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Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE? - part 2
TBRich's photo
Tue 03/03/09 04:38 PM
You are aware that Original Sin is not in the Bible, in fact in the Jewish faith, it is called Original Blessing. Original Sin was an idea thought up by St. Augustine.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/03/09 04:38 PM

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 04:58 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Tue 03/03/09 05:02 PM


Put it this way darling...no one is without sin......not one person.......All fall short of the glory of GOD.

I don't want your ramble I just asked a simple question....would like a simple answer......not a ramble.

Awwwwww but there is two simple words JESUS CHRIST

Look at sin as right from wrong. You know right from wrong Abra? Or are you going to over analyze that to death too.

You have absolute control over what you do...no doubt about it.

You will never get it abra....no matter what.....

Ahhhhh does abra need a mommy to smack his had and say bad abra....wrong choice....You know abra this is just your way of twisting and turning again....It may fool others abra but never me.

Your delusional if you think you are %100 percent sin free.


I'm gettin getting e-mails gallore from tons of NON-FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS. Remember!?!?!? The 99,997% of all other christians?!?!?!

They're suggesting we get a hold of your proselytizing-apologetic 'MENTORS' and let them know that you are not ready for prime time proselytizing, you know, the '... COMMUNITY OUTREACH...' thing!!!...'

It would appear that you are doing more damage to the christian community than good. We're loosing members BIG TIME 'feral'!!!

If not for me, do it for the cause: STOP PROSELYTIZING!!!

I had to go with the first thing that popped into my head....and know voil joking....so no undies in a wad.

No one says they have to stay.....don't like leave.....don't let the thread door hit ya on the way out.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/03/09 05:11 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 03/03/09 05:12 PM

You nailed it Voil.

She sees herself as "God's Girl".

Can do no wrong, and can't be wrong.

She speaks for God.

She's his loyal servant!

She can't be wrong!

For everything that comes out of her mouth is divinely inspired!

At least now we get a real live example of precisely how deluded the people were who wrote the Bible. laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/03/09 05:17 PM
can we please stop this?

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 05:37 PM


Put it this way darling...no one is without sin......not one person.......All fall short of the glory of GOD.

I don't want your ramble I just asked a simple question....would like a simple answer......not a ramble.

Awwwwww but there is two simple words JESUS CHRIST

Look at sin as right from wrong. You know right from wrong Abra? Or are you going to over analyze that to death too.

You have absolute control over what you do...no doubt about it.

You will never get it abra....no matter what.....

Ahhhhh does abra need a mommy to smack his had and say bad abra....wrong choice....You know abra this is just your way of twisting and turning again....It may fool others abra but never me.

Your delusional if you think you are %100 percent sin free.


I'm gettin getting e-mails gallore from tons of NON-FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS. Remember!?!?!? The 99,997% of all other christians?!?!?!

They're suggesting we get a hold of your proselytizing-apologetic 'MENTORS' and let them know that you are not ready for prime time proselytizing, you know, the '... COMMUNITY OUTREACH...' thing!!!...'

It would appear that you are doing more damage to the christian community than good. We're loosing members BIG TIME 'feral'!!!

If not for me, do it for the cause: STOP PROSELYTIZING!!!

I had to go with the first thing that popped into my head....and know voil joking....so no undies in a wad.

No one says they have to stay.....don't like leave.....don't let the thread door hit ya on the way out.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

OK! Your old ways haven't been shaken off yet! You still appear to be very confused; all over the place and yet nowhere all at once.

But I'll take it on faith that this is your road to the ultimate cleansing from your sinful 'fundametalist-apologetic-proselytizing' ways.

So here we go with our THIRD DESTRUCTIVE ASPECT about your fundamentalist-proselytizing ways 'feral':


That's right 'Feral', know this: the greatest philosophical problem of YOUR fundamentalism is that it denies the power of God.

Gott Mit Uns (God is with us) proclaimed the belt buckles of the Nazi SS storm troopers. Of course, every religious fundamentalist makes the same claim. The way that the fundamentalist justifies the exercise of his influence and power in society is that God is on his side, and needs his efforts to see that God's work is done.

