Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE? - part 2 | |
And you will always feel that it is not of God, because your ears and eyes will remain closed off to Christ because of baggage that you have in your life.
Were do you get off making assumptions about my personal life? ![]() I'm just reporting how absurd a book is. I think the evidence stand on its own. The book would be absurd even if I did not exist. The absurdity of the Bible has absolutely nothing to do with me personally. Just look at the religions that grew from that same folklore. Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, and the myriad of denominations of the protesting Paper Popes! NONE OF THEM AGREE! And they all hate each other's guts simply because they disagree over an utterly stupid book. I never even needed to be born for the Bible to be absurd Feral. It was absurd before I was born, and it will continue to be absurd after I did. My personal 'baggage' as you call it, has absolutely nothing to do with it. Even the religions that are based on this mythology all DISGREE VEHEMENTLY. I mean, hey, if you want to believe it more power to you! But if you want to argue for proselytizing it as some sort of 'truth' I ask you where's the proof? CLEARLY there is NONE! If there were any proof that anyone had a handle on the Biblical myth then there'd only be ONE biblical religion instead of three major ones and a billion Paper Popes who think their interpretations are better than someone else's. Are you even AWARE that Paul was nothing more than a mortal INTERPRETER of the gospels! Yes, all of the following books of the New Testament were written by Paul Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon About 75% of the New Testament is nothing more than Paul's ramblings of what he THINKS the gospels meant! How much of the New Testament did Jesus write? ZERO! ZILCH! ZIP! Moreover, even in those days it was perfectly CLEAR that the Gospels were UNCLEAR, thus the need for Paul to write up his interpretation. Now if a genuine all-wise God had inspired the original authors of the gospels to write down His thoughts there would have been NO NEED for Paul to have interpreted it! Paul was just another PAPER POPE who had PERSONAL OPINIONS! Clearly he had many opinions that YOU disagree with! According to Paul you would not even be permitted to have an OPINION on religious matters! That's what the BOOK says that you're so HOT to support! Yet clearly you don't even have any respect for what it actually says. What sense does that make? And then you have the audacity to accuse me of having 'baggage' that affects my relationship with God? How rude is that? That's a personal insinuation directed at my character. Where did I ever make a personal attacks directed at your character? ![]() Besides, isn't that a VERY LAME excuse to claim that someone's "baggage in life" is preventing them from having a healthy relationship with their "Savior"? ![]() That's some Savior! If he can't save people who have "baggage" then what good is he? ![]() That an extremely lame excuse to use for a supposed "Savior". Either God is benevolent, in which case he will automatically save all GOOD PEOPLE, or he's not benevolent, in which case he's a totally unrighteous freak and not a "god" at all. That's the problem Feral. You just can't have a supposedly benevolent God rejecting perfectly GOOD PEOPLE simply becasue they don't believe in a particular mythology. This is one of the major reasons why the religion can't be true! You have have a God going around saving only people who are willing to believe in ABSURDITIES. What does that have to do with being RIGHTEOUS? NOTHING! Can't you see that? Either God cares about RIGHTEOUSNESS, or God is himself UNRIGHTEOUS. You just can't have a God condemning people to hell because they don't believe in an extremely archaic book that paints God out to be a jealous egotistical male-chauvinist. That's ABSURD. |
I don't get off making assumptions....It came from your own mouth to me. Again you can think whatever you like....just as I can...and to me even as you say that all the gospels that were written by Paul....tell me something Abra in the Books of Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon What is it that Paul is writing about in these books? And just because he wrote them all doesn't mean that it wasn't legit and truth Mr. Just because you say something Abra just doesn't make it so. And again just because it has nothing to do with you....doesn't not make it the case for millions upon millions of others...And exactly who are you that your word means jack diddly on it. And for you to bold face lie that your history has nothing to do with how you feel about God LIE LIE ABRA. Paul listened when God spoke, as all of the writers of the Bible Abra....And it's not a book of fairy tales as you call it....It is historically backed......and it is what it is...Don't believe it your choice...But don't say I and millions upon millions who do "CANT" THAT IS OBSURD. What was said by Jesus HELLO THEY WERE THERE......All of the writers of the gospels were there with Jesus can't get better witnesses now can ya. The Gospels are only unclear to those that can't hear. Paul did in no way as you put it write up his interpretations....again tell me what Paul was writing about in each of the gospels you mentioned....there was nothing left up to interpretation it was what it was...Do you know what the was ABRA? You have to a least have a clue what Paul was doing with all his gospels before you can spew that he was writing down anything for God....check yourself here very carefully and again tell me what Paul was doing in writing the gospels you refer to? Who was making a personal attack on you abra.....You told me the story right from your own lips....I was making it again the imagination is running rampant... I didn't say anything about your relationship with anyone abra....again you putting your spin on things....And did you not see where I wrote.... Never walk with him abra He will always love you Because He will always love you Because He will always love you Because that is what HE IS all about won't even go into God is benevolent, in which case he will automatically save all GOOD PEOPLE, or he's not benevolent, in which case he's a totally unrighteous freak and not a "god" at all. You believe the above abra it's your choice. And I can say the same those good people you claim reject what Christ did...and they will pay the consequences....Does that mean Christ doesn't love them.....nope....But there is only way way to the Father GOD and that is through Christ Jesus and no matter how much *****ing and complaining that you do....well just doesn't change it. Again religion is man made (said 1,000) times a personal relationship with Christ is all it takes. You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON....... It's also not a matter of believing in "THE BOOK" Whether you want to believe it or not...doesn't matter...That is God's word and shun the word of God, in turn shuns him....shun Christ shun God...And it won't be pretty......It might seem so barbaric to you Abra....But again in the whole scheme of life and God....doesn't really matter what you think...and doesn't change what is, was, and always will be. |
