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Topic: I want a divorce from liberalism
catwoman96's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:06 PM
preference....i would never date a liberal. anything but someone with liberal beliefs.

and i dont LIKE OBAMA
he makes meill

like some cheapoi con artist trying to pick me up.
lies, lies, lies, false meaningless promises.........

i pray im wrong.
and maybe when i pray...
it will be okay what

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:17 PM
What makes you think a liberal would date you??

idk, just asking..

nogames39's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:17 PM
You know Liberal beliefs used to mean beliefs in freedom. Now it mean beliefs in socialism or worse.

Conservative used to mean opposing to progressive (where progressive at that time meant socialistic), but now... conservative is same socialist, mixed with fascist (marriage between government and business), and forceful conversion of everyone into our kind of "democracy".

Go figure.

catwoman96's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:20 PM

What makes you think a liberal would date you??

idk, just asking..

slaphead ive had plenty of obama lovers want me.
and ya know what??

not a chance

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:36 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 01/22/09 11:38 PM

What makes you think a liberal would date you??

idk, just asking..

slaphead ive had plenty of obama lovers want me.
and ya know what??

not a chance

You should dislike Bush more than any of us.
After all, his policies drove tens of thousands from the Republican Party. Therefore lowering the number of eligible prospective suitors for you!!


Dont hate Obama for it!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:37 PM
with that Im off to dream about women with Independent minds!!!bigsmile :banana:

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/23/09 12:04 AM

You should dislike Bush more than any of us.
After all, his policies drove tens of thousands from the Republican Party. Therefore lowering the number of eligible prospective suitors for you!!


Dont hate Obama for it!

LoL, that is a wise observation! Yep, I flirted with Republicans, but after the Patriot Act and Iraq, I want none of it.

beeorganic's photo
Fri 01/23/09 12:12 AM

Well, I have read through here and I have something to say. Our healthcare system is not the best. People are not treated equally. Granted in a capitalistic society the richest will have better care but it is not fair. Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country.

Now I thought I heard genocidal reference in the text from bee but I am not sure. The poor are not poor because they want to be, unlike some would try to have others believe and they deserve the same chances to live as the rich or more advantaged do. If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick.

Some do think they are impressive too much, eh?

How many times does it have to repeated, if you do not like the US healthcare system and believe you can obtain better elsewhere, feel free to do so. A simple fact of life, people are not treated fairly nor equally. Politically speaking... are you treating Obama the same as you treated Bush? Nope. Realistically, we ALL have our biases and predujuces. People who work are generally held in higher regard than those who do not. "Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country". Why? It can't be because they can't afford healthcare, nobody is turned away (according to one of templer's previous posts here) that I already pay for in higher insurance premiums. Even the "homeless" heroin addict with HIV is treated. Even though it wasn't his fault the person became an addict and may have shared needles. Can't pay for meds? There are a multitude of greedy pharmcutical companies that provide assistance at little or no cost to certain individuals(see Montel Williams commercials on tv). There are no free clinics in the US? No free blood pressure monitoring devices anywhere? I know, I know... it's not enough- it never is nor ever will be.

If you aren't sure if I made a genocidal reference or not, I won't bother defining it for you and allow you to draw your own conclusions. Why are the poor, poor then? As I've stated before, there are many excuses for being poor, very few reasons to be poor. We ALL have the same opportunities (with a few exceptions). Do I really have to go through the trouble of posting a link to stories about LEGAL immigrants who arrives in this country with very little money, doesn't speak a word of English, and becomes successful?

Lastly, in regards to "If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick". What do you propose then? We give everyone, everything possible to treat every single disease, medical problem on the face of the Earth? It's not FAIR nor EQUAL not to treat everyone. Very noble/novel idea... impossible to do. The resources nor the manpower exists. In the job you work, could the company you work for give all their products away for free or greatly reduced costs? Would you be willing to work for free or considerably less? How would you compensate all these people who work in healthcare who invested their time, efforts, and knowledge? If worse comes to worse... nobody is keeping you from taking the sick and infirmed into your home for free.

All entitlements and no work makes for a poor person indeed.

no photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:23 AM
My friend said this, I couldn’t have said it better…

We have been together long before the 1950’s – you do remember Independence Day (or did you want to us to keep that holiday?). Let me remind you that the founders of our country were diverse and sought balance – they recognized the value of the collective whole. It was the 1950’s when we realized that we were not applying this to every deserving human regardless of race. WE fixed that with our progressive ways (some would say it was the social progressives) and an entire country’s willingness to turn itself inside out to get it right.
While I appreciate your conservative values and applaud your sense of humor – let’s not forget which party brought us to our current state of economic recession. It wasn’t trickle up poverty applied by the last Democratic president. Tell you what – you keep Bush – we’ll keep Obama and the Clintons. They may be liberal but they are fiscally responsible.
Since when did the “right” have such a strong hold on Judeo-Christian Values? Are you insinuating the God would be happy with your earth-destroying ways? That your ability to make war over weapons-of-your-imagination would be found impressive by the Almighty?“Blessed are the peace keepers”– this means those that defend as well as those that seek to avoid war.
If your heart is set on the big “D”– here are a few other things to consider:

