Topic: End Job Discrimination! Nullify the Minimum Wage Scale.
willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:53 PM

didn't realize willing wanted to make people slaves or chained to anything. i really don't think that is what was implied in the OP

I wasn't we have only a few choices.
Give all the homeless with no income, welfare.
Let the weak die.
Find a way to put to some kind of job, the 12 to 18 million new Residents and all the hundreds of thousands already out of work Americans and Legal Immigrants.
Temporarily stop the HB programs.
I wish I knew exactly how many Americans an Legal Immigrants are out of work.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:07 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 04/11/09 02:18 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

when was it exercised?
slaphead Please tell me you arnt serious!surprised It was done up until the early 20th century until the humanitarian Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.smile2 After he wrote that, conditions for workers were improved throughout Europe and North America.smile2 It is what led to the minimum wage and outlawed child labor.smile2

:smile: These horrific living and working conditions led to socialist revolutions in several major countries.:smile: Please read your history books.:smile: Children were being sold to corporations and literally worked to death in London and New York and other major cities.:smile:

I've read much of history. Just not all. I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at you making fun of me with the <slaphead > icon. I am no history teach so my historical references are limited. I remember Rome falling when it's government became too big to sustain. I also remember our founding fathers running from a centralized bank. In fact, Benjamin Franklin even admitted that this was the number one cause for the revolution.

Can you give me some dates to look up, or something abit more specific? I do want to see all sides to this. So far i have only taken the time to research one. Perhaps "working conditions,in the 19th century" and the "introduction of Karl Marx" would suffice?
:smile: I respectfully apoligize for coming across like I was mocking you with the emoticon.:smile: Basically, any history that took place after the Industrial Revolution up until Karl Marx Manifesto would be relevant.:smile: Actually just researching Karl Marx may give you the neccessary information and I think you may be surprised about "the big bad boogie man" Karl Marx.:smile: He actually did a lot of good for working people around the world.:smile: What some people call socialism, other people would call christian.laugh If Jesus were here today he would be called a socialist.laugh(Not implying that Marx was christian,although I am sure he respected Jesus the man)flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:08 PM

You failed to ackowledge the point regarding innate ability.

I respect what you wrote in terms of integrity, but that
(your entire example) is not possible making minumum wage today...

adj4u's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:24 PM

An idea to help stimulate the economy and get those people back to work, who want to work.

By doing away with the Min. Wage Scale, it will not only be beneficial to Business owners, it would end job discrimination.

As it is, the Employer states just the job offered,qualifications, rate of pay and Benis

Now, if he were allowed to post just the job offered and qualifications, job applicants could bid on the job.

They could submit their applications and state how much they would do the job for and if they required benefits.

That would level the playing ground for everyone. The employer wouldn't have to accept the applicant just because they were classified a minority. They would get the most qualified at the best price and everyone would have the opportunity to have a chance at a job.

If a job applicant were to be willing to take a job below Min. Wage, I would suggest they could be supplemented through DSHS with Food Stamps and Medical. They would deserve it because they show the initiative to be of the working class. I would also recommend their rent or house payment be subsidized by HUD for the same reason.

Here is an example.
Plumbers, when you can find one. They charge no less than $45.00 an hour, depending where you are, could be higher. Let's say, if he were able to hire help and they were willing 2, play on words, work as a plumbers assistant for way below the plumbers helpers pay scale, the Plumber could not only afford to put on more help, you could find an available one and they could lower their fee. To help the economy, that's what a good American would do. If they were saving money, they could save the consumer money.

that is easy to say maybe it would be good to go back and look at the turn from the 19th and 20th century

look at the working conditions and the pay. the majority of the employers brought on the invention of the labor union and the labor dept from their lack of concern for those that produce their money.
if they would pay a fair wage then the min. wage would not matter to begin with. what is min wag know less than $7 an hour so tell me can you live on $7 an hour. that is 280 a week b4 deductions lets be a lil realistic here.

to go backward 100 years would not be a step forward by a long shot

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:25 PM
When I started out working while going to Junior High, I was making less then minimum wage.. The difference between me and my friends is that I saved all that I made until I got out of high school...excuse me, I spent $75 dollars to buy a 63 chevy impala( made a year before I was born) in high school and drove it till I graduated from college..I paid for my college by working alot of hours, had many sleepless weekends and struggled to make ends meet.
I didn't buy all the toys my friends had, I saved it to spend it on is about choices not if you can or can't.

Minimum wage is not for people rasing a family, it is for kids working in high school..If they get good grades in school they can go to college and work like I did, it worked for me, it can work for anyone.
I understand that someone in different parts of the country don't have alot of choices, so do like I did, get a couple of friends together and put all your money together and move to where the oppertunities are..nobody said it would be easy, but it is not impossible to do.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:30 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 04/11/09 03:08 PM

As of January 1, Missouri's minimum went to $7.05/hour. It was $6.65 per hour. Businesses are to pay (at the lowest) $7.05 except for retail and service businesses whose annual gross sales are less than $500,000.

adj4u's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:30 PM
and i still know of a couple private persons that hire help for less than min wage as well

were you working a reg job where they took out taxes and ss (i doubt it

now if you add that into what you made maybe it was closer to min wage than you thought

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:31 PM
Mirror, where has marxism fourished and blossomed?? I must have missed that... Your assertion that Jesus would be incorrect also, in respect to your assertion that he would be a socailist...Jesus believed that a person should give to the poor, because they were motivated by by belief in him, to give to the tired, hungry and poor...He had nothing to do with marxism or socialism..he rebuked the governments that he stated were controlled by wickedness in high places..

adj4u's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:32 PM


As of January 1, Missouri's minimum went to $7.05/hour. It was $6.65 per hour. Businesses are to pay (at the lowest) $7.05 except for retail and service businesses whose annual gross sales are less than $500,000.[

thx :wink: :wink:

close enough for the scenario

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:32 PM
wow has this thread turned

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:32 PM

Looked at tuition costs lately?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:34 PM
how does religion keep coming into the political threads????

