Topic: ARE-YOU-LONELY? | |
I feel your pain!!! Music is an avenue that no matter kind it is, it soothes your pain. Lately, its been soothing my hurt and pain. But, this is a little different. I try to make time with women. Try to be a gentleman, but, they prefer the "thugs" as I call them. I have a friend that I will call "Latoya". She is sweet, when she wants to be. But, I am crazy about her. I am 34, and she is 23. So the age difference is there. Well,I try to be there for her. Pick her back and forth from work and home. Give her money for the city bus, take her to her mom's house to spend time with her. Basically, I am there for her, when no one gives a damn. I really want a relationship with her, but, she just blows me over. And, goes for the guys who don't give a damn. The "thugs"!!! The guys who have no job, car, or ambition. She recently lost her job and apartment over these guys! I try to do whatever I can to help, but, I want more. I want her to be with me. But, she prefers to spread her legs for these guys, and assumes she's in love. Only to be broke and lonely because of them. She got mad at me today, because I would not let her drive my jeep. She gets mad at me for silly things, but, not mad at the people who put her in her position. I had to go to work, and I could not do it. I would give anything for her!!! I have gave her and done anything in my power that I could do. But, no appreciation from her end. I feel like a jackass!!!! When she was down, I helped her get up, even helped get her out of jail. And, this my thanks!!! I don't know what to do? But, I feel your pain!!!!
Been there, done that...cured it. Make sure you really want the feeling to go away before you try and get it to go away...once the feeling of being alone while still surrounded by people is extremely difficult if not impossible to ever achieve feeling alone again, nullifying most if not all people around you. Of course I want it to go away! I don’t want to push people away, but I also don’t want to feel this way. You didn’t say how you accomplished this. ![]() You don't push people away, you seclude yourself in a place that you are comfortable with and don't venture out much aside from work...effectively a recluse. Once the feeling of alone fades, it doesn't come back, regardless of attempts to put somebody in your life. Feelings are very tricky, you either have them or you don't there isn't really a way to go in the middle of them. I don't feel much anymore, physical or emotional...the physical bit is from my accident, the emotional bit is from lack of socializing. It isn't pleasant not being able to feel fear, anger, love, sadness, etc. again. Even less pleasant is not knowing how or if you ever will feel them again. Every time I read anything you write, I always get an overwhelming urge to hold you and stroke your hair while telling you it’s ok to cry. ![]() I don’t know what happened to you, but you’re so lucky I’m in Virginia and you’re in Illinois. ![]() Then again, maybe that's how some serial killers lured their prey... sympathy and compassion... and maybe I'm the lucky one. ![]() ![]() |
its me im very lonly I hope that changes for you, and soon. Best wishes! ![]() |
im lonely, and i bloody hate it. that avril lavigne song is a good'un. Is this a continuous thing you go through, something new, or periodic? What are you doing to stop it? ![]() Again, I hope this changes for the better for you also. ![]() |
I feel your pain!!! Music is an avenue that no matter kind it is, it soothes your pain. Lately, its been soothing my hurt and pain. But, this is a little different. I try to make time with women. Try to be a gentleman, but, they prefer the "thugs" as I call them. I have a friend that I will call "Latoya". She is sweet, when she wants to be. But, I am crazy about her. I am 34, and she is 23. So the age difference is there. Well,I try to be there for her. Pick her back and forth from work and home. Give her money for the city bus, take her to her mom's house to spend time with her. Basically, I am there for her, when no one gives a damn. I really want a relationship with her, but, she just blows me over. And, goes for the guys who don't give a damn. The "thugs"!!! The guys who have no job, car, or ambition. She recently lost her job and apartment over these guys! I try to do whatever I can to help, but, I want more. I want her to be with me. But, she prefers to spread her legs for these guys, and assumes she's in love. Only to be broke and lonely because of them. She got mad at me today, because I would not let her drive my jeep. She gets mad at me for silly things, but, not mad at the people who put her in her position. I had to go to work, and I could not do it. I would give anything for her!!! I have gave her and done anything in my power that I could do. But, no appreciation from her end. I feel like a jackass!!!! When she was down, I helped her get up, even helped get her out of jail. And, this my thanks!!! I don't know what to do? But, I feel your pain!!!! You are being used, but I think you already know this. I think you also know that she will continue to do this as long as you continue to allow it. I don’t understand being attracted to someone who only uses you and who obviously has no attraction to you. Maybe if you stopped wasting your valuable time on her and instead spent your time (and money) doing activities you enjoyed, not only would you feel better because you’re not allowing that to happen anymore but you might also meet someone who’s also out enjoying themselves and they could be someone who would appreciate the things you do and offer things in return. Sorry for going all “Dear Abby” on you, but I couldn’t help but think maybe you just needed someone to say to you what you just said yourself so that you’d feel better about what you need to do. Do something for youself instead. ![]() |
im lonely, and i bloody hate it. that avril lavigne song is a good'un. Is this a continuous thing you go through, something new, or periodic? What are you doing to stop it? ![]() Again, I hope this changes for the better for you also. ![]() |
im lonely, and i bloody hate it. that avril lavigne song is a good'un. Is this a continuous thing you go through, something new, or periodic? What are you doing to stop it? ![]() Again, I hope this changes for the better for you also. ![]() Doubt is the acid that eats away at the foundation of the life of mind and spirit. ~ Alson J. Smith ![]() |
No Doubt is an American rock band from Anaheim, California, founded in 1986
No Doubt is an American rock band from Anaheim, California, founded in 1986 Hey Josh! What happened to your forum about Mingle couples? I went to check back in on it and can't find it. ![]() |
The X-Files, Scully. The X-files.
