One tiny little dot...made with just one prick of the needle. |
I take it I'm not the only one not getting any ![]() How right you are....D@mn those people who brag about it! ![]() No shwit Can I join the party. I'll bring a gag for their mouths for bragging |
Those Three Words
Oh no looks like krys is flirting here too
I'm SO HAPPY It's like Christmas in April. We got my daughter's wheelchair today. It is AWESOME
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Why don't you go ahead and call the insurance company and tell them what's going on. If nothing else ask for a referral to another Dr.
Okay, I just need to vent. I am beginning to HATE this eye doctor that my son went to. He is such a lazy pain in the butt. I called him 3 weeks ago and talked to him about my concerns with the damn lens implants. I have yet to hear back from the moron. I have called every week since I talked to him last. He could answer NONE of my questions and kept saying "thats a good question, I'll have to ask the other doctor and get back to you." Ummm hello, how long does it take to ask her. Or better yet, let me talk to her myself! ![]() ![]() ![]() klc: Thanks for those kind words. That was very sweet. ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree if the jerk can't do the job then what's he getting paid for? |
Edited by
Fri 03/20/09 08:48 PM
Who HONESTLY has never had a Here's your sign moment in their life??
I babysit 2 girls and today one of them was looking for the other ones dirty pants. She was getting mad cause she couldn't find them and came to me to ask "If I had seen them?" I laughed when she looked in the DIRTY CLOTHES basket and there the pants were right on top. Hence Here's your sign. |
...So ...
and your point is ??????????????????
The nice guy
Like I said others may think differently but no offense, but I was thinking along the lines of "gay" Heres your! I got your sign mister |
The nice guy
Edited by
Fri 03/20/09 08:16 PM
Like I said others may think differently no offense, but I was thinking along the lines of "gay"
The nice guy
Ok Romeo if you're admitting to fragile emotions as a man. I say more power to you for being honest about it but others might think differently
njmom I take it the question about the growth was one he couldn't answer for you. Let us know how everything turns out.
Does the Dalton Gang count (bank robbers)
Total Blonde
there should be no pick up lines. honesty is the best ![]() Right on |
would you rather be
I would rather be face to face that way you know what the person really looks like not what they want you to think they look like. Like me I'm not drop dead gorgous but I'm not super ugly either.
njmom I'm glad I thought to ask you then. Since you didn't think of it before you can ask now and let us know.
Ask me no questions and I tell you no
Well we had the EUA on Thursday, the doctor said that Christopher's eyes looked great, no glaucoma - the pressures were normal. They said that he is able to get the lens implants however they have to be stitched in place rather than just doing them the traditional way. The first doctor said that he feels its a risk worth taking because the improvement in his vision would benefits him greatly. The other doctor said that she is confident in stitching the implants in place, BUT its a very invasive and very involved procedure. There are risks of them falling off, there is risk of blindness (this is what scares me the most) and any hits or blows to the face can knock them off which would require additional surgeries. He has a habit of hitting his face, but what I am wondering is if that will decrease when he can see properly, maybe its some sort of stimulation due to the vision impairment. I have been playing the 'what if' game with myself since Thursday afternoon. He is screaming coming out of the anesthesia and probably feeling like a zombie and the doc is trying to talk to me, I am sure I missed parts of what she said. I have decided to write down all my questions and try for a consult with the docs when Christopher is in school so I can actually listen and ask what I need to ask. Cool he gets the surgery. You said they're stitching the lens on right. Now with time will his eyes grow over the stitching, kinda like what the skin does with skin graphs or is there always going to be that chance of them coming off? If you're not sure that might be something for you to ask. Anyway I'll keep y'all in my prayers. |
BZMom have you talked to Habitat for Humanity about building you and accessible home to address your kids' special needs? I would think a lot of Mingle people would show up to do a weekend build. I would but don't you have to have the land first to build on. That and I'm not real sure how to find who does Habitat for Humanity in this area. Right now the home we're in is fine and the landlord has got more homes that he's working on. Later on when I need it he says I can either move into one of them or he can build on to this one, but I'm looking at it's gonna be atleast 1 to 2 years before I have to have a larger home. |