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:35 PM
In my state, U of Washinton is $6,700 dollars a year if you live at home, 19,500 if you live on campus, most community colleges are around 2500 to $3500 dollars a year around here, and most have University campuses either on campus or around town..U of W has 3 branch campuses around the state and I believe that WSU has them around for much less then the university campuses.. I never used government loans or money, but I know that most of them make that available today..

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:47 PM
Average tuition nationwide for a four year public school is
$18,300 annually...

$7.00 per hr * 40 hrs = $280.00 per week...gross

One nets about $200.00 per week if single...

$200.00 * 52 = $10,400 net...

Any questions?

adj4u's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:54 PM

In my state, U of Washinton is $6,700 dollars a year if you live at home, 19,500 if you live on campus, most community colleges are around 2500 to $3500 dollars a year around here, and most have University campuses either on campus or around town..U of W has 3 branch campuses around the state and I believe that WSU has them around for much less then the university campuses.. I never used government loans or money, but I know that most of them make that available today..

university of washington

Annual Student Budget for Washington Residents
live ...................away.....home....nontradidtional
Tuition & Fees.. $6,802 $6,802 $6,802
Room & Board.... $8,640 $2,877 $12,474
Books & Supplies $1,035 $1,035 $1,035
Personal Expenses $2,265 $2,265 $2,265
Transportation.. $396 $396 $1,524
Total ................$19,138 $13,375 $24,100

still for a freshman well above min wage rate (there is more than tuition cost at college and this is freshman year i believe as you advance the cost go up

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:10 PM


As of January 1, Missouri's minimum went to $7.05/hour. It was $6.65 per hour. Businesses are to pay (at the lowest) $7.05 except for retail and service businesses whose annual gross sales are less than $500,000.

thx :wink: :wink:

close enough for the scenario

Yep, you were very close.:wink:flowerforyou

I thought it was interesting that it was only $6.65 before
January 1. I didn't know about the businesses with less then $500,000 annual gross sales either.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:12 PM

When I started out working while going to Junior High, I was making less then minimum wage.. The difference between me and my friends is that I saved all that I made until I got out of high school...excuse me, I spent $75 dollars to buy a 63 chevy impala( made a year before I was born) in high school and drove it till I graduated from college..I paid for my college by working alot of hours, had many sleepless weekends and struggled to make ends meet.
I didn't buy all the toys my friends had, I saved it to spend it on is about choices not if you can or can't.

Minimum wage is not for people rasing a family, it is for kids working in high school..If they get good grades in school they can go to college and work like I did, it worked for me, it can work for anyone.
I understand that someone in different parts of the country don't have alot of choices, so do like I did, get a couple of friends together and put all your money together and move to where the oppertunities are..nobody said it would be easy, but it is not impossible to do.

You were lucky that you were mentally and physically able to do that. Not all people can do that.

Sadly, families are being supported on minimum wage. That's reality. Retired people that receive Social Security are showing up in minimum wage jobs now, too, to supplement their income.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:24 PM

Creative, you don't know where we all began at, but we all had the same oppertunities that I had..I grew up and went to school everyday, I worked hard at school and playing sports, I had to work during the summers to make money, I graduated from school and worked hard to go to college and worked during to pay my own body helped me, not the government, not my parents, nobody..O sacrificed alot to improve myself and my situation, and anyone can do that.

I listened to the storys that my father used to talk about, what it was like during the depression and how people struggled and suffered, people died of starvation and sicknesses, many of my fathers family I know what poverty is, I lived it, not as bad as my father did, but it wasn't much better in the early years, and I learned from it, and decided that I would never allow myself to be content with doing less then my best and providing for my family if I had one...

It is all about character and fortitude, if you don't have the desire to pull yourself up and look for a hand up, you will never reach that and always look for a hand out

You're forgetting about the people that aren't able to do those things. It takes more then character and fortitude. You have to be able to physically and mentally be able to do it too. Some people are born being able to do it. Those people need a helping hand. It's not a hand out to me.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:50 PM
I'll let everyone in on the reply, if any, I get from Obama.

I was only attempting to see the Liberal point of view.

Ya' know the one, give away th' farm, open th' borders, give Amnesty, social services and welfare for the world at the expense of the working class, signing away our sovereignty, allowing other countries to dictate how the US is managed, embracing Islam and it's values.

Give me more ideas to send. I believe he will listen.

When I hear or read more ways the Obomanite supports him, I will send him more ideas.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/11/09 07:06 PM
On a human level...

Is it so bad that Obama is attempting to change the world's perspective of America being oppressive to others' religious practices and ethical/cultural standards?

Is it so bad that someone had to take the reigns of an already shattered economy?

Is it so bad that Obama stopped the torture at Guantanimo Bay?

Is it so bad that the showed respect to another's cultural practices by bowing?

Is it so bad that evryone in the world is changing their viewpoint regarding the American standard of being the world bully by force?

Someone has to clean the mess up!

He is doing what he, and a host of others, feel is the best method of turning around decades of very poor decision making.

Reagans' trickle down economics worked for Clinton, Clinton's for Bush, and Bush's are working against everyone in America...