Topic: End Job Discrimination! Nullify the Minimum Wage Scale. | |
I guess I wasn't really talking about minimum wage jobs anyway. A lot of them don't have benefits to begin with, so that's probably not even an issue. Though, with your way, the employer would be able to pay people different for the same job. Two people sitting next to each other could be getting different pay and benefits for doing the exact same job. Good point. Buenos, tardes, Chica. That already happens. Seniority and evaluations. I'm not saying, lock them into a wage. Bid on a starting wage and benis. A friend of mine is a housekeeper in a hospital. She makes less than a co-worker because the co-worker has seniority. She makes more than her supervisor because of his evaluations. As I said before, seniority is different. If a person has been working there for a while and is doing a good job, I would expect them to make more. Evaluations are good, as they are used to help decide who deserves raises. My comment above about the two people getting different pay and benefits for the same job was talking about two people hired around the same time. |
I do have a question.
Do you have to have some type of address to qualify for Food Stamps and/or Medicaid? |
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Sat 04/11/09 09:36 PM
I do have a question. Do you have to have some type of address to qualify for Food Stamps and/or Medicaid? Yes, for food stamps. |
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Sun 04/12/09 05:52 AM
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() |
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() How about Medicaid |
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Sun 04/12/09 07:26 AM
The only thing I can speak of is; I know a homeless man that hangs around my job. He is very nice. We talk a lot and hug when he leaves. He always makes a point to come in and see me and Steve (one of my assistant managers) His name is Bobby. Late fifties or early sixties. A veteran.
He spends most of his nights at the Denny's across the street. He gets a S.S. check. He has to have a checking account or savings account to get his check. He does. It isn't enough to get a place to live though. That is really sad. He was asking me yesterday in a round about way if I knew of a place he could clean up for Easter servic today. The Veterans admin was too far away to get a bus in time to get back to his side of town and the Salvation Army won't let you in at later hours. The homeless shelters are full up and far away and also will not allow you out at certain times. The truck stops with showers are too far to walk that late at night. They cost money though. He does sometimes use those. He can get some help at the VA, so I am assuming he gets medicaid or medicare. He takes meds. He had heart surgery. He used to have an apartment but, the guy he shared with moved away and he could no longer afford it by himself. So, he is stuck. He is a very prideful man that has a lot of heart and is clean and soft spoken. Not all homeless people are there due to choice or laziness. (I have never seen him begging for money.) Kat |
what??? lol...ok i CAN talk politics ya know lol i just don't get ending minimum wage and bidding on jobs type of thing. wouldn't employers go for the lowest bid and could possibly make it worse because the employee doesn't get paid what he/she should? If it were me, I wouldn't necessarily hire because of being able to pay low wages. I would look at past work history, if they were felons, qualifications, professional presentation, etc Could be, the one offering the highest bid would get it. Depending the quality and not based on race. As it is now, Employers are forced to meet a Minority quota. If three women went in today, a white, a native American and a black woman for the same job, all exactly qualified and the Employer needed, by law, to fill his minority quota, he is forced to hire the black woman. He has no choice. If Amnesty is passed, the new minority field changes and the Immigrant goes to the head of the minority status. This only applies to Gov jobs. The private employer doesn't have a minority quota. |
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() Foodstamps are a State program, and differ accordingly. |
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() Foodstamps are a State program, and differ accordingly. As is Medicaid. |
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() Foodstamps are a State program, and differ accordingly. actually that site is social security administration site so it is a state ran federal guided program as is medicaid i would suggest googling medicaid for the homeless if you want an answer about such a situation |
Googleit your self.
I already know! |
Medicaid is the United States health program for eligible individuals and families with low incomes and resources. It is a means-tested program that is jointly funded by the states and federal government, and is managed by the states. Medicare is the Fed Program. |
Homeless people and food stamps If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in: * A supervised shelter; * A halfway house; * The residence of another person; or * A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby from winx ![]() ![]() Foodstamps are a State program, and differ accordingly. actually that site is social security administration site so it is a state ran federal guided program as is medicaid i would suggest googling medicaid for the homeless if you want an answer about such a situation How much foodstamps and who qualifies for medicaid vary from state to state. I live in NY and the minimum monthly foodstamp income guidelines are higher here, as is there awards than almost any other state. Minimum wage is also higher, as it's 7.15 an hr. and has been since 2005. Where does illegal immigration fit in to all this? Isn't that why they have a minimum wage to protect people from getting paid peanuts. And if you get paid less than minimum wage but get state funded benefits you could get without a job why even work...where's the incentive? It seems like it would cost the gov't and therefor taxpayers money so that employers can "rape" there employees for high profits, while the state picks up the tab? What's up with that? |
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Sun 04/12/09 10:25 AM
Lets get Liberal, liberal. Ya' wanna' get Liberal.
About the Minority thing. Gov must hire a minority over anyone else. Today, the Minority is the black. When Obama gets his Amnesty passed, the black man is screwed by the white half. Back to nullifying the Minimum Wage Scale. The reason I sent the letter was to give the idea of how to put people to work and being productive. There are many jobs, because of cutbacks, one staff member has to pick up the workload that was left. And they don't get a raise to do it. If an Employer could afford, through the bidding system, to hire 2 for the price of 1, it would be win/win for all. That's my thinking. Give me more ideas. |
There are many jobs, because of cutbacks, one staff member has to pick up the workload that was left. And they don't get a raise to do it. If an Employer could afford, through the bidding system, to hire 2 for the price of 1, it would be win/win for all. So, what are they supposed to do? Fire the person making more and hire two new people making less? |
There are many jobs, because of cutbacks, one staff member has to pick up the workload that was left. And they don't get a raise to do it. If an Employer could afford, through the bidding system, to hire 2 for the price of 1, it would be win/win for all. So, what are they supposed to do? Fire the person making more and hire two new people making less? I don't know. That's why I ask for ideas. Obama listens to innovative ideas. I believe it could work. Pricing ourselves out of jobs didn't do it. We can't compete with the world labor force. If we gave a little, perhaps the Corporations would bring back the jobs that were outsourced. |
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Sun 04/12/09 11:19 AM
This only applies to Gov jobs. The private employer doesn't have a minority quota. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll call your BS and raise you fact. United Steelworkers v. Weber Wal-Mart has informed the major law firms it hires — all 100 of them — that they must impose racial and gender quotas on the "relationship teams" it assigns to the mega-retailer: The company's general counsel has told its top 100 law firms that at least one person of color and one woman must be among the top five relationship attorneys that handle its business. |
Equal representation...
I wonder, today, what the ethnic percentage ratios are of the legal population... Is that such a 'bad' thing? Sounds sorta like what the founding fathers wanted... ![]() Equal representation... |
Equal representation... I wonder, today, what the ethnic percentage ratios are of the legal population... Is that such a 'bad' thing? Sounds sorta like what the founding fathers wanted... ![]() Equal representation... No. I was just pointing out to another poster that quotas are not restricted to Gov jobs. |
By law, they are...
Walmart is in a position of defending a discrinimation suit. That is why they have done what you mentioned. Private businesses who perform under private contracts are not required by law to have minorities working. However, most do include some minorities in order to avoid the potential for being sued. A government contract requires the implementation of A.A., or what you call 'quotas'.. |