Topic: Depression support | |
thanks marie and king for the kind work..i have been drinking a lot of ice coffee doctor is on vacation till next week but will be seeing him soon.i'm wondering if menopause is an issue also..
I would cut back on the coffee - caffeine can trigger the panic attacks I think anyway, or try decaf coffee, and menopause can play havoc with all your body systems. Could very well be part of it. But I would cut back on the caffeine first. When I was in the ER, they showed I was having PVCs on my EKG, said it was likely the caffeine in my Diet Pepsi, and I only drink 1, maybe 2 of the 24 oz. bottles a day, no coffee at all. I would bet it is stimulating the attacks. But just my guess. Early menopause symptoms can start with insomnia too, and a whole bunch of other symptoms. But I would check in with your doc when he gets back.
Blackangel please talk to anyone of us. We are here,ok?
Gypsy I am sorry that you've had to deal with that. The tears are love Hon.....just try to remember that there was nothing you could have done. Do not carry guilt about this issue. I know it is hard not to, but having been on both sides of the coin, there was nothing you could have done. E-mail me if you would like me to elaborate on this. I care. Cute! Hon, the caffine and the menopause are likely causes. I drink too much diet pepesi, and went through early menopause (it runs in my family) AND had a hysterectomy at age 30 so made it double worse. Talk to your Dr. and they will adjust your meds. You will become tolerant. I just went through this issue a few months ago. Don't let it get away from you. Take care of this asap. Ok? My e-mail box is always open to anyone who wants to talk about anything. I'm really open minded. I will answer as soon as I can. I have college but check my e-mail everyday. It is hard when things feel like they are out of your control. It can manafest itself in many different ways for different people. I suffer from Bi Polar, Social Anxiety and Major Recurrent depression. I tend to cut everyone off when I get real bad. I can't help it, so Gypsy!, that is how I know that when someone has made up thier mind completely, there is no way to stop it short of catching them in the act and getting the authorities there before any damage has been done. Even that can not always work. Please don't suffer........... Karen |
Cute, I have the same fear. I can only identify with it since I have no idea what to do about it. I just don't think there is anyone out there that can deal with so much baggage of mine. They think they can but it always ends up bad. They just don't realize how bad I can really get. They have thier baggage as well, and I can put up with a lot, but I don't think much of myself, so I always figure it is my fault. I'm ranting. SOrry. It's just that is why I have decided not to have a relationship. I don't want to inflict anyone else with my crap. Freinds are all I need cuz they can back off if they want. Relationships are much harder to do. I have always had someone around my whole life. This is the first time I have ever lived alone. Oct this year will make one year. No people at all living with me including kids....just me the dog and the parrot. Sighhhh, but I have come to terms with it. I DO NOT THINK THAT ANYONE CAN NOT FIND SOMEONE BECAUSE OF THIER PROBLEMS!!!! I am just ranting about ME this time. Just my feelings about the subject. Cute I know htat it is possible for you to find someone cuz I've seen it happen, so don't take my negativity personal ok? |
karen big hugs to you.I feel bad that you have given up on having a man in your life.With your sense of humor,I think you could make anything work.My sense of humor has gotten me thru so much.
I drink way to much soda and i have insomnia big time.I nevver sleep fully thru the night.I am going to up my Zoloft because it was working very well and still is somewhat.I think the caffeine counteracts it.I live with my son but lived alone for many years in my late 20's ,early thirtys with a cat and a mouse.My daughter visited every other weekend ,It was the best time of my life because I could do whatever,when ever.Enjoy this alone time,take a break from relationships but don't give up on finding one.I sometimes rant myself but I know there is a man out there for me. ![]() |
my best friend died in a car accident when she was fifteen. she was supposed to go to prom with me and she got t-boned by a van going 65 one week before the dance. i went home and i tried to kill myself but then i saw how dumb it was unfortunately it was too late and i had already hurt my self. but i am fully recovered now and i have accepted that jessie is now in heaven with a god who feels that i need to be on this earth instead of dead. i am now a believer in miracles and i feel that i need to spread the word here that god is real and he saved me from myself and showed me the way.
Wow!!!! So glad you didnt succeed!!!!
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hey glad you didnt succeed.
Then I wouldnt have been able to get drunk with you and have all of those fond memories... Stick around please |
Hi all, I'm still reading. I'm still here. ![]() Thanks for continuing to post your experiences. It takes a lot of courage to do so. You all have so much depth and strength. I am truly humbled by it. ![]() ![]() |
i have some questions tho. i am trying to talk my girlfriend into believing that this life is where she needs to be. she has taken some pain reliever pills today, (too many) she says that her stomach hurts and now she has a headache but she wont let me take her to the hospital. i need some advice anyone?
dial 911!!!!
that would make me feel like i was betraying her trust tho
Dial somone 911 or cops let her get help or next time it might be more then a sick stomach she might take somthing she regrets
Dubba |
What?? ![]() If she's coherent and alert, stay with her. Call poison control ASAP!! If she starts to fade on you, call 911 and get over that trust thing quick! |
Screw that!!! If you are a good friend then you will call the ambulance and she isnt much of a good friend by taking pills and then telling you not to do anything about it!!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dood you better not be ****ing around!!! ![]() |
im not messing around
Yea, this is not funny. The monitors will ban your arse if you're d**king around. |
CALL 911 NOW!!!!!
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i called and she is going to be alright. thank you guys for your help. she is actually on here. she has a profile on jsh.
Thank you!!!! I couldnt reply to your email because Im too old but thank you!!!
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