1. We will want to keep the Statue of Liberty – she should have no value to you since she invites the “tired” and the “poor” and the “homeless” that you find so easy to toss away (I’ve searched the bible for this instruction so that I can align it with your Judeo-Christian Values but am coming up short)
2. We will not give up all of our firearms, cops or military. Instead we will split them with you ~ we’ll keep the police officers and military personnel who align themselves with our ideals. People who believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. People who respect the inalienable rights of all persons and who understand that their actions reflect on us all. We will keep firearms from endangering our innocents – so we might not need as many as you do. However, eventually, your population will dwindle (this is commonly referred to as the process of natural selection). You may find that you will eventually have over stock. Please be aware that we will not be purchasing them back from you.
3. We’re okay with you keeping the greedy CEO’s – we’ll keep the ethical ones who understand accounting.
4. We will work towards a national healthcare plan – because while certain levels of healthcare are luxuries – children being treated for strep infection is a necessity – not a luxury.
5. We want the broken Social Security system and Medicaid and Medicare. Give them to us and I am sure we can financially shore them up. In return, we will give you Rush Limbaugh and his drug addiction.
6. We will also take you up on your offer to keep the U.N.~ if you refuse to pay support for this effort ~ you accept the consequence of not being represented. This seems short-sighted to us, but you go!
7. We will keep all of the hard-working, tax paying liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists, Obama supporters, Oprah and anyone else who only want to ensure that EVERYONE succeeds instead of a privileged few. We anticipate that you may want to reconcile after you realize that once you decrease the size of your nation, many of you will suddenly find yourselves at the bottom of the proverbial hill. You will no longer have anybody to capitalize on – other’s will capitalize on you.
With my “we are the world” mentality – I would like to think we could work this out with counseling. However, I can tell that you have very strong (albeit misguided) beliefs based on fabricated half-truths.
We will not go gently into the good night however – we will not sign away our rights to our Flag or National Anthem. Our ancestors bled too pal. Instead, we want to keep them and in the spirit of Godliness, withhold judgment on those that do not share the same beliefs or values.
I wish you peace – love – and happiness.

~ Not Stephen Colbet
Bellevue, NE

no photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:25 AM
I'm not so eloquent.... here's mine....

This is a textbook example of what is wrong with this country. Spouting ignorance via the internet is exactly the type of behavior expected of a person who would be a prime candidate for the Jerry Springer Show.

As a veteran, I'm ashamed to call you a brother because it's tough for me to believe that someone could be so ignorant. My guess is that you’ll fail in any endeavor you partake.

On the other hand, you are entertaining in a way. I'm hoping that you and Stephen Colbert can get together along with that "Joe The Plumber" guy and give America a good laugh. Wait. Joe wasn't really a plumber was he?

Oops, I meant, "the whole world" a good laugh. Remember, half of the planet (or more) doesn't think too highly of Americans in general because of "true thinking geniuses" like you and our former president. However, they do love to laugh along with the rest of us.

You obviously are a true patriot, but misled. A definite follower not a leader.

I hope you're in the military or VA health care system, because if anything truly catastrophic ever happened to you or anyone in your family without it, it's unlikely that even the best private insurance coverage would allow you to keep your home or life as you know it when they get through with you. (Unless your family is rich, then that would explain your ignorance on top of arrogance.) That's if you (or they) even live through it. You call that a luxury? Hmmm.

Maybe you should contact your buddy Michael Moore and talk to him about it sometime. While you're at it, check out his documentary "Sicko". It's on Cable TV this month. It won't be aired on PBS for quite sometime, but then I'm sure you don't watch PBS anyhow since it's sort of a "social" service.

And one more thing, since you want to throw the "social progressives" label around and spread more good sense like what a bad idea free health care would be, maybe you think it would be a good idea to privatize the police, fire and roads departments too. While you're at it, how about everyone paying for the education of their children too.
Who cares if the working class poor in this country can’t send their kids to school, they can all work at Burger King or Wal-Mart. (Healthy cheap food and American goods.) God knows, (I mean the one true Judeo-Christian one) that when it comes down to it, public education, infrastructure services, police, fire and other "social services" are really socialism in thin disguise. My God! How about a privatized U.S. Army! Well, then you couldn't really call it the U.S. Army then, could you? No, that would be a socialist wish of course.

But wait. I'm not so sure the privatized system would work for you. How would you be able to pay for your SUV, gas guzzling pickup or over-sized luxury car when you're busy working you're a$$ off to pay for your military, police and fire protection, luxury health care, kids education etc.... when all your greedy CEO's are running them at prices that you can barely afford just because they can? You know, kind of like the hospitals do now. I'm wondering if your fondness of those greedy CEO's is really shared by a large percent of your like-minded patriots. I'm not so convinced.

