Topic: What is Reality? | |
reality is what we accept to be real
if we accept unicorns to be real then they are its quite simple |
May I go home, yet?
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Splendidlife wrote:
If our synapses constantly fire information chemically AND electrically, couldn't our physical brains (perhaps even our entire bodies) also serve as antennae, transmitting information to and from a collective pool of "information" or substrate, subconsciously connecting each of us to a whole system? By George I think you've got it! ![]() We all serve as antennae for the collective. The Borg are back. The Draconians have been defeated. And Jeanniebean's "Law of Attraction" only works on 102.9 FM Stereo. ![]() |
The Queen of the Sea wrote:
May I go home, yet? ![]() No. You can't go home until this had been fully resolved, scientifically verified experimentally by at least 12 independent atheist scientists, and the entire world has come to a 100% consensus and we've all been converted and have accepted virtual particles are our lords and saviors. Then you can go home. Wherever that is? ![]() Are you a Draconian, a Borg, a Fantasy Fairy, or just an indigenous pain in the butt. ![]() |
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is.
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a pretty silly statement considering we are the sentient beings that observe things and as individuals we decide what is real. |
Splendidlife wrote:
If our synapses constantly fire information chemically AND electrically, couldn't our physical brains (perhaps even our entire bodies) also serve as antennae, transmitting information to and from a collective pool of "information" or substrate, subconsciously connecting each of us to a whole system? By George I think you've got it! ![]() We all serve as antennae for the collective. The Borg are back. The Draconians have been defeated. And Jeanniebean's "Law of Attraction" only works on 102.9 FM Stereo. ![]() Tee Hee! All that stuff about The Borg and Draconian Defeat seems like a lot of fun. But, I'm totally ignorant to any of that info. The idea that we "serve" (use caution with the word "serve" on the Religious Forums) as conductors of energy AND information streaming to and from collective, Universal energy/information makes complete sense to me. Somehow (and I don't profess to have a clue as to how), time has had an integral role in incremental increase of information being exchanged along these living (and perhaps unliving) pathways. |
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a pretty silly statement considering we are the sentient beings that observe things and as individuals we decide what is real. |
Reality is when you leave the house with a umbrella and it doesn't rain as people shake their head wondering why you walk around with a umbrella
Reality is when you leave the house without the umbrella and it begins to rain and everyone has their umbrella with them shaking their head why you don't have yours Weather Channel in Miami They say 80% chance to rain so you go out with a umbrella and it doesn't rain Then they say 20% chance to rain and you don't go out with a umbrella and you get drenched so now I go everyday with the umbrella and it never rains??? Do I have somekind of powers or something ![]() |
so now I go everyday with the umbrella and it never rains???
So you're the one who's causing all the doughts and forcing food prices to soar! ![]() Put that umbrella away! A little water won't hurt you. I want some Florida oranges and grapefruits CHEAP. ![]() Water is reality for citrus fruits. ![]() |
so now I go everyday with the umbrella and it never rains???
So you're the one who's causing all the doughts and forcing food prices to soar! ![]() Put that umbrella away! A little water won't hurt you. I want some Florida oranges and grapefruits CHEAP. ![]() Water is reality for citrus fruits. ![]() water is reality for me to! ![]() Okay I will not go out with a umbrella anymore and enjoy the fact of getting drenched in the rain. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 02/19/09 06:35 PM
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a pretty silly statement considering we are the sentient beings that observe things and as individuals we decide what is real. That is a very un-philosophical way of looking at it but I understand the level of that thinking, and on that level I agree. (Get rid of the human race,(observers) and the earth would still be here. But by 'observer', I mean anything that can sense vibrations or is within a certain similar frequency range to interact with. I base my point of view on the premise that everything has a degree of consciousness, and vibrates, and that everything that 'exists' can sense vibrations (even at the unconscious mineral level) The way one thing 'decides' another thing is 'real' is that it senses and responds to it. If it did not sense and respond to it then it would not be real to the observer or thing doing the sensing. To put it in a more fundamental way, we are bound together in a range of frequency with the things we sense and those are the things we call 'real.' |
The Queen of the Sea wrote:
May I go home, yet? ![]() No. You can't go home until this had been fully resolved, scientifically verified experimentally by at least 12 independent atheist scientists, and the entire world has come to a 100% consensus and we've all been converted and have accepted virtual particles are our lords and saviors. Then you can go home. Wherever that is? ![]() Are you a Draconian, a Borg, a Fantasy Fairy, or just an indigenous pain in the butt. ![]() I just am. ![]() Home is Eternal Love. I wanna go home. ![]() This collaborative opinioning of intangible consensuses does my flippin' head in... Reality is the golden globe of Love inside everyone of us... the rest is fictitious dreaming. |
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a pretty silly statement considering we are the sentient beings that observe things and as individuals we decide what is real. That is a very un-philosophical way of looking at it but I understand the level of that thinking, and on that level I agree. (Get rid of the human race,(observers) and the earth would still be here. But by 'observer', I mean anything that can sense vibrations or is within a certain similar frequency range to interact with. I base my point of view on the premise that everything has a degree of consciousness, and vibrates, and that everything that 'exists' can sense vibrations (even at the unconscious mineral level) The way one thing 'decides' another thing is 'real' is that it senses and responds to it. If it did not sense and respond to it then it would not be real to the observer or thing doing the sensing. To put it in a more fundamental way, we are bound together in a range of frequency with the things we sense and those are the things we call 'real.' |
Edited by
Fri 02/20/09 01:57 PM
Reality is what is real, regardless of if we ever know what that is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a pretty silly statement considering we are the sentient beings that observe things and as individuals we decide what is real. That is a very un-philosophical way of looking at it but I understand the level of that thinking, and on that level I agree. (Get rid of the human race,(observers) and the earth would still be here. But by 'observer', I mean anything that can sense vibrations or is within a certain similar frequency range to interact with. I base my point of view on the premise that everything has a degree of consciousness, and vibrates, and that everything that 'exists' can sense vibrations (even at the unconscious mineral level) The way one thing 'decides' another thing is 'real' is that it senses and responds to it. If it did not sense and respond to it then it would not be real to the observer or thing doing the sensing. To put it in a more fundamental way, we are bound together in a range of frequency with the things we sense and those are the things we call 'real.' I agree. When material is hardly conscious the word "observe" is over stating its awareness. The cells in my body are 'aware' when the blood brings water and nutrients enough to absorb them for nourishment, but this awareness is very unconscious and automatic. A hammer hitting a rock will smash it in two, because the rock interacts with the hammer via vibration and density etc. If they were not exchanging energy, the hammer would pass right through the rock as if it were a ghost. |
the platypus is a scary reality
the platypus is a scary reality you seem to have an affintiy for the platypus??? if one really think about it, the mind has seen say "trillions of things", and heard trillions of things, so such things have more "tell" in them than might meet the eye??? if you were to look up the platypus, i wonder if you might find some very intertesting things, that would have some pretty significant meaning to you??? since the "conscious mind" see literally "infinite data", what stand out or is rememebred has even HUGE MEANING??? it is not missed, that even text declare it CONTROL THE MEMORY OF HUMAN MAN??? just ideas girl... peace |
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 12:39 PM
the platypus is a scary reality Why??? it's so cool... this tiny little doe eyed sweet timid thing.... that paddles around our creeks and billabongs doing it's own thing... The platypus is a beautiful and almost magical creature.... just because it appears different to others makes it more special, not less, and certainly not something to be villified... they are smaller than a rabbit.... nothing scary there at all... |