I remember a quote from this famous Christian fundamentalist, Randall Terry, Funder of Operation Rescue, it went exactly like this:

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
-Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue
Quoted in The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 8-16-93

Ralph Reed, a christian fundamentalist political technician even says of himself,
"I'm the stealth candidate... I paint my face and travel at night."

How does he morally justify that kind of deceptive behavior? Does the end justify the means? Or is God simply incapable of implementing His own agenda without this little man Ralph's help?

Does God really need the fundamentalist's help 'Feral'?

To make the claim that God needs one's efforts is a flat-out denial of the power of God. Claiming that God is omnipotent and omniscient is to imply that nothing happens in the universe that isn't happening with the knowledge and consent of God. How could it happen without the knowledge of God? It has to be that way if you accept the omniscience of God. If God doesn't allow it, how can it happen? Otherwise, God would not be omnipotent. If God allows it, it implies at least knowledge and consent.

Why, then, must God require the services of the fundamentalist to ensure that His will happens in the Universe?

If the homosexual were as abhorrent to God as most fundamentalists imply, the homosexual wouldn't last a millisecond. Otherwise, God cannot be omnipotent. Why would an omnipotent God need someone else to persecute the homosexual for Him?

If God is saying, "I'll let him live, but he's still abhorrent" it implies that God's behavior isn't consistent with what He wants. Why would God want something abhorrent to him to continue to exist?



Such a concept certainly affirms the power of God to bring the word of God to the sincere seeker.
Why then, does the fundamentalist almost always assume that God needs him to go out and spread God's word?
If God is omnipotent, He doesn't need anyone to proselytize on His behalf. He's quite capable of steering the seeker in the direction of His word all by Himself.

See 'Feral'?!?!?

Can you see how you're belittleing YOUR GOD! While yor church 'community outreach' meisters have you all worried about words in a book, your squarely missing the boat with god.

That's the harm 'Feral'!!!

The very god you claim to love so much, you simply end up belittleing him in te eyes of those that might seek!!!

Fundamentalism contaminates faith and beliefs. It contaminates people, PERIOD!

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/03/09 05:49 PM
am I the only one that sees these posts as just hurting each other? aren't there other things in the world to worry more about than to go round and round with each other over things you'll never agree on?

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 05:52 PM

You nailed it Voil.

She sees herself as "God's Girl".

Can do no wrong, and can't be wrong.

She speaks for God.

She's his loyal servant!

She can't be wrong!

For everything that comes out of her mouth is divinely inspired!

At least now we get a real live example of precisely how deluded the people were who wrote the Bible. laugh

He is everyones Father duh.

You really need to do way way better then this both of you.

all I can






rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:01 PM
pass the mashed potatoes pleaselaugh

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:06 PM


Put it this way darling...no one is without sin......not one person.......All fall short of the glory of GOD.

I don't want your ramble I just asked a simple question....would like a simple answer......not a ramble.

Awwwwww but there is two simple words JESUS CHRIST

Look at sin as right from wrong. You know right from wrong Abra? Or are you going to over analyze that to death too.

You have absolute control over what you do...no doubt about it.

You will never get it abra....no matter what.....

Ahhhhh does abra need a mommy to smack his had and say bad abra....wrong choice....You know abra this is just your way of twisting and turning again....It may fool others abra but never me.

Your delusional if you think you are %100 percent sin free.


I'm gettin getting e-mails gallore from tons of NON-FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS. Remember!?!?!? The 99,997% of all other christians?!?!?!

They're suggesting we get a hold of your proselytizing-apologetic 'MENTORS' and let them know that you are not ready for prime time proselytizing, you know, the '... COMMUNITY OUTREACH...' thing!!!...'

It would appear that you are doing more damage to the christian community than good. We're loosing members BIG TIME 'feral'!!!

If not for me, do it for the cause: STOP PROSELYTIZING!!!

