Topic: Why do men
Jhavez's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:30 PM
Edited by Jhavez on Wed 02/11/09 04:35 PM

Why do men think women are so stupid that we won't find out their lying to us? I don't care if it's cheating or what we're gonna find out just like men do.

Are you speaking for all men? Some men may think like that, but I seriously doubt that the majority of men do.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:30 PM
If you want Truth chances are you are not going to find it ONLINE unless you are very lucky. Many people use this avenue because it is easy to make yourself out to be something you are not. "A Few Extra Pounds" Pictures 20 years old married but "not married" etc. We are all guilty for making this the most acceptable way to meet people these days. People have a million excuses for online dating but what it has done is seperated us from what makes human beings so beautiful; Their ability to interact with one another in face to face social situations. "The Truth" (as my Dad says)is the best GAME running because it cannot be beat! but the truth lies in the eyes, the window to the soul, not in the best picture and profile you can dig up.

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:34 PM
NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

Then YOU need to make better decisions about who YOU choose to have a relationship with, AND YOU have to figure out the reason these men did what they allegedly did.

There's always three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth.

35papasmurf73's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:34 PM

Mitch is right. Instead of directing this at "men" in general, qould it make too much sense to direct it at the four bad realtionships you've had?

Remember, if your relationships consistently seem to go south, the only common denominator is you.

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

What these boys did was wrong, I admit that, but why do you continue to be with these types, something in you is attracted to them and is attracting them to you.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:35 PM
Ok so I forgot a word and just said men. Instead of saying Most or a Few. I'm not turning to liking women, but men are out for now too. Until I do meet a MAN and not a boy.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:35 PM

Lilbug, why do we have to assume she did not mean all men? Why? Let her say SOME or a FEW. Why make excuses?

I don't see it as an excuse. It's just a manner of speaking. I think it rather obvious she and others who do this do not mean ALL, but some or one in particular, or in this case, 4.

I say let people paint themselves into a corner with their words. Don't give them a way out. Maybe then they will understand the meaning of what they are saying. I've held my tongue for well over a year on this and I'm sick to death of letting people off the hook. How can they learn their errors if we make excuses?

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:37 PM
Wrong. You did not "forget" a word. You had absolutely no intention of putting it in the original post, and your attention was only drawn to it after it was called out. Now, you're backpedaling, trying to save face. It ain't workin'. Do you honestly think this is the first time we've seen a thread like this?

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:38 PM

Ok so I forgot a word and just said men. Instead of saying Most or a Few. I'm not turning to liking women, but men are out for now too. Until I do meet a MAN and not a boy.

I believe it was not forgetting a word. I think it was more along the lines of you are pissed at men in general, but now that we've called you on this erroneous thinking you realize you made a mistake. Don't say I forgot. Be an adult and say I was angry and misspoke

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:42 PM

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

Then YOU need to make better decisions about who YOU choose to have a relationship with, AND YOU have to figure out the reason these men did what they allegedly did.

There's always three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Alledgied nothing when you catch them in the act.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:44 PM
I have a check list of behaviors I expect of friends and lovers.

Do they treat me with consideration and respect of my rights from the start?

Do they have a good track record?

Are they truthful about everyday things?

How do I see them treat their family, pets, friends?

How capable or they of taking care of themself?

Are they a competitor or a companion?

....are a few basics but but there are more. If you give someone the priveledge of being your friend or lover they should earn it JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:45 PM

Mitch is right. Instead of directing this at "men" in general, qould it make too much sense to direct it at the four bad realtionships you've had?

Remember, if your relationships consistently seem to go south, the only common denominator is you.

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

What these boys did was wrong, I admit that, but why do you continue to be with these types, something in you is attracted to them and is attracting them to you.

I don't know about attraction cause three outta four were set up. The other that I'll admit was bad judgement.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:45 PM

Why do men think women are so stupid that we won't find out their lying to us? I don't care if it's cheating or what we're gonna find out just like men do.

Because men and women who do this think they're crafty enough to not get caught, but almost always their lies comes back to bite 'em in the behind.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:47 PM

Wrong. You did not "forget" a word. You had absolutely no intention of putting it in the original post, and your attention was only drawn to it after it was called out. Now, you're backpedaling, trying to save face. It ain't workin'. Do you honestly think this is the first time we've seen a thread like this?

How do you know I didn't just "forget" a word and did I say it was the first one.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:48 PM
I have never been so uplifted, and so let down by any single species like that of my own.

We have found the enemy, and it is us.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:48 PM

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

Then YOU need to make better decisions about who YOU choose to have a relationship with, AND YOU have to figure out the reason these men did what they allegedly did.

There's always three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Alledgied nothing when you catch them in the act.

Whenever I am out on a date, and she starts talking about how it was all their fault. What an ass etc etc, I'm done. That is our last date. If you cannot understand your role in the demise of a relationship you are doomed to repeat your mistakes over and over and over. Seems to me like it's time for some serious introspection.

Even if your only fault was decision-making you are ultimately to blame for your choices.

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:51 PM
How do you know I didn't just "forget" a word and did I say it was the first one.

Like I said, this ain't our first rodeo. We've seen thousands of threads exactly like this one. One person wrongs another, and suddenly that entire gender turns into horses asses....all because of one bad experience.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:00 PM

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

Then YOU need to make better decisions about who YOU choose to have a relationship with, AND YOU have to figure out the reason these men did what they allegedly did.

There's always three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Alledgied nothing when you catch them in the act.

Whenever I am out on a date, and she starts talking about how it was all their fault. What an ass etc etc, I'm done. That is our last date. If you cannot understand your role in the demise of a relationship you are doomed to repeat your mistakes over and over and over. Seems to me like it's time for some serious introspection.

Even if your only fault was decision-making you are ultimately to blame for your choices.
For me it has nothing to do with acknowledging participation in the demise of a relationship, but about knowing better then bringing up past relationships on a date . . . . freaking date suicide, and just self pity patty.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:02 PM

How do you know I didn't just "forget" a word and did I say it was the first one.

Like I said, this ain't our first rodeo. We've seen thousands of threads exactly like this one. One person wrongs another, and suddenly that entire gender turns into horses asses....all because of one bad experience.

If you have SUCH a problem with this topic then why even respond to any of them.
That and most of yall are acting as if you've never said something wrong when you're mad.
Who said it was just one bad experience because there have been times I have seen right through a man/boy when he was lying to me before ever getting involved.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:02 PM
The key to why Players have the success they do is because SOME women talk themselves out of doing what they know they need to do and eventually do but too late.

They want to be "nice" and appear confident and trusting immediately because popular opinion: mostly in the media; is women are defective if they are not mind readers in our instant society.

That and there is a belief that has been heavily promoted that Good partners don't exist, or are in short supply. Which I personally don't believe for a minute.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:06 PM

Mitch is right. Instead of directing this at "men" in general, would it make too much sense to direct it at the four bad relationships you've had?

Remember, if your relationships consistently seem to go south, the only common denominator is you.

And location, geography, social setting, and of course the people.

Though I do agree this shouldn't be directed at men in general, but sometimes people say and/or do foolish things when they are hurt or mad.