I don't get off making assumptions....It came from your own mouth to me. Again you can think whatever you like....just as I can...and to me even as you say that all the gospels that were written by Paul....tell me something Abra in the Books of Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon What is it that Paul is writing about in these books? And just because he wrote them all doesn't mean that it wasn't legit and truth Mr. Just because you say something Abra just doesn't make it so. And again just because it has nothing to do with you....doesn't not make it the case for millions upon millions of others...And exactly who are you that your word means jack diddly on it. And for you to bold face lie that your history has nothing to do with how you feel about God LIE LIE ABRA. Paul listened when God spoke, as all of the writers of the Bible Abra....And it's not a book of fairy tales as you call it....It is historically backed......and it is what it is...Don't believe it your choice...But don't say I and millions upon millions who do "CANT" THAT IS OBSURD. What was said by Jesus HELLO THEY WERE THERE......All of the writers of the gospels were there with Jesus can't get better witnesses now can ya. The Gospels are only unclear to those that can't hear. Paul did in no way as you put it write up his interpretations....again tell me what Paul was writing about in each of the gospels you mentioned....there was nothing left up to interpretation it was what it was...Do you know what the was ABRA? You have to a least have a clue what Paul was doing with all his gospels before you can spew that he was writing down anything for God....check yourself here very carefully and again tell me what Paul was doing in writing the gospels you refer to? Who was making a personal attack on you abra.....You told me the story right from your own lips....I was making it again the imagination is running rampant... I didn't say anything about your relationship with anyone abra....again you putting your spin on things....And did you not see where I wrote.... Never walk with him abra He will always love you Because He will always love you Because He will always love you Because that is what HE IS all about won't even go into God is benevolent, in which case he will automatically save all GOOD PEOPLE, or he's not benevolent, in which case he's a totally unrighteous freak and not a "god" at all. You believe the above abra it's your choice. And I can say the same those good people you claim reject what Christ did...and they will pay the consequences....Does that mean Christ doesn't love them.....nope....But there is only way way to the Father GOD and that is through Christ Jesus and no matter how much *****ing and complaining that you do....well just doesn't change it. Again religion is man made (said 1,000) times a personal relationship with Christ is all it takes. You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON....... It's also not a matter of believing in "THE BOOK" Whether you want to believe it or not...doesn't matter...That is God's word and shun the word of God, in turn shuns him....shun Christ shun God...And it won't be pretty......It might seem so barbaric to you Abra....But again in the whole scheme of life and God....doesn't really matter what you think...and doesn't change what is, was, and always will be. |
Abra I don't get off making assumptions....It came from your own mouth to me. Again you can think whatever you like....just as I can...and to me even as you say that all the gospels that were written by Paul....tell me something Abra in the Books of Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon What is it that Paul is writing about in these books? And just because he wrote them all doesn't mean that it wasn't legit and truth Mr. Just because you say something Abra just doesn't make it so. And again just because it has nothing to do with you....doesn't not make it the case for millions upon millions of others...And exactly who are you that your word means jack diddly on it. And for you to bold face lie that your history has nothing to do with how you feel about God LIE LIE ABRA. Paul listened when God spoke, as all of the writers of the Bible Abra....And it's not a book of fairy tales as you call it....It is historically backed......and it is what it is...Don't believe it your choice...But don't say I and millions upon millions who do "CANT" THAT IS OBSURD. What was said by Jesus HELLO THEY WERE THERE......All of the writers of the gospels were there with Jesus can't get better witnesses now can ya. The Gospels are only unclear to those that can't hear. Paul did in no way as you put it write up his interpretations....again tell me what Paul was writing about in each of the gospels you mentioned....there was nothing left up to interpretation it was what it was...Do you know what the was ABRA? You have to a least have a clue what Paul was doing with all his gospels before you can spew that he was writing down anything for God....check yourself here very carefully and again tell me what Paul was doing in writing the gospels you refer to? Who was making a personal attack on you abra.....You told me the story right from your own lips....I was making it again the imagination is running rampant... I didn't say anything about your relationship with anyone abra....again you putting your spin on things....And did you not see where I wrote.... Never walk with him abra He will always love you Because He will always love you Because He will always love you Because