Topic: most excrutiating pain | |
And I know I'm not hallucinating. I seen jesus!!!
Haha, nice I wish i had my long hair, ex's suck!
what was the most excruciating physical pain you ever experienced? i had my wisdom teeth removed while in the army. got dry sockets in both bottom holes. 1 week after the teeth were removed the dentist had to go back in to remove the dead and rotten tissue. i'm pretty sure they were digging all the way down to the bone. i wasn't all the way numb yet when they started. all i could do was grip the hand grips and keep still. it hurt so bad my eyes watered. that whole ordeal ended up with the discovery of me having hemophilia. i bled from my sockets for 3 weeks before they put me in the hospital. i lost 25 lbs, and was eventually medically discharged. apparently you can't be in the infantry with a bleeding disorder. go figure. . . . |
what was the most excruciating physical pain you ever experienced? i had my wisdom teeth removed while in the army. got dry sockets in both bottom holes. 1 week after the teeth were removed the dentist had to go back in to remove the dead and rotten tissue. i'm pretty sure they were digging all the way down to the bone. i wasn't all the way numb yet when they started. all i could do was grip the hand grips and keep still. it hurt so bad my eyes watered. that whole ordeal ended up with the discovery of me having hemophilia. i bled from my sockets for 3 weeks before they put me in the hospital. i lost 25 lbs, and was eventually medically discharged. apparently you can't be in the infantry with a bleeding disorder. go figure. . . . That is what I said, toothache! |
Having a molar and a wisdom tooth removed without enough Novocaine and having the moron break the tooth and need an assistant come in and help with another set of pliers.....nail marks in the arms of that chair, for sure.
![]() Oh and ripping my left shoulder out of the socket and pulling all the muscles from my jaw to my elbow, and tearing the rotator cuff while I was at work one day. ![]() ![]() |
I don't think it compares with what the rest of you have written but I grew up on a farm and I had a real knack for stepping on nails.
Also would get kicked by cows and horses too. Had my feet stepped on by cows and a horse (ouch). When I was about 9 or so, went up to pet a friend's horse and the thing bit my shoulder and knocked me to the ground and reared back, was going to trample me, reflexes kicked in and I rolled out of the way. Received a lot of pain in my life at the end of my ex's fists, but don't need to go there. Broke a bone in my ankle, that was bad. Herniated disc in my back. Whiplash. Still not as bad as the rest of you. |
Still pretty bad though, I get the ex thing they all seem to suck don't they?
Amazing how sucky the ex's are. At least mine is dead,
drank himself to death at the ripe old age of 45. ![]() Oh, oh, forgot -- 36 hours of labor and natural childbirth of 10 pound, 22-1/2 inch baby girl. Ha, that counts. Actually wasn't that bad, after all that labor, I didn't give a damn, was just glad it was over, phew!!!!! ![]() |
Lucky you on the ex thing, mines alive to the rest of the world.
And I work with her mother brother and best friend, every damn day. And her girlfriends decided to give me a hard time at work today. |
I don't know how much this may have hurt but it sure was funny to watch!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We were coming out of a restaurant in Mexico when my mother in law fell down 30 steps on her CHEST! Thank God she was a Double D... We heard the wind get knocked out of her everytime she bounced off a step! ...Now, maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have fallen had she not been turned around demanding my two year old to hold her hand because she thought he was 'going to fall'. ![]() I prayed to God I wouldn't laugh- I prayed REAL hard too. Didn't work...I laughed ![]() |
Think I would be looking for a new job.
I hated my ex's family (they were all drunks too) and I couldn't have handled being around them every day. You are a lot stronger than I am. Good luck. ![]() |
I wish i could consider myself strong.
Her family is nice, they wanted us to stay together and have been mostly respectful, her mother even met a girl I'm dating. AS for the ex, She started smoking pot, drinking more, starting fights knowing I wouldn't fight her or dare hit her. The last time I saw her I told her to leave me the F@!k alone she slapped me. I looked at her raised my hand and told her if she moved any way but away I would hit her. Then I broke down and cried when she left. |
what was the most excruciating physical pain you ever experienced? When I had a slip-and-fall accident in Panama. I was carrying a couple of fire extinguishers up a hill. It had just rained so everything was incredibly slippery, and -as luck would have it- I slipped and fell on my left hip. I couldn't move for a good couple of minutes after that- the pain was excruciating. Thank goodness I didn't break my hip, as that woulda TOTALLY sucked. |
Basic training during Vietnam. Before going in I'd cracked a vertebrae, in fact it was the second time. I was in excellent physical shape otherwise and could run a 4 minute mile but I couldn't do push ups. Damn drill instructor came over and stepped on my back; the pain was so bad I passed out. I'd still like to kill the bastard 40 years later.
i took a golf club and tried violenty hammering down on this couch i had to break up to put out for the trash dudes and the shaft broke sending a foot long peice of steel bar into my thigh my instant reaction was to take it out so i grabbed it and took it out of my leg taking meat and fat along with it weirdest part was for such a deep wound it just didnt bleed maybe a few drips but that was it, the nurse at the hospital had to irrigate it which was more painful than the damn thing shooting into my leg.
wow, this was such an interesting read. thanks guys.
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anal fissures
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Wed 04/22/09 10:59 AM
Caustic Soda burns on my knees so bad I had inch and a half sized wholes down to the ligaments... the doctor says that he is amazed I can even bend my knees let alone walk. Kicker was my employer had no workman's comp insurance. Later, my doctor reported him to OSHA, he is in prison for a number of things he had us doing on the job.
I barely have any sort of scar, I got lucky. |
what was the most excruciating physical pain you ever experienced? Kidney stone pain |