I don't know man. Maybe you need to sit at home with your redneck buddies, fellow law students or whoever the heck is ignorant enough to hang out with you and brainstorm this for awhile. Just turn Jerry Springer down a little so it won't distract you so much, I'm sure you’ll come up with a good answer.

Anyhow, I really do wish you the best. Keep on thinking free.

I think I'd keep my guns, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and my bible. Oh, and my motorcycle. I agree with you on Barbara Streisand, even if she can sing like a diva.

I'm still trying to figure out what anyone has against Shirley MacLaine (Someone spelled her name wrong). Sure she's some crazy witch of an old lady, but she was really hot way back in the day. Maybe I'm just partial to redheads, I don't know. But she's old now and I'm thinking even a tyrant, terrorist, atheist, republican, democrat, agnostic or gun toting redneck might cut her some slack just because she's on her way out in a few more months. That's just me though.

They can keep the bubblehead hockey mom politician from Alaska. Whoever thinks she's hot needs some special glasses. Maybe then, they'll be able to see Russia from their back door too. Does she have talent? Not so much. She’s a joke, and not a very good one.

Your friend, brother and fellow patriot.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:37 AM

What makes you think a liberal would date you??

idk, just asking..

slaphead ive had plenty of obama lovers want me.
and ya know what??

not a chance

You should dislike Bush more than any of us.
After all, his policies drove tens of thousands from the Republican Party. Therefore lowering the number of eligible prospective suitors for you!!


Dont hate Obama for it!

slaphead waving

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:38 AM

with that Im off to dream about women with Independent minds!!!bigsmile :banana:

Good night Fanta, sweet dreamsflowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:42 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 02/12/09 12:48 AM

Well, I have read through here and I have something to say. Our healthcare system is not the best. People are not treated equally. Granted in a capitalistic society the richest will have better care but it is not fair. Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country.

Now I thought I heard genocidal reference in the text from bee but I am not sure. The poor are not poor because they want to be, unlike some would try to have others believe and they deserve the same chances to live as the rich or more advantaged do. If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick.

Some do think they are impressive too much, eh?

How many times does it have to repeated, if you do not like the US healthcare system and believe you can obtain better elsewhere, feel free to do so. A simple fact of life, people are not treated fairly nor equally. Politically speaking... are you treating Obama the same as you treated Bush? Nope. Realistically, we ALL have our biases and predujuces. People who work are generally held in higher regard than those who do not. "Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country". Why? It can't be because they can't afford healthcare, nobody is turned away (according to one of templer's previous posts here) that I already pay for in higher insurance premiums. Even the "homeless" heroin addict with HIV is treated. Even though it wasn't his fault the person became an addict and may have shared needles. Can't pay for meds? There are a multitude of greedy pharmcutical companies that provide assistance at little or no cost to certain individuals(see Montel Williams commercials on tv). There are no free clinics in the US? No free blood pressure monitoring devices anywhere? I know, I know... it's not enough- it never is nor ever will be.

If you aren't sure if I made a genocidal reference or not, I won't bother defining it for you and allow you to draw your own conclusions. Why are the poor, poor then? As I've stated before, there are many excuses for being poor, very few reasons to be poor. We ALL have the same opportunities (with a few exceptions). Do I really have to go through the trouble of posting a link to stories about LEGAL immigrants who arrives in this country with very little money, doesn't speak a word of English, and becomes successful?

Lastly, in regards to "If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick". What do you propose then? We give everyone, everything possible to treat every single disease, medical problem on the face of the Earth? It's not FAIR nor EQUAL not to treat everyone. Very noble/novel idea... impossible to do. The resources nor the manpower exists. In the job you work, could the company you work for give all their products away for free or greatly reduced costs? Would you be willing to work for free or considerably less? How would you compensate all these people who work in healthcare who invested their time, efforts, and knowledge? If worse comes to worse... nobody is keeping you from taking the sick and infirmed into your home for free.

All entitlements and no work makes for a poor person indeed.

A countries wealth is not gauged on it's rich, it is gauged by the care given to the poor, disabled, elderly, etc... So is the conservative idea that this group of individuals DIE OFF since in the conservative ideal they are USELESS???

It is sick.surprised ill ill ill ill ill rant

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:29 AM
"The Pacific Yew can be cut down and processed to produce a potent chemical, taxol, which offers some promise of curing certain forms of lung, breast and ovarian cancer in patients who would otherwise quickly die. It seems an easy choice -- sacrifice the tree for a human life — until one learns that three trees must be destroyed for each patient treated."

The saviour of the planet, ALGORE...

Seems this beacon of liberalism prefers saving the trees than human lives.

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