that is what HE IS all about won't even go into God is benevolent, in which case he will automatically save all GOOD PEOPLE, or he's not benevolent, in which case he's a totally unrighteous freak and not a "god" at all. You believe the above abra it's your choice. And I can say the same those good people you claim reject what Christ did...and they will pay the consequences....Does that mean Christ doesn't love them.....nope....But there is only way way to the Father GOD and that is through Christ Jesus and no matter how much *****ing and complaining that you do....well just doesn't change it. Again religion is man made (said 1,000) times a personal relationship with Christ is all it takes. You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON....... It's also not a matter of believing in "THE BOOK" Whether you want to believe it or not...doesn't matter...That is God's word and shun the word of God, in turn shuns him....shun Christ shun God...And it won't be pretty......It might seem so barbaric to you Abra....But again in the whole scheme of life and God....doesn't really matter what you think...and doesn't change what is, was, and always will be. I GUESS YOU JUST CAN'T SHAKE THAT DELUSIONAL AND SOLDIERING PROSELYTIZER IN YOU FERAL!!! It is against the rules, but you don't care about rules, after all the only rules you follow are the rules of that 'god' you speak to PERSONALLY!!! |
against what rules????????????
| were the only one that even tried to answer that question. ty at some point...we can't explain it. or at least not prove it through science or in a way for others to believe That's right. So we use what we can prove and build on it. And we come up with ideas and hypothisis and when we try and try to prove those ideas wrong for many yrs. and can not they become theory. Gravity is a theory, evolution is as sound a theory as gravity. The big bang is a very strong theory, but what was before the singularity? No-one knows yet. The LHC will recreate the events 1 billionth of a sec. after the big bang, that will (fingers crossed) answer a great many questions, but there will always be more. And we will always say "I Don't Know" about something. That's what makes science so exciting. The truth is we are part of everything else, always have been, always will be. |
evolution theories that can not be proven. any more than creationism...YET everyone wants hard core proof of that
see where I'm going with this seamonster???? now give me your tentacles and we will walk through this together lol ![]() |
evolution theories that can not be proven. any more than creationism...YET everyone wants hard core proof of that see where I'm going with this seamonster???? now give me your tentacles and we will walk through this together lol ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON....... That's the kind of thinking that causes things like the Crusades and Witch Burnings to be done in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty! Sorry Feral but it doesn't even make these claims in the Bible! In fact according to the gospels of John Jesus clearly stated that it's not even important at all to believe in him. John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world." According to John Jesus said that he did NOT come to judge the world. Yet look at YOU! You disagree with Jesus! Shame on you! And you call yourself a "Christian". How dare you tell other people that they can never be righteous if they don't believe in "God's Son" when the very man that you're referring to clearly disagrees with that sentiment according to the gospel of John. Apparently you don't even know what Jesus taught or what he was all about. He didn't come to judge the world, but to save it. You silly person! In fact you aren't even supposed to be judging the relationships other people have with their creator. According to the gospel of Luke, Luke claims that Jesus said the following: Luke 6:36 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" Yet here you are judging me to be unrighteous because I don't interpret scripture the same way that you do! Are you a Protestant? ![]() Protestantism is supposedly based on the tenet that no mortal man has the right to speak for God or interpret scripture for another man. Yet here you are telling me that if I don't interpret the scripture in the same way that you do then I can't be righteous. So are you a protestant, or one of those self-appointed Paper Popes? ![]() I see Jesus as my brother. He was a mortal man who was born into a corrupt society that had a very violent religion. He knew that the religion could not be from a divine source, so he traveled, probably to the far east and learned the ways of Buddha. Then he returned to his home land and denounced their original violent teachings in favor of the teachings of Buddha. If you read the Bible and the teachings of Buddha you will see that Jesus was saying precisely the same things that Buddha said and that the men who wrote the gospels were confused. They tried to tie it back into the original Torah, but they didn't have the advantage that we have today in being able to know of Buddhism. So they were at a disadvantage. We can see the truth now clearly. So I see Jesus as my brother, and I admire what he tried to do in spite of the fact that it back-fired in the end. At least he had the right idea. So there's no need to pass judgments on my righteousness Feral. In fact, according to the gospels that's actually against the teaching of Jesus no matter who you believe he was. It's just not important to believe that Jesus was the son of the God of Abraham and personally don't believe he ever made that claim. You're using the religion to pass judgements on the righteousness of other people. That's a real big no-no and clearly the antithesis of what Jesus had taught. Clearly you have no respect for the teachings of Paul, and you have no respect for the teachings of Jesus either. Why you call yourself a "Christian" is beyond me. ![]() I pass no judgements on your righteousness, but clearly you have no clue about what Jesus actually stood for. You just like to ram him down other people's throats. But I don't think that was his message Feral. ![]() |
| are doing the same thing you say she's doing
Paul listened when God spoke, as all of the writers of the Bible Abra....And it's not a book of fairy tales as you call it....It is historically backed......
