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Topic: what do yall think i should do PLEASE READ..
lilmissjessica's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:31 PM
i ****ed up and got pregant again and the guy dont want nothing to do with me and i already have a two yr old do yall think i should give it up for adption to someone who cant have kids and will be happy with it since it was a mistake i was really drunk when i did and and i told the daddy and he told me that my ****ing problem deal with it

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:32 PM
Maybe it's time to stop drinking.....indifferent

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:35 PM
please never look at a child as an maybe possible your baby was meant for a family that needs to be completed...yes if you can not handle another all means bless someone that can not have one...

Jess642's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:35 PM
Where's your Mum and Dad? Perhaps sit and talk with them, they know you best, and they can support you through whatever you decide to do...

and Welcome.flowerforyou

newarkjw's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:36 PM
Welcome to the site.........smokin

mrjimmy1972's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:37 PM

i ****ed up and got pregant again and the guy dont want nothing to do with me and i already have a two yr old do yall think i should give it up for adption to someone who cant have kids and will be happy with it since it was a mistake i was really drunk when i did and and i told the daddy and he told me that my ****ing problem deal with it
let me look after you and 'both' kids. flowerforyou

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:38 PM

Maybe it's time to stop drinking.....indifferent

And maybe try some birth control.

Yes definetly give the kid to somebody that wants it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:40 PM
I must say this is not a decision that anyone can make but you. It all comes down to what you can deal with and live with in the future.

I would say to sit down and do some real soul searching talk to family members or friends that you are close to if none of the above then talk to a professional and find out all the different avenues you have that you can do.

The main thing is what can you deal with and I would consider a different type of Birth-Control as well so this does not happen in the future until you are ready for another child.

mry's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:45 PM
Do you have anyone to help talk things out?

lonetar25's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:54 PM
this is not a subject i am willing to joke about

no matter how easy you`ve tried to make it for me

Queene123's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:58 PM
you should really think hard about puting this child up for adoption. your going to reget it

i have known several that have gave there child up for adoption. and some do regret it.. and some know it was best...

i had my daughter at 19 and my son at 23. my son father when i told him i was pg. all he talked about was abortion. i walked away and broke up with him. he came running after me 3weeks later and wanted to work things out.. i ended up marrying the jurk almost 2months after our son was born, but we didnt last long.

my daughter had her first child at 14(2months before she was 15) and had her 2nd at 17 she had her 2nd the day before she graduated and she graduated 1yr early. and she ended up marrying the kids father and right after they got married she found out she was pg with the 3rd...(they have been separated for 2yrs and she is now filing for the divorce. she 26yrs old now..
yea she had options but she never chose those.... and you cant force your child to have adoption or a abortion

wraithme66's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:02 PM

Maybe it's time to stop drinking.....indifferent

I agree...

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:04 PM

please never look at a child as an maybe possible your baby was meant for a family that needs to be completed...yes if you can not handle another all means bless someone that can not have one...

I agree...... you need to be able to support a child

chevylover1965's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:04 PM
huh dude.................

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:06 PM
sorry welcome to the site flowerforyou

Queene123's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:08 PM

please never look at a child as an maybe possible your baby was meant for a family that needs to be completed...yes if you can not handle another all means bless someone that can not have one...

I agree...... you need to be able to support a child

would you even consider a child out of rape a accedent. i have known a few that had that happen and they kept there child.
a child is a human no matter what. and you should look at both directions

mry's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:13 PM
Dear God people be nice to her...sometimes young people can make mistakes...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:15 PM

please never look at a child as an maybe possible your baby was meant for a family that needs to be completed...yes if you can not handle another all means bless someone that can not have one...

I agree...... you need to be able to support a child

would you even consider a child out of rape a accedent. i have known a few that had that happen and they kept there child.
a child is a human no matter what. and you should look at both directions

I would never consider any child an accident...out of rape or not...they are conceived for a which we may not know but a child is a blessing in every case...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:16 PM

Dear God people be nice to her...sometimes young people can make mistakes...

I agree...thank you for being kind to her...she is beating herself up enough as it is...

shellymc's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:16 PM
hi i went through this myself my son is now two years old i did think about putting him up for adoption and it was not something i could do but it does not mean its not right for you but please first take time to think about the reason's for keeping the baby or putting it up for adoption but never say a baby is an accident maybe a surprize babies are a blessing you should use this to change your life and get things in order for you and the child you already have and make the best decision you can make .....good luck and if you ever want to talk email me please i will listen and not judge you because i had a friend that did that for me and it helped me to make the best decision for my son ....flowerforyou

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