I had to go with the first thing that popped into my head....and know voil joking....so no undies in a wad.

No one says they have to stay.....don't like leave.....don't let the thread door hit ya on the way out.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

OK! Your old ways haven't been shaken off yet! You still appear to be very confused; all over the place and yet nowhere all at once.

But I'll take it on faith that this is your road to the ultimate cleansing from your sinful 'fundametalist-apologetic-proselytizing' ways.

So here we go with our THIRD DESTRUCTIVE ASPECT about your fundamentalist-proselytizing ways 'feral':


That's right 'Feral', know this: the greatest philosophical problem of YOUR fundamentalism is that it denies the power of God.

Gott Mit Uns (God is with us) proclaimed the belt buckles of the Nazi SS storm troopers. Of course, every religious fundamentalist makes the same claim. The way that the fundamentalist justifies the exercise of his influence and power in society is that God is on his side, and needs his efforts to see that God's work is done.

I remember a quote from this famous Christian fundamentalist, Randall Terry, Funder of Operation Rescue, it went exactly like this:

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
-Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue
Quoted in The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 8-16-93

Ralph Reed, a christian fundamentalist political technician even says of himself,
"I'm the stealth candidate... I paint my face and travel at night."

How does he morally justify that kind of deceptive behavior? Does the end justify the means? Or is God simply incapable of implementing His own agenda without this little man Ralph's help?

Does God really need the fundamentalist's help 'Feral'?

To make the claim that God needs one's efforts is a flat-out denial of the power of God. Claiming that God is omnipotent and omniscient is to imply that nothing happens in the universe that isn't happening with the knowledge and consent of God. How could it happen without the knowledge of God? It has to be that way if you accept the omniscience of God. If God doesn't allow it, how can it happen? Otherwise, God would not be omnipotent. If God allows it, it implies at least knowledge and consent.

Why, then, must God require the services of the fundamentalist to ensure that His will happens in the Universe?

If the homosexual were as abhorrent to God as most fundamentalists imply, the homosexual wouldn't last a millisecond. Otherwise, God cannot be omnipotent. Why would an omnipotent God need someone else to persecute the homosexual for Him?

If God is saying, "I'll let him live, but he's still abhorrent" it implies that God's behavior isn't consistent with what He wants. Why would God want something abhorrent to him to continue to exist?



Such a concept certainly affirms the power of God to bring the word of God to the sincere seeker.
Why then, does the fundamentalist almost always assume that God needs him to go out and spread God's word?
If God is omnipotent, He doesn't need anyone to proselytize on His behalf. He's quite capable of steering the seeker in the direction of His word all by Himself.

See 'Feral'?!?!?

Can you see how you're belittleing YOUR GOD! While yor church 'community outreach' meisters have you all worried about words in a book, your squarely missing the boat with god.

That's the harm 'Feral'!!!

The very god you claim to love so much, you simply end up belittleing him in te eyes of those that might seek!!!

Fundamentalism contaminates faith and beliefs. It contaminates people, PERIOD!

Please refer to above....

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 03/03/09 06:22 PM

am I the only one that sees these posts as just hurting each other? aren't there other things in the world to worry more about than to go round and round with each other over things you'll never agree on?

Some people like to argue and beat their heads on the wall. Just get out your popcorn and watch the blood bath.

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 03/03/09 06:27 PM
Ok so let's say for sake of argument that we can't prove the miracles of the Bible....so explain to me oh wise one....the miracles I see the Lord perform on a daily basis....even right here on mingle.....hmmmmmmmmm oh wise one..

What one person might want to call "a miracle" might NOT be considered a miracle by someone else.

Myself, I think it is a miracle that we even exist at all. There is no real substance in this reality. There is only light and sound and vibration. But yet it all seems so real. That is a miracle.

Does there exist measurable substance in a proton or particle? NOPE.


That is what we are. Energy. That is the real miracle.




flowerforyou :banana:

Filmfreek's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:48 PM

am I the only one that sees these posts as just hurting each other? aren't there other things in the world to worry more about than to go round and round with each other over things you'll never agree on?