Really it's historically backed? How? As I have said on this board, because the places exist, doesn't make it true. and it is what it is...Don't believe it your choice...But don't say I and millions upon millions who do "CANT" THAT IS OBSURD. What was said by Jesus HELLO THEY WERE THERE......All of the writers of the gospels were there with Jesus can't get better witnesses now can ya.
Wrong again. Jesus cannot be accurately placed in history(if he existed at all) the time frame that his life is placed in, is somewhere between 100BC and 33AD. The Gospels were not written until sometime after 70AD. And again, cannot accurately be placed. Given the normal life span back around that time, we are talking at least one generation passing. |
Paul listened when God spoke, as all of the writers of the Bible Abra....And it's not a book of fairy tales as you call it....It is historically backed......
Really it's historically backed? How? As I have said on this board, because the places exist, doesn't make it true. and it is what it is...Don't believe it your choice...But don't say I and millions upon millions who do "CANT" THAT IS OBSURD. What was said by Jesus HELLO THEY WERE THERE......All of the writers of the gospels were there with Jesus can't get better witnesses now can ya.
Wrong again. Jesus cannot be accurately placed in history(if he existed at all) the time frame that his life is placed in, is somewhere between 100BC and 33AD. The Gospels were not written until sometime after 70AD. And again, cannot accurately be placed. Given the normal life span back around that time, we are talking at least one generation passing. So true. The authors of the New Testament did not live at the same time Jesus was purported to live, if they even existed at all. To tell stories about witnesses who were probably purely fictional is not proof of anything except that someone knew how to plagiarize and tell a mythical tale. I believe this: “The New Testament, the Church and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso) family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it - Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, John the Baptist - all are fictional. The Pisos created the story and the characters; they tied the story to a specific time and place in history; and they connected it with some peripheral actual people, such as the Herods, Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, etc. But Jesus and everyone involved with him were created (that is fictiotional!) characters.” |
the book of John (for example) was one of Jesus' disciples.
just like how most history is handed down....word of mouth and past down to generation to generation |
the book of John (for example) was one of Jesus' disciples. just like how most history is handed down....word of mouth and past down to generation to generation Actually, It isn't. We do know that Paul was the first book written, and the other gospels of the NT were actually based off Paul. So, as in my earlier post, you have at least one generation passing before Paul's gospels, and the rest coming sometime after Paul. |
the book of John (for example) was one of Jesus' disciples. just like how most history is handed down....word of mouth and past down to generation to generation Actually, It isn't. We do know that Paul was the first book written, and the other gospels of the NT were actually based off Paul. So, as in my earlier post, you have at least one generation passing before Paul's gospels, and the rest coming sometime after Paul. and how was history past down??? they didn't have the internet back word of mouth |
Three of the New Testament gospels are termed “synoptics” (from the Greek word meaning “seeing together”) because they cover basically the same story. These are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Of the gospel writers, only two of the apostles Matthew and John had known Jesus (Matthew 4:21; 9:9).
The apostle John was the last to write an account of Jesus’ life. He included stories not found in the synoptics and deliberately avoided repeating most of the stories found in all three synoptics. John's approach is essentially his testimony of the divinity and power of the Savior. Thus, he begins with the premortal Christ (John 1:1). |
the book of John (for example) was one of Jesus' disciples. just like how most history is handed down....word of mouth and past down to generation to generation Actually, It isn't. We do know that Paul was the first book written, and the other gospels of the NT were actually based off Paul. So, as in my earlier post, you have at least one generation passing before Paul's gospels, and the rest coming sometime after Paul. and how was history past down??? they didn't have the internet back word of mouth Something being passed down by word of mouth doesn't make it true. And All you need is one person to start the lie... |
that would go for anything as well