Topic: Depression support | |
This is a tough subject. A lot of times, hearing someone say "I've been thru the same thing" doesn't really help. What helps is someone who's willing to listen. Getting things out into the open, as opposed to bottling things up, can sometimes be good therapy. A lot of people walk around with depression without really realizing it. I wish there were easy answers. Unfourtunately, there's not. If you know a person who's suffering from depression, the best thing is to be supportive and understanding.
Brighteyes, michel okie and all others who have shown true and sincere postings, I thank you. Lildevil, thank you for the bump. I thought the subject had died and that no one was going to take this seriously. Thank you for sharing, and I completely understand the concerns about troubled people and what they may or may not need, but if we can help just one person to call for that help, then we did the right thing. I know I can have #'s to places to call ready if needed, and we all have to realize that we can't save the world, we are not Dr's/therapists/etc....we are those who are living the same things and can identify with those might think they are totally alone or that no one cares. Yes I agree that it is terribly hard when someone cames in and makes statements like evad and then never return. We have to accept the fact that we may never know what happened. We also need to take into account that we can only talk about medications as they relate to us. We can't recommend anything, just give them a website or tell them to ask thier Dr about it. Ok, I'm off my far as this being a dating site, well, check the settings on your profie, there is one for looking for friendship. Ifthey can have topics about sex and being very graphic to the point of xxx, then why can't we have a topic where those who might just be hurting cuz they just broke up with someone. You don't have to have a fullblown MI to be in a thread like this.......I have heard nothing back from mike or van on this. Hope we can be of support and or help, but make sure people know that we can't save them, we are just here to listen, identify and care.
I think anything that helps someone get thru a rough time is good.
creation I had bad depression, before, and the thing I found out was go to a place, like a park, any place where you will be alone and think out what is on your mine. And creation a lot of people say some bad things sometime, but you have to pay it no mine .Grow up your not no baby no more , you are a growing lady, now act like one. But creation I have heard and seen what some ladies type , and they are perfect to help you with this .
Well here I am again. Still alone, hating this life that God gave me. I dunno what i keep doing wrong, but I keep going in circles and falling in this freaking pit over and over. I'm tired of it all now.
Well damnits i'm trying to help you out..go check out the Chitchat room
Ok, I have to say this...I'm over here in my corner depressed as hell, freaking crying for no reason, and ONLY 3 PEOPLE have emailed me thus far! Even when I'm in threads talking about jumping in volcanoes, AND THEY THINK ITS FREAKING FUNNY! Am I an outcast here now too?
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they probably didn't realize you were serious man. i don't any of the people that talk to you on a regular basis would do something like that.
Hate to sound cold, but we've all got problems these days. If you feel you've got to talk to someone, there are lots of trained professionals who are better equipped to deal with your situation than anyone on here. 3 people? That's 3 e-mails more than I've gotten. Consider yourself fourtunate.
I thought I'd crank this forum back up due to the importance of the people in it.
I goto consoling twice a month, and it usally helps. But since going on my own all I have is myself to talk too, I don't even have a cat to talk to anymore.
ok i just read this and if anyone needs to talk about anything i will listen...just please dont hurt yourself. ive had it happen to people ive known and its hurts everyone around them. im new and not a therapist or anything but i will listen and talk to anyone...
I spend 8 hours, wondering why I'm still alive, 4-5 hours, wondering why I'm sticking around, and about 6 hours summarizing my thoughts before I sleep..if I even can...people think im weird...because I am..because I know for a fact..I've made myself that way...its just who I am...tons of things have happened in my life..but when I think back on it...tons of things went wrong, I lost my pops, my brother...and almost my own life...worst part of it is...if my life ended, their lives would go on, if they left, I lived on..I can't help but feel that because of me being here...they're not here...but life was sweet, if even for a short time..
My own mother told me...that it is they who should be here, and not me...because I have nothing to offer the world, if I have even nothing to offer to myself...its true...why? because I've made it true myself... I spend tons of time thinking...I love to think...even if it is damaging...but one thing is for sure...every story has an ending, weather its a blunt ending, very meaningful, a case left opened, or abruptly stopped...every story ends...why would I want to rush something that is inevitably going to happen later?... When you really look at will realize..that very few for fact..most for others..people have friends, family, relationships...people need you for support...but what do you do...when you have none of those?... I look at all of the small simple stuff in life...that I enjoy...I can't sit here and lie like a moron, if there wasn't at least 1 thing I didn't enjoy in life, I wouldn't be here.. The air is clear enough for me to breathe...the sky is a pretty sight at night...I like to smile..even if it's only for a short while...and the tastes great...I enjoy all of these things do I smile?...I make myself smile...I remember what life was like when it was sweet, thats why we remember such things....everyone has at least 1 memorable memory..even if the total memory only lasts a few seconds, its enough to make you can't lie to yourself..because for a fact, anyone reading this, if you didn't have at least 1, you wouldn't be here right now, you wouldn't be questions things in your life any longer, you would be answering them by now. why am I living? - simply because I haven't expired yet.. some people live to fight for their future...well me...I live and fight for my past.. Mankind's greatest flaw, is believing we are all alone, even I think this way at times...but the fact of the matter is...we're all in the same boat together...the least we could lend a is tough, but all of you here should be proud of yourselves...knowing that you're this strong, to say you're still here, alive, fighting a battle bigger than anyone can imagine, deep inside you're own mind... I'm really sorry that this post is so long, I wrote it, deleted it, waited a day or 2, kept wondering, should I write or not?..but once you click, you can't go back..I hope this long post wasn't useless and actually helped somehow. Gnite |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (((((( Ahalo ))))))) Muah my friend nice to see you again,,, |
hey Denise, nice 2 c u 2.
anyone else out there sick and tired of being judged for having a mental illness?! i think that is what drives me nuts most about our society...being told you are "sick" "strange" "scary" "fill-in-the-blank" or that you belong in an institution!!!
what's really scary is the people that think they are normal. least i know what i am.
