously give our intuition conflicting signals:
“I want a raise, yet I don’t want the added responsibility!” “I want love, but then I’m afraid of loosing it…”
___Getting the precise answer, you must learn to notice the answers to questions you may not be conscious of asking! whoa what noway (i.e controlling your thoughts is of paramount importance!!!) * * * * * * * * And that is the most difficult part of Intuition!
*** Deciphering the impressions you get in response to the posed questions is the main power of Intuition!!!
Intuition initially guides the scientist creating a hypothesis, the detective searching for clues, and the doctor piercing together a diagnosis…

Even Einstein admitted that scientific truth is revealed first through intuition, and only later verified by logic. Although the information we receive intuitively is always valid, we are human interpreters of this data – often, when we assemble and translate intuitive information, it becomes subject to human error. Only through repeatedly asked questions , can the Intuition flash out the correct answer!

metalwing's photo
Fri 02/05/10 09:38 PM

Even Einstein admitted that scientific truth is revealed first through intuition, and only later verified by logic. Although the information we receive intuitively is always valid, we are human interpreters of this data – often, when we assemble and translate intuitive information, it becomes subject to human error. Only through repeatedly asked questions , can the Intuition flash out the correct answer!

I think that is a main point of the doctor teaching how to be intuitive.
She is trying to get the student to listen to the inner voice and trust the message. I have failed to listen to my inner voice at times and regretted it later.

no photo
Sat 02/06/10 01:09 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 02/06/10 01:12 AM
___________Definitions Revisited______________
The first and foremost signal feature of intuition is the time and space transcendence thing. Regarding time transcendence, intuition is very notable regarding "premonitions" of things to come (in the future.)

Regarding space transcendence, people intuit what's happening at another place in the past, present and future.

Many books of anecdotes regarding intuition exist. In particulars the anecdotes may differ, sometimes radically and strangely so. But they all have one thing in common. The time-space transcendence thing.

Indeed, everyone EXPECTS intuition to transcand time and space --- and in fact no one would call anything intuition if it did not. And this expectation is the same today as it was in prehistory and all that has transpired in between.

Here, then, is the first and foremost face value factor of intuition --- time and space transcendence.
The problem here, though, is not that intuition transcends time and space but that the modern sciences held that time and space COULD NOT BE TRANSCENDED.

trusty dictionary gives the following definitions:

(1) immediate apprehension or cognition;

(2) knowledge or conviction gained by intuition;

(3) the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought and inference;

(4) quick and ready insight.

By these definitions, or a mix of them, one assumes one now knows what intuition is --- right? These four definitions actually appear to be defining an inexplicable form of magic --- the something-out-of-nothing thing.

Here it needs to be pointed out that all of the types of intuition ALWAYS deal with some kind of information and information outputs. And since this is so, intuition obviously is the result of some kind of information processing. Thus a more appropriate definition would be: ""the faculties or power of mind and cognition to transcend time, space, and matter and energy as well."

Once again, according to some of the Encyclopedia definitions,

1. Intuition as unjustified true belief not preceded by inference, in this (the commonest) sense "an intuition" means "a hunch." The existence of hunches is uncontroversial and not of philosophical interest.

2. Intuition as immediate knowledge of the truth of a proposition, where "immediate" means "not preceded by inference." This is a philosophically important sense, since philosophers have found it puzzling that one can have knowledge, and thus justified belief, without having made oneself aware through the process of inference of any knowledge of a concept.

3. Intuition as immediate knowledge of a concept. "Immediate knowledge" here means, roughly, "knowledge which does not entail ability to define the concept."

4. Intuition as a nonpropositional knowledge of an entity - knowledge that may be a necessary condition, for, but is not identical with, intuitive knowledge of the truth of propositions about the entity.

The sense of "intuition" is exemplified by:

5. Sense perceptions, considered as products of a cognitive faculty distinct from the faculty of forming judgements concerning the entity sensed;

6. Intuitions of universals, or (as in Kant) of such insensible particulars as time and space - intuitions that are necessary conditions of our intuitive knowledge of a priori truths.

7. Mystical or inexpressible intuitions that, unlike sense perceptions and intuitions of universals, do not make possible knowledge of the truth of propositions about the entities intuited.

****** Butn the list isn't limited to those listed. Besides, these definitions seem to be talking about states of consciousness rather than about intuition.
**** Dictionaries state that the term is etymologically taken from the Latin "intuitus" --- the meaning of which is given as "to look at, contemplate" as taken from the Latin "in" + "tueri" ("to look inward as in to introspect.")

The "disinterest" of philosophy in hunches, though, is interesting, since it can be shown that most philosophies themselves derive from someone's hunches.

Hunches are among the most widely-shared aspects of our species intuitive faculties and therefore would seem important. And, as well, from some hunches some of humankind's greatest monuments and successes have emerged.

However, this faculty (as it is often called) is among our chief assets regarding creativity, inventivenes and survival --- none of which our physical-5-senses by themselves can establish, much less guarantee.

##### Some seem to do so, of course, as in a "flash" of intuitive insight. But the greater bulk of them "build up" over time --- as if the relationships they are working with are being readjusted until, in some kind of contemplative sense, they are got right. This is especially the case with creative or inventive intuitions. In these cases, once the relationships are got right, the familiar flash of creative hunch or insight occurs.

