Topic: The reality of finding someone and dating them
ladywolf9653's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:45 PM
I am probably too old to understand this concept, but with age comes wisdom :)

I know plenty of attractive men who are also good ("nice") guys. I also know plenty of attractive women who value the character of a man more highly than whether or not he has a 6 pack and could pass for Brad Pitt.

I will talk to someone without a photo, if the message or profile or his posts caught my eye & was more literate than "hey, wut's up cutie?" Then again, my advanced age has taught me that looks may fade, but character and personality rarely do. If someone messages or nudges me, and I see something in his profile that is an immediate deal breaker for me, I'll at least respond & thank him politely for his interest, then give my reason(s) why I don't think we'd be a match.

Then again, my grandmother drilled manners into my head with her rolling pin, lol.

zzyzyx55's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:50 PM
hey is evrybody gonna run away or can I play too..or what..I think youre all a bunch of windbags what do ya think of that?

zzyzyx55's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:51 PM

I am probably too old to understand this concept, but with age comes wisdom :)

I know plenty of attractive men who are also good ("nice") guys. I also know plenty of attractive women who value the character of a man more highly than whether or not he has a 6 pack and could pass for Brad Pitt.

I will talk to someone without a photo, if the message or profile or his posts caught my eye & was more literate than "hey, wut's up cutie?" Then again, my advanced age has taught me that looks may fade, but character and personality rarely do. If someone messages or nudges me, and I see something in his profile that is an immediate deal breaker for me, I'll at least respond & thank him politely for his interest, then give my reason(s) why I don't think we'd be a match.

Then again, my grandmother drilled manners into my head with her rolling pin, lol.
Manners are right on...However wisdom does not come with age.

no photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:52 PM
On dating sites, looks / photos are often the most important thing. This can apply to both genders. I think many people would rather date a "9" of an instead of a "6" that has a better personality, more intelligent, more compatible etc.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:52 PM

hey is evrybody gonna run away or can I play too..or what..I think youre all a bunch of windbags what do ya think of that?

see jasmine?

that's why

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:54 PM

I read the forum rules on how to post and that person guaranteed I'd find someone faster that way but I think it's bs, and here's why.

When making a profile on a dating website, what do they ALWAYS recommend and say it will improve results... upload a picture! Sadly, this is the truth, because we have such high expectations that we want someone who is attractive before we'll even talk to them. That's not to say I'd talk up a conversation with everyone under the sun but some people are just sad. Here's an example:

On another popular free dating website, I setup a fake account with a friend of mine's pics(with his permission) and he is known around the circle of friends to be very good looking. As you might expect, girls are MUCH more responsive to his messgaes opposed to those messages I'd send(usually a day or do later, so that she wouldn't suspect any foul play).

Not only that, but girls were generally more open about their pasts than they were with my real profile. Numerous girls admitted to one-night stands, sexual partners, and one girl even gave her number after only a few messages(most of which were me intentionally acting like a jerk). A few girls were also very open to the idea of trading nude pictures(something I didn't even bring up to them!) all for a guy who for all they know might not even be available or, worse yet, not the guy they see in the profile.

The point is: girls LOVE attention from a good-looking guy. They will put up with him being a jerk so they can "try to change him" but we all know that's not gonna happen. Sadly, I think the problem is that if girls get attention from ONE good-looking guy online, they immediately filter out all the guys who don't match up, because they think "If I can get one hot guy to message me, surely I can get others". Do I feel bad for tricking them? Hell no! It was an experiment I'm glad I did because it shows the truth that girls are indeed more superficial than they claim to be... at least online. I can't say the same for a girl who first meets a guy in person.

On the flip side, being kind and courteous? What a load of crap! Girls hate that stuff. If they could have their way, they'd have a super hot guy treat them like total crap over a mediocre guy treating them like a queen. Like I said, with the fake profile, within the first message or 2, I was bringing up personal questions and most were very willing to answer. Now, some were questions I'd never ask from my real profile... I just have too much respect for a girl to ask that kind of stuff. But I suppose that's the problem. I care too much.

danny i think you're an excellent addition to our little community here bigsmile

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:54 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Thu 07/30/09 07:55 PM

hey is evrybody gonna run away or can I play too..or what..I think youre all a bunch of windbags what do ya think of that?

see jasmine?

that's why

ahhh yes laugh

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:55 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 07/30/09 07:56 PM

hey is evrybody gonna run away or can I play too..or what..I think youre all a bunch of windbags what do ya think of that?

see jasmine?

