Topic: why is it so hard to find a nice woman
injoi's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:00 AM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

I am wishing you good luck and perseverance on your journey, don't give up because she is out there.

My question to the ladies and gentleman on this board is how do you define the term "nice" in reference to people. From what I've seen in the past, everyone is looking for someone "nice"; meaning someone who is perfect for them, agrees with them and has the same hopes and aspirations. I think it takes a minimum of 90 days of exclusively dating/committing to a person before you get a glimpse of who they really are. People are afraid to "let their hair down" or show their self-defined faults, for fear of running off a potential mate. Let's face facts, would you ask for a second date from someone who tells you that they have an inability to committ; premature ejaculation; their an alcoholic; their wearing a wig or toupee; they can't keep a job; they snore; they're lazy; etc?

greeneyemimi's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:06 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.
My thoughts on this are it's not because there are no nice people, clearly there are plenty, it's because we don't know clearly what we want in a partner and you can't find something when you don't even know what it looks like. There's also other factors such as how people perceive you, if you can't love yourself [and i don't mean in a having a sneaky wank in the toilet at lunch break in work kinda way] then it's been my experience that you'll reject opportunities that present themselves when they come your way. There's so many possible factors that i won't get into right now but if what you've been doing up to now hasn't worked for you, if how you define someone nice and how you look for them isn't working then it's time to try something new. Good luck.

greeneyemimi's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:07 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.
My thoughts on this are it's not because there are no nice people, clearly there are plenty, it's because we don't know clearly what we want in a partner and you can't find something when you don't even know what it looks like. There's also other factors such as how people perceive you, if you can't love yourself [and i don't mean in a having a sneaky wank in the toilet at lunch break in work kinda way] then it's been my experience that you'll reject opportunities that present themselves when they come your way. There's so many possible factors that i won't get into right now but if what you've been doing up to now hasn't worked for you, if how you define someone nice and how you look for them isn't working then it's time to try something new. Good luck.
so so right

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:10 PM


There are a lot of us 'nice' women around, just keep your chin up and head in the game. Good luck

Hey do you know there is an outine of a baby in your profile pic?

CrazyLibra72's photo
Mon 04/27/09 12:26 PM
SoulMate36 - Thumbs up, you hit it on the head. Your observation of the relationship/dating scene is quite correct. It's not everyone, but it goes on enough for a person to take notice.

deke's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:24 AM
there are alot of nice woman everywhere.
the problem seems to be most want some fantasy life that doesn't exist or they think the man isn't good enough for them.and if you have kids and actually take care of them it seems to be an instant run signal LOL

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:02 AM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

HELLO? YO, over herewaving

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:17 AM
Good luck!

no photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:27 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

Welcome to Earth. Most people suck here. sorry about that...

uigs's photo
Fri 05/22/09 05:23 PM
Interesting topic! I do believe there are nice women out there, and I do believe there are nice men out there. Sometimes I think that men who say that they just want a nice woman in reality don't really go after the nice women. I would have to say, think about what your good qualities are, then think about what qualities you would like in a woman, then try to find the woman who is looking for someone like you. You might also want to look for new places on meeting women that may have the qualities that you are looking for. For example, if you like a woman who loves nature and is down to earth, you might want to go on a day trip to a Garden show, floral show etc. you may find it easier to meet a lady by being in a place where you share common interests. So good luck.

beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 05/22/09 05:40 PM
I'm nice even when lied to.
I nicely kick you to the curb!
Perhaps there are few nice women because there are few honest men.

Aries151's photo
Fri 05/22/09 05:43 PM
Edited by Aries151 on Fri 05/22/09 05:45 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

Alright, here's the scoop. The nice girls (for the most part) are usually with douchebags through their 20's (especially the pretty girls). At this point in their lives many of them are in their party phase and like the "bad boys", especially the "hot ones covered in tattoos". In their late 20's to 30's they start to get tired of dating the same "jerks / a$$holes / etc" and begin to look for nicer guys. This should be your target demographic for finding someone if you are having difficulty with the younger ones.

Now you might have some good luck and find a younger girl who isn't in to all that stuff, but they're difficult to find and are sometimes with an actual nice guy already.

Late 30's to 40's it becomes easier as these women are past the "playing games" phase and are pretty direct. Some may even approach you instead of the other way around. Also many realize that they can't be playing hard to get anymore if they are still single at this point. This age bracket would be the easiest for you to find someone special, however if you want kids that might be a negative factor because many are done with that by now.

You will also need to face the fact that physical attraction is a big part of it, so you will need to take care of yourself and make sure you are at least presentable to meet the opposite sex (no stains on your shirt, style your hair, start hitting the gym). This will improve your chances greatly. I personally started to let myself go towards the end of my marriage because I was miserable. That was a few years ago and since getting divorced I've been hitting the gym 4 times a week and am in good shape now. Trust me, you will feel much better about yourself and that itself will help the confidence you project (girls like guys who are confident and sure of themselves).


