Community > Posts By > Teufelhunde

Teufelhunde's photo
Fri 08/28/09 07:24 PM
Marine Corps

Teufelhunde's photo
Fri 08/28/09 07:20 PM
I am not getting many responses or views on my profile. I am curious as to what I could change to make it better or if it's just that there might not be many in my area looking.

Thank you,


Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/25/06 05:33 PM
GO BUCKS!!!! Michigan SUCKS!!!

Teufelhunde's photo
Tue 10/24/06 02:38 PM
You can also take a close look at your finances and post it somewhere.
I always buy my smokes by the carton so when I see that I can save $120
a month, that helps.

Teufelhunde's photo
Tue 10/24/06 02:35 PM
Someone mentioned to cut back. I smoke about a pack a day. The last
time I quit I cut back to only 10 a day. I would keep an empty pack and
I would place only 10 cigarettes in it. Visually seeing how many you
have will keep you from going outside just to have one for the hell of
it. After a weeks time I cut it back to 7, then 5 then I quit. I tried
so many times to quit cold turkey and it is actually harder that way
because you are sending your body an abrubt message of "What the fuck
are you doing, give me my nicotine?". So lets try and cut back.

You mentioned that you are quitting tomorrow...Will this be cold turkey
or have you been trying to cut back?

Teufelhunde's photo
Mon 10/23/06 06:19 PM

Must be a word limit...I had a crap load typed and it didn't post, damn I need a smoke...I hate this crap.

Anyway, to keep it short and sweet...welbutrin (generic for Zyban) is a
good way to quit. Ask a female to get it from the OBGYN...Family doctor
won't prescribe it for some least mine wouldn't. Have them
tell their OBGYN that they want to get pregnant but they want to quit

Second, lets start up a support group would be kind of hard
being online but we can meet up every evening and discuss any setbacks
we might have encountered that day. We can set a quit date and support
one another and hopefully more will want to get involved as well...

What are your thoughts???


Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:37 PM
Just checking to see if there are any cool, fun central ohio ladies
around. Must be a Buckeye Fan... j/k

Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:34 PM

I couldn't agree more with everything you mentioned. I've tried many
sites shortly after my divorce.I said to myself, I'm not going to pay
but then they send you emails with these great looking women, profiles
etc...and that is what entices people to say the hell with it and pay
for a membership. Every time my gullible a$$ signed up for one of those
sites, I never would get another email from anyone whether it is a fake
person or a real people.

Some of those sites have the online porn girls who will flirt with you,
speak to you as if they're really interested and then send you a link to
check them out on another site and in order to do so, you have to pay to
become a member of that. Now that's where I drew the line. I already
paid once like a dumba$$, I'm not going to pay again just to see pics of
someone. Hell, you want me to see pics then email them to me...

Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:25 PM
I'm stuck in the middle of everyone's posts. It's easy to say "why
didn't he attempt to slow down the bike, or to lay it down and get
scraped up. If this is a true story, we don't know the entire

How fast was he going when he found out that the brakes weren't working?

Was he going down a steep decline to where the bike wouldn't slow down
enough? What about other traffic?

Did he have a death wish? Were things in his life not all peaches and
cream and he wanted one last moment with his true love?

What was his experience on a bike? How long has he been riding? I
believe a more experienced rider would've thought about these things
through the years of riding and so when something like your brakes
failing would happen, then your response would come to you like second

If true, it's very sad that it happened.

Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:03 PM
I'm not sure what it is but I really like blondes...Now what really
beats out a blonde is a brunette who has blue or green eyes...

Teufelhunde's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:07 PM
AlpineRocks, I actually just graduated from DeVry Online. I spent my
first year at the Columbus, Oh campus then transferred to the Online
section and spent 5 years there. I love the convenience of online
education but it requires a high level of discipline.

Like I said, I spent 5 years online and would do it all over again. I
wish you the best and hope you continue on with your education. You can
never have enough.