Nevertheless, intuition always occurs relative to something else --- with the relationship often being felt before it is cognitively understood within the intellect.

metalwing's photo
Sun 02/07/10 07:06 AM

___________Definitions Revisited______________
The first and foremost signal feature of intuition is the time and space transcendence thing. Regarding time transcendence, intuition is very notable regarding "premonitions" of things to come (in the future.)

Regarding space transcendence, people intuit what's happening at another place in the past, present and future.

Many books of anecdotes regarding intuition exist. In particulars the anecdotes may differ, sometimes radically and strangely so. But they all have one thing in common. The time-space transcendence thing.

Indeed, everyone EXPECTS intuition to transcand time and space --- and in fact no one would call anything intuition if it did not. And this expectation is the same today as it was in prehistory and all that has transpired in between.

Here, then, is the first and foremost face value factor of intuition --- time and space transcendence.
The problem here, though, is not that intuition transcends time and space but that the modern sciences held that time and space COULD NOT BE TRANSCENDED.

trusty dictionary gives the following definitions:

(1) immediate apprehension or cognition;

(2) knowledge or conviction gained by intuition;

(3) the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought and inference;

(4) quick and ready insight.

By these definitions, or a mix of them, one assumes one now knows what intuition is --- right? These four definitions actually appear to be defining an inexplicable form of magic --- the something-out-of-nothing thing.

Here it needs to be pointed out that all of the types of intuition ALWAYS deal with some kind of information and information outputs. And since this is so, intuition obviously is the result of some kind of information processing. Thus a more appropriate definition would be: ""the faculties or power of mind and cognition to transcend time, space, and matter and energy as well."

Once again, according to some of the Encyclopedia definitions,

1. Intuition as unjustified true belief not preceded by inference, in this (the commonest) sense "an intuition" means "a hunch." The existence of hunches is uncontroversial and not of philosophical interest.

2. Intuition as immediate knowledge of the truth of a proposition, where "immediate" means "not preceded by inference." This is a philosophically important sense, since philosophers have found it puzzling that one can have knowledge, and thus justified belief, without having made oneself aware through the process of inference of any knowledge of a concept.

3. Intuition as immediate knowledge of a concept. "Immediate knowledge" here means, roughly, "knowledge which does not entail ability to define the concept."

4. Intuition as a nonpropositional knowledge of an entity - knowledge that may be a necessary condition, for, but is not identical with, intuitive knowledge of the truth of propositions about the entity.

The sense of "intuition" is exemplified by:

5. Sense perceptions, considered as products of a cognitive faculty distinct from the faculty of forming judgements concerning the entity sensed;

6. Intuitions of universals, or (as in Kant) of such insensible particulars as time and space - intuitions that are necessary conditions of our intuitive knowledge of a priori truths.

7. Mystical or inexpressible intuitions that, unlike sense perceptions and intuitions of universals, do not make possible knowledge of the truth of propositions about the entities intuited.

****** Butn the list isn't limited to those listed. Besides, these definitions seem to be talking about states of consciousness rather than about intuition.
**** Dictionaries state that the term is etymologically taken from the Latin "intuitus" --- the meaning of which is given as "to look at, contemplate" as taken from the Latin "in" + "tueri" ("to look inward as in to introspect.")

The "disinterest" of philosophy in hunches, though, is interesting, since it can be shown that most philosophies themselves derive from someone's hunches.

Hunches are among the most widely-shared aspects of our species intuitive faculties and therefore would seem important. And, as well, from some hunches some of humankind's greatest monuments and successes have emerged.

However, this faculty (as it is often called) is among our chief assets regarding creativity, inventivenes and survival --- none of which our physical-5-senses by themselves can establish, much less guarantee.

##### Some seem to do so, of course, as in a "flash" of intuitive insight. But the greater bulk of them "build up" over time --- as if the relationships they are working with are being readjusted until, in some kind of contemplative sense, they are got right. This is especially the case with creative or inventive intuitions. In these cases, once the relationships are got right, the familiar flash of creative hunch or insight occurs.

Nevertheless, intuition always occurs relative to something else --- with the relationship often being felt before it is cognitively understood within the intellect.

Good post Jane. There is tremendous overlap between the studies of science and philosophy. One of the better speakers on the topic is David Z. Albert who is Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University and Director of M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics. He also teaches quantum physics. He has written several books such as "Time and Chance" and "Quantum Mechanics and Experience" and has some nice youtube vids.


It starts out a little boring but gets much better.

no photo
Fri 02/19/10 01:02 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 02/19/10 01:06 AM
_____________ * * *Father of RV, Ingo Swann: * * *____________
Ingo Swann, who was involved in the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) project from 1972-1988, is upset with the media's droll treatment of this revived story. ***>>> Important note: intuition is composed of sensed feelings which result in the hunches of intellect, for a hunch is a cognitive analysis derived from what has been felt. (i.e. Intuition is a FEELING!!!)
The "disinterest" of philosophy in hunches, though, is interesting, since it can be shown that most philosophies themselves derive from someone's hunches. laugh Nevertheless, hunches are among the most widely-shared aspects of our species intuitive faculties and therefore would seem important. And, as well, from some hunches some of humankind's greatest monuments and successes have emerged.

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