Topic: End Job Discrimination! Nullify the Minimum Wage Scale.
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:15 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

when was it exercised?
slaphead Please tell me you arnt serious!surprised It was done up until the early 20th century until the humanitarian Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.smile2 After he wrote that, conditions for workers were improved throughout Europe and North America.smile2 It is what led to the minimum wage and outlawed child labor.smile2

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:16 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

when was it exercised?
slaphead Please tell me you arnt serious!surprised It was done up until the early 20th century until the humanitarian Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.smile2 After he wrote that, conditions for workers were improved throughout Europe and North America.smile2 It is what led to the minimum wage and outlawed child labor.smile2


Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:19 PM
Creative, why should I subsist on minimum wages..I went to school and got good grades, I stayed in school and went to college..I worked my way through college and graduated.. I have worked many hours improving my skills and building for my future...anyone can do that...
The poor in America live much better then the poor in 90% of the rest of the world...yeah...we have it bad alright.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:19 PM

You are right winx, about the minimum wage jobs, but most to my knowledge get 15, 20 or 25cents an hour raise, which I don't think is very much..

Most of our engineers, planners, IE, support people get evaluations and raises true, but I am talking about the other people..


I don't know anybody that doesn't get a yearly evaluation and raise.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:20 PM

The only people willing to work for less than minumum wage are those who will not have a resume to begin with...

Could you subsist on minimum wage?


Let us drive an axe between the upper and lower classes, shall we?

The extermination of the middle class.

You first, ok?

You attempt to do that which you suggest, from the worker's vantage point.

You live on wages less than minumum wage.

Add: You support a family on that too.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:21 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 04/11/09 12:21 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

when was it exercised?
slaphead Please tell me you arnt serious!surprised It was done up until the early 20th century until the humanitarian Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.smile2 After he wrote that, conditions for workers were improved throughout Europe and North America.smile2 It is what led to the minimum wage and outlawed child labor.smile2

:smile: These horrific living and working conditions led to socialist revolutions in several major countries.:smile: Please read your history books.:smile: Children were being sold to corporations and literally worked to death in London and New York and other major cities.:smile:

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:22 PM
No,,I agreed that they do, I was just saying that most of these raises are not huge raises...entry level jobs that are not minimum wage jobs do get raises..I was talking about the minimum wage jobs that get pennies on the dollar in raises... I wish that nobody was poor, that eveyone could live on their wage that they earn, I do not agree that rasing my taxes is the way to provide them with it.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:24 PM

Creative, why should I subsist on minimum wages..I went to school and got good grades, I stayed in school and went to college..I worked my way through college and graduated.. I have worked many hours improving my skills and building for my future...anyone can do that...
The poor in America live much better then the poor in 90% of the rest of the world...yeah...we have it bad alright.

We're not comparing our poor with the poor in the rest of the world. That's comparing apples to oranges. We have a different standard of living then somebody living in Ethiopia. They have different costs and earnings.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:25 PM

..first of all we wouldnt even be considering this had the government done its job and kept the illegals out in the first place and now what we as americas are suppose to take it in the arse one more time and bid on our jobs..phuck that ..its time for the government to start doing their job and GET THESE PEOPLE OUT...
..they have already cost us millions with their lack of oversight madoff/ about the government should bid on their jobs,how about they should get hud housing and food stamps ..if the government did their job we wouldnt be in this mess ..

seems like there are two set of rules going on here usual..mark my words...


Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:25 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 04/11/09 12:38 PM

No,,I agreed that they do, I was just saying that most of these raises are not huge raises...entry level jobs that are not minimum wage jobs do get raises..I was talking about the minimum wage jobs that get pennies on the dollar in raises... I wish that nobody was poor, that eveyone could live on their wage that they earn, I do not agree that rasing my taxes is the way to provide them with it.

Now I see what you're saying. I did have a job in my early 20's that gave me a .15 cent/hour increase. Granted, it was a different time. I left them because of that.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:27 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

It's not going to be very long and the sight of starved bodies of people who cannot afford to feed themselves and their families littering the streets.

There are already reports of people doing desperate things to survive one more day. Not all people have the gnads to hold up a Quickie Mart or Bank so, they can eat or get out or the elements for a while.

Try living on Food Stamps for a month. With being homeless, the only thing you could by is non-perishables and another desperate person could steal them from you. I know, if me or mine were desperately hungry and someone walked by with a sack of groceries, they wouldn't have it long. Sorry, better us than them. It's the reality of street life.

With this skeleton of a plan, there could be fewer foreclosures, HUD subsidies on payments, placing more people. Two working where, as before, there was money for only one.

I even added in the letter suggesting energy allotments or vouchers.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:28 PM
I am glad that I made myself clear, and sorry for the misunderstanding..Is the answer taking away more of my money to give to those that make less then me??