I was going to leave this site, but after a large part of curiousity killed the cat, I looked at this to see who might or might have not written........ are sweet and so brave to tell us what is on your mind and how you deal with things. I am not that brave. When I left the site a few days ago, of the 25 people on my friends list, only 4 cared that not only was I gone, but that I was ok. snowgirl, YES. I am sick of it. I have briefly mentioned my illness in this and other threads. But only if someone else brought it up in a non-destructive manner, or someone admiting it too. Trying to or actualy helping others makes me feel like I have some reason to be here. My kids are on thier own, the rest of my family I either don't talk to or have childish crap going on as far as all of us are concerned. I know they want to help, but there is nothing anyone can do for me. It is frustrating for them and for me as well. Not because they can't help me, but because I know thier frustration of not being able to help. I can't win. I have been in a very very dark place lately. We are all fallible, and the ups and downs make us emotionally unpredictable, so the strongest of us can quickly become the weakest at a moments notice. Some people are cruel and judge. I have heard too many times in my life the strangling words of insensitive people, and those who catagorize different MI illnesses. Just because you are depressed doesn't make you harmful, and they say the same thing about Bi Polar. I swallow my sanity three times a day. I do what I am supposed to do and I survive. That doesn't mean people will go on some rampage and shoot everyone up, kill thier kids, kill thier spouse and then take themselves out. The media is so cruel. They love to make so much out of and decieve the public to make thier money, but do nothing to show the good things and normalicy of most people just trying to make a life no matter how hard. Yes! I am a grown up! I happen to live for different reasons than others. They have thier own reasons too. Doesn't matter how you survive, as long as it doesn't hurt others in the process. Sorry this is long but I have to vent. Dark and scared is where I am and then for others, when I am strong enough, I can be there for them. This is a group effort. BTW evad is fine and last I heard had found a nice girl here on the site. That may have changed but he is still here and kicking like the rest of us. I have found that I am afraid to post when I feel like this. It comes out as dark or macabre humor most of the time, so ((((((damnit)))))) do not feel alone. Email me if you feel like it. I did email you and then got all stupid and left myself. But I never heard back. But you can always get a hold of me through LAmom or email and I will give you my personal address. I'm also afraid of the stigma of people knowing my personal business. It leaves me and I suspect a lot of us open to attack or ridicule. Or at lease it may feel that way. That is why I don't leave pity threads. Maybe I should but I have found that as nice as everyone here at the site is, they can never understand, and may lash out and hurt us more than we can or want to tolerate. I have some pretty sucky issues I have to deal with right now. I want to give up. My issues might sound silly to others, but they are MY ISSUES, and hurt as they are mine. There are anothers who might think mine are not as bad as thiers in comparison. There is no comparision......What we feel is as individual as we are. What sounds stupid to one, might feel like the end of the world to another, so therefore I choose not to let out too much of myself most of the time. We are all different, but have some things in common, and that is that we hurt. Doesn't matter why, we just do and feeling like we can talk about it to others, helps some people. Or there are those who want to be supportive, and that is wonderful. Problem for myself for example is I have trust issues and fear of being judged. I have found this to be very common and destructive. I leave no or very few comments, cries out, or ask for help because of this. But I have never been a danger to anyone but myself, so the stigma will follow no matter what. Losing friends or finding out the friends are not what you thought is hurtful and can make people withdraw.......I hope that we can find a safe place in ourselves to be able to stay here. I don't do counceling cuz I don't trust them and it doesn't help me dwelling in the past, but for others it can be a blessing so I would NEVER tell anyone not to go or seek some kind of help if they don't already have it. Ok, I'm done. Still scared about this but like Ahalo, sometimes we need to just click. You have no idea how many times I have had instant regret after I have clicked. Would we call that "Click Regret" ? LOL, just trying to lighten up and let you all know that this thread doesn't come up very often, but if more of us used it, it may come up a bit more. I know I can't save the world, but just want people to know that sometimes, if you feel you can, talk about it........with anyone you trust. HUGS Karen |
Karen - I wish you would stay around. I have found my friends here on the site to be a lot of help to me during my bad times. I understand if you feel you need a break, but really hope you decide to come back. There are a lot of good people on here who care about you and others and we don't judge people. There are some jerks too, I have seen one raise his ugly head in some threads recently, try to ignore him and hopefully he will bore himself and go away or people will stop talking to him and he will leave. We don't need his type on here. You know what is best for you but I do hope you will stay around, even if just in the shadows to read and stay in contact with your friends. I have found my friends on here to be like lifesavers when I have felt like I was sinking fast. Take care of yourself in whatever you decide to do. I enjoy reading your posts. I hope you get to feeling better soon and the blackness lifts. Write me if you feel like talking, I am on here every night and would love to talk to you. Good luck and take care.
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