Topic: problem... HELP
CKeef's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:02 PM

Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing.

so how is this guy a jerk?? it could be just that he doesn't want any potential drama from the mom or to be the reason for conflict between the OP and her mom

honestly....iheartyew...try to be understanding of his point of view and talk to him...maybe he has a suggestion or something

Yeah, at the end of the day, communication and honesty is pretty clutch on whether you and/or him want to continue down this path or not

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:28 PM
Hummmmmmmmmmm seems to me there is more to this story then is being reviled.

Since I'm a Mom myself even though I have never stepped into my kids business when it comes to their lives I also feel that if my kids have a problem with my opinion when I give it that maybe it would be time for them to move out on their own. Otherwise as long as they were to live in my house then they will hear my opinion.

As far as the guy well since we don't know his side or reasons it is hard to bash him could it be that it is way to much drama behind it all?

I mean even if I met someone online and there was a big issue in order for him to meet me would I really think that it would become any easier after we met?

Maybe I'm wrong but I just feel that one needs to take care of what they need to before bringing others into their lives. JMO

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:32 PM

Hummmmmmmmmmm seems to me there is more to this story then is being reviled.

Since I'm a Mom myself even though I have never stepped into my kids business when it comes to their lives I also feel that if my kids have a problem with my opinion when I give it that maybe it would be time for them to move out on their own. Otherwise as long as they were to live in my house then they will hear my opinion.

As far as the guy well since we don't know his side or reasons it is hard to bash him could it be that it is way to much drama behind it all?

I mean even if I met someone online and there was a big issue in order for him to meet me would I really think that it would become any easier after we met?

Maybe I'm wrong but I just feel that one needs to take care of what they need to before bringing others into their lives. JMO

hey....didn't I say that??? laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:41 PM

Hummmmmmmmmmm seems to me there is more to this story then is being reviled.

Since I'm a Mom myself even though I have never stepped into my kids business when it comes to their lives I also feel that if my kids have a problem with my opinion when I give it that maybe it would be time for them to move out on their own. Otherwise as long as they were to live in my house then they will hear my opinion.

As far as the guy well since we don't know his side or reasons it is hard to bash him could it be that it is way to much drama behind it all?

I mean even if I met someone online and there was a big issue in order for him to meet me would I really think that it would become any easier after we met?

Maybe I'm wrong but I just feel that one needs to take care of what they need to before bringing others into their lives. JMO

hey....didn't I say that??? laugh

Lol did not read all the responses hehehe just shows we do think alike bigsmile

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:42 PM's a Texas thang laugh

CKeef's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:43 PM

Hummmmmmmmmmm seems to me there is more to this story then is being reviled.

Since I'm a Mom myself even though I have never stepped into my kids business when it comes to their lives I also feel that if my kids have a problem with my opinion when I give it that maybe it would be time for them to move out on their own. Otherwise as long as they were to live in my house then they will hear my opinion.

I definitely believe the opinion should be heard and respected, and hopefully appreciated (indifference really sucks). My mother, on the other hand, did more than give her opinion. She often would invite people over to hang out withme, even at teenage years, and would very much blackmail me in order to do what she wanted, such as threatening to kick me out if I didnt go to college, even though I was working to support my kids and find my way in life. Once it hits this point of forcing the issue down the throat, that crosses the parent line for me (talking about being over 18 here, not parenting for a child).

tngxl65's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:59 PM
If he wanted to be with you, your mom wouldn't keep him from it.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:07 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

If he don't have concern and understanding now...what makes you think he will at anytime down the road...I think not! He sounds like a looser to me.

I agree. If he's not understanding now, then he probably won't be in the future.

A mom not liking where you met shouldn't deter a man from meeting you if he liked you.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:08 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:08 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Are you sure that he wants to forget the whole thing?

If he does, that's not very mature to me.

Yea, I'm almost positive. Seeing as he isn't answering my messages anymore. :(

Yeah, that's not a good sign.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:13 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

BUT...she lives with her mom in her mom's house.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:20 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

BUT...she lives with her mom in her mom's house.

Move out. Easy one there. Even if she moves out will her mom continue to nag her or will the mom let her liver her life?

Isn't that the real issue Yellowrose? Many mothers will not let the kids live and learn on their own. Always giving advice and bailing out, the guy is fighting a 2 on 1 battle from the start. That is just my personal experience. Young Women sometimes have a hard time letting go of mom, and in our society, single mothers have been raising the kids. It seems to be a byproduct. Maybe not in this case but in many cases. Like I said, it's just my experience, but I talk to alot of guys and many are frustrated with the mother daughter connection. I don't see too many fathers calling their kids daily and wanting to be involved in all the drama. We are happy to get rid of it. I know, I am a gender basher to some, but mars and venus is true in some ways.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:23 PM
lol mom to this day treats me like a child...but I'm not under her roof. I even told her (joking) what is she going to do??? take away the car I own??? ground me??? so yes...this is a big part of it. and as far as the guy...I could see potential drama from the mom because of it. when she is on her own...she calls the shots

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:27 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

BUT...she lives with her mom in her mom's house.

Move out. Easy one there. Even if she moves out will her mom continue to nag her or will the mom let her liver her life?

Isn't that the real issue Yellowrose? Many mothers will not let the kids live and learn on their own. Always giving advice and bailing out, the guy is fighting a 2 on 1 battle from the start. That is just my personal experience. Young Women sometimes have a hard time letting go of mom, and in our society, single mothers have been raising the kids. It seems to be a byproduct. Maybe not in this case but in many cases. Like I said, it's just my experience, but I talk to alot of guys and many are frustrated with the mother daughter connection. I don't see too many fathers calling their kids daily and wanting to be involved in all the drama. We are happy to get rid of it. I know, I am a gender basher to some, but mars and venus is true in some ways.

I thought that the issue was that the guy wants to forget the whole thing.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:29 PM
lol winx...focus...the reason the guy wants to forget it is because her mom doesn't like the whole idea. and is a problem when she lives with her mom

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:30 PM

lol winx...focus...the reason the guy wants to forget it is because her mom doesn't like the whole idea. and is a problem when she lives with her mom

I think the guy is acting immature. If he's mature and likes her, he'd deal with mom.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:32 PM
simple once you become an adult and know everything you must treat the parents as yeah i didn't ask to be brought into this world....then after you tell them that then you must go on and find the love of your life cause when your an adult and realize all the responsibility you need the one you call your prince in shining armor,then you realize he's a loser so you continue to find the one that you call your knight in shining armor....oooops wrong man but right armor...then after the divorce when your 40 years old start looking for younger guys and just do them cause you can...after that your old and really don't care what type of man you have,just as long as you don't die alone

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:32 PM

lol winx...focus...the reason the guy wants to forget it is because her mom doesn't like the whole idea. and is a problem when she lives with her mom

I think the guy is acting immature. If he's mature and likes her, he'd deal with mom.

well personally I wouldn't want to start off (before even meeting) with potential drama. it would be different IMO if there was more invested in a relationship. but they haven't even met yet

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:35 PM

lol winx...focus...the reason the guy wants to forget it is because her mom doesn't like the whole idea. and is a problem when she lives with her mom

I think the guy is acting immature. If he's mature and likes her, he'd deal with mom.

well personally I wouldn't want to start off (before even meeting) with potential drama. it would be different IMO if there was more invested in a relationship. but they haven't even met yet

I agree but we're not her age.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:37 PM
winx...did you have to remind me???? laugh but I did tell her to try to see his point of view and maybe try talking to the guy and figure something out....but if he wants to move and I (old women lol) know it's best to let it go