This is just a generalization and I know there are exceptions to the rule ladies :) I'm sure there are some on this board who hate tattoos or bad boys as well as some women who don't fit this description at all. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone by being so analytical with this but I have based this off my years of experience.

hereformore's photo
Fri 05/22/09 08:00 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

talldub said hit the nail right on the head in a nice way, im just saying it in a more clear detailed kind of way....

unfortunately for us guys, women run the world at this present time..they have been given so many rights, men have lost all control over everything, we cant even raise our voices anymore cause its abuse...women can throw knives and bottles at us when they get angry, including attacking our cars and trucks yet in the end men still get punished for justice whatsoever....

Today women have received a taste of what man once had before, this is why women are never happy with just one man..its a known fact...they are just as bad as man once was...they realized how powerful the female anatomy really is, and what it can do....

in reality, women today technically never know what they want...they have so much choice and so much of a variety on what they want to make of themselves, including how they want to morning they wake up wanting a bad boy, the next day they want someone nice and someone to treat them right..sometimes they even try to juggle the best of both worlds..but why is it ok for them to do it, and not men????.....problem is, once women find what they think they want, they dont want it anymore..they get bored quickly and move on to something else..i know more women now that ive ever known who cheat, and its not because men created them to be that way, its cause they are women and they can do whatever they want..

women can pick and chose who they want to be with, when they want to be with them and chose what they want to do with them at any time.... all they gotta do is wear a low cut top, short skirt, show some skin and they can make any man be their little puppet...women today just love attention, but once they get it, they all call us creeps and perverts...

so the system you could say has balanced out...50/ had the upper hand before, now the women have a chance to get some payback (enjoy it while it lasts cause this is all a phase, and phases fade)....the materialistic/independant world we currently live in boils down to this...all for one and one for all....everyones been screwed over too much and have lost their shirts in relationships...people just want to mingle and have fun...serious relationships are a thing of the past at this present time it lands on a spot where no one wants to risk anything life, live happy and answer to no one.....

Bitter much???

japers34's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:31 PM
Rather someone is nice or not is subjective. Someones "niceness" can only be measured by comparison . I think that compatibility w/ two people depends greatly on their perception of each other.Usually things that we dont like in others, is a projection of what we dont like about ourselves.
In short, how can you get along w/ others if you cant get along w/ yourself.We are all having a "human experience" and with that comes live and you learn.

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 10:03 PM
IF YOU MEET CERTAIN TYPES THAT ARE UNSTABLE . WEll yeah your not going to meet The good ones . YA Have to take more risk and develop a friendship 1st if you rush into dating that a usual turn off cause people who are good are the stable ones and were all thinking more aboat important things rather then drinking or acting out . so join something or do something out of your comfort level and you 'll meet someone good . also don;t put a label on girl their all bad cause ya can;t think like that or you will never meet someone good if you already have a negative mind set on women then you meet the ones that are parties cause ya not seeing the brighter side where it could lead with some who is stable . ha their my speech .

shyguy431965's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:02 PM
how come most of the women look on the outside?the inside is the most important thing they should go what there heart says not what there eyes I have been divorced for 10 years now and most of the girls i talk to they only want whats on the outside

bikerbabe63's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:15 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

talldub said hit the nail right on the head in a nice way, im just saying it in a more clear detailed kind of way....

unfortunately for us guys, women run the world at this present time..they have been given so many rights, men have lost all control over everything, we cant even raise our voices anymore cause its abuse...women can throw knives and bottles at us when they get angry, including attacking our cars and trucks yet in the end men still get punished for justice whatsoever....

Today women have received a taste of what man once had before, this is why women are never happy with just one man..its a known fact...they are just as bad as man once was...they realized how powerful the female anatomy really is, and what it can do....

in reality, women today technically never know what they want...they have so much choice and so much of a variety on what they want to make of themselves, including how they want to morning they wake up wanting a bad boy, the next day they want someone nice and someone to treat them right..sometimes they even try to juggle the best of both worlds..but why is it ok for them to do it, and not men????.....problem is, once women find what they think they want, they dont want it anymore..they get bored quickly and move on to something else..i know more women now that ive ever known who cheat, and its not because men created them to be that way, its cause they are women and they can do whatever they want..

women can pick and chose who they want to be with, when they want to be with them and chose what they want to do with them at any time.... all they gotta do is wear a low cut top, short skirt, show some skin and they can make any man be their little puppet...women today just love attention, but once they get it, they all call us creeps and perverts...

so the system you could say has balanced out...50/ had the upper hand before, now the women have a chance to get some payback (enjoy it while it lasts cause this is all a phase, and phases fade)....the materialistic/independant world we currently live in boils down to this...all for one and one for all....everyones been screwed over too much and have lost their shirts in relationships...people just want to mingle and have fun...serious relationships are a thing of the past at this present time it lands on a spot where no one wants to risk anything life, live happy and answer to no one.....

carebear19622's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:38 PM
I think all the nice women are in the Phillipines bigsmile

or somewhere else :smile:

who am I kidding I don't know ohwell

franshade's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:53 PM
it's really not hard to find us good women, but hard to keep us

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:05 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Tue 06/23/09 01:05 PM
Topic: why is it so hard to find a nice woman

because there are no nice weman

weman are evil and will s.uck your soul out and crush it between their fangs

just kidding girls