that's why


oh haha you were ahead of me

zzyzyx55's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:56 PM
OK, Im gonna go eat some worms anyway......Heres the deal..PEOPLE are deny? People get bored deny?....People see the worst before they see the deny? If you dont act quick they are history....Oh did I tell you the multitude of words is boring....Hey just making friends and influencing people...People hate

southernangel7193's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:58 PM

southernangel7193's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:59 PM
just felt like leaving a flower in this post flowerforyou have another

Slyther83's photo
Thu 07/30/09 08:01 PM
i tried but theres no way in hell im gonna read 6 paragraphs

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 07/30/09 10:06 PM
For all the claims that " looks don't matter as much as the personality "...if that was REALLY true, then there would be a whole lot fewer people here.

If everyone who made that claim actually lived by that ideal, then there wouldn't be the " perfect for me " syndrome that is so prominent on dating sites.

You just have to face facts.

It's human nature to be more willing to get " close " to a person that you are physically attracted you.

You'll see the claim that " looks don't matter " used so much, mainly because it's the " politically correct " thing to say.

No one, who is on a dating site and looking to make a good impression to a potential mate, wants to look superficial.

So they'll shout from the rooftops that looks don't mean anything, but they'll keep clicking next until the see someone they find attractive.

We all know it's a line of bulls**t in the VAST majority of cases.

Very few choose not to run that line though.

I will fully admit that I have been contacted by several women here that, even though they were really nice, I simply wasn't attracted to them at all. I replied to their emails in a friendly manner, but had no interest in anything other than friendship.

no photo
Thu 07/30/09 10:13 PM

You forgot to add that girls have cooties...:wink:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

so as boys.......--> tears tears tears

auburngirl's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:46 AM

hey is evrybody gonna run away or can I play too..or what..I think youre all a bunch of windbags what do ya think of that?

see jasmine?

that's why


Sigiere's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:07 AM
What a bunch of rubbish.
Beauty or hotness is in the eye of the beholder.
Everybody wants someone who is pleasing on the eyes as well as the hart and mind. It's human nature and perfectly normal.

If you wonder why you don't have a proper m8 you really should take a good look at your profile pic.

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:21 AM

I think you still have a LOT to learn about women and life. JMP

What about my post implied that I don't know much about women? Trust me, I know LOTS about how to make a woman smile, what's sweet, what's creepy, what kind of thing makes their friends jealous, what gets them going(physically), etc. It's not like I've never had a relationship. It's just getting woman past that physical attraction barrier that is the toughest part.
the last part of your post saying women don't like guys to be nice...I don't know what kind of women you are talking to but that is soo not true. I would rather have an average looking guy who treats me with respect then some hot jerk!

Ok put it this way: ATTRACTIVE WOMEN go for the hot guys, which are typically jerks.

Sounds like a big generalization to me. Hot is a subjective term, anyway. Each person is going to have different qualities that they find to be hot.

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:32 AM

For all the claims that " looks don't matter as much as the personality "...if that was REALLY true, then there would be a whole lot fewer people here.

If everyone who made that claim actually lived by that ideal, then there wouldn't be the " perfect for me " syndrome that is so prominent on dating sites.

You just have to face facts.

It's human nature to be more willing to get " close " to a person that you are physically attracted you.

You'll see the claim that " looks don't matter " used so much, mainly because it's the " politically correct " thing to say.

No one, who is on a dating site and looking to make a good impression to a potential mate, wants to look superficial.

So they'll shout from the rooftops that looks don't mean anything, but they'll keep clicking next until the see someone they find attractive.

We all know it's a line of bulls**t in the VAST majority of cases.

Very few choose not to run that line though.

I will fully admit that I have been contacted by several women here that, even though they were really nice, I simply wasn't attracted to them at all. I replied to their emails in a friendly manner, but had no interest in anything other than friendship.

Yeah, until we understand and accept that simply having personal preferences is not the same thing as being "shallow" and "superficial," people will continue to misrepresent themselves in droves.

unconventional's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:05 AM
I have preferences, Im not shallow.frustrated I find all sorts of different people hot, especially if they live within 50 miles of me. Unfortunately lifestyle and communication preferences are vital.sad Im not into dirt bikes or sports. Anyone got a suit of armor and bash people with sticks on the weekend, that’s

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:45 AM

I have preferences, Im not shallow.frustrated I find all sorts of different people hot, especially if they live within 50 miles of me. Unfortunately lifestyle and communication preferences are vital.sad Im not into dirt bikes or sports. Anyone got a suit of armor and bash people with sticks on the weekend, that’s

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