Topic: Cynicism: Threat or Menace?
msmyka's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:09 AM
Yes Moof, I'm giving up on life as we know it because you keep pestering me with the same argument over and over again just worded differently. Maybe if you write it in Chinese I'll finally get it and agree with you.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:09 AM

Hhmmmmm.... my thoughts...

well you can all be cynical or guarded or have up your walls or whatever you call it for so long. There will be effects such as mental health, physical health, or spiritual health. Or you will lose out on a chance, and have no clue that you did, because you will feel in all circumstances that you did right. Being cynical leaves out room for self-evaluation which is crucial in life.

Is that two cents worth?

You get that way just by living in L.A. LOL

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:11 AM
Tanya, if somebody supposedly "loses out on a chance", then c'est la vie, they're no worse off, and they've lost nothing, yeah? At least on my own, I know what to expect from myself.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:12 AM
I think alot of people are saying cynicism and negativism are the same.....Im not so sure.noway

tanyaann's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:16 AM

Hhmmmmm.... my thoughts...

well you can all be cynical or guarded or have up your walls or whatever you call it for so long. There will be effects such as mental health, physical health, or spiritual health. Or you will lose out on a chance, and have no clue that you did, because you will feel in all circumstances that you did right. Being cynical leaves out room for self-evaluation which is crucial in life.

Is that two cents worth?

You get that way just by living in L.A. LOL

In general that is in any large city, I am tired of living in detroit.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:16 AM

I think alot of people are saying cynicism and negativism are the same.....Im not so sure.noway

I think it's easy to perceive some degree of overlap, although that's not intended, necessarily, in my own personal use of the term.

For me, cynicism is about caution -- about not automatically believing everything anyone says (or writes) -- after long years and countless instances of being chronically misled and misdirected --

I'm not dismissing the "positive" -- I just want to see something, realistically, to be "positive" about.

The best profile headline I ever saw was this: "I want someone who's worth it." That sums up my attitude perfectly. Where the cynicism comes in, is in the question of whether or not such a person exists.

tanyaann's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:17 AM

Tanya, if somebody supposedly "loses out on a chance", then c'est la vie, they're no worse off, and they've lost nothing, yeah? At least on my own, I know what to expect from myself.

But, won't that person want a richer (not money) and fuller life, by not blocking out an opportunity?

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:18 AM
Edited by moofooga on Sun 02/01/09 10:51 AM

Yes Moof, I'm giving up on life as we know it because you keep pestering me with the same argument over and over again just worded differently. Maybe if you write it in Chinese I'll finally get it and agree with you.

Then start learning Chinese then. LOL

My point (and the points of a great many others here) is that there IS a difference between being a cynic and being a pessimist. There is a difference between being a cynic and being full of self-pity. There's even a difference between being a cynic and being clinically-depressed and sucking down depression meds. They simply aren't the same, no matter what you do to lump them together.

Cynics have essentially learned to look upon the world with a certain amount of suspicion. That's all. It comes from having to contend with all the unpleasant experiences that are a part of life. They've learned to question what the rest of the world shovels in front of them, and they look up on the world with a different set of eyes than the rest of the masses are willing to do. Cynics don't take things at face value and they don't huddle around like sheep while someone's trying to lead them around.

And "life" (as you well call it) is all about differing perceptions. If EVERYONE was a happy-go-luck optimist, life wouldn't be so interesting, wouldn't it? Someone out there has to see other side of the story and comment upon it.

As for me, I'm not a cynic. I'm a stoic. LOL

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:20 AM

I think alot of people are saying cynicism and negativism are the same.....Im not so sure.noway

I think it's easy to perceive some degree of overlap, although that's not intended, necessarily, in my own personal use of the term.

For me, cynicism is about caution -- about not automatically believing everything anyone says (or writes) -- after long years and countless instances of being chronically misled and misdirected --

I'm not dismissing the "positive" -- I just want to see something, realistically, to be "positive" about.

The best profile headline I ever saw was this: "I want someone who's worth it." That sums up my attitude perfectly. Where the cynicism comes in, is in the question of whether or not such a person exists.

I do see some overlap as well, but there are vast differences. People who dont "get it" only see it as negativism. Ive seen some true cynics here as well as true negative energy. But from different people....noway

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:21 AM
I have no problem with cynics. I have one living inside of my multiple personality makeup.

I love my cynical side, and she hates my "ms. positive attitude" personality. They are constantly keeping each other in check.

While I let my cynic express herself, I certainly don't let her run the show. Ms. Positive attitude has hope that our new President will be a good thing for the country, and my inner cynic insists that he will be the new dictator of the world if given the opportunity.

