Topic: States declaring and reaffirming their sovereignty
Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:23 PM
But there are so many,,,,

willing2's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:16 PM
As the Lady said. Best to call your State Reps and pray they get into gear what needs to be done to become a sovereign State before O'bama and his mobsters get too firm a grip around our throats.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:19 PM

As the Lady said. Best to call your State Reps and pray they get into gear what needs to be done to become a sovereign State before O'bama and his mobsters get too firm a grip around our throats.

Ah, I wish it wasn't too late for that. But, it is. Majority in every state will applaud Obama and socialism. Everything is already lost.

willing2's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:23 PM

As the Lady said. Best to call your State Reps and pray they get into gear what needs to be done to become a sovereign State before O'bama and his mobsters get too firm a grip around our throats.

Ah, I wish it wasn't too late for that. But, it is. Majority in every state will applaud Obama and socialism. Everything is already lost.

Not really.
20+ States are already to the point of enacting.
With public pressure, lots of it, other States will do the same.
Obama is losing popularity at a steady rate.

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:27 PM

The State of Washington on Wednesday - 11 February 2009 and most recently, New Hampshire [2009], Montana [2009], Hawaii [2009], Michigan [2009], Missouri [2009], Arizona [2008], Oklahoma [2008], Georgia [1996], and California [1994] all of which have introduced bills and resolutions declaring and reaffirming their sovereignty. Some other states have done this in the past but then let the issue go. Additionally, the states of Colorado, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Alaska, Kansas, Alabama, Nevada, Maine, and Illinois are considering similar measures. More well may follow, such as Wyoming and Mississippi. nce-L-Landon-090217-130.html


>>>>>>"The wisest course is to get busy locally and organize whoever is listening into groups and plot a strategy to get your state reps to push Big Time for state sovereignty. Naturally, the governor and many in the state senate (being controlled NWO minions) will fight it, but there's a chance to push through a bona fide Sovereignty bill if enough citizens yell like crazy and get in the face of their state reps. With a state sovereignty law in place, you can then LEGALLY organize a state militia to oppose the imposition of martial law by the federal traitors-and REFUSE other dictates of Homeland Security or FEMA, etc. . It is then much EASIER to convince AND TO DEMAND that local police and local National Guard remain loyal to the state, and NOT join in with the feds, so they will fight on YOUR side when --and if-- the time comes. THEN we have a real chance to stop the snowballing towards Armageddon. We could then-state by state-start dismantling and tearning down those disgusting FEMA concentration camps

Everyone wants to lead a peaceful life and not have to face this, but doing nothing will only hasten the destruction of America. We must organize and fight on the political and court fronts while we still have these systems in place.

The entire NWO takeover plan will fall like a house of cards IF enough people get involved locally and push for state sovereignty and use court actions to slow down Big Brother impositions. Just TALKING about it is NOT going to change anything.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:28 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sun 03/01/09 07:30 PM

I hope you're right.

But, let's be realistic. If states secede, they still will not have learned a lesson of collectivism. They will continue, probably trying to keep a status quo with collectivism, sort of imitating the condition that exist now. The death by a thousand cuts.

If the whole thing collapses because of collectivism, there is going to be hopefully few generations who will be able to think straight.

Look at Russia. They have had a mild revolution with many secessions, and kept the status quo. They haven't had the lesson learned. To this day, they are suffering, and most people still do not understand what it is all about.

willing2's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:32 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 03/01/09 07:34 PM
You sound like a pretty resourceful lady. Can you come up with a form letter that could apply to each State to plead/demand they become Sovereign States?
Something that could be mailed, faxed, emailed or called in.
I would include a copy in all my outgoing emails so, friends and family could do the same.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:47 PM
Russia went through hell and they still are. I have seen the shows about the prostitution and selling of women as wives for men in other countries because the people are not doing well at all.

The economy in Russia has never recovered from the governmental upheaval they endured.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:22 AM

Russia went through hell and they still are. I have seen the shows about the prostitution and selling of women as wives for men in other countries because the people are not doing well at all.

The economy in Russia has never recovered from the governmental upheaval they endured.

You do realize socialism destoryed Russia, not people standing up for their rights.

It's a good thing our forefathers didn't use your logic...