Some people like to argue and beat their heads on the wall. Just get out your popcorn and watch the blood bath.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:52 PM

One, and-a-two and a one, two, three,....

Gimmie that Ol' time religion

Gimmie that Ol' time religion

Gimmie that Ol' time religion

and pass the Redenbacher Popcorn!


no photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:57 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 03/03/09 08:13 PM
Here is the FOURTH DESTRUCTIVE ASPECT about fundamentalist-proselytizing ways :


That’s what US fundamentalism was founded upon in the late 1800’s, earlier 1900’s. A fierce ‘obstruction’ to all emerging modernity. By distracting otherwise sincere people from honest self-examination and the spiritual growth it makes possible, and by obstructing honest scientific inquiry and intellectual debate, fundamentalism derails the progress that individuals and society as a whole would achieve by honest, competent religious or spriritual practice of choice.

But more than that, fundamentalism all too often justifies in its adherents' minds, the prejudices, the zealotry, the intolerance and the hatemongering that are all the most base of human instincts. Much human misery owes its origins to fundamentalist religion and the spiritual corruption it fosters.

Human progress is essentially a search for truth. To the extent that fundamentalism blocks or impedes that search for the truth, it blocks or impedes human progress. True religion is a relentless search for and acceptance of truth about yourself and the universe, regardless of the discomfort that truth may cause.

One of the insights of the American democracy has been the unique concept of justice of 'equal protection under the law'.
Unfortunately, fundamentalism undermines that concept by promoting its political religious agenda as superior to others, even though it is often wrong, and thereby undermines the egalitarian foundations of western democratic institutions. An example of this is the hard fight that the Southern Baptists fought in the last century to preserve the institution of slavery, and the fight to preserve segregation in this century. Those fights were all based on Biblical scripture, of course, but few fundamentalists today would still defend these positions.

Fundamentalism of any stripe is not progress, but rather, I contend, is the impedance of progress. With so many problems facing humanity, the notion that we can even afford the luxury of even tolerating politically active brands of fundamentalism is rapidly becoming impossible. The world gets continually smaller as it gets more crowded, and the imposition, by public policy, of religious doctrines on others who know better is a sure recipe for strife. It has been the cause of enormous death and suffering over the centuries.

As the world becomes ever more crowded, there are fewer and fewer places to which a refugee of conscience can escape. For this reason, it is imperative that we strive to make our nations as egalitarian as possible, affording for all the freedom of conscience to all equally and without acceding to the presumption of superior wisdom by any religious group. Environmental pressures caused by rapidly expanding human populations, make public policy decisions based on the best available information and hypotheses, elucidated by honest intellectual inquiry, increasingly urgent.

Some fundamentalist religious groups, which seek to strike down the wall of separation between church and state so that they can impose their views on others, work in opposition to this increasingly urgent need.


Whether your fundamentalist views agree or not,

… all human beings are equal under US law, regardless of sexual orientation, nationality, religion and social rank or status.

… it is our modern society’s legal responsibility, in view of the inescapable reality of abortions, that they be performed in the most limited, respectful, dignified and safe manner possible.

… and whether or not you are satisfied with the personal PROOF you asked for, and never got, a world given by GRAVITY, EVOLUTION and QUANTUM PHYSICS, is the reality we live into everyday of our lives in 2009.

FUNDAMENTALISM is a lot like turning out the lights of the universe. And that is evil enough for me!

Dan99's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:05 PM
my GOD is this pointless argument STILL going on?! Jesus Christ Mohammed!

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:07 PM

Seamonster's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:34 PM
chimpanzee riding on a segway.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:45 PM

my GOD is this pointless argument STILL going on?! Jesus Christ Mohammed!

Was that an argument?

It looked more like a public service announcement for the santity of humanity. :wink:

Seamonster's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:46 PM

my GOD is this pointless argument STILL going on?! Jesus Christ Mohammed!

Was that an argument?

It looked more like a public service announcement for the santity of humanity. :wink:


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