Topic: Depression support | |
I sure hope your day gets better, honey!!!!!!!!!
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jkk, sorry to hear you day has started off on the wrong foot, but try to remember, this is the place to vent and you are always welcome. Even if it is just the things of the day. I know that this thread has helped me greatly.
I am introverted about my problems most of the time, but here is a good place to turn them loose, and it helps me to be able to. I do hope your day gets better. I have a class at the college today, and then have to go to the study lab for a couple of hours, sighhhhhh. French is kicking my ass. I feel like such a dork, since most of the kids in the class have such quick brain cells. Mine have slowed down in my old age, lolol. Lubya's all Karen |
This day still hasn't gotten any better... I am sitting in the kitchen drawing as usual, and mom is going through old clothes, and is asking me if this one will fit my son, and if that one will fit my son... and I am trying to draw... then I just told her I found something neat that I wanted to draw in a book, and she sees me sitting down and just starting, and she says, can you take these out to your car and donate them to St. Vincent De Paul... UGGHHHH.... I have no peace in this house...
Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep... Cause the only time I feel like this is when I am not medicated, and I am taking my meds so I just don't get it... I am very tired too... And for the guys... no it is not PMS... cause I don't have PMS anymore... Thank God. |
Please, someone make this happen. I've wanted this, on this site, from day one. I'm bi-polar, but in my forties, have been stable for years, but I volunteer, and am a memeber that helps poeple with mental illness, I need to help people like myself, because it helps me. There's the Spirit of Sanity, in everyone that's mentally ill, because that is not our true selves, it's a disease, inside, beyond our illness, we are as "real", as anyone else.
hugs jimz ,i have depression,anxiety and panic disorder.People think I should be able to meditate it away.ya right.To jkk,my day went bad yesterday,i found out i may have lyme disiease,then i threw away the bag with my prescriptions into the fast food trash by accident.I had to go back and an employee dug out the bag.Embarassing..
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jimz, I'm glad that you like this thread and welcome. The only way this thread can become a topic is to ask Mike and Van to make it one. So far I've heard nothing back, I believe that enough of us write, then maybe they will.
Cute, wow, lyme disease? That can be a real problem. I don't know that much about it but I know it is trouble. Do you live in a rural area where you are exposed to it? Glad to hear you go the meds back......don't be embarassed. I've dumpter dived a few times in my life, lol.... |
Well, let's "bug" Mike. Anyway, anyone out there with a mental illnes, need to not hold it in, we're either out there causing distress in our lives, or what happens most of the time, we withdraw, and by doing that, we bring our loved ones into our cocoon, because when we suffer, those that love us, suffer, too.
Express your souls, your hearts and your mind, it's called spiritual breathing, and then, when you breathe in, you breathe in the flowers, the scented wind, the love of the spirit, and remember, friends, are always there for you. |
jim you sound like a peach.
Well my panic attacks have vanished for now.I wonder if it was related to this lyme **** i've been dealing with.i feel great today though anxiety is only one event away. |
well karen,they tell me two weeks of antibiotics should get rid of it.the rash is better already.
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I'm glad you are doing better...
![]() For me... I am doing ok today, but getting really aggervated at the fact that for the last 10 years I have been looking for my father, and I can't find him. I have done everything... I have search, people,, everywhere, and I can't seem to locate him... I have written letters to people with the same name as his, and I have received some letters back just telling me that the person wasn't my dad, and good luck on my search... I really want to find him... Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do or what step I should take next? |
thanx jkk..
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Thank you so much... I will try those.. I haven't heard of those sites... Greatly appreciated.
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no problem.glad to help.icq also has an extensive lost relatives area.
Thanks... I am in the process of writing down loads and loads of addresses under my fathers name on zabasearch.... 72 of them listed... I will check out the other ones also as soon as I am finished to see if I get any other results.
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cool keep us posted..
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Dear jkkastie, I went nine years without calling my family. When I finally called home, I never heard my day cry like he did. I'm crying now, writing this. My sister went to many shelters looking for me. I was in my hometown part of that time, sleeping at the beach, and basically, a walking dead man, insane. So I know, young lady, what you are going through. Don't give up, and please, don't hurt so bad, and when you find him, patience and love is all he needs from you. Peace.
I have been through so much stress in the last 48 hours looking for my family that I don't know if I will ever find them... All I get is names and address... you have to pay to get in to the technical stuff... I went through so many message boards with my dads name and none of them matched.. I wrote down 72 addresses with my dads name thinking the system may be messed up and not accurate, and I wrote down 43 addresses on my dad's mom... and I know nothing about her, just a name... nothing else.. I will have to take the time and write to all of them and see what comes out of it.. I guess I don't have no other option...
Just popping in, and glad to see everyone talking and sharing so much. I can't stay, I'm dead on my feet. Long day and longer week. Time for Karen to sleep.........nitie nite
lubyas Karen |
GAWD! This thread is being upped by vampires, LMAO.......hahahahahaha
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Great, now I'm here again. Its the usual "life sucks and I have nobody to talk to"