The X-Files, Scully. The X-files. I loved that show and used to watch it every chance I had! I take it that you're saying "they" didn't approve of the "X" picture? I don't understand why they would have a problem with that, but ok. |
This song describes how i often feel
Though it is ok "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I'm walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone Read between the lines What's fµcked up and everything's alright Check my vital signs To know I'm still alive and I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone I walk a... I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one and I walk a... My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone... |
I rarely get lonely.. I like my alone time, I always find something to do.
If you can't stand your own company how do you expect anyone else to.. so I have heard. ![]() |
THIS part of the song... this one part I know very well.
I'm walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone Read between the lines What's fµcked up and everything's alright Check my vital signs To know I'm still alive and I walk alone ![]() ![]() |
Lately, I’ve been in a strange mood and have even whined about it to a few people. I know part of it has to do with confusion over some new emotions I don’t know how to deal with, but there’s also been this underlying thing that I just couldn’t seem to put my finger on. I think I’ve finally figured it out. Music is sort of a therapy for me and I am known to listen to a song over and over for hours on end until I feel the message has sunk in. I listen to songs as reinforcement for how I feel about things (Eaten By the Monster of Love by The Sparks as a reminder of what to avoid), for a positive outlook (All Fired Up by Pat Benetar as a reminder things happen for a reason and for the best), etc. as well as the usual reasons (need good cleaning music, need to just cry it out, want to dance my tushy off, etc.). Sometimes, though, I’ll find myself listening to something repeatedly without consciously choosing it. Anyway, for the past week I’ve been so preoccupied with trying to figure out the other “thing” that I hadn’t paid much attention to what I’ve been listening to. That changed when my sister said, “For crying out loud, just go find someone!” I had no idea what she was talking about until she pointed out that she was ready to slit my wrists for me if I didn’t “stop playing that damned song”. Here’s the kicker… I am surrounded by people at work, I go hang out with different friends almost daily, and I talk to a few people fairly regularly on here. But I guess I’m still lonely. Go figure! I always say I feel alone around most people because most people I know view things so different from me, but I’ve never really felt ‘lonely’ before. ![]() ![]() I’m out for the evening, but considering how people have responded to the other two times I whined about something on here, I’m guessing that by the time I come back on again this one will have some responses as well. Most likely, most will be sarcastic and funny, but I’m hoping for some helpful advice. ![]() been there and still going through it.i have no advice but at least you're not alone ![]() |
You know a Comedian I saw once said, thier are two kinds of people. The ones that are single, "they are lonely and sad" One the other hand, "There are the married couples, "They are always fighting and unhappy". I think that the truth and the particular state you are in is something that you have control of. Sometimes you have to take a small step backward and a deep breath I think on what you can do to enhance or change the circumstance that you are in. Good luck and be positive things will improve...After all be single and lonely do seem to go together and finding ways to improve this circumstance is kinda what this site is all about. Sharing what you feel and reflecting with others who are in the same situation.
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My song that would play if my phone ever rang is "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake. It's old but fits perfectly. Not going to post it all but this part of the main verse says enough...
Here I go again on my own walking down the only road I've ever known like a drifter I was born to walk alone. That damn loneliness wave crashes down upon me so hard sometimes I actually feel like I'm drowning. I usually just go hug my dog. He's a lab, they're water repellant! ![]() |
Not lonely.
But yeah alone. |
Not lonely. But yeah alone. No, your not, I'm here. ![]() |
Not lonely. But yeah alone. No, your not, I'm here. ![]() ![]() Thanks |