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:23 AM
Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

forced em into an arms race that they couldn't keep up due to their crappy economy

Fanta46's photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:26 AM
Russian leadership destroyed the USSR.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:28 AM
right now, russia's prime minister, vladimir putin, is trying to pay the central bank off so they can be rid of the fractional reserve system. he says he wants to take back his country from the bankers. wouldn't that be something if one of our presidents did that? oh wait, there was two of our presidents who did, abraham lincoln and john f kennedy, they both got assassinated within 4 to 5 months after abolishing the banker's power. let's see how long putin lives shall we?

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:31 AM
it was Andrew Jackson that destroyed the Bank of America and put banking back in private hands

he was also the ONLY President to ever pay off the national debt

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:37 AM

right now, russia's prime minister, vladimir putin, is trying to pay the central bank off so they can be rid of the fractional reserve system. he says he wants to take back his country from the bankers. wouldn't that be something if one of our presidents did that? oh wait, there was two of our presidents who did, abraham lincoln and john f kennedy, they both got assassinated within 4 to 5 months after abolishing the banker's power. let's see how long putin lives shall we?

Not sure about Lincoln, but i do know that Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson abolished the first two national banks.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 09:43 AM

it was Andrew Jackson that destroyed the Bank of America and put banking back in private hands

he was also the ONLY President to ever pay off the national debt

your right, i forgot about andrew jackson. but abraham lincoln made it so that our country only used the greenback dollar which was not in the hands of the central bankers. john f kennedy abolished the federal reserve with executive order #11110 and started circulating the silver certificate in place of the federal reserve note. after kennedy was assassinated, the silver certificate stopped circulating and the federal reserve notes stayed in circulation. the greenbacks were taken out of circulation after lincoln was assassinated. here is a site that explains it very well.

this is a quote from lincoln after he established the greenback:

"... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had - their own paper money to pay their own debts..."

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:48 AM

I suppose, they are realizing Obamanizm ain't the way to go.
States rights are the people’s last line of defense against this despotic regime and the Obamunist know it. The 10th amendment hangs by a thread with Obama's reinfringement act. Our constitution is an object of antipathy for these hooligans and it shows in every aspect of their sinister agenda whether it’s the 1st amendment the 2nd amendment or any other article in the constitution it is all just a barrier to them having absolute control over every aspect of our life from cradle too grave and perhaps even after that if they could. This ostentatious slaughter on the autonomy of the American population is occurring at such break neck speed it’s as if it’s been in the works for quite sometime now (no surprises there). The American principals of capitalism are being flushed down the toilet right along with our liberties and freedoms. Our individualism is being replaced by collectivism more and more with every passing day and eventually no uniqueness will exists, only insipidity and banality. The hard line Marxist will never give up their sedition, their edict is to persist in our abolition until they have annihilated any resolve present in anyone to resist their coercion.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

nogames39's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:03 AM

Russia went through hell and they still are. I have seen the shows about the prostitution and selling of women as wives for men in other countries because the people are not doing well at all.

The economy in Russia has never recovered from the governmental upheaval they endured.

How do you want to be sold? Locally, only? Don't they get better options on a world-wide markets?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:10 AM
on the contrary, their oil sales were bringing them to a better economy than ours. they drill their own oil and sell it on the markets.

nogames39's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:37 AM
Russia is waiting. They have indicated their desire to erase what they have done wrong, and to destroy their central bank.

Lately, it become known widely, what exactly was the conflict between their last tzar and Germany. It turned out that Nikolai was pressed to allow a central bank. Being highly educated (privately), he refused to ever allow that to happen to Russian people. Germany then proceeded to hire Lenin and Co., to execute the coup. Nikolai was executed with his whole family (including children) in the cellar, and it was announced to the crowds that Nikolai did not want the Russian poor to ever be happy.

Russia, therefore, wishes to close their central bank (Tsentralny Bank Rossii), and transit back to a gold backed currency, as it was in time of Nikolai. Russia, therefore, had stopped their multitude of gold mines from selling any gold outside, I believe about three years ago. Since then, all gold mined is purchased for the future gold backing project, and an external flow of gold has been reversed, with a result that Russia is now a net purchaser of gold, and not a seller.

Why doesn't Russia declare the new gold currency then? I do not know. They say they have a reason to believe that if such a move is announced, then there will be a nuclear strike on Russia, initiated by world bankers. This situation is changing. While Russia still does nothing, they are discussing the next world reserve currency in Davos, Switzerland. This is supposed to be a gold mix of Russian, Chinese, japan and Saudi coming currency units.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:43 AM
vladimir putin will turn russia into a powerful nation while we flail along with fake money.