You can't allow your inner cynic to run the show because it rules out putting your mind on accomplishing what you want, and believing in yourself; but you also can't be unrealistic and blind to the pitfalls that come up.

Have confidence that your team as a whole can handle anything if they work together. By your team, I mean all those different sides to your personality. We all have them.. I think. At least that is my personal experience.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:21 AM

Tanya, if somebody supposedly "loses out on a chance", then c'est la vie, they're no worse off, and they've lost nothing, yeah? At least on my own, I know what to expect from myself.

But, won't that person want a richer (not money) and fuller life, by not blocking out an opportunity?

How does one know if that would happen? Not saying it couldn't, but only speaking for myself, based on MUCH previous experience, I'd want to see the proof first. From my own perspective, I don't think that's too much to ask, instead of just taking somebody's word for it.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:21 AM

I do see some overlap as well, but there are vast differences. People who dont "get it" only see it as negativism. Ive seen some true cynics here as well as true negative energy. But from different people....noway

Exactly -- it's easier for them to just interpret anything that doesn't fit their mold as "wrong" and "negative," rather than try to see it from the other side. Tolerance can be a very fragile thing.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:22 AM

The best profile headline I ever saw was this: "I want someone who's worth it."

Now you've done it! :tongue:

Tomorrow, every profile's headline will read:

"I want someone who's worth it."

BTW, I whole heartedly agree!!!

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:26 AM

The best profile headline I ever saw was this: "I want someone who's worth it."

Now you've done it! :tongue:

Tomorrow, every profile's headline will read:

"I want someone who's worth it."

BTW, I whole heartedly agree!!!

That really impressed me -- it's not often I see someone just totally nail it that way.

Her profile was good, too -- different, not at all the typical boilerplate blah that everyone else uses as a default.

Too bad she was so far away!

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:26 AM
Well, I think cynicism is just something that prevents us from getting hurt over and over again. We can never be disappointed because we are expecting the worst already, so it never comes as a surprise.
On the other hand, we do more appreciate the things that turn out better than we had expected them to be.

tanyaann's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:26 AM

Tanya, if somebody supposedly "loses out on a chance", then c'est la vie, they're no worse off, and they've lost nothing, yeah? At least on my own, I know what to expect from myself.

But, won't that person want a richer (not money) and fuller life, by not blocking out an opportunity?

How does one know if that would happen? Not saying it couldn't, but only speaking for myself, based on MUCH previous experience, I'd want to see the proof first. From my own perspective, I don't think that's too much to ask, instead of just taking somebody's word for it.

Okay, for example, I have been cynical about my religion and what not. In blocking myself off, I probably have missed a lot of connections on different levels and realms. I was talking last night with a friend, who is also part of the United Methodist Church, she was stating that she has had a lot of open doors b/c she had stated within the church. Since I have been absent from the Church, this is lead to missed opportunities and many different situations which could have enriched my life.

There you go! There's your example.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:27 AM
i think being cynical is a mental protection from the disappointment if their optomism fails in whatever they are being optomistic about. its like don't try... you'll never succeed. but at the same time there's NOTHING wrong with that.

And its not always something earned. more and more people my age and younger are adopting the cynic's life because it makes their lives easier. lack of disappointment and such makes life easier to face on a daily basis.

if you feel you cannot do that or cannot handle that in someone else then that is your beef no one elses. so stay away from cynical people.

I'm not really cynical but i have quite a few friends who are and its a matter of checks and balances. they will say something off the charts and i will call them out on that crap and even start a rousing debate on whatever they don't want to face.

being a friend with a cynic requires a thick skin. so if you're the sensetive probably wouldn't do so well.

and thats okay too..


i'd say just respect other people for their beliefs on life. i mean you don't have to agree with them.. but respect them as human beings.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:27 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Sun 02/01/09 10:29 AM
To be completely honest, the world needs more cynics. I'm not saying that the world should necessary over-analyze the motives of everything they run across, but there's far too many people in the world who go around pretending to be Pollyanna all their lives. Life is NOT that way.

If there's any negativity here, it's more likely from the people who believe the world is all butterflies and puppy dogs and flowers and blowing sunshine up everybody's ass. Sorry, but real life is not like that.

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:28 AM
Longhairbiker walks up onto the stage wearing his beautiful bright neon green tuxedo to a screaming standing ovation crowd here at the first annual cynacism awards here at "Just say one plus you mingle too" stadium in san francisco to receive his award.....his "cyndie".....a beautiful brass statuesque of the caliber of a grammy or academy award only the figurine is upside down so its ass is in the air. Such an memorable event!!!

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:28 AM
Edited by Gypsy41 on Sun 02/01/09 10:29 AM
I wonder what would happen if 2 cynics got together???surprised