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:33 PM
Creative, why should I subsist on minimum wages..I went to school and got good grades, I stayed in school and went to college..I worked my way through college and graduated.. I have worked many hours improving my skills and building for my future...anyone can do that...
The poor in America live much better then the poor in 90% of the rest of the world...yeah...we have it bad alright.


What a priveleged sounding point of view.

If you changed the circumstances into which you were born, without a choice, your opinion would change as well, my friend.

Remove your innate intellectual ability, and recalculate.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:33 PM

I am glad that I made myself clear, and sorry for the misunderstanding..Is the answer taking away more of my money to give to those that make less then me??

The numbers a bounding. Our Tax burden for them is only going up.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:37 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 04/11/09 12:38 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

It's not going to be very long and the sight of starved bodies of people who cannot afford to feed themselves and their families littering the streets.

There are already reports of people doing desperate things to survive one more day. Not all people have the gnads to hold up a Quickie Mart or Bank so, they can eat or get out or the elements for a while.

Try living on Food Stamps for a month. With being homeless, the only thing you could by is non-perishables and another desperate person could steal them from you. I know, if me or mine were desperately hungry and someone walked by with a sack of groceries, they wouldn't have it long. Sorry, better us than them. It's the reality of street life.

With this skeleton of a plan, there could be fewer foreclosures, HUD subsidies on payments, placing more people. Two working where, as before, there was money for only one.

I even added in the letter suggesting energy allotments or vouchers.

You're talking about something that hasn't happened, Willing. It's not doomsday.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:40 PM

I am glad that I made myself clear, and sorry for the misunderstanding..Is the answer taking away more of my money to give to those that make less then me??

I may have even read it wrong. I'm just popping in now and then while taking care of my child.

I don't know the answer. But..I do know that we wouldn't be much of a country if we didn't help the less fortunate when they needed help. That would not say much about our country if we didn't do that.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:05 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

It's not going to be very long and the sight of starved bodies of people who cannot afford to feed themselves and their families littering the streets.

There are already reports of people doing desperate things to survive one more day. Not all people have the gnads to hold up a Quickie Mart or Bank so, they can eat or get out or the elements for a while.

Try living on Food Stamps for a month. With being homeless, the only thing you could by is non-perishables and another desperate person could steal them from you. I know, if me or mine were desperately hungry and someone walked by with a sack of groceries, they wouldn't have it long. Sorry, better us than them. It's the reality of street life.

With this skeleton of a plan, there could be fewer foreclosures, HUD subsidies on payments, placing more people. Two working where, as before, there was money for only one.

I even added in the letter suggesting energy allotments or vouchers.

You're talking about something that hasn't happened, Willing. It's not doomsday.

It's nothing News worthy.

Street Death is a reality only to the people on the streets and in the tent cities.

Look what happened after the gov did their Katrina experiment.

Rapes, robberies, killings, stealing what others had. They were hungry, scared, tired, thirsty and desperate

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:22 PM
Creative, you don't know where we all began at, but we all had the same oppertunities that I had..I grew up and went to school everyday, I worked hard at school and playing sports, I had to work during the summers to make money, I graduated from school and worked hard to go to college and worked during to pay my own body helped me, not the government, not my parents, nobody..O sacrificed alot to improve myself and my situation, and anyone can do that.

I listened to the storys that my father used to talk about, what it was like during the depression and how people struggled and suffered, people died of starvation and sicknesses, many of my fathers family I know what poverty is, I lived it, not as bad as my father did, but it wasn't much better in the early years, and I learned from it, and decided that I would never allow myself to be content with doing less then my best and providing for my family if I had one...

It is all about character and fortitude, if you don't have the desire to pull yourself up and look for a hand up, you will never reach that and always look for a hand out

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:41 PM

:smile: Its a horrible idea. :smile: Its been done before and it led to poverty,starvation, and death on a large scale.:smile: People were starving as they worked, and children were being chained to machines in factories.:smile: Read your history people.:smile: Its a recipe for hell on Earth:smile:

when was it exercised?
slaphead Please tell me you arnt serious!surprised It was done up until the early 20th century until the humanitarian Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.smile2 After he wrote that, conditions for workers were improved throughout Europe and North America.smile2 It is what led to the minimum wage and outlawed child labor.smile2

:smile: These horrific living and working conditions led to socialist revolutions in several major countries.:smile: Please read your history books.:smile: Children were being sold to corporations and literally worked to death in London and New York and other major cities.:smile:

I've read much of history. Just not all. I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at you making fun of me with the <slaphead > icon. I am no history teach so my historical references are limited. I remember Rome falling when it's government became too big to sustain. I also remember our founding fathers running from a centralized bank. In fact, Benjamin Franklin even admitted that this was the number one cause for the revolution.

Can you give me some dates to look up, or something abit more specific? I do want to see all sides to this. So far i have only taken the time to research one. Perhaps "working conditions,in the 19th century" and the "introduction of Karl Marx" would suffice?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 01:45 PM
didn't realize willing wanted to make people slaves or chained to anything. i really